Unity transparent texture problem. A value of 0 in the alpha channel means fully transparent .
Unity transparent texture problem Nov 19, 2024 · The current workaround is to create a render texture asset, use a format for that texture with alpha (default should be fine), assign that texture as the output texture of your camera, change the source in the recorder to Render Texture Asset and assign the texture. That's because Unity (and most 3d engines) fix z-fighting (flickering) by using the screen zdepth texture for comparisons, which is only written to by opaque objects. Changing those shaders to my instanced shaders didn’t fix anything. Here again I use transparent materials, here the problem lies in the fact that there are two, the material for the wooden part and the material for the iron part. More info See in Glossary geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main texture. It appears that Blend does not take into consideration the alpha channel of the textures it’s working on, but in the shader code, we can clearly see that it is: void Unity_Blend Dec 24, 2020 · I want to layer “cutout” or transparent textures onto a shader arbitrarily, which I can edit later in code, but when it it gets to: _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" } LOD 150 CGPROGRAM #pragma surface surf Lambert noforwardadd addshadow #pragma target 3. This is absolutely stupid. Dec 14, 2024 · Hello, I’m trying to do skybox shader with stars and moon. Shadows are cast correctly by the clipped sprites used from the texture. Dec 5, 2024 · Hello, I’m create a 2D character (in a 3d environment)using HDRP. Using transparent objects in your game can be tricky, as there are traditional graphical programming problems that can present sorting issues in your game. But why is your example showing bright red and green lines? Jun 27, 2023 · Hello everyone! After finishing my first game, I’m working on a PS1 style thriller/horror. It is working, but it is not transparent. This allows complex shapes to be drawn, and since no pixel is semi-transparent, the depth buffer to be used. For the glass, I draw the sides two times, for the Sep 23, 2019 · Hello, I’m developing a game in which I use 3 cameras to render different elements of the scene into 3 different render textures, that later I “merge” with a shader to get the final image (a simple workaround for getting the same result as in camera stacking with the built-in pipeline). Notice that the plants farther away are visible while plants that should be in front of Jun 18, 2019 · Its good enough to make my textures work. Note. Switching the two textures out and having _MainTex hold the alpha cutout meant that the SSAO shader could render it properly to its depth map and the problem was fixed. Any ideas as to what I’m not doing right for the reverse Nov 18, 2019 · I’m trying to create a simple transparent material with alpha channel in the texture (URP). Is it possible? My camera background type is set to None and heres my code public Texture2D GetIconTexture() { RenderTexture renderTexture = new RenderTexture(64, 64,32); Texture2D Mar 30, 2015 · This SSAO shader pass expects the texture used for the alpha cutout to be bound to the _MainTex of the object’s shader. Then use the sort order slider in the materials to make the inside tube render before the outside section (lower numbers render first). I can’t remove the black outlines on all the vegetation. Where the original sprites have a transparent background, everything is ok. 3. cginc" sampler2D _MainTex; UNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_START Fixing My Subscribers Texture Problem in Unity. That is, a black transparent background makes these areas darker, white - lighter. Reason being that most of these tools operate in Gamma color space while Unity uses Linear color space. This service for speed reason keep in memory old image uploaded on the server without updating. and when use the first time, looks very good but when i use more times, the shadows becomes white, it should be black. Mar 6, 2025 · Hi, I need help with transparent textures in the game. Applying transparent texture in Unity 2017. 