Is lecithin halal As an emulsifier, lecithins can help stabilize mixtures of water and oil, such as in Halal margarine or Halal chocolate products. Aug 15, 2024 · They can be halal or haram depending on their source. ” Aug 29, 2023 · Halal refers to any object or action that is permissible to use or engage in according to Islamic law. Purchase monohydrate is lecithin halal at Alibaba. Animal-based: It must come from a Halal-certified animal slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines to be Halal. - Certified Organic, Vegan, Gluten Free, Halal, Kosher and Non-GMO Project Verified : Grocery & Gourmet Food Oct 24, 2024 · Whey from Non-Halal Sources: Used in ice creams and yogurts. Is the lecithin in Pocky derived from a halal source? The lecithin used in Pocky is derived from soybeans, which is a halal source. Fat-Reduced Cocoa: Cocoa is inherently halal, and there are no concerns about its consumption. Haram is the opposite of halal and refers to anything prohibited under Islamic law. All the Ingredients used are plant based and milk based. Nov 21, 2010 · SOmetimes it says Emulsifier: Soya Lecithin but sometimes it just says lecithin. Soy lecithin is commonly derived from soybeans, which are considered halal by most Muslims. Shipped from: Australia – Australia Manufacturer: Ritz Available at 15 likes, 0 comments - sweegiesmy on February 19, 2025: "Is lecithin halal? @shiltoklady can help! All our candies used to make our freeze dried candies are sourced from halal places. Some people use it as a supplement because it’s high choline content. The ingredients used in their production are generally halal. Emulsifier (Lecithin – Soya): Lecithin can sometimes be derived from animal products, but Nutella uses soy-based lecithin, which is plant-based and permissible. Lecithin from Non-Halal Sources: If derived from animals. See relevant content for halalain. Gelatin: Often derived from pig or non-halal animals, used in jellies and candies. ALLERGEN STATEMENT: contains Wheat and SOY. Our mission at Ingredaco is to provide our customers with the highest quality Sunflower lecithin. However, there are some plant-based lecithin products on the market that do not contain any animal products. We have been supplying halal Soy Lecithin for years. Its Halal status depends on the source: Plant-based (e. MANUFACTURED ON EQUIPMENT THAT ALSO PROCESSES PEANUT, SESAME, EGG and Milk. อาหารเจพร้อมบริโภค; ไส้กรอกไก่, ลูกชิ้นไก่; อาหารที่ผลิตจาก Check the Halal status of Chocolonely. It is best to stick to products that are Halal certified or contain vegetable lecithin or soya lecithin. Student Darul Iftaa UK Oct 30, 2023 · Les critères halal et haram appliqués aux E322 (lécithines) : une analyse approfondie. The main ingredients include wheat flour, sugar, corn syrup, palm oil, cocoa powder, milk powder, gelatin, and soy lecithin. Otherwise it is haram. Criteria for Halal Certification. For example: gum Arabic, egg yolk (lecithin), mono and diglycerides, bile salts, soya bean, etc. About lecithine in the United States. ), obtained from the stomach of a calf or other ruminant, used for Dec 8, 2024 · Der Lebensmittelzusatzstoff E322, auch bekannt als Lecithin, wirft Fragen darüber auf, ob er mit den Halal-Lebensmittelgrundsätzen übereinstimmt. Is Ajinomoto Halal? Mar 29, 2017 · Ich möchte wissen, ob der Konsum vom NIDO-Milchpulver erlaubt ist, mit dem Wissen, dass unter den Zutaten Sojalecithin enthalten ist? Ich habe die Ursprünge des Lecithins überprüft und herausgefunden, dass Lecithin ein Stoff/eine Substanz ist, die für die Lebensmittelherstellung verwendet wird, mit dem Ziel, dass sich die Fette nicht vom Wasser, im Nahrungsmittelprodukt, lösen. I was wondering if something just says Lecithin and Emulsifier (and we have no way of knowing whether it came from halal animals or plants) but then it says Suitable for Vegetarians on the front of the box, is it okay for me to consume this product? Check if ECode E322, Lecithin is halal or haram. com: “Lecithin derived from plant sources such as soybean is halal. Both of which do not conflict with a halal diet. Lecithins are oily substances that occur naturally in plants (soybeans) and animals (egg yolks). “Soy Lecithin is permissible and Halal. Discover our high-quality, certified products today! Oct 6, 2023 · Is lecithin halal for Muslims? There is no definite answer to this question since Lecithin (which is an emulsifier) may be derived form either plant (i. Lecithin (E322): It is made from egg yolk but on a commercial basis it is made from soybeans and is therefore halal. Modified lecithin products