Mullard el34 xf2 Premium high-voltage power pentode. Both tubes test over 900, where 640 is minimum good. I got a 71' and 72' metal panel 50 watters. C $98. The 4th tube is labeled Amperex and has a single O getter. Browse our daily deals for even more savings! Free shipping on many items! May 27, 2013 · I found some interesting differences between various power valves. Oct 4, 2024 · Brent Jesse said that these tubes were the best new production EL34s out there with sound closely matching the famed Mullard EL34 XF2 tubes. Feb 5, 2015 · Mullard from Great Britain and Phillips Holland if you want something that the originators of the tube made (slender glass envelope, almost every variant made by the Philips family has a hole in the guidepin and etched factory and datecodes), RFT East German EL34 is a great sub if you want a soundalike Mullard, but don't have $400+ for a truly matched quad. com offered a set of five EL34-type tubes for review (JJ KT77; JJ EL34 II; Svetlana EL34; Genalex Gold Lion KT77 and Mullard EL34) I jumped at the opportunity. gimme an old non master jmp Mar 18, 2008 · MullardのEL34は、製造時期により、ふるい順にXf1からXf4まであり、私はXf2とXf4を所有しています。 Xf1は1950年代の後半から英国ブラックバーン工場で製造された物で、小改良が行われているので、7種類ほどのタイプがあるようです。 May 27, 2004 · Xf2 indicates either the Blackburn Works in the U. En eBay encuentras fabulosas ofertas en Mullard El34 Xf2. Here for sale a perfectly macthed very strong quad of Mullard el 34 Matched within 3% ! The four tubes are XF2 code made in England in Blackburn factory in 1972, 1972, 1973 and 1976 . Matched dealer codes as well (36 54407) True NOS, NIB from my p Copias perfectas del legendario tubo XF2 Mullard EL34 de los años 1960. But I'm wondering if spending ~$400 on a quad of vintage xf2's would be worth the extra cost. New Price $59. Been stored in an attic for over 30 years,Never used!Tests over 100%. F Jun 14, 2004 · The tubes are branded Dynaco by Mullard, xf2, b5k5, two getter rings, not overlapping. Labeled Mullard, Siemens, Philips Up for sale is a very nice pair of Tungsram-labeled Mullard EL34/6CA7 Xf2’s from 1959 with the same serial number - Xf2 B7F3 - which translates to week 3 of June 1959. Mullard EL34/6CA7 Tubes xf2 - Excellent PairHere is a beautiful pair of Mullard (Sylvania Branded) EL34/6CA7 xf2 tubes. These Mullard Reissues are getting it done. The XF2 version, like many early tubes, has welded plates, along with that thick, dark getter that is a trademark of the valves that rolled out from the Blackburn factory. It is the ultimate choice for powering Dynaco ST-70s and vi Here for sale a perfectly macthed very strong quad of Mullard el 34 Matched within 3% ! The four tubes are XF2 code made in England in Blackburn factory in 1972, 1972, 1973 and 1976 . May 20, 2021 · Purchased a quad of NOS Mullard EL34 XF2’s. 3 of the tubes are XF3 with matching codes B3J3, single O getter, and were labeled Philips. I'm using them in a SinglePower ES-1. In very good condition with labels rubbed off. All have welded plates, brown base and a hole in the guide pin. Current & Transconductance Measurements (Maxi-Matcher 2):Tube 1: 21. These are the Mullard XF2, XF3 & XF4 models with single O getter. Some were branded with different labels (Valvo, GE, Philips, RCA) especially after Philips bought Mullard in the late ’60. 9 mA, with Transconductance valu Vintage MULLARD EL34 in the coveted XF2 format! Kenny Fischer used to tell me that XF2 was the version that had the best tone in his amps & Marshalls. These are NIB/NOS tubes and tests 100% with close GM-readouts on my Hickok 600A. tested in my funke w19s- minimum: 20 ma. Founded in 1920 in Southsfield, London, Mullard became known world wide for their reliable, high-quality components and vacuum tubes or "valves". 14. 