When is onsaveinstancestate called fragment. When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3.
When is onsaveinstancestate called fragment v4. Jul 4, 2012 · Since you have used ft2. java. If you're using arguments to store state data, there's a chance of corrupting the original init data. It will be called when onSaveInstanceState() is called on the activity, which will be called in and around the onPause() and onStop() events. Jul 17, 2017 · onSaveInstanceState() is called in situations in which the activity is stopped, but not finished, by the system. Saving Android Activity or Fragment state using Parceler. 21. Sep 4, 2012 · onSaveInstanceState not called on Fragment. . onSaveInstanceState is called: a) on screen rotation Mar 25, 2013 · When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3 onSaveInstanceState called after fragment replaced. Oct 30, 2020 · This is the key difference between the fragment lifecycle and the Fragment's view lifecycle (of getViewLifecycleOwner()). IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action Oct 31, 2011 · Here's a simple example of how to get a reference to the Fragments returned by FragmentPagerAdapter that doesn't rely on the internal tags set on the Fragments. This is called after onPause(), this is where you will store the data that you want to keep when the user come back to this fragment. getSelectedItemPosition()); } Jul 15, 2014 · I have an Activity called HomeActivity, which uses fragments HomeFragment and OwnershipFragment. When you use it, onCreateView of the fragment is called for each time. Sep 29, 2021 · Note:- On Pre Pie Devices OnSaveInstanceState() is called before onStop(). There I did attach the required fragment (which is correct on the first start). If it needs to last long enough to survive configuration changes, then retaining the fragment is much less work. Why ? Code: The XML: Jul 17, 2014 · FWIW, I hit this as well, but in my case onSaveInstanceState was called properly and I pushed in my state data when a new activity fragment was brought up on the smartphone. Dec 29, 2016 · public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super. the issue is that you cannot execute a fragment transaction after onSaveInstanceState You want to replace a fragment after on pause So it seems to me you are already in dangerous territory because once on pause was called you don't really know when either your transaction or onSaveInstanceState is executed and the process is asynchronous. So as long as you are committing your fragment transactions in resumed state, you should be safe from hitting the IllegalStateException. 0 Usage of onSaveInstanceState and setRetainInstance in Mar 11, 2014 · I have an activity and I have a fragment stack in it and sometimes, this stack get's lost Although I save and restore it I know following: onSaveInstanceState is not called: a) if the user navigates back, which makes sense b) if the activity is finished. While the Fragment's view state is saved automatically before the view is destroyed, it is still the responsibility of the fragment to save any fragment specific state when onSaveInstanceState() is called. When I left activity A, the onSaveInstanceState method was called, but when I went back to activity A (from activity B in the same application), the bundle in the onCreate method was null. Feb 8, 2023 · The savedInstanceState is a reference to a Bundle object that is passed into the onCreate method of every Android Activity. putInt("nAndroids", 2); } But after orientation change when methods with param Bundle savedInstanceState are called (like onCreateView etc) my savedInstanceState is always null. If you are worried about the state loss, then I suggest that you cancel your AsyncTask when the user has minimized the application, (probably in the May 5, 2014 · When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3. I thought that it could be done by overriding the onSaveInstanceState() method and add appropriate logic in onCreate(), as metioned in the doc: Now, as I shuttle between these activities, onSaveInstance state is almost always called, however since the Fragment displaying whatever was in the foreground before the activity switch, onDestroyView is not called. IllegalStateException(Can not perform this action after Dec 17, 2011 · However the problem is that when fragments are being swiped onDestroyView() gets called but never calls onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState). Mar 4, 2014 · onSaveInstanceState() is only called when the Android system may need to recreate that particular instance of the Fragment. putString("greeting", "Hello"); [code language="java"] @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle Feb 18, 2015 · The problem is that my View did not restore it's state when the fragment is re-attached to the ViewPager/Activity. Apr 24, 2016 · Although the method respond receiving data(one string and Int) and saving into Bundle, bundle is becoming size zero in onSaveInstanceState when screen rotated. Jul 15, 2014 · When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3. Mar 11, 2014 · I have an activity and I have a fragment stack in it and sometimes, this stack get's lost Although I save and restore it I know following: onSaveInstanceState is not called: a) if the user navigates back, which makes sense b) if the activity is finished. 2) When you use FragmentStatePagerAdapter: In this case default OffscreenPageLimit is 1. May 27, 2013 · @DataDino the documentation linked in Arvis's answer shows that the super call passes along the saved instance bundle by calling super last. protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { Jul 14, 2024 · onStart (): Called when the Fragment becomes visible. The most common case would be screen rotation. But now I face a problem that member variables were reset to their initial values,I have look up lots of documents but I don't know why it Jul 31, 2012 · I have an activity which contains 2 fragments. Since im using a single activity and use fragment transactions the activity get never destroyed and therefore onSaveInstanceState will never be called. The biggest disadvantage of Fragment is that when you want to use a fragment, you create it once. Method onCreateView for FragmentA is called again, but savedInstanceState is null. You can see two additional lifecycle callback methods above; onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() Let’s I have an application with activity A and activity B in it, and I go from activity A to activity B. Oct 30, 2017 · onSaveInstanceState called after fragment replaced. I am really confused with the internal state of a Fragment. Aug 24, 2022 · Thanks for the answer. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance. It is the case for the parent activity, but not for the fragment I've added. I turn the device —> configuration changes: everything is destroyed to be recreated. What can I do, to save the activity A's previous state? Aug 30, 2015 · My activity is now managing the state of its chid fragments by passing them a Bundle in its onCreate method (fragmentB. When the view for my fragment is created, the fragment asks the Activity for information (This is in onCreateView() for the fragment): Nov 10, 2015 · From what I know, onSaveInstanceState() will never be called before onPause(). Aug 5, 2017 · Fragment onSaveInstanceState not being called. 5. Jul 27, 2019 · According to doc, it turned out that onSaveInstanceState() should mark the lifecycle as CREATED and observers are not supposed to be called after onSaveInstanceState(). See full list on developer. In order to do this, I use the methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState in my activity to keep the information that my activity stores. app. Inside the overwritten method the super. I am using the compat library, so the fragment is a subclass of android. Mar 6, 2013 · The method onSaveInstanceState for fragmentA is called. One way is to use Android Navigation component and let it handle all of the fragment transaction. I have a viewpager which is populated with fragments (android. As bundle is becoming size zero, I could not restore the two strings. I press back button from Android UI to pop FragmentB and show again fragmentA. 0 onCreateView() for Fragment being called before Activity Dec 8, 2016 · Fragment被回收前的回调,我们可以使用Bundle来保存需要缓存的数据 主要是用来保存数据 onSaveInstanceState 主要是在 按下HOME键 按下电源按键(关闭屏幕显示)时 屏幕方向切换 调用我们都知道不同的手机,内存不同,系统在内存不足的时候很有可能就会把你APP中不再栈顶的activity给回收掉。 Dec 6, 2020 · In Android, onSaveInstanceState() will be called by the system to save the current state of the activity to make sure when users resume the app they will see the activity when they left before (by calling onRestoreInstanceState() to restore the state of activity). However, there are cases where onSaveInstanceState is called but the activity is not destroyed and as a result onRestoreInstanceState is not invoked. However, for some reason, onSaveInstanceState() is not get Jan 29, 2014 · So onSaveInstanceState gets called on the Fragment when its parent Activity has onSaveInstanceState called. Jan 21, 2016 · I switch fragment when onDestroyedView() is called,member variables will be kept, and when onDestroy() is called, I could restore them from bundle, because onSaveInstanceState is called before onDestroy(). I did try to use the fragment's onSaveInstanceState method but for some reason it is not called when the fragment's view is destroyed. Jul 23, 2013 · As far as I know, onSaveInstanceState in a Fragment is bound to the activites lifecycle and get only called, when the activity gets destroyed. onSaveInstanceState called after fragment replaced. Android - Bundle savedInstanceState is null in Fragment onCreate() and onCreateView() Hot Network Questions Nov 30, 2014 · Problem onSaveInstanceState is being called on device rotation for a fragment which has been replaced in a fragment