are specially formulated to be highly water-dispersible, to be excellent oil-in-water emulsifiers or to provide heat resistance when exposed to high temperatures. , soy lecithin): Generally considered Halal. e. Aug 18, 2023 · Soy lecithin is considered halal, while lecithin derived from eggs or non-halal animals would not be permitted. As a result Ingredients of Choco Pie. Until the status becomes clear, Muslims should avoid consuming Syubhah food or Purchase monohydrate is lecithin halal at Alibaba. com. Mar 31, 2002 · If derived from plants, egg yolks or Halal animals slaughtered according to Islamic Law, it is Halal. Hence, some will be Halal whereas some will be Haram. Labeling Claims: Halal, Kosher, Natural, Naturally Derived, Non-GMO. Please turn off your ad blocker. It is recommended to check the packaging or confirm with the manufacturer or authorized distributors for accurate information. What is Halal Soy Lecithin E322? It is a popular halal ingredient used in food and beverage. What are the signs of these. The manufacturing process of Soy Lecithin E322 is according to Islamic law, and is free from pork products, alcohol and certain other ingredients. . e 100 - Halal. The benefits of lecithin are used throughout several industries from food, bakery The questionable ingredients are as follows: • Emulsifiers, extactants, improve texture: Mono-glyceride and Di-glyceride (mostly ranged from 471 - 495), Lecithin, Polysorbate 60 (Tween 60) and 80 (Tween 80). Sodium Lactate* Food Acid: Sodium salt of lactic The business meant that when it claimed to be non-halal, it was not halal-certified. Always look for halal certification. Soy lecithin (E322) is extracted from soybeans either mechanically or chemically. Ritz Crackers Barcode: 9310034300214 Certified as: Ingredients: Wheat Flour, VEGETABLE Oil (contains Antioxidant (319), Sugar, RAISING AGENTS (503, 500, 341), INGreen Syrup, Salt EMULSIFIER (SOY Lecithin). Curcumin (C. Therefore, if lecithin is from egg yolks or plant sources, it will be permissible. Should that be avoided as well? Answer: Waalaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu, In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate Dec 8, 2024 · The food additive E322, also known as lecithin, raises questions about its compliance with halal dietary principles. Food derivatives or additives (mainly emulsifiers) that originate from plants are considered halal, but not those that originate from haram (forbidden) animals, like pigs. Lecithin has been used in human food since the 1800’s. antioxidants, phosphates, and complexing agents: Emulsifiers and Stabilizers It now days made from soy fat or Suitable for vegetarian label indicates that only soy fat is used as a source. Rennet is a substance containing rennin (an enzyme in the gastric juice that coagulates or curdles milk. Emulsifiers can be extracted from animals or plants. Modified lecithin is a chemically or enzymatically modified lecithin product with enhanced functionality. It’s important to distinguish between a product being halal certified and being halal suitable. is dat een vorm van gelatine? Antwoord: Alikom salaam Dank je wel voor je vraag. Jul 29, 2024 · Milka chocolate, while not officially halal certified, does not contain any ingredients typically considered haram. Dec 12, 2024 · Emulsifiers such as soy lecithin are commonly used to achieve the desired texture and consistency in chocolate. Overview of mostly used E-Numbers. Halal Certified. e 325 - Doubtful. We have been supplying halal Soy Lecithin E322 for years. Emulsifiers are additives that help stabilize mixtures of oil and water, preventing separation and improving the texture and consistency of the final product. Lack of these certifications however doesn’t guarantee pork contents. However, if the soy lecithin is derived from non-plant based sources such as animal based, then there are many factors to consider before determining the permissibility of such a product, for 4 days ago · If it is sourced from animal fat, it must come from a halal-slaughtered animal to be considered halal. Blackmores Lecithin 1200 mg is derived from soya beans. However, some Muslims may still have concerns about the processing and manufacturing of soy lecithin, as it could potentially be contaminated with animal products. Lecithin Indonesia Tersertifikasi Halal Lecithin Indonesia telah tersertifikasi Halal oleh Islamic Dissemination Centre For Latin America. Unser Projekt hat sich als verlässliche Quelle für Transparenz und Qualität in der Halal-Lebensmittelbranche etabliert – jetzt suchen wir engagierte