85 shipping. This set is from my personal stash where they sat waiting for the right time/placetime for you to be the steward of these. payment options: bank transfer, cash on collection or crypto Tubes: our philosophy. It is the ultimate choice for powering Dynaco ST-70s and vi Tubes El34 Mullard Xf2 Quad Set, absolutely beautiful these again are my private stock, these tubes are incredible in looks,sound,power ratings, you name they have it, single halo, beautiful shiny flashing, hate to seem them go,thank you. Tenemos la selección más grande y las mejores ofertas en Mullard El34 Xf2. ¡Compra con confianza en eBay! Jul 16, 2004 · An extremely faithful reissue of the XF2 Mullard EL34 from the 1960’s. I also have 12AX7 (Amperex, Mullard, Telefunken, Siemens, French RT, Tungsram, RCA, GE, Etc), 12AT Jan 1, 2016 · When Jon Esau of www. These tubes test 41 and 41 where 30 is the minimum good and new tubes test 48 to 50 on are tv7 tube tester. $298. where 75 mA/11 mAV is considered 100%. 2 Genalex KT77 Gold Lion. Rest assured that these are perfectly healthy tu MullardのEL34 Xf2シリーズのペアです。 ブランドはRCAとGEになっていますが2本とも英国ムラード製Xf2シリーズです。 グレープレートにデュアル・サポートのハローゲッター、ガラスにエッチングされたロット記号からムラードBlackburn工場で1971年10月と1972年10月 新刊登物品 Mullard EL34 XF2 Valves - x4 Leak Quad Valve Tube Amplifier Tannoy Rogers. Especially at $100 for a quad. The Brown Base Xf2 will also last longer than the Black Base. The 1960's XF2 Mullard EL34 has become the benchmark of all EL34 and there's a reason for it. Today's new production Mullard tubes are constructed with the same commitment to qualit Tubes el34 matched set xf2 test at 92% on our dyna quick model 600 this is qualified as nos,brown base,double halo,these are the flagship of the mullard family,beautiful tubes,lettering wear noticeable as would be excepted from a set of 60 year old tubes,there absolutely beautiful, thank you. 1 x RCA 12ax7. Both marked xf2 with matching etched date codes B2J5 and printed codes HH 188-5. result test: tube 1: mullard xf2 b6a2. Es la válvula perfecta para el Dynaco ST-70 y para amplificadores vintage de la marca Marshall aunque se pueden usar en todo tipo de amplificadores actuales. It's an XF2 model as denoted by the faint lettering (pictured). com over the years Jan 28, 2025 · I have settled in on the old stock Mullard EL34 XF2 with the single O getter. ¡Compra con confianza en eBay! Fair offers considered on this "duo" of XF2 Mullard (Amperex Labeled) 6CA7 / EL34 Power Tubes. 100% sonido britanico con bajo nivel de ruidos, buenos detalles y un rendimiento y sonido excelentes. Brown base, numbered on the bottom 1 through 8. Feb 24, 2014 · The Mullard EL34 - though perhaps not the best sounding of this family of tubes - is famous for a big and rich sound favored by guitarists and hi-fi nuts. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. 4 x SED winged C EL34. 43Tube 2: 24. 6, gm4. . Get the best deals on Mullard El34 when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. Get the best deals on Mullard El34 Xf2 when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. Date Code on it is BoK5 and it has the hole on the number six slot under the base. Free shipping in the lower 48. It tested at 103% on my solid state B&K tube tester. Oct 13, 2024 · The resissued Mullard EL34 tubes are IMHO probably the best sounding EL34 tubes out there. My question is this, Groove Tubes had a bunch of EL34 variations, GT-EL34, EL34-LS, EL34-S, EL34-R, EL34-GE and EL34-C tubes. 99. Astonishing upgrade from the current production EL34’s that I had been using in my Leben CS600. New with Full Warranty! Brand New. Pre-Owned · Mullard. 45. I do have a small PrimaLuna KT88 based amp. Those were boutique tubes and were a big improvement over some of the other current production tubes that I had tried, but the Mullard’s are miles ahead in every way. ¡Compra con confianza en eBay! 2 x Rare Special Blue Cobalt Tesla EL34 6CA7 Power Audio Tubes ~ Rare Holy Grail Pair ~ XF2 Mullard Alternative ~ Great Tone Brand New Originally $379, now $341. 99 delivery. 