transaction. It shows up in my activity, great. I think the problem is that my fragments in the backstack aren't getting onSaveInstanceState called when they are torn down; onSaveInstanceState is only called when the activity is destroyed, yet my variables don't exist anymore. remove() method is called and the Loginfragment will be removed. If you called super first, you'd leave the instance state as a copy of the bundle at the end of procedure call with no data passed to the activity instance. When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3. Android's Fragment has some advantages and some disadvantages. Hence, the bingo numbers that should be fixed is changing every time I click button of "Game" which start the Bingo. Suggestion on how to fix it. But, before onDestroy() is called, onSaveInstanceState() should be called. Fragment) from a Jul 6, 2019 · The problem that I'm facing right now is the onSaveInstanceState is not called when I tried to "back" from Bingo to Score. onSaveInstanceState is getting called whenever i rotate screen but the bundle is becoming size zero. android. In this case, the data is a string saved with the name greeting, savedInstanceState. This works fine, except when the parent activity receives the callback after its state has been saved by onSaveInstanceState(). Please try the following cases:. You can see two additional lifecycle callback methods above; onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() Let’s Sep 28, 2011 · Each list fragment has a reference to the activity, to notify the activity when a list item is clicked (observer pattern). On device turn the activity containing the fragments gets restarted and onCreated is called. Feb 10, 2025 · The onSaveInstanceState() callback in the View system, rememberSaveable in Jetpack Compose, and SavedStateHandle in ViewModels store data needed to reload the state of a UI controller, such as an activity or a fragment, if the system destroys and later recreates that controller. When pausing the activity (using the back button), the onSaveInstanceState is never called, and consequently, savedInstanceState is always null within the onCreate method upon resuming the app. Mar 26, 2015 · If View is designed to retain its view's state internally, it would be retained when fragment is back from backstack. I want to save certain state of the activity and also of the fragments, in order to restore if the activity, or the fragments, are destroyed. e. From what I understood, the old fragment does not receive a call to onSaveInstanceState() when being replaced but stays somehow linked to the Activity and this method is called later when its View does not exist anymore, so looking for any of my TextViews results into a NullPointerException. Rotating the screen and such restores the ListView state just fine but swiping I can't figure out how to restore the list properly. There are many instances of navigating away from the Fragment or even destroying the Fragment where it will not be called. Fragments also have a onSaveInstanceState() method which is called when their state needs to be saved:. Indeed, that is the cause and it works as expected, it makes sure the view does not outlive the Fragment. Fragment. If the activity's onSaveInstanceState() method has been called, an IllegalStateException will be thrown when you try to show the dialog. support. The onCreate method of the activity was like this: I am trying remove all fragments in onStop() of ActionBarActivity but this throws an exception: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState. Later, after rotation, onCreate is called. How can I save my progress bar state, please share. onResume (): Called when the Fragment is ready for user interaction. This is my fragment's code: Jul 17, 2017 · onSaveInstanceState() is called during configuration changes and when the activity goes into the background; in both of these cases you actually do not need to reload or process the data if you Feb 18, 2015 · The problem is that my View did not restore it's state when the fragment is re-attached to the ViewPager/Activity. There are many situations where a fragment may be mostly torn down (such as when From what I understood, the old fragment does not receive a call to onSaveInstanceState() when being replaced but stays somehow linked to the Activity and this method is called later when its View does not exist anymore, so looking for any of my TextViews results into a NullPointerException. I then realized I use onSaveInstanceState only in the fragment (and onCreateView to check for savedInstanceState), not in the activity. That is because it is not supposed to be called then. If there is an another activity in front of an activity and the OS kills the hidden activity in order to free memory(or when memory is needed elsewhere), then onSaveInstanceState() is called so activity can save its state information which is restored using onRestoreInstanceState() when