Infinite attack damage sword mod Master Sword:-Infinite Durability-Attack Power options from 30, 60 and 90 This mod adds Avaritia recipes to otherwise unobtainable items from many other mods! A few examples are the Creative Capacitor Bank, Creative CAD Assembly, Guilty Mana Pool, and much much more! NEW Infinity Sword (Balanced) - basically the same recipe as the infinity sword, but just does 400 normal damage rather than doing /kill on the person hit. Jun 9, 2022 · INSTANT KILL SWORD Minecraft ! The BEST TUTORIAL of SHARPNESS 10001 HIT 1 KILL SWORD IN MINECRAFT 1. Get it by one easy command. Except if a really high resistance effect was applied. com/channel/UCiX_0o6wsr4hgUAN-dayZDA/join-If You Like The Video Give a Super Thanks Comment!--Ma Apr 1, 2021 · You want to show the number of the Damage you dealt with the Sword? I have by the way another Option to make Infinite Damage and is Dynamic. Does it work on a server? Yes, it works on a server. Due to the technical problem, special render such as the stars on the infinity sword is not available. Nickel. By Infinite_X2. Credit: Made by YouTuber Phoenix SC. attack_damage base set 5 # Command 2, chain /execute as @a unless data entity @s SelectedItem{id:"minecraft:netherite_sword"} run attribute @s minecraft:generic. 1 -> 0. Infinite damage. And if you do manage to set those values without causing any issues client side, you somehow have to sync them from client to server, otherwise (in the case of attack damage) the client thinks the health of an entity is X, then it does Z damage, leaving the entity with X-Z health, but the server thinks the damage amount was A, thus the server The Bug: (at least in create 1. This mod adds another layer of sword called Red Moon Sword it is the best sword in the game and it does 13 attack damage it is OP but very expensive. ORES. Garrin - attack distance: 0. Anyway, this is actually very easy to do, especially since you want the sword to start at half a heart of damage, so we don't need to worry about setting the sword's base damage for each type of sword. if it still not work tell me the problem in the comment Common reason why the datapack do not giving yourself a sword with a attack damage of 1 and an operation of 0 will make that weapon deal a flat 2 damage. Infinity Matter Dominator Sword: Omnipotent. The sword can also be tempered, requiring an ebony ingot and some fire salts to soup it up. Dilithium. Jul 8, 2022 · thanks for watchingthis is a sword that is so op it can kill in one hit it is easy method with the use of command blocks make sure to like and subscribe for One of the biggest feature of this mod is the ability to change any tools/weapons attributes (attack damage, attack speed AND attack range!) of Minecraft vanilla and even most tools/weapons from your favorite mods! This is a short description, full description below. So you can finish game faster. Because this effect is prozentual. - "Dead" item. - Đinh Hồ Khánh Nhật's Attack. Thanks to ELMATADOR and his friend for helping me in testing this mod. Tin. But if you have any idea about this, please tell me. You can craft multitool and kill ender dragon by 14 hits!!! And wither by 5 hits. attack_damage base set 1 Jan 5, 2023 · Now has an infinite enchantment which deals 70 health and magicka damage to all kinds of elves including Orcs, deals 50 health and stamina damage to giants and mammoths, traps the souls of enemies killed with it, and reanimates almost any dead body it hits for 60 seconds. If you have 64 nether star and enough resources for fully upgraded villager apot spawner you can make 10K damage sword and just one hit piglich. 20. co Command to give yourself the sword:/give @p diamond_sword{Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1000000}]} /attack 1000 "level" to enchant damage equal to 1000 times the "level", has a maximum level of 127 /attack time "level" to multiply the damage equal to the enchant level, has a maximum level of 127 "/attack 0" to enchant damage equal to 0 "/attack remove" to remove enchantment from main hand This Mod allows you to make Indestructible Armor, and a One-Shot Sword. 6 Java?! *** I show how to make it so that items in Minecraft apply Jun 2, 2024 · +1000 ATTACK DAMAGE AND SPEED Sword?! Add Attribute Modifiers to Items in Minecraft 1. Random Bombard Damage Changed Bombard experience to only if hit was 75%+ Changed Espionage. Tags:over powered sword Don't overuse the weapons in this mod. com/c The Infinity Sword has +1000000000000000 efficiency despite the efficiency not affecting any block, 2147483647 attack damage, 100 attack speed and 2147483647 enchantment value. Avaritia Endless has linkage with other mods such as Botania. 