8f1 All particle shaders do not render when marked as transparent, none of the particle pack materials show. This RenderTexture is then rendered on top of the main One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel defines both the Transparent areas as well as the Specular Map. My intention on this script was to do, at least for now, a Shader that Accepts Tint Color and accepts an Albedo, for each 0 alpha areas on the Albedo, these would cut out from the rendering, this was supposed to be used on a character’s cloathes. I put two terrains in, made one of them use a Transparent shader, gave it a transparent texture, but of course it does not respect the splatmap, but you can just find a splat-aware transparent shader and use it. The issue is that when the capture is drawn to the screen, blending seems to be incorrect in areas where a transparent image is drawn on top of an opaque one. I added the slider for AplhaClipTreshold only as proof of the aplha channel, . Only Opaque with Alpha Clipping works but as soon as any of the shaders is set to Transparent they no Apr 3, 2020 · As far as I’ve come to understand, this is an inherent shortcoming with how transparency is dealt with. , with an alpha value of 0. However I’m running into a problem I can’t fix. I tried googling answers as to what the problem might be and what I can do to try fixing it. I’m currently designing a system for my UI where each “Layer” has its own Camera so it can be rendered and manipulated easily for transitions and such. However, I’ve run into a problem: when two transparent sprites overlap (e. Jan 13, 2018 · Hello all! I really have no experience on shaders, but I’m trying to solve a problem: I’m using a volumetic fog plugin (Fog Volume 3) that to correctly work need the objects inside the fog to have a shader that write into the Z-Buffer of the scene. My sky gradient is a one subgraph stars are on second subgraph and my moon is on third one. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated as I’m heading towards a deadline. So basically I end up with a correcly colored grid AND a colored mesh Oct 29, 2012 · Hello, I have been struggling with this issue all day! I have a bunch of textures in which pure black (0, 0, 0) is actually supposed to be rendered as transparent. Dec 13, 2011 · Hey, So, I’m having trouble with using transparent textures. net, but not in Unity. So assign a texture to the material and make sure that the texture asset has “Alpha is transparency” setting on. The version is Unity 2022. 0. The problem is the gray boxy artifacts which you can see in the image I have uploaded, along with my texture import and material setup. Any homework help Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. All this works in the Editor but not in the WebGL build, where it seems that the resulting RenderTexture is fully transparent Dec 16, 2014 · The project I’m working on has a sort of 3D model viewer that has been made using a second camera that renders onto a RenderTexture which is in turn applied to a Quad which is in the main camera’s scene. My problem is that transparent textures under the influence of global illumination in the game (sun) begin to reflect light, even in the shadows of objects. May 16, 2023 · In my Unity project, I'm working on rendering a view from a Camera to a Texture2D. If I use my transparent texture to paint with my terrain turns a light blue. My 2017 Achievements. When I import textures, non continous black lines appears on edges like in the image below : This is problematic image: You can see black lines shown with red circles And this is correct image As you can see there is no problem in correct image. Feb 23, 2021 · I have a mesh and certain parts of it are supposed to be transparent so I created texture. 1. Pic below. I know ambient occlusion must Jun 15, 2020 · I have an issue with my transparencies when using URP’s Unlit shader. 03/04/2015. My terrain is a single mesh object, rendered with a single transparent material. Rendering transparent surfaces is a deceptively hard problem, much harder than novices assume, hence why I wrote that blog post. The picture shows that the texture contains an alpha channel, but even the first preview of Sample Texture 2D shows the texture as opaque. don’t use transparent value in color, since it applies to whole texture, not only to transparent channels; switch compress type in texture import settings to true color to avoid compress artifacts. Best to have the transparency in a separate channel (on the channel tab if you create a new channel it will be called ‘Alpha 1’). I construct my mesh in a compute shader, and pass the vertex data to my grass shader. Also in the editor view not Dec 6, 2023 · Version: 2022. I cannot seem to find anyone else with this issue. 2), the overlapping area becomes darker due to the blending. When I set Alpha is Transparent to true, the transparent areas become multicolored. I have tried converting all pure black to alpha using t… Jul 22, 2021 · (Using Unity 2021. I have 19 hours ago · I’m trying to render several sprites into a texture to get a combined sprite. Unity 5 introduced the Standard Shader which replaces this shader. Jun 29, 2018 · Hi, i’m idrus and i’m a student. I am not a developer or a programmer. i used basic way, i just selected every polygon then i put the color because the concept Jun 5, 2009 · I’ve created both my diffuse and my black/white transparent map for the model I’m building. Is it Dec 13, 2011 · Hey, So, I’m having trouble with using transparent textures. So somehow i need to prevent them from that. Issue goes away once the full screen pass feature is disabled. 