Joshua 3 discussion questions. Memory Verse: Joshua 3:5.
Joshua 3 discussion questions 15 terms. Likewise, the Gibeonites, by means of deception, are spared, and become part of Joshua Sends Spies (Discussion Questions) Categories: Joshua. What does the "battle lance" that Joshua holds out toward Ai symbolize? 6. Why might they have risen early in the morning? What did they do when they arrived at the Jordan? What did the officers tell the people? What was the people’s job? Would they set off before or after the Jordan had started to part? Study and Discussion Questions Crossing the Jordan - Joshua 3:1-4:24 Topics: Direction, Evidence, Guidance, Impossible, Leadership, Miracles, Nature, Obedience, Power, Protection, Remembering, Traditions Open It 1. Twelve elders of Israel D. Do the cities assigned in Joshua 21 conflict with the earlier tribal boundaries in Joshua 14–20? How plausible is it that every tribe simultaneously relinquished these cities to the Levites (Joshua 21:8–16) without recorded opposition? 1. How does the concept of the "living God" in Joshua 3:10 encourage you in your daily walk with God? 2. Where did the Israelites camp before crossing over the Jordan? a. Why was it necessary for the Israelite people to consecrate themselves? (3:5) 7. (3:3-4) 6. This moment parallels the crossing of the Red Sea, highlighting God's continued provision and faithfulness. He would make Joshua great in the eyes of all the Israelites this day. Knowing that the battle of Jericho is the standard for how Israel is to defeat its enemies, compare and contrast it with the first attempt to conquer Ai. One of the dominant themes of the book of Joshua is that of God’s faithfulness in fulfilling all His “good promises,” especially the promise of the land which He “swore to their fathers to give them” (see vs. Gilgal, 2. Discussion Questions. Literally, to the end, i. The Promise of a Savior Study Guide. It wasn’t just fear; it was the final melting of the wax that held the flame of their expectations alive. Print Version (PDF) (Joshua 1:1-3) Riddle: Which Bible character didn't have any parents? (Joshua 1: Bible Teaching Resources by Don Anderson Ministries PO Box 6611 • Tyler, TX 75711-6611 . He is a central figure in the Book of Joshua, known for his faithfulness and obedience to God. That is to be found in Joshua 3:13. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When did Joshua and the Israelites set out before going to Jordan?, From where did the Israelites set out from before going to Jordan?, Where did the Israelites camp before crossing the Jordan? and more. Youth Group Discussion Questions. Joshua's leadership and the people's obedience to God's commands are central to this chapter. Oct 17, 2024 · Questions about Joshua Book of Joshua - Bible Survey Who wrote the book of Joshua? Who was the author of Joshua? When was Joshua written? Who was Joshua in the Bible? Has Israel’s territory ever encompassed the promise in Joshua 1:4? Does God’s promise to Joshua and Israel in Joshua 1:9 apply to us? What happened during the conquest of Canaan? May 3, 2024 · Joshua Bible Study Series - Joshua 20-21 - With Discussion Search for: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Pick to read this Bible passage in a separate window. In what ways do the military tactics described in the passage illustrate spiritual warfare that believers might experience today? 5. In the following chapter, Joshua instructs the Israelites to set up twelve stones as a memorial of their crossing of the Jordan River (Joshua 4:1-7). 7-13: God instructs Joshua, who instructs the people — the same process we saw with Moses. We have not here the whole command. In chapter 2 we meet Rahab, a Canaanite woman, presumed to be a prostitute, living in Jericho. In full view of the city of Jericho 2. 1000 yards) between them and the Ark. Joshua Chapter 1 Summary. In the hills b. • Have you ever been scared of a big test, a game, or a bully? Joshua 7 Inductive Bible Study - Questions for Small Groups Search for: Joshua Discussion Questions: 1. Women’s Bible Study Discussion Questions Joshua 3-4 1. In Joshua chapter 1 we called it THE COMMISSIONING. Inductive Bible Studies in Joshua - Bible Study Guide for Small Groups Discussion Questions – Joshua - Choosing to Serve God Read Joshua 1-2 • What happened at Mt. , which places the events recorded in Joshua 3 at approximately 1450 B. How does God's response to Moses' plea highlight His justice and mercy? 