user start Jul 31, 2012 · I have an activity which contains 2 fragments. I load a fragment(eg:: Fragment-A) to the container, and in onSaveInstanceState event i am storing some data into bundlei use the code @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super. Jul 13, 2011 · onSaveInstanceState() is called when there is an orientation change or user presses home button. Activities have the ability, under special circumstances, to restore themselves to a previous state using the data stored in this bundle. Dec 18, 2014 · onSaveInstanceState not called on Fragment. Read more on the Recreating an Activity guide. Same as you, the onActivityCreated was called w/ savedInstanceState always null. 1) When screen orientation is changed. Nov 4, 2014 · When the user presses the back key, the whole lifecycle of fragmentA gets called, onAttach, oncreate, oncreateView etc and the fragment gets displayed but the values not saved as it did not call onsaveInstanceState when the fragment was replaced by fragmentB. Refer to this. onSaveInstanceState() is called in situations in which the activity is stopped, but not finished, by the system. Dec 20, 2013 · onSaveInstanceState not called on Fragment. You should call your RefreshFragment() only from onCreate() of activity and need not be called from onResume() of activity. Apr 3, 2013 · I had this issue recently and was fighting with it for a couple of hours until I discovered that in the code (that I copied from some third party library) of the Activity which contains the retained non-ui-fragment in onSaveInstanceState there was no call to super. putInt("yourSpinner", spnSearchByCity. @Override. Usage of onSaveInstanceState and setRetainInstance in Jul 26, 2018 · The Fragment. Mar 30, 2020 · onSaveInstanceState(): This callback is meant to retain a small amount of UI related data in two situations: The app’s process is stopped when it’s in the background due to memory constraints. I have an Activity holding only one Fragment at once and replaces it, if another Fragment should get shown. This is causing an IllegalStateException with the message "Content Mar 6, 2017 · When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3 onSaveInstanceState called after fragment replaced. 0 Usage of onSaveInstanceState and setRetainInstance in Apr 29, 2015 · I know this question has been asked before but none of the answers given so far is of any help to me. setArguments(<the Bundle saved in its onSaveInstanceState>)) and it works, but then I make no use at all of the fragment onSaveInstanceState method. lang. When I click a listview item in HomeFragment, a fragment transaction is carried out and OwnershipFragment is started. public class MySimpleFragment extends Fragment { private int someStateValue; private final String SOME_VALUE_KEY = "someValueToSave"; // Fires when a configuration change occurs and fragment needs to save state @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { outState May 25, 2015 · onSaveInstanceState called after fragment replaced. Feb 23, 2012 · If the fragment needs a different layout resource when rotated, setRetainInstance(true) cannot be used. Mar 25, 2013 · When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3 onSaveInstanceState called after fragment replaced. 2. There are many situations where a fragment may be mostly torn down (such as when Aug 5, 2019 · onSaveInstanceState not called on Fragment. onSaveInstanceState() I add a fragment to a LinearLayout, programmatically. How could I do this ? Sep 4, 2014 · The major difference between overriding Fragment. This page shows the lifecycle of fragment with setRetainInstance(true). show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "warndialog");, you are in fact performing a fragment transaction (see show()). From the docs onSaveInstanceState is called ONLY if the Activitys onSaveInstanceState is getting called (which isn't called in my case). The key is to override instantiateItem() and save references in there instead of in getItem(). Example. 1. Each list fragment calls setRetainInstance(true); in its onCreate method. Sep 28, 2011 · Each list fragment has a reference to the activity, to notify the activity when a list item is clicked (observer pattern). Create a new fragment transaction if previous transaction already committed. Dec 14, 2016 · You may trying commit twice with same fragment transaction after commit statement . 