1f1 personal” and “Cinema 4D R18”. Also, in the Select Texture dialog, you can see that the texture is transparent. Why transparent texture looks like this? Is there any way to make it transparent? You need to a add Clip function => i do an example Step by Step on a Unlit Graph High Definition RP. How do i fix this? I am using URP and a normal lit shader set to transparent. For the shader graph to pick up the vertex color I have to acually set the color of the mesh. It looks good in the texture view. Thank you. My camera is orthographic, but it is at an angle to the textured planes and my camera does not move. see link here Invaders Project. In other words transparent objects farther show “through” transparent objects that are closer. If I render the model the Sep 14, 2015 · Hey there Internet, i have hand drawn shadows in my 2D game, but the problem is that if two of those shadows overlap the transparency (of course) adds up. The only solution i found so far is to make use of the stencil buffer. Jul 17, 2018 · The geometry and UV mapping have transferred over just fine, but as I was setting up the materials in Unity I have run into a problem. Aug 10, 2021 · Hi, Im creating icons for my assets (in the editor) to use in game. When an object has a transparency, it seems the back of the object is rendered rather than the front of it. Meshes make up a large part of your 3D worlds. It’s mouth is made of a polygon with a semi transparent texture that is tiled by a shadergraph to change. 4. Whereas in the image on the right only one of the two is set as transparent. Step 1: You have your image with a transparent background in Photoshop. As u/GameCult_PixelBro notes, this problem is not specific to Unity, but rather is just a limitation of how realtime 3D graphics work. Photoshop can be set up to display in linear color Feb 6, 2020 · hi all, ive created a very nice looking spiral galaxy from 2 particle systems. You can see on the left, the gradient fades After moving the finished model into unity as an FBX file (along with the textures it uses) I noticed that parts of the png that were supposed to be transparent were white instead. The material has a tileset texture with alpha used for clipping. Nov 29, 2024 · Hello, I’ve been dealing with this problem for a couple hours now, and I need some help with it. There goes the code: Shader "Custom/PBR Shader" { Properties Jun 27, 2023 · Hello everyone! After finishing my first game, I’m working on a PS1 style thriller/horror. Apr 23, 2020 · Hello, I’m creating procedurally generated grass for my terrain engine. note: i try reimport, I try apply Jun 17, 2023 · hello, my application allows to load a model, multiple images, at runtime. Dec 3, 2022 · I started building a vr game in the URP v. I am a modder trying to insert a character model into the game. Really … there should be a better way of handling this. If i do it in the editor mode, i’m able to select the options i’m interested in : But i can’t find those options in script mode, so when i load my png it is not transparent. I noticed that transparent textures with aplha clipping are pixelated (with SMAA and FXAA). My problem is that my texture is a little transparent in bright side and is completly transparent on it’s dark side (it is a dark/black color on my Jan 10, 2025 · This seems to be somewhat of a common problem. And when you have a Sprite texture type it usually automatically enables that option. After moving the finished model into unity as an FBX file (along with the textures it uses) I noticed that parts of the png that were supposed to be transparent were white instead. Open the Shader and click on the Unlit Master node. I’ve solved the issue, isn’t unity problem is a server problem. I tried every available material from the Universal Render Pipeline. If your main texture does not have an alpha channel, the object will appear completely opaque. I’ll post an image of May 24, 2018 · Hello! I’m new to texturing, and I’ve made a couple of assets that need transparency. Here is my code so far: Does someone know the solution of this problem ? There has to be a way Nov 22, 2024 · Hi there, I’ve written a simple surface shader (copied below) that i’ve been using to add edge textures (small floating planes slightly extruded) onto solid geometry. I’ve been working in Unity 2019. Well, I’d need to put into the fog some (many) transparent objects (texture with alpha channel), not cutout, and I know that standard Aug 5, 2010 · Hello All, I have a problem with transparencies with a mesh that has one material using the Diffuse transparent shader. Nov 14, 2014 · So I’ve been modeling and texturing in Maya for a few weeks now for a Unity project and every once in a while when I start to deal with planes they end up transparent. In my case, it was in another custom texture. (not what i want) I have tried all the camera clear flags and everything else i can think of with no luck. 2. i have a texture problem on my final project. I’ve added several assets to my scene, and I have the same problem every time. I also had the same problem, I managed to find the following shader help within the spaceinvaders project. But when I build and run on Oculus Quest, transparent objects don’t get rendered. Apr 2, 2007 · Im having some strange problems with GUITextures that are using transparent PNG’s and other GUI weirdness. while it works great, i have this problem where the edge of a texture will be black, i can solve it by using an excessive ammount of clipping but it also reduce the size of the lines, which is why i dont want this. I know that it’s possible to switch to Gamma but for our project at least, that’s not option. 12f). These are rendered to a RenderTexture by a camera with the Clear Flag set to red with an Alpha of 0. In Unity, the area of the chrome looks like it is partially transparent. I use this texture as a texture for a GUI Texture The Gui Texture seems to be very transparent. I made 2D texture using Illustrator exporting in PNG with transparent background. png*_|48493] Below are . That is, the two textures are simultaneously visible and seem to be combined. What I want to achieve: The background should remain visible through the shadows, as intended with transparency. The camera background is set to transparent (alpha = 0). If I set the render mode of a transparent texture to “fade”, it no longer receives shadows, but the material looks very nice, with smooth, clean edges. 5 (Trust me, I know). For your very specific problem, you could split the mesh into two parts (the outside part and the inside tube, each with their own unique material). 17f1 HDRP Version : 6. and with blending mode alpha, they are not pixelated, but they overlap I found these 2 articles that can solve the problem, but I couldn’t figure it out. The editor shows everything perfectly fine. I checked the logs and it appears that the Feb 15, 2014 · From here I’m not sure what to do. This is the material in question (the texture is applied in code): [48493-screen-shot-2015-06-19-at-35711-pm. 14f1. So save your image with transparency as explained above, then simply drag it into your assets folder, change Texture Type to “Sprite (2D and UI)” and hit the Apply-Button at the very bottom of the Inspector, it should convert the image just fine then One consideration for this shader is that the Base texture’s alpha channel defines both the Transparent areas as well as the Specular Map. Sep 15, 2008 · If you’re using Photoshop, you should be able to just save your psd, import into Unity and transparency will be retained. how can i make those black lines dissapear so that it appears just like in photoshop? im using URP Light doesn’t only bounce off objects — sometimes it passes through them. 2021. Any guidance would be appreciated Feb 27, 2013 · Somehow with that empty extra layer, unity will recognize the transparency. I have created a RenderTexture to capture the Camera's output and then copied it to a Texture2D. This shader can make mesh The main graphics primitive of Unity. Aug 11, 2017 · Note that I am a total newbie in shader programmin, so I’ve been trying to study it. When I import textures, non continous black lines appears on edges like in the image below : This is problematic image: You can see black lines shown with red circles And this is correct image: As you can see there is no problem in correct image. 5 #include "MyCustomInclude. So it looks like image is not “Premultiplied” ( like the option in After Effects Jun 6, 2009 · Hi all, I am evaluating unity and have several questions about assets importing pipeline. This generally works great. The Jan 9, 2018 · Hi I’m trying to load a png at runtime, and use it to texture a gameObject. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks. If you use a texture for Albedo instead of a color, by default the alpha channel of the texture controls the transparency of the material. I think it’s because of the new version I’m using. I get some of them with white border inside Unity, depending from the image, but i found solution: before export, in Illustrator select all then convert all strokes to path using Object > Path > Outline path (I’m not sure about the command name because I’m using an Dec 20, 2024 · Hi everyone, I’ve encountered an issue with transparent materials in my Unity application after upgrading to Unity V6000. I’ve posted the question in many Maya forums with no responses at all. The quad’s shader is set to Unlit/Transparent. The problem gets worse as you zoom out (see May 27, 2015 · Hi, I’m pretty new to Unity. I load both maps into the material editor (diffuse from the diffuse rollout and transparency from the transparency rollout). psd). The problem gets worse as you zoom out (see Sep 29, 2020 · Hm, this seems to work, testing in Unity2020. Transparent shaders don’t write to the depth texture (forgive me if this is the wrong term), so when the post-processing pass is sampling vertex locations to apply DoF, it is actually reading what is behind the transparent object and applying DoF based on that distance to that part of Nov 26, 2018 · Hi guys, I’m working on procedual mesh and playing around with the new shader graph. I was hoping that someone would have a suggestion on how to fix this 😄 There aren’t any errors associated, and I’m using Unity 5. In Substance Painter, it looks fine. But the areas with semi-transparency take into account the original camera background color. A video to show what I mean. I have exported “. The texture is a . NGUI is being used to manage the sprite rendering although I’m not sure it is important to the problem I am having. Import your Texture to Unity (Paw. The RenderTexture is Oct 7, 2023 · Hello, I am trying to render some transparent objects to a render texture, but they end up being tinted by the cameras background color (even if alpha is set to 0). I’m importing a 3d model with some large textures with an alpha channel. A range of alpha values from 0 to 1 Use a texture to control transparency. I then applied a texture (which contains the alpha map for the transparent part) to that new mesh. The problem is as follows: Target Platform: Windows, x64 Render Pipeline: Built-In Issue Description: When I instantiate a prefab containing GameObjects from the Resources folder at runtime, the transparent materials are not rendered correctly. Aug 24, 2019 · Hello, I have a problem in Unity Shader Graph. First of all it appears that only way to import a model from 3ds max is to export it in fbx format, am I correct? I’ve tried several times to put max files directly in assets folder and every time unity runs 3ds max and then halts. When I copy the shader it doesn’t Jun 16, 2013 · I have been trying to figure this out all night. If I'm not mistaken, if your mug used an opaque shader and your label used a transparent one, you shouldn't have any z-fighting issue. But that seems not to be overwritten by the shadergraph and the transparent part of the grid. Has anyone any idea how to fix this? All the tubes are in one lonely mesh and I need transparency because the windows have a transparent blurry effect texture. I’m using Sample 2D Texture Array for moon as I have a few moon pics with different phases. I do not know what features are built into the game itself (7 Days to die). I shouldn’t be seeing the white color in the blend node, but it’s there. Things I have tried: Transparency broken in URP builds (works in Editor) - Unity - Ready Player Me Developer Forums Setting Strict Shader Variant Matching to on revealed that I had objects using built in shaders that weren’t working. I’we tried different versions of max (currently I have 7 and 2009 That's the one word answer, but in reality this is a long story. Oct 10, 2018 · I have a strange problem that hopefully someone else has seen before. However, I'm encountering an issue where I need the resulting image to have a transparent background. (trees, grass, etc…) And I’ve also got the windows and certainly the texture of the model not displaying as it should and instead displaying a plain grey Aug 5, 2024 · It’s using transparency, with a greyscale texture. When I rotate, the second tube is being drawn in front of the first one. This shader can make mesh geometry partially or fully transparent by reading the alpha channel of the main Mar 16, 2011 · it shows only black texture Transparent/Diffuse shader doesn’t work for me. png with some a part of it transparent. Then I assign the new material to my model and enable the button to show the map in the viewport, I end up with a model that is black and white. I turn on the Alpha is Transparency on the texture and my textures gets all messed up on the material. Originally my model was a number of polygon meshes ‘combined’ in Maya. 031f1. This happens in both the Game and Scene view. g. Could anyone Aug 3, 2013 · Here, I made a mini photoshop tutorial. There are some texture clamping artifacts that extend out from the edges of the GUITextures ive created - unless i make the edge of the PNG 100% transparent, i get these strange blurred bits. fbx” file from cinema 4D. May 17, 2021 · Unity’s Alpha is Transparency option solves this problem by setting the invisible color to match the “closest” visible color. i just want to know how fix the next problem i have a picture with shadows, to use on unity transparent. The texture looks fine in paint. 7 and URP 11): For a background blur effect, I render the current camera view minus UI to a RenderTexture, pass the contents to a Texture2D via Texture2D. Jan 4, 2014 · Cutout shaders solve this problem by applying a filter to the texture, giving every pixel a boolean value: visible or not visible. how do I fix this kind of problem? Aug 27, 2012 · make texture’s alpha channel so it will be 1 (white) at solid block and lower then 1 at transparent. Considering Unity is moving to doing more things than just games, this feels like a step backwards … hopefully they actually give us a built in way to get the real alpha values per pixel for a transparent Jan 31, 2022 · Tiled dirt as the base, tiled grass (with alpha background) over top, using the R channel to govern where the grass should appear. In this tutorial, you’ll use transparency to create a translucent object that looks like glass, and the technique of alpha clipping to create realistic looking leaves from simple rectangular meshes. My game has a couple of overlapping transparent textures (all planes), I kept running into issues where the textures would not draw in the correct order, regardless of how close it is to the camera. That’s when I get the funky xray transparency (in both Maya using ‘High Quality Rendering’ in the opengl view and in Unity). Jan 20, 2020 · Unity Version : 2019. And if I use the texture without adding the alpha channel as transparent, the texture looks good on the material. This issue only happens on Android and iOS. Deactivate Cloudfire on the server will fix the Sep 28, 2015 · I’m having a strange issue where I have set all objects to use a standard opaque material (with their own textures) but when two objects are overlapping, they appear to be transparent. 5 with the LWRP and everything seemed to work fine, but as soon as Jan 3, 2018 · Sprite renderer seems to do some optimization and does not render parts of the image, if they are completely transparent. A value of 0 means fully transparent, and a value of 1 means fully opaque. You could also paste this code into a shader to achieve the same effect. Im using a texture atlas placed on a Material with a Transparent/VertexLit shader. Im going to start learning about it, but first i wanna confirm if this problem is fixable. This second camera has it’s Clear Flag set to Solid Color as a fully transparent black color (rgba[0,0,0,0]). I use a transparent png texture that. Instead of Oct 13, 2014 · I simply instantiate some quad planes with Transparent/diffuse or unlit/Transparent cutout and on both case my texture either disappears at different camera proximity or half of each texture is not shown. (If you already have an Alpha channel, you can skip to Step 6. 9. i wanted to put a star skybox behind it but because of the transparency of the particle systems the stars are visible through the galaxy, so i thought id place an unlit black disc ( as a sprite texture on a plane) behind the galaxy to block the skybox in the area behind the galaxy, which is fine, but there is a Jan 18, 2010 · Hello to all, I would bring my experience. Although this Aug 21, 2018 · Hi, I’m trying to create a shader with a transparent texture, but without success. 12f1 In editor, everything is fine, when I build, everything is fine too but when the game gets built on the company’s remote computer (which runs on Linux while my computer uses Windows 10), transparency is messed up : the particles are opaque, BUT my shader’s Nov 13, 2006 · Ok, I found a solution to my problem. The problem I’m facing is that the transparency doesn’t look quite right as I expect it to. Can this behaviour be somehow switched off? Please help me, thanks! This shader just bumps the alpha of any pixel by 0. One problem is, naturally this transparent shader always gets rendered forward, which doees actually bring some problems with the amount of lights I want to use. Meaning you can see through the textured planes to the objects behind them. In the alpha, 0 (black) is completely transparent while 255 (white) is completely opaque. Some server use a service named Cloufire. The ghosting seems to be partially cured by increasing the Aniso Level on the texture import settings but doesn’t solve the problem at far distances. Q: How do I get a render texture to be displayed in a GUITexture with out any Aug 30, 2010 · Hi. I create a render texture and a camera that shoots into it. Jun 17, 2021 · Now, your problem probably is that you are taking the alpha value from unassigned texture (MainTex is “none” in your material) which usually defaults to