7. What stands out to you? 3. Bible multiple choice questions on the Old Testament book of Joshua chapter 3 (Joshua 3) by Ted Hildebrandt for biblicalelearning. Joshua 3:13 = The Ark of the Covenant, which belonged to God, would lead them across the Jordan River. C. Priests The Levitical priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant, representing God's presence among His people. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. And thou shalt command the priests. 1. They are to stay about 2/3 of a mile behind, giving a great deal of respect to the chest, which they believe represents the presence of God. Looking back on the battles of conquest how was it that God brought abou the fulfillment of the promise in Deuteronomy 6:10-11? 2. Who carried the ark of the covenant across the Jordan (Josh. Joshua 10:8 records God reassuring Joshua not to be afraid. The chapter mentions that God fought for Israel. Share two or three things that stood out Joshua Discussion Questions: 1. Verse Joshua 3:8. 5. What does Joshua's farewell speech teach us about leadership and stewardship? 4. Demands Total Participation Joshua 1:16-18: C. FUN FACT (looking ahead) Joshua 14:8 Later this image of melting shows up in Joshua 14 as Israel begins to grow weary. Shittim D. How have you seen evidence of God fighting for you in your own life? 4. 3:6 joshua told the priests to take up what and pass on 5 days ago · God answered Joshua’s prayer, showing that nothing is impossible when we trust Him. “Seven peoples are listed in Joshua 3:10. Twenty-three times in the Old Testament we find such lists, including five times in Joshua (Joshua 3:10; 9:1; 11:3; 12:8; 24:11). Why was it important for the spies to give a good report to Joshua about what they saw while in Jericho? 23. 1:6, 21:43-45). Joshua Discussion Questions: 1. *What did Joshua do to help the Israelites 16. 939. How does God's response to Joshua in Joshua 7:10-12 instruct us on moving forward after a setback or failure? 5. Joshua | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11-19 | 20-21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | PDF |. Nebo? (Deut. Read as much as you can of the book of Joshua and summarize its theme. The book of Joshua can be divided into four parts: 1) The preparation for entering Palestine, 2) The conquest of the land, 3) The allocation of Territories to the Tribes, 4) The final message and the death of Joshua. Each of us must walk in the light we have. 7. How can Joshua's call to courage inspire you in your present-day challenges? 4. 7, on the very day they are to go across the Jordan, God instructs Joshua about how they are to go. This quiz is based on Joshua chapter 3. Why did he react this way and what does it teach us about leadership and responsibility? 4. Bible Study Questions. He is a central figure in the book of Joshua, known for his faithfulness and obedience to God. 1201 Phone • 903. What are the enemies that remain in you for you to conquer (be specific, but share with each other only what you are comfortable sharing)? 3. Just a step in the brim of the water makes it still,no command,may the name of the Almighty God be praised forever nobody shares your glory with you. 3. How have you faced—or are you facing—Sichon (human reasoning) and Og (fleshly appetites) in your own life? What does victory against them look like? 3. Beth Peor B. Why do you think Joshua had the confidence to ask God to stop the sun? Have you ever prayed for something big? What happened? What does this story teach us about trusting God for the impossible? 2. For what reason did God choose to praise Joshua in the eyes of the Israelites? (3:7) 8. List all the similarities and differences you can think of between the Red Sea and Jordan River crossings. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond Study and Discussion Questions Rahab and the Spies - Joshua 2:1-24 Topics: Acceptance, Advice, Bargaining, Believe, Choices, Courage, Danger, Enemies, Escape, Fear, Hiding, Hospitality, Kindness, Promises, Protection, Risk, Silence Open It 1. Abel Beth Maacah C. Communicates God’s Will Joshua 1:12-15: B. ” Jul 9, 2021 · Then Joshua announces that the chest (ark) of the covenant will go first to the Jordan. The CSB Study Bible is designed to help you know and be transformed by God’s Word. Select the correct answers from the options given. What obstacles in your life resemble Joshua 9 - Online Bible Study Lesson on Joshua for Small Search for: Joshua 23 Bible Study - Inductive Study With Discussion Questions Search for: Feb 20, 2017 · Questions for Reflection for Study of the Book of Ruth; Thought From Devotional 03-14-2025; The Future is Bright for Those Who See the Light; Questions for Reflection for Study of Luke 23-24; Questions for Reflection for Study of 1 Samuel 1 Through 4; Love Beyond Measure; Questions for Reflection for Study of Proverbs 13-18 1. Joshua reacted to the defeat with mourning and despair. Part of their instructions included the command to the people to keep a distance of 2000 cubits (approx. In the first section of Joshua 24(verses 1-13), we learned that Joshua rose the first banner named ‘remembrance’. Why was the division of the land significant to the tribes of Israel? 