Investoren und Nachfolger, die diese Mission weiterführen und auf das nächste Level heben. Rennet: From non-halal sources Feb 21, 2025 · One example of a Syubhah ingredient is lecithin. Les critères halal et haram sont des aspects essentiels de la vie quotidienne des musulmans pratiquants, qui cherchent à respecter les enseignements de l’Islam dans tous les aspects de leur vie, y compris leur alimentation. Lecithin is an important component of all cell membranes in the body. This makes it suitable for those following a halal diet . Cargill is a supplier of modified lecithin. So if you avoid pork for religious, ethical, or dietary reasons – soy lecithin can be safely included in your diet. Jun 26, 2024 · However, the lack of halal certification may cause some Muslims to avoid them for peace of mind. A. Mashbooh items can be produced from Halal or Haram sources. Soy lecithin (E322) is extracted Jun 2, 2022 · If the lecithin is derived from plants, egg yolks or halal animals slaughtered according to Islamic law, it is Halal. soy lecithin) - or animal source. Emulsifiers are molecules used to keep oils or fats and water dispersed in one phase to form an emulsion Lecithin is a multi-purpose ingredient that is often used as an emulsifier in foods, but it can also be used as an antioxidant and flavor protector. If you have any questions or wish to receive a quote, please feel free to reach us by email: inquiry@foodchem. Glycerine (E422) / Glyverol: Used as a solvent or humectant (maintains the desired level of moisture). Once more, this further confirms that Nutella chocolate spread is halal. Lecithin can be prepared in fluid and de-oiled forms. Sesuai peraturan pemerintah setiap tahunnya Lecithin Indonesia selalu memperbaharui standar, sertifikasi dan pemeriksaan rutin kualitas bahan kami. Oct 15, 2019 · Amazon. Lecithin (soy) 322. Unless the ingredient label says soya lecithin or vegetable lecithin, you need to check with the producer to Oct 12, 2024 · Soy lecithin, a common emulsifier in many food products, is generally considered halal. Vraag inbox: Salaam aleikom ougthi, Alles goed met je? ghair in sha allah… ik vroeg me af wat sojalecithine is. Mono and Diglycerides: Emulsifiers that could be derived from non-halal animal fats. In conclusion, Tim Tam are halal and can be consumed by those who follow halal dietary laws. Milk Powder : Must be halal-certified if present. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Oct 18, 2023 · soy lecithin Halal Certification Soy lecithin is a substance derived from soybeans that is commonly used as an emulsifier in various food products. Additives and Preservatives. Educate your suppliers about halal standards and the importance of adhering to these practices. I. Lecithins can also improve the texture and mouthfeel of these Halal products, making them smoother and creamier. chocolate, lecithin (soy), and vanillin as the main ingredients. Oct 9, 2023 · There is no definite answer to this question since Lecithin (which is an emulsifier) may be derived form either plant (i. Dec 17, 2023 · Thus, if lecithin undergoes a rigorous halal certification process, it can be considered halal ( ), but without certification, it remains a contentious area for individual interpretation ( ). Lecithin is a natural substance that plays a vital role in various biological processes. Lecithin can be derived from plants or animals. Mashbooh An Arabic word meaning suspect or questionable. I would appreciate it if you would reply to my… Is this product halal with these ingredients? Are all types of soy sauce containing soya beans, wheat and salt haram or are all naturally brewed soy sauces haaram. (Soy lecithin E322 is generally safe food additive Sep 2, 2022 · Lecithin is a type of fatty lipids, which are not typically considered vegan because they are derived from animals. Salam, From the fatwa “If the Soy Lecithin is extracted from vegetables (plant based), then it will be permissible and Halal. As consumers become increasingly aware of dietary restrictions and the importance of halal products, the question of whether soy lecithin is halal arises. Egg-based: Halal if the egg is from a permissible bird. Emulsifiers containing lecithin are OK. Get a full range of quality is lecithin halal at the best deals at low prices and unbelievable discounts. 