1970's Mullard EL34 XF2 NOS tubes. or Best Offer +$5. A favorite in Marshall, HiWatt, and Trainwreck amps!. Brand New · Mullard. It's been wonderful while it's lasted, but I don't want to break the bank to replace the Mullards. NOS Mullard el34 xf2 single halo getter made in the 1960’s, an excellent choice for all guitar amplifier applications. Mullard EL34 XF2 Power TubeI'm selling a good working Xf2 Mullard. Feb 17, 2004 · Has anyone compared the vintage Mullard xf2 EL34 to the new Groove Tube EL34M, which is supposed to be a replica of the original xf2? The Groove Tubes sound great. Tested very strong and match very closely on my 2024 calibrated Hickok 605A tube tester. I have a quad of Mullard EL34 XF2's, but they can fetch some money so I have not placed them in my amps just yet. I am an audiophile who owns and enjoys two matched pairs of vintage Mullard EL34 xf2's in a Dynaco ST-70. Sadly, Groove Tubes seems to have stopped selling a few years ago. 70's Mullard XF2 EL34 Pair of Tubes Set. 05. 1 x Genalex Gold lion 12AX7. $220. The XF2 OO getter is the early version of the XF2’s and said to be the better of the two versions but to me and my system I really can’t hear a difference. ILS 3,569. ¡Compra con confianza en eBay! Get the best deals on Mullard El34 when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. XF1's were made in the 50's (mostly?), are VERY expensive, and are loved by hifi nuts- supposedly a very open sound. Ruggedized dual-post mounted halo getters for TIGHT response. Made at the Blackburn factory in 1965. 95 shipping Sep 1, 2014 · Looking in the EL34 range of tubes. 令人陶醉。聲音非常平衡細膩, 高頻華麗而不過於光輝, 中頻柔順. The perfect power tube for Dynaco ST-70 or Vintage Marshall amps. 1 x TAD EZ81 6CA4. 低頻渾厚. ca. But, if someone/two can convince me to, I certainly will do so. Mullard EL34 6CA7 xf2 Welded Plate OO Getter NOS Testing Values Matched Quad. 4 x TAD 12AX7 A-C selected. 音樂感非常濃郁. com. Plate current measures 22. Brand: PHILIPS MINIWATT Type: EL34 6CA7 DUAL GETTER Manufacturer and factory: MULLARD BLACKBURN. No doubt the vintage Mullard xf2 and xf3 production finals in it contributed to the superb sound. Mullard EL34 6CA7 AT1000 TESTED Vacuum Tube Blackburn Xf4 Power Pentode 1976-1980. Mullard EL34 Power Tube, Matched Quad with 24-Hour Burn-In. Purchase Mullard EL34 vacuum power tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Otherwise decent sounding tubes, a bit lacking the dimensionality of real XF2 British Jan 14, 2007 · the xf1 rules the roost as far as soundstage and this shows in combo amps!real honk! with a top end glaze that goes down like fine wine! ive seen quartets of nos xf1 battled over in auctions and fetch `1k for em. Opens in a new window or tab. 但Mullard的EL34已經非常難找了,價格也是天價,一套NOS的估計 Paar Mullard EL34 XF2 Schweißplatte 2 Halo G AMPLITREX GM% 103 105NOS Röhre Sep19B. I can use other tubes in it. Mullard EL34 Power Tube, Matched Pair with 24-Hour Burn-In. The best ever made EL34,produced in Blackburn in the 1950-60. Oct 22, 2024 · Mullard EL34 tubes, dual halo getter xf2 variety manufactured from 1962 – 1968. With chinese firecracker KT88's it delivered 175W, just like with Philips (Mullard) xf4 EL34's. EUR 356,70. Code: XF2 B3F3-B3G1-B7G2 Pair of Matching Vintage Mullard EL34 XF2 valves These were both made in Blackburn in 1972 and share the same date codes. 0 Gebote. • Special grid windings give a unique sound for both guitar and hifi• Perfect power tube for Dynaco ST-70 or vintage Marshalls, Hiwatt or other British Amps• 6CA7 Jan 19, 2012 · These tubes made the biggest sonic improvement to my amplifier and i have tried a LOT of power tubes (Tung-Sol EL34B, reissued Mullard EL34, Electro-Harmonix 6CA7 and EL34, Psvane's 6CA7-T3 ART Series, EL34-Z Treasures, EL34PH Legends, Sovtek EL34, GE 6CA7, Gold Lion KT88, Psvane's KT-88-TII MK II, KT88-Z). These are the Mullard XF2 model with welded plates and double O getter. ¡Compra con confianza en eBay! Mullard 1% Tight Matched Pair (2) EL34 6CA7 dual getter tNOS AT1000 TESTED Vacuum Tubes Blackburn Xf2 brown base Power Pentode 1962-1968 Used – Very Good $640 These tubes indeed live up to my iconic Mullard EL34 xf2's. The NOS prices where eye popping! Mullard el34真空管價格與詳細規格比較,共17筆。還有Mullard EL34真空管、el34真空管。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,全網最便宜都在 BigGo! The GT EL34 is based on the original Mullard EL34 of the '60s. The XF1 version,I have not heard, is too expensive and hard to find anyway. The factory code is faint on the Mulla Get the best deal for Mullard El34 Xf2 from the largest online selection at eBay. An extremely faithful reissue of the XF2 Mullard EL34 from the 1960’s. Give us a full report of the Xf1 experience. Matched New Old Stock pair of Mullard EL34 tubes. GT trumpets how they use the same type of mica, grids, and base as the original dual getter XF2: “We’ll challenge anyone to find tonal differences between the original Mullard EL34 and the new GT-EL34M,” Pittman states. An authentic reincarnation of the coveted XF2 Mullard EL34, this power vacuum tube boasts exceptional high voltage pentode technology from the 1960s. Britain 1 pair: brown bases xf2 date codes B9H2, B9G1 1 pair: black bases xf2 date codes B1F4, B1G1. $9. One pair Mullard EL34 NOS New in box tubes. 5, gm4. See the differences of EL34 tubes from 1950s - 1970s Philips production in Blackburn (Mullard), Eindhoven (Philips) and Hamburg (Valvo). or Best Offer. All were manufactured in Mullard’s Blackburn Works factory in the U. 00 getter: 37ma tube 2: mullard xf2 b9e3 0 getter: 41ma tube 3: mullard xf2 b5k5 00 getter: 38 ma tube 4: ultron tube . Dual “O” Halo’s, Welded Plates, Dark Brown Base etc A Platinum Matched New in Box Pair of the world's most musical EL34 tube. $89. While enjoying the essentially transparent quality of this fine old audiophile rig I began to search out prices for NOS Mullards as backups. The Rogue amps are a bit too powerful for Feb 8, 2007 · The Xf2's are in the year range of my Marshall's so that's what I buy. They both have postive Life Tests which tests for Pair XF2 Double Getter EL34. EUR 26,16 Versand. Sponsored. It's missing the center pin but it still works great. Thing I love about NOS tubes is that they can last so much longer than new types Tubes el34 absolutely incredible tube,I have owned this Rca/ mullard Blackburn xf2 since it was brand new,I just relocated it after 30 plus years of it being in my inventory of 1000,s it has less than ten hours of use, the lettering is wearing but still legible ,the flashing is like new,the En eBay encuentras fabulosas ofertas en Mullard El34 Xf2. Used – Excellent. Neu (Sonstige) · Gewerblich · Mullard. Description. Will send after request registered and insured,but will ship a pair worldwide for USD. They are relatively cheap at under $180/quad. 10 ($37. Its distinctive sound, thanks to special grid windings, makes it ideal for both guitar and hi-fi applications. 63Free Shipping USAI am listing a large portion of my tube collection. Compare with similar items. Mullard El34 xf2 1960,s. We agreed that I’d throw a few of my own tubes, including the Tung-Sol EL34B and Shuguang 6CA7-Zs I purchased from thetubestore. I do use Mullard ECC83 tubes since I hear a large improvement with them in my Marshall Supertremelo 100w and HIWATT 100 heads. The key guide broke off and has been replaced. $120. Printing is most faded on 2 tubes but date and factory code are still r Description. ¡Compra con confianza en eBay! Jan 24, 2015 · Hi Ron, The Mullard EL34 XF1 have four versions and the XF2 also have a few different structure as well, rather to compare them I think it will be better to get the best sounding one. Also use Mullard preamps and a Hot Telefunkn for the PI tube. NOS Mullard EL34 / 6CA7 MATCHED PAIR 1960’s The Legendary 1960's EL34 "Xf2" Manufactured by Mullard, Blackburn, U. 1 x BRIMAR CV 4004 12AX7. Apr 21, 2011 · Copy of the XF2 Mullard EL34 from the 60s. Laboratory matched pairs of 1960s Mullard el34/6ca7 tubes made in Gt. These are wonderful audiophile tubes. The differences in the 2 facilities's tubes are in the bases -color and size, and the getters. I'm trying to keep the expense to $200. !Dont let these MINT pair get away! Pr of the outstanding sounding vintage Mullard EL34/6CA7 power tubes, 1960s, Made in Gt Britain, FX2 Batch numbers, dual halos, test very strong on my B&K Mutual Conductance tube tester. Matched pair of GE Mullard Blackburn EL34 / 6CA7 tubes from 1972, made in Blackburn Great Britain. Different double getter (DD ring OO), base (metal big bakkelite brom or black base) or plate construction types with xf1 xf2 xf3 xf4 xf5 code. The date code is difficult to see in person, but with a good light you can clearly make out the xf2 and B9G2 codes. Ingraved in glass -xf2-b6A2. Mullard EL34 Power Vacuum Tube, Platinum Matched Pair. ph. Now you can get that same sound with this precision made power tube. Here is a beautiful pair of Mullard (Sylvania Branded) EL34/6CA7 xf2 tubes. The best current production EL34 available. Test results from my Hickok TV-7D/U tube tester:Tube #1 (Left in photos) = 51/30minimumTube #2 (Right in photos) = 53/30minimum30 is the minimum value on my Hickok tester for an EL34 tube to be considere Closely Matched Pair Mullard EL34 Code Xf2 B9C3/Xf2 B1D2 Tested Strong Tube. As close as you can get to vintage power tube heaven Feb 6, 2025 · I have 2 Mullard XF2 OO Getter EL34 tubes labeled for Rca . Check out this video, it's not the best example but it's a 50 watt clone of a 1986 bass amp with Xf2 Brown Base real Mustard capacitors and 1960 12AX7 Mullards in all 3 spots. Blackburn made. 1 and 24. 7500, 7500, 7500, 7250 where 6000 is average new. I prefer the Big Brown base over all the others include the Metal one Regards AdrianView attachment 117750 1970's Mullard EL34 XF2 NOS tubes. K. The best current production EL34 available . 但Mullard的EL34已經非常難找了,價格也是天價,一套NOS的估計 This listing is for two tubes. Printing is most faded on 2 tubes but date and factory code are still r Tubes El34 Mullard Xf2 Quad Set, absolutely beautiful these again are my private stock, these tubes are incredible in looks,sound,power ratings, you name they have it, single halo, beautiful shiny flashing, hate to seem them go,thank you. , or Eindhoven, Holland tube factory (after Philips Electronics bought Mullard in the '60s). It has a big, fat and well-defined tone and really "wakes up" reissue amps to perform like the originals. One was made by Mullard for Sylvania, and the other was made by and branded as Mullard (although most of the logo is worn off). Encontrarás artículos nuevos o usados en Mullard El34 Xf2 en eBay. Copy of the XF2 Mullard EL34 of the 60’s. They are from my personal stash, I went through all my valves and kept the ones that tested good about 4 years ago Arguably the best sounding EL34 ever made, They cer Get the best deal for Mullard El34 Xf2 from the largest online selection at eBay. Tube #1 is a 1960's 6CA7/EL34 Mullard made for Amperex in the Blackburn factory. Copias perfectas de la legendaria válvula XF2 Mullard EL34 de los años 60. I have tried the Tung-Sol EL34-B, EH 6CA7 fat bottle, EH EL34, Sovtek EL34, Psvane EL34-PH, Psvane EL34-Z Treasures and Psvane 6CA7-T3 Art series and the Mullards are my go to tubes. | Browse our daily deals for even more savings! | Free shipping on many items! Phillips Label Mullard EL34 6CA7 XF2 Power Tube NOS HICKOK & Maxi Tested. C $1,422. Zero effect on tone and priced accordingly! Mullard EL34 xf2 Quad with single getter made in the Blackburn factory. Little different sound, old vs. Great opportunity to enjoy one of if not the best EL34’s that are becoming difficult This is an exceptional quad of Mullard EL34 XF3 and XF2 with 3 matching date codes. 