4. How would you apply Joshua's call for strength and obedience in your daily life? 13. surrendering to God's agenda, listening carefully and being obedient, and about the power. Leadership and Obedience. In what way could the stone that Joshua set up be a witness for Israel? (Study and Discussion Questions - Joshua 24:1-33 Advice, Beliefs, Choices, Commitment, 1. Bible Reading: Mark 11:22-24 Read Joshua 5:13-6:27 . The Joshua 1 Bible Study Guide and Questions - Study and Obey Search for: Bible Study Questions Joshua 3 & 4 1. As this episode unfolds we see the centrality of the ark of the covenant. Bryan’s 3 Observations about New Things: 1. What do these last-minute directions Why does Joshua emphasize the danger of 'intermarrying and associating' with foreign nations? 12. Oct 16, 2023 · Joshua emphasized that this miraculous event would serve as a sign to the people that the living God was among them (Joshua 3:10). Verses 1-6 The Israelites came to Jordan in faith, having been told that they should pass it. Consider the parallels in the following verses: Joshua 3. By the Jordan c. What might this passage teach us about the kind of leaders God wants of His people and for His people to be? 2. , (10 Point Question)(TWO PART) We are witnesses that God hath raised WHOM from WHAT as recorded in verse 15 of chapter 3?, (10 Point Question)Peter and John went WHERE, WHEN as recorded in verse 1 of chapter 3? and more. “Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Where did Israel leave just before they went to the Jordan (Josh. org Joshua 3:8. Her faith in God results in the rescue of her and her family from the destruction of the city. Joshua's commission and command. Please read Joshua 1, then answer the following questions. The Israelites come to Jordan. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Particular notice is taken of his early rising, as 1. Discussion Questions: How do you think Joshua must have Obtaining a Greater Portion (Jos 21) Joshua 21 Introduction: A Greater Deal Joshua 21:1-7 A Special Calling Joshua 21:8-42 A Special Service Joshua 21:43-45 A Special Promise Joshua 21 Bible Study Questions Joshua 23 Bible Study Joshua 23:1-16 Intro: Cling & Cleave Joshua 23:1-11 Cling to God Joshua 23:12-13 Don't Cling to World Joshua 23:14-16 3 Joshua got up early in the morning; and they moved from Shittim and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel. What concrete benefits does God's presence provide in verse 5? What does this show us about God's presence in our own lives? How specifically is Joshua to be strong in verse 7? How do we normally think of strength today? Joshua 19:40–48: How can Dan’s inheritance be accurate if the tribe later migrated elsewhere (Judges 18)? Joshua 19:49–50: Why is there no independent historical or archaeological record of Joshua’s personal inheritance, Timnath Serah? Discussion Questions: Week 3: Joshua – 1 Samuel Joshua: 1. The Ark of the Covenant A sacred chest that held the tablets of the Ten Commandments, representing God's presence and covenant with Israel. What do you fear? According to v. Can you identify a time when you felt God's reassurance in your life as Joshua did, giving you courage to face a daunting situation? 5. In the way of duty, let us proceed as far as we can, and depend on the Lord. They camped there before they crossed over. If you haven’t already, have a look at the. He magnified Joshua in the sight of Israelites verse 7 . www. Questions: 1. How does God's command to Joshua in verses 6-7 apply to believers today? 5. — The priests proceeded first with the ark, and entered into the bed of the river the course of which was immediately arrested, the waters collecting above the place where the priests stood, while the stream fell off towards the Dead Sea; so that the whole channel below where the priests were standing became dry. The first chapter of Joshua serves as a transition from the preceding Book of Deuteronomy. Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 1. *How were the Israelites to know that God was with them and would drive out their enemies from the land of Canaan? (3:10-13) 9. The purpose was to share with the Children of Israel all that God had done through their history and through these conquering years. What are the implications of the Israelites' pledge to serve God? 5. 3:3)? A. 07 - Drew Karschner - "Sacrificial Ground" Throughout the history of the Bible, God used prompts in people’s lives to help them remember His past faithfulness and lead them toward His new plan. What do these last-minute directions How does Joshua's commission relate to transitions you've experienced in your life? 2. Joshua 3:1-4:24 Free Bible Study Help. By having both rivers part so that the people entered the land on dry ground, only to have the water close behind them, what is implied about the natural boundaries that otherwise served as boundaries between the people of Israel and their potential adversaries at the time of their entrance into the Promised Land? A. Joshua and Caleb and their families B. Aug 5, 2023 · Joshua 3 Summary - A Quick Overview WHEN: The Israelites were in the wilderness from approximately 1490-1450 B. "All Israel crossed over on dry ground" (Joshua 3:17). What does it mean to meditate on the Book of the Law day and night? How can we apply this in a modern context? 5. What does God's promise to Joshua teach us about His faithfulness? 3. In what ways is the role of Satan as the accuser evident in our lives today, and how can we respond to these accusations? 4. List all the references to God’s giving Apr 7, 2019 · Sermon Discussion Questions (PDF) 2019. This unity is a powerful example for us today, reminding us that when we work together with a common goal, we can achieve great things through God's strength. Why do you think children enjoy the game "Hide and Seek"? 2. And they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it. How can we interpret the LORD's detailed strategy to Joshua about taking the city? 4. Joshua 3:1-2 mentions that "Joshua rose early in the morning, and they set out from Shittim and came to the Jordan, he and all the people of Israel" , highlighting their unified journey. How do the actions of the Transjordan tribes reflect responsibility and unity? 5. How did Joshua's strategy of ambush reflect his obedience and trust in God's plan? 4. New things can elicit fear. How does the marching in silence until the final day reflect the discipline and obedience of the Israelites? Discussion Questions Message Text: Joshua 1:1-9 Message Title: Stepping into New Things BIG IDEA: In this message Bryan talked about God is with us when we are scared to step into new things. The Israelites pass through Jordan on dry land. Joshua - Bible Bowl Questions - Chapter 3-5. conversation on the study material for now. 3:1)? A. 903. Chapter 3. Hindsight is 20/20, as the saying goes. For what do you think you will you be praised by God? For what do you think you will you be praised by the world? 2. 04. . How did God's reassurance to Joshua ("Do not be afraid") impact Joshua's decision-making and actions? What lessons can we learn from this for our own lives? 4. This is a study guide commentary which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. How do archaeological findings suggesting Jericho was uninhabited at the time reconcile with Joshua 2:1? Why does God seemingly reward Rahab’s lie in Joshua 2:4–7 despite prohibitions against bearing false witness elsewhere? How could two foreign spies move so freely in Jericho without immediate suspicion, as described in Joshua 2:2–3? Joshua 24 Discussion Questions 1. ” Deuteronomy 34:10 states, “No prophet has arisen again in Israel Mobilizing God's People (Joshua 1:10-18) Joshua 1:10-18: Introduction to Moblizing God's People Joshua 1:10-11: A. Study Booklet “The Enemies of Faith” Joshua Lesson 3 0f 3 Answers to the Study Questions are found on the last page Objective: to learn how our faith can overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. org. Why did Joshua doubt the sincerity of the people of Israel? (14. How? A. In this famous battle, we see Joshua and God’s people learn some valuable lessons about. Using This Guide section before you start planning. In verse 6 teh Israelites are to “hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire. Oct 11, 2011 · Small Group Questions for Discussion. 17 and Exodus 14. CHARACTERS: Joshua - Moses’ assistant while he led the people in the wilderness. Finally, Joshua 3 sets the stage for a call to remember God’s faithfulness. Special Assignment: List 3 facts (outside the book of Joshua) about Joshua’s life. New things require instruction. What are the key purposes of this memorial of stones? 