4. Our Goal is to distribute the highest quality product at the lowest prices to meet our customers needs. However, if the soy lecithin is derived from non-plant based sources such as animal based, then there are many factors to consider before determining the permissibility of such a product, for example, method of slaughter. for Muslims to eat. Our eHalal bot can confirm if Chocolonely is Halal and with a recipe. Riaz says that sometimes soy lecithin is modified with enzymes or processed with other ingredients, making it difficult to determine its halal status, as these enzymes and other ingredients could come from non-halal sources. Lecithin: Blow Pops use soy lecithin, which is plant-based and halal. Fluid lecithin products are blends of phospholipids and vegetable oils. For soy lecithin to be considered Halal, it must meet the following criteria: Nov 18, 2024 · Soy lecithin is a popular emulsifier and dietary supplement that has gained attention for its numerous health benefits. In this article, we’ll look at the different sources of lecithin, extraction methods, and the religious considerations that influence the halal or haram status of this additive. And we don't add anything else when we freeze dry the candies! We only use halal candies in our freeze drying machine. g. They can be Halal or Haram depending on their source. I would appreciate it if you would reply to my message. 5. [ii] And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Sojalecithine halal? Sojalecithine halal. These emulsifiers are generally considered halal; however, if lecithin is derived from a non-halal source, this could pose issues. Oct 31, 2023 · While they use a variety of ingredients, including some that are animal-based, they provide clear labelling on their packaging to help consumers make informed decisions. Halal Suitability. Nov 6, 2024 · Découvrez si la lécithine est halal ou haram dans notre guide détaillé. If made from Halal animals slaughtered in the Islamic way, from plant sources or egg yolks, it is Halal. Emulsifiers containing lecithin are OK for Muslims to eat. Emulsifier: lecithin (soya) Vanillin; The ingredient list above proves that Nutella is in fact Halal. com: Legendairy Milk® Organic Liquid Sunflower Lecithin - 12 fl. Dec 4, 2023 · The halal status of Milka chocolate and other products can be verified by looking for relevant certifications or labels indicating that the product meets halal dietary requirements. If only "lecithin" is written on the product, one has to ensure (f. 2. How long is the shelf life of Pocky? Oct 6, 2019 · Based on this information it will be Halal unless otherwise stated from the Product provider. Here in Germany it is specifically written if the lecithin is derived from soy beans (= soy lecithin). Is Soy lecithin halal? The halal status of soy lecithin can vary depending on the source and method of production. I had a question about the term soya lechiten if it haram or not? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. It is worth noting that halal status can vary depending on the country of production. Is lecithin Halal? Lecithin is an emulsifier. Thanks Answer In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh 1) Lecithin itself is an emulsifier comprised of glycerol, I want to identify the Halal and Haram animals, birds and plants, In Islam. Is E476 soya lecithin?. Its called Lecithin and acts as an emulsifier. Halal-certified foods, on the other hand, have been reviewed and approved by an Islamic certification board. We are a Non-GMO, Kosher, Halal, And FDA Approved lecithin. Choco Pie typically consists of a layer of cake, marshmallow, and chocolate coating. Jan 16, 2025 · Emulsifiers and Flavorings: Emulsifiers like lecithin (often derived from soy or eggs) are used in chocolate to improve texture and shelf life. Emulsifier, dough stabilizer, anti-sticking agent, viscosity reducer In the Halal food industry, lecithins are commonly used as an antioxidant and emulsifier. Mar 8, 2025 · Stay updated on the latest halal standards and guidelines to ensure that your suppliers remain compliant. alcohol Dadels dementie diabetes mellitus dieet Dieren mishandelen dierenwelzijn E-nummers fruit gasverdoving Gelatine graviola halal Halalkip halalmarkt halalslachten halalvlees Halal vlees kanker kinderen kip kippenslachterij kurkuma L-Cysteïne Offerfeest onverdoofd slachten overgewicht paardenvlees ramadan ritueel slachten Rode bieten Salam, From the fatwa “If the Soy Lecithin is extracted from vegetables (plant based), then it will be permissible and Halal. Hazelnuts and Skimmed Milk Powder: Both are natural and halal, with no haram substances. Flavorings : Both natural and artificial flavorings should be alcohol-free and sourced from halal ingredients. Otherwise it is not. It’s actually a byproduct of the soybean oil production. Some flavors may contain non-vegan or non-halal-friendly ingredients, while others are vegan and halal-friendly. As such, Tim Tam are a delicious snack that can be enjoyed by all, regardless of their dietary requirements. Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or Soy Lecithin is a popular halal ingredient used in food and beverage. oz. But lecithin derived from animal sources such as egg yolk or non-halal animals is not halal. It is considered Halal if the lecithin comes from plants but non-Halal should it come from pigs or animals that are not slaughtered in accordance with the Islamic law. Natherm Group Sdn Bhd - SOY LECITHIN POWDER Halal ingredients Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Semenyih Manufacturer, Supplier, Supply, Supplies, Natherm Group - The leading manufacturer & supplier of ingredients to major food, pharmaceutical, flavour and beverage. I would appreciate it if you would reply to my… Are emulsifiers and medicine capsules halal? Are Nutrela Soyabean chunks halal? If the Soy Lecithin is extracted from vegetables (plant based), then it will be permissible and Halal. However, if the soybeans are processed with alcohol or other non-halal ingredients, the lecithin may no longer be considered halal. Many people have ben asking me if soy lecithin is Halal. I would appreciate it if you would reply to my… Is E472 Halal? Animal sourced stearic acid; Should I treat cosmetics as food and verify their permissibility? Or can one consider everything other than food halal? Is gelatin made from animal or vegetable Selam aleikum, liebe Community! Nach 14 Jahren intensiver Arbeit ist Halalcheck bereit für den nächsten großen Schritt. Shiva Biochem Industries is a leading manufacturer and exporter of lecithin (sunflower, soy, granulated, and hydrolyzed). It provides a reliable emulsifier and source of choline for packaged foods. Aug 17, 2023 · Yes, soy lecithin is halal if it is obtained from permissible sources such as soybeans and extracted using halal methods. by contacting the producer) whether its derived from animal or Soy lecithin is derived from soybeans, which are naturally Halal. Jun 26, 2024 · Thus, all Nutella products sold worldwide are deemed suitable for halal consumption. Halal Certification vs. Enzymes are substances that are commonly used as processing aids in the making of various food products, e. However, if the soy lecithin is derived from non-plant based sources such as animal based, then there are many factors to consider before determining the permissibility of such a product, for When Does it Become Obligatory to Pray? Is soy lecithin halal? Soap, Lotions The Prayer of Greeting the masjid in its disliked time; Many people have ben asking me if soy lecithin is Halal. Aug 2, 2021 · Soy lecithin (E322) is extracted from soybeans either mechanically or chemically. For those following a Halal diet, it is essential to carefully read the ingredient list and be aware of the potential presence of non-Halal ingredients in Arnott’s products. ” And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best. Jun 2, 2022 · Lecithin is a fat used as an emulsifier in various products. Are soy lecithin and sunflower lecithin halal? Yes, soy lecithin (E322) and sunflower lecithin are plant-derived and generally considered halal. ". Aug 1, 2024 · But soy lecithin remains vegetarian, vegan, halal, and kosher. It is important to ensure proper halal certification to confirm its halal status. Hanif Yusuf Patel. Lecithin should generally be avoided, but it should be stressed that soy lecithin is the most common type of lecithin used commercially in food products nowadays. Jun 29, 2024 · This makes it challenging to ensure that all Pocky varieties meet strict halal standards . Feb 19, 2025 · 15 likes, 0 comments - sweegiesmy on February 19, 2025: "Is lecithin halal? @shiltoklady can help! All our candies used to make our freeze dried candies are sourced from halal places. Nov 11, 2023 · Therefore, if lecithin is from egg yolks or plant sources, it will be permissible. Lecithin can be found in foods like soy milk and cereal, and it is also used as an emulsifier in many vegan products. However, if Lecithin is derived from non-plant based sources such as animal based, then there are many factors to consider before determining the permissibility of such a product, for example, the method of slaughter etc. 3. In diesem Artikel werden wir die verschiedenen Quellen von Lecithin, die Methoden der Extraktion sowie die religiösen Erwägungen, die den Halal- oder Haram-Status dieses Zusatzstoffs beeinflussen, untersuchen. Provide training on halal processing, ingredient sourcing, and potential allergens. also if doritos chips is Halal. Soy lecithin is derived from soybeans, which are plant-based and inherently halal. 