3. In OwnershipFragment I have the following onSaveInstanceState method: When a Fragment is not at the top of the stack, i. 0. Oct 5, 2016 · When you are calling a new activity the old one which contains your fragment is destroyed which means your fragment is destroyed too and the reason of that is that the device needs memory resources (RAM) so its automatically destroying the background activities and the solution of that is overriding the onSaveInstanceState and then in onCreate read the saved values into their respective attribute Jul 22, 2011 · Fragment's onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) will never be called unless fragment's activity call it on itself and attached fragments. FragmentActivity onSaveInstanceState not getting called. Aug 27, 2012 · Fragment#onSaveInstanceState is only called when the Activity hosting the Fragment is destroyed AND there is a chance that you can come back to the same activity AND the fragment is still added to the FragmentManager. onSaveInstanceState() Note however: this method may be called at any time before onDestroy(). onSaveInstanceState is called: a) on screen rotation Jul 26, 2018 · The Fragment. Oct 9, 2014 · Fragment onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState) is called in following cases. , it is on the back stack, the Activity still gives it a chance to save state (for example when being rotated). However, none of the view-related methods are called. So I'm using onSaveInstanceState both in the fragments and in the activity, and take the data of the bundle passed to onCreate or onCreateView. The onSaveInstanceState is called, followed by onDestroy. onSaveInstanceState(…) and retaining the fragment is how long the preserved data lasts. By calling Frag. onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState. Save Current Fragment in onSaveInstanceState. Saving and Restoring Fragment State Nov 7, 2015 · This problem will occur when onPostExecute() is called when the application is minimized, especially when onPostExecute() is called after the onSaveInstanceState() method of the activity is called. So onStop() of LoginFragment will be called instead of onPause(). Nov 11, 2018 · Unless you call it during onSaveInstanceState(), in which case just use the saved state. putBoolean("restore", true); outState. onSaveInstanceState(outState) is written at the top. Fragments also have a onSaveInstanceState() method which is called when their state needs to be saved: private int someStateValue; private final String SOME_VALUE_KEY = "someValueToSave"; // Fires when a configuration change occurs and fragment needs to save state. On the other hand, when the activity is destroyed by the system (for example because memory needs to be reclaimed), the state of the activity is sometimes automatically saved and restored by means of the methods onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState(), as illustrated by the Mar 25, 2013 · I can assure you my variables are fine. It is not called when the user explicitly closes the activity or in other Dec 30, 2013 · The following figure (from the official doc) describes the well-known lifecycle of an Android activity:. Original idea is use onSaveInstanceState() to retain all members data, just like a regular Activity. What does not work as intended is the fact the onSaveInstanceState is called when the view is not there anymore. Fragment savedInstanceState is ALWAYS null. Android invokes onSaveInstanceState() when there's a chance the activity might be destroyed. The ViewPager is in a Fragment (named ListFragment), which is attached to an activity. Finally, setArguments() can't be called after the fragment state has been saved, so this approach is limited as to when it will work. replace(), FragmentTransaction. May 17, 2017 · Fragment is getting replace twice that's why onResume of Fragment getting called twice. but when I switch to another fragment, the method isn't even being called. What I would like is when onSaveInstanceState is called in these dynamic fragments, it to force onDestroyView to be called as well. In OwnershipFragment I have the following onSaveInstanceState method: Aug 5, 2017 · Fragment onSaveInstanceState not being called. Sep 10, 2014 · onSaveInstanceState not called on Fragment. For example, I have three fragments, if I swipe to the last one and come back to the first, the ScrollView is not where I let it : it's back to default, on top. Jul 21, 2014 · What i am doing::. Save fragment state data in the onSaveInstanceState method. May 8, 2018 · For example: Fragment 1 has a button to make a request to the server and when the result is ready, Fragment 1 uses a listener to call a method defined inside the parent activity, to replace fragment 1 with fragment 2. com Feb 10, 2025 · The onSaveInstanceState() callback in the View system, rememberSaveable in Jetpack Compose, and SavedStateHandle in ViewModels store data needed to reload the state of a UI controller, such as an activity or a fragment, if the system destroys and later recreates that controller. Thus this method won't be called until something (typically rotation) force activity to SaveInstanceState and restore it later. Configuration changes. But now I face a problem that member variables were reset to their initial values,I have look up lots of documents but I don't know why it Dec 1, 2011 · When onSaveInstanceState is called in fragment? 3. vdqsw nir ukosyab gdgyad wyg hfneqwf kufad eoz pzwrpwby uelakjlqb vhpcnbi yoqis xyw nbyiq lwdkt