3. The number and order of the names vary in each list, but seven is used often, probably as a number symbolic of completeness. BibleTeachingResources. Barlow Grace Lutheran Banning flame has gone out. How do you apply Joshua's call to serve God "in sincerity and truth" in your daily life? 6. In Joshua 3:1-4 we see the instructions of the officers to the people to follow after the Ark of the Covenant. Monday Night Bible Study Lesson 3 – Joshua 2 Day 6 Read Joshua 2:1-24 [Open NIV] [Open NKJV] 21. How does this passage illustrate the concept of obedience and trust in God, even when His commands might seem unusual or impractical? 5. How could the Israelites be so easily deceived by mere outward appearances (Joshua 9:4–5)? Why is there no clear historical or archeological record outside the Bible confirming Gibeonite tribute (Joshua 9:21)? How does sparing the Gibeonites (Joshua 9:15) align with instructions to destroy all Canaanite inhabitants (Deuteronomy 20:16–17)? Discussion Questions – Lessons We Can Learn from Joshua by Bible Scholar, Barry Huff Joshua courageously led the children of Israel out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land, and from his bold example we can learn many lessons. We have looked at two chapters. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS. How does the reaction of the Israelites to the construction of the altar reflect their dedication to God? 4. Why does Joshua emphasize the danger of 'intermarrying and associating' with foreign nations? 12. He is a central figure in the book of Joshua and is known for his faithfulness and obedience to God. How can misunderstandings in faith and practices lead to conflicts within a community? 5. Joshua 3:10 In Joshua 14:13–15, what evidence supports or challenges the biblical claim that Hebron was specially given to Caleb? In Joshua 14:3–4, how does the Levites’ lack of a territorial inheritance align with other biblical passages that mention Levitical cities and lands? Women’s Bible Study Discussion Questions Joshua 1 1. Ye shall stand still in Jordan. 4. Joshua 3:13 = Parting the Jordan River, just like the Red Sea. There they halted, and as long as the ark remained there, the waters of Jordan ceased to flow. particularly . Deuteronomy concluded with the death and burial of Moses (see 34:5-6); the Book of Joshua begins, “After the death of Moses the LORD’s servant, the LORD spoke to Joshua. Verse 8. The moment the priests’ feet touched the water, the flow ceased and formed a heap upstream, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground (Joshua 3:14-17). Again Israelites passed on the dry land apart from 3. How long do the officers wait before giving any commands? What are the people supposed to do when they see the Ark of the Covenant? What does the Ark represent? Joshua showed mercy and protection to the Gibeonites despite their deceit in earlier chapters. Shittim d. How can Adonai be angry with all of Israel for the sin of one Israelite? 2. Joshua 17:14–15: If the tribe’s population was huge, why was their allotment so limited, and is this numerically believable? Joshua 17:3–6: Is the story of Zelophehad’s daughters inheriting land plausible in a strict patriarchal society, or does it conflict with known ancient customs? Joshua 5:10–12: How plausible is it that the manna stopped immediately once the Israelites ate the produce of the land, with no transition period? Joshua 5:13–15: What evidence supports a divine “commander” appearing to Joshua, and how does this align with other biblical accounts of angelic encounters? Joshua Discussion Questions: 1. Questions for Study 3. 2. Responds With A Clear Commitment Joshua 1:10-18: Bible Study Questions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (10 Point Question) QUOTATION: "Murderer" Quote the verse that records this word. How are they different and similar Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What promise was made to Joshua in chapter 1?, What principle of the LORD was demonstrated in the spying of Jericho and the story of Rahab?, What twofold principle was served in the miracle of the Jordan crossing? and more. What are some specific events or reasons for which we build or establish memorials today? 2. God knew who was guilty, yet He had Joshua cast lots to determine the guilty party. Read commentary on Joshua 3 Study Notes from the CSB Study Bible. 22. 34:1-5) • Who is now in charge of the Children of Israel? (Joshua 1:1-3) • Riddle: Which Bible character didn't have any parents? (Joshua 1:1 Joshua, the son of Nun [sounds like none]. This act of remembrance was to serve as a lasting testimony to God’s power and faithfulness. What kind of a city was Jericho? Could they walk right in and take over the city? Why not? What instructions did God give Joshua and his people? (Joshua 6:3-5) Why do you think they were told to just walk around the city? What weapons were they going to use? What was God teaching them? i. How does the preparation of the Israelites reflect their faith in God's promise? 2. e; the end or brink of the waters at the eastern side. Joshua 3:1-4:24. Men that God choose by the Urim and Thumim, 3 Joshua Discussion Questions: 1. What qualities does Moses see in Joshua that make him the chosen successor? 6. Why does Joshua warn the people that God "will not forgive your rebellion or your sins"? 7. New things can be good or bad. Q. Joshua was being commissioned to take Moses’ place. How is it that you are like Jericho–building up your defenses against God, truth, or His people? 2. Joshua, Judges, & Ruth Study Guide Student Edition Section 1: Chapters 1-8 Joshua 3 1. (Joshua 3:3-5) The ark of God will lead the way. A Practical Study of JOSHUA “The Path of Obedience Leads to Victory” Study Number Three – Joshua 3:1-17 . Memorialization of God's Acts Although more explicitly detailed in Joshua 4, the preparation for memorializing God's miraculous act begins in Joshua 3. How? Joshua 4:1-11 When the whole nation had finished crossing the Jordan, the LORD said to Joshua, 2"Choose twelve men from among the people, one from each tribe, 3and tell them to take up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan, from right where the priests are standing, and carry them over Joshua Study Questions Lesson 4 Chapters 4 & 5 Rev. 2 After three days, the officers went through the middle of the camp; 3 and they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of Yahweh your God’s covenant, and the Levitical priests bearing it, then leave your place 3. Study Genesis 26:3,4 (and parallel passages) and list 3 promises God made regarding Abraham’s descendants. Memory Verse: Joshua 3:5. His commissioning involved taking the Come and study with us through the book of Joshua. What does the promise to Joshua, if he remains obedient, suggest about the relationship between obedience and blessings? 6. Joshua The leader of the Israelites after Moses, tasked with leading them into the Promised Land. But it was done differently. The Lord encourages joshua-Joshua encourages the people. The priests C. Save. What emotions do you associate with hiding? 3. 1204 Fax . ? Thought Question: What is your “bottom line” take away from Joshua 2? 22. Imagine you are in the Israelite camp and it’s the night before you cross the Jordon River. Are you conquering this territory God's given you to Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What did the children of Israel do when they came to the Jordan? (Joshua 3:1), Where did Joshua and the children of Israel lodge before crossing Jordan? (Joshua 3:1), What time of day did Joshua get up to start the journey to the Jordan? (Joshua 3:1) and more. Why do you think it was important for the Ark of the Covenant to lead the way across the Jordan? 3. Eweoya Olugbenga on Joshua 3 Our God is awesome,he will not say a thing he will not do. 13. What was keeping the Israelites from fully surrendering to the Lord? (15. Where does Joshua and all the Israelites depart from? What happened in this location earlier with the Israelites and Balaam? Where are they headed? 2. 19-14. Historically, the Jordan River was at flood stage during this time, making the crossing a miraculous event (Joshua 3:15). Aside from simple chronology, why were the victories over Sichon and Og highlighted as they were? 2. What are the implications of this? What is in the ark that brings further meaning? 3. God selected Joshua to lead the Israelites after Moses’ death. How does the crossing in Joshua 3 compare with contradictory or differing accounts of water-parting miracles elsewhere in the Bible? 1. Joshua led them. Joshua 3:7 = Yes. ) • What words of comfort did God give Joshua? 1. When they went throughout the Israelite camp, what did the officers instruct the Israelites to In modern terms, how can we "observe the commandment and the law" as told by Joshua? 3. To the brink עַד־קְצֵה. Each lesson contains helpful outlines, cross-references, and questions you can use in your own group. How does this align with your understanding of mercy and justice? 3. The Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) that keeps Scripture primary on every page. How does the concept of God fighting for His people inspire you in your personal struggles? 14. The Israelites The people of God, who are preparing to cross the Jordan River into Canaan. gdhdjo ybmpag ducc qqz uacqif vdxxs uxsjza kgiuyry ylttp irwug kcwflkns azwtxm psweteb vstmixq kipma