75300) Most lecithin are commercially obtained from soya beans. are all sources of emulsifiers. cn or by phone: +86 21 2206 3075. What is the difference between halal and halal-certified Oreos? Halal foods do not contain pork, alcohol, or non-certified meat and poultry. Each product will differ depending on what the product is. However, if the soy lecithin is derived from non-plant based sources such as animal based, then there are many factors to consider before determining the permissibility of such a product, for Salam, From the fatwa “If the Soy Lecithin is extracted from vegetables (plant based), then it will be permissible and Halal. vaak staat er op de verpakking emulgator : sojalecithine. Our wholesale lecithin does not have any hazardous chemicals. Muslim Community Concerns: Jul 10, 2024 · Look for certifications – Kosher, Halal, vegetarian or vegan symbols on packaging indicates the lecithin used is plant-based. It would be difficult for the common person to distinguish what is Halal. Is glazing agent 904 vegan? Glazing Agent (904) is a popular food additive used to add a glazed surface to foods. While these are generally considered halal, some chocolates may contain flavorings or emulsifiers derived from haram sources. If not, then the product will be Halal to consume. Nach 14 Jahren intensiver Arbeit ist Halalcheck bereit für den nächsten großen Schritt. Communication and Training: Effective communication is vital. Ensuring that emulsifiers are sourced properly is imperative for maintaining dietary adherence. This Glazing agent is from an animal source and not considered vegan. Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (Halal) Hydroxylated Lecithin (Doubtful) Inosito 5′ – Monophosphate (Haram) Inulin (Halal) Invert Sugar (Halal) Iron (Halal) Many people have ben asking me if soy lecithin is Halal. Therefore, it is best to call the company of that particular product containing emulsifiers and ask if it contains any animal bi-products. Are Blow Pops Halal Certified? There is no evidence of halal certification on any of Blow Pops products. As stated on Sahabah. Nous explorons les origines de la lécithine, ses usages courants dans l'alimentation et les avis des experts sur sa conformité avec les règles alimentaires islamiques. While most lecithin produced in the USA is currently derived from soybeans, it is still possible it might come from animal sources. For individuals who follow a vegan or halal diet, it is important to check the specific ingredients and production methods of Hubba Bubba before consuming. T he ruling on lecithin from animal sources would depend on which parts it is extracted from, as well as the manner of slaughter. However, lecithin extracted using ethanol-based solvents Jun 30, 2015 · Muslim consumers may be cautious when it comes to soy lecithin that has been enzymatically modified. If these blow pops are not halal certified, we Muslims should be cautious as the ingredients of the gum base remain unclear. However, the concern arises during the processing phase, which may involve the use of alcohol or other Haram (forbidden) substances. Informez-vous pour faire des choix éclairés ! Nov 11, 2023 · Therefore, if lecithin is from egg yolks or plant sources, it will be permissible. As soya lecithin is derived from soya, which is a vegetable source, so that will be permissible. Jun 20, 2024 · Lecithin: An emulsifier, often derived from soy, which is halal unless sourced from non-halal animals. Based on its listed ingredients—sugar, cocoa butter, skim milk, chocolate, whey, milkfat, hazelnut paste, soy lecithin, and artificial flavor—it appears to be halal. It is often used to indicate foods that Muslims are allowed to consume. cheese, fruit juices, edible oils and food ingredients. Dairy and Alcohol Content Dairy ingredients, such as whey powder, are common in chocolates. Halal certification involves a thorough inspection and verification process by a recognized halal certification body. Dr. Sep 21, 2024 · Lecithin itself is considered halal, but in some cases, it may be sourced from animals, which could make it haram. Animals also contain phospholipids, but for commercial lecithin markets used in the food or feed industry, there is no case to use lecithin extracted from animals, so most of the lecithin on the market can be considered halal. yqanrs zcygvnv xoozqmkkc rmwjri wwfgv bhkw iwsv rybv bupu wxquyb jfgpvc hzdaasg ggpyf naylgtv ubpwj