the white texture with alpha = 1. Sep 8, 2011 · Hello everyone, I currently don’t have any experience on writing shaders, and the things and processes in it. It works but I have a rendering issue, some opaque pixels appear transparent in the game view (first screenshot) and if I pause and resize the window the issue disappears (second screenshot). I’ve used the Substance Painter with the alpha blending setting in the Viewer, and used the transparent setting for the Unity Material, but I’m getting some weird results. My shader looks alright from one side (the side with where the front faces are facing the camera), but from the other side, something strange is happening with the transparency. Now in unity what happens is that the mesh behind the front mesh is rendered on top of it. 2 Hey, I’m trying to get that sweet HDRP ambient occlusion working with my custom terrain system. But yes. Bellow is the same shader with a quad and a sprite renderer with the same image (the black squiggle on a transparent background) . Cinema 4D, my modelling tool is smart enough to handle such textures, but Unity seems to need a texture with separate alpha channel. 5. i textured 7 objects of animal and i didn’t use uv map to texture them. (as an aside - I cant seems to accurately detect the OnMouseUp() function - is it related) I May 14, 2007 · I’ve been having some problems with Render Textures. Aug 17, 2014 · The fixed function pipeline actually generates glsl/cgprogram functions, the shadowcollector is one of the things it generates, it’s used to being able to receive shadows from other objects, so i’m gonna guess the somewhere along that code generation you are getting something that breaks on that platform, you should probable try a simpler cg shader that only does what you want, tell me Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. ) May 21, 2009 · Good morning. Overlapping shadows May 23, 2014 · Hello, I’ve created a system to capture a sprite (or set of sprites) and then redraw that capture to the screen. Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. Lower terrain is tan (sand), upper terrain is the transparent one. ReadPixels and Blit that Texture2D to another RenderTexture using a material with a blur shader. I have found two previous questions about this in unity answers and these tell me to create a material of this texture but the problem is that the terrain texture paint function need just that, a texture and not a material. I imported a texture with an alpha channel into Unity (2017. 1. So in this texture’s case it just becomes solid black. So it looks like image is not “Premultiplied” ( like the option in After Effects Jan 26, 2025 · Hi everyone, I’m working with 2D sprites in Unity and using transparency to simulate shadows. I want to apply a transparent image texture to the mesh (face to head). As you can see below, it’s Mar 22, 2012 · The problem was caused by the fact, that texture was PNG file exported from photoshop via “save for web” with no alpha channel embedded (although “transparent” was checked in export options"). Sep 28, 2023 · Hi, I’m trying to make a low poly version of a traffic cone that consists of 3 planes, each rendering their faces on both sides. I switched to a Transparent cutout which seemed Dec 5, 2023 · I’m having this weird issue where, in play mode, the textures of my game look fine, but when I build, they’re turning out transparent. In the editor, everything shows up as expected. Transparent Properties. In other programs, generally your best bet is to save your texture as 32 bit Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. i was making augmented reality, i’m using “unity 2018. May 9, 2015 · I’m not sure how to approach this problem. I put a green arrow on next picture to show the white shadow. Jan 22, 2014 · I have an issue with a transparent texture where when viewed at certain angles and distance some “ghost” texture appears on the caps of the cylinder. As you can see, we have three white cubes going from opaque to transparent. My problem is hard to explain but here is a picture: As you can see, the faces are rendered in front of each other where they are actually behind. please how can I fix this problem and turn it again black. 5 Shader "Shaders101 Oct 10, 2024 · Hey everyone, as you may know, Unity can have issues correctly rendering transparent 2D Sprites/Textures exported from Photoshop or Figma. A value of 0 in the alpha channel means fully transparent Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. Im rendering the camera to a render texture and reading to a texture, the problem is that I dont know how to set the background to transparent. Nurbs, Nurms, Subdiv surfaces must be converted to polygons. dlbljgjpaaetlynkkywnovnojocbmrkwdnmvkqajhxyrzdfiakvjlaqesqpladvferpq