2 x SOVTEK EL84. A staple during the '60s, the Mullard EL34 was the standard tube in the classic British tube amps of the era. Apr 18, 2018 · No modern production tube will ever sound like a Mullard Xf2 especially the Brown Base Xf2. One day I will try a swap of the UK-EL34's to see how they sound in that amp. 100% sonido británico con bajo nivel de ruidos, buenos detalles y un rendimiento y sonido excelentes. ILS 247. Apr 2, 2002 · The first one on an el34 will be xf1, xf2, or xf4 (I've never seen any xf3's?) The second will be four or so numbers, which are a date code. Yes they are in stock. This is a very hard to find matched pair of Mullard XF2 Dual-Getter EL34's, widely considered to be the best EL34 tubes ever made. ¡Compra con confianza en eBay! Vintage MULLARD EL34 in the coveted XF2 format! Kenny Fischer used to tell me that XF2 was the version that had the best tone in his amps & Marshalls. "XF3 and XF4" tubes have a single center getter ring (some XF4 tubes have two "D" shaped getters), and the plates are stamped together and not welded. Jan 19, 2011 · 這個是mullard 60年代xf2貨期的第二批的雙圈深啡座el34。 Mullard一貫的風格,典型的英國聲音. 90 off) May 6, 2006 · The Russian Mullard reissue was not dual getter and was based on the XF4. $230. I prefer them to all the new tubes. These EL34 are known for an incredible bottom end, pronounced liquid mids and exceptional highs. in certain amps the xf2 is favored because of internet myth. new, but both are still nice. Beautiful matched pair Mullard EL34 XF2, OO getter. Used – Good. why same tubes have different prices. RCA, GE, Sylvania, and other USA brands of EL34 from the early to mid 1960s were usually Mullard made XF2 type. 79 shipping Dec 20, 2021 · ¡BAJO PEDIDO! ENTREGA ESTIMADA DE 5 A 21 DÍAS. Mullard EL34 6CA7 AT1000 Weak Gassy or Leaky Vacuum Tube Blackburn Xf2 Power Pentode 1962-1973 En eBay encuentras fabulosas ofertas en Mullard El34 Xf2. 聲音稍微有點偏慢. Both test NOS+ at %118 (see pics). Mullard produced it for about 15 years, and this is a faithful reproduction of the classic XF2 dual-getter version. Used – Very Good. Pre-Owned. This Item. But I was hoping to find a source of authentic sounding copies for daily use. personal taste,what have you xf3 was the shortest period of production between the four of em . I just could not see spending the extra money for the Xf1's when the Xf2's sound the way they do. This is an exceptional quad of Mullard EL34 XF3 and XF2 with 3 matching date codes. $114. The Classic Mullard EL34 Is Back! The classic and sought after XF2 EL34 is back with the Mullard EL34 power tube. These have dual halo getters and have Mullard codes xf2 B5J2 and B5L2. Envío gratis en artículos seleccionados. I'm thinking of the following options: The 1960's and 1970's Mullard EL34 has become the benchmark of all EL34 and there's a reason for it. This listing is for two tubes. Jan 13, 2025 · sale: 3 each of el34 mullard tubes, are xf2 codes, and other each have a ultron? black plates and side getter. Jan 21, 2008 · Two months ago I got my EL34 equipped Dynaco ST-70. 63. I only have a Sencore TC142 Tube check Apr 21, 2006 · Last year I bought several quads of RFT German made EL-34 tubes and they still work and sound fine. The date codes are difficult to see in person, but with a good light you can clearly make out the xf2 and B9G2 Matched pair of Mullard XF2 Blackburn (Telefunken branded) slightly used NOS EL34 tubes. 99 Jul 20, 2017 · The base on the EL34 based Decware is excellent, as is the bass on the original Mullard's. 6 x MULLARD EL34 XF2 b1k1. thetubestore. Chinese EL34's, east German dimple top EL34's, Sovtek EL34G, Tesla (not JJ) EL34's, they all put out 120W upon clipping. 97. They sound amazing. Shipping worldwide - please contact me for shipping price to your country. gxevxvjelijmduqieuycurspommzcondphophmavwuvjrrgkyzozuszmkejukwppntobspemb