1)" Block to this Block "Max Health of Event/target entity". 0F, which due to the innate damage of classless tools being 1, it will do a total of 8 damage on off-cooldown swing. Mokume-Gane. Treat a heavy attack as a guardian channeling their Light into the attack so it is more powerful, but limited (auto-regenerating? one ammo every 20 seconds?). There are short swords for all materials (Wood, Gold, Stone, Iron, Diamond) Example of a short sword: (Has 0. Right-clicking while holding the Evolved Infinity Matter Divine Sword will cause all entities within a 1000 block radius to die. 2. Bronze. give Command. Copper. Characteristics of the sword: Haste 5; Resistance 5; Fire resistance 5; Underwater breathing 5; Attack damage – 3500; Infinite durability; To increase the power of the weapon, double your speed. Aug 10, 2015 · (Looking for the Minecraft 1. Second Move, Diamond Blade Storm: This move summons a storm of chaotic flying blade's that attack players and mobs, they do 24 DMG and despawn after 9 seconds. Maiden Double has 9 melee / 9 missile damage. It also reduces the opponent's current health to 0. 19! Check out t It has 40 attack damage, a durability of 2,561 and can be repaired with: crystal of infusion or infused ingots. McWorld . Butter Sword: Has a chance to make targets drop what they are holding. Blood Moon Sword Recipe! THIS MOD IS OFFICIAL HERE IS THE LINK TO THE CURSEFORGE ONE! The Mod. The Infinity Sword can One-shot Anything! - Item - Crafting Resources - Infinity Helmet - 4 Netherite Blocks, 1 Emerald Block - Infinity Chestplate - 7 Netherite Blocks, 1 Emerald Block Short Swords: Short Swords is mod that aims to diversify the Minecraft weapon portfolio by adding shorter sword variants, with 50% more attack speed and less damage. Obsidian sword just a OBSIDIAN SWORD Clicking on a mod will show the description of the mod on the right-side panel; Mods with the (+) symbol next to them contain suboptions that can be accessed by clicking the mod and viewing the right-side panel; Hovering over a mod in the mod list will display a keyboard icon next to it. Apr 5, 2020 · Hello i really want to download this mod but i dont know how to do zip files can you please fix the . Replace the "Random(0. Jul 30, 2022 · TikTok video from Minecraft Builds (@minecraft. All it takes is a dragon egg and diamond blocks to craft, and being from a mod where the dragon egg is craftable, this sword is very overpowered indeed. Oct 5, 2023 · Sets the weapon to deal damage equal to the enchantment level of the weapon in the main hand. Explore the ultimate weapon! #minecraftcommand #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #minecrafthacks #minecraftcommands #minecraftcommandblock #bedrock”. Dec 6, 2023 · First Move, Sword Toss: A very simple move, this move throws the diamond sword as a projectile dealing 30 DMG instead of 24. METALS. (This works in both survival and creative) Dec 20, 2016 · The sword is 2-handed when you find it, but if your expertise lies with 1-handed, no problem. Damage is balanced for this idea. youtube. I use the Lucent mod and can store up to 5 charges of light. Ability: Right click to move in the direction the player is facing. Sorry. Backstab Sword: Deals massive critical damage from behind. FAQ. Tynker is an amazing online platform that transforms coding into a fun and interactive adventure for kids! It offers a fantastic range of free Minecraft coding courses, tools and activities that allow children to create custom mods, add-ons, Minecraft resources and mini-games for Minecraft while learning essential programming skills and concepts. mcaddon please on the creative invetory the sword and the parts are in weird pictures as purple and black blocks please fix this :D the mod is an end game item mod, requiring Netherite to mine, the blade needs 8 drops of infinity and a Netherite sword to craft, the sword has an attack speed of 100 and has 100,000 damage and durability . The only enchantments that increases damage against the main target are Sharpness, Smite and Bane of Arthropods. Note Strenght still gets added normally to damage, so its still nice to have some. The Base Gauntlet is another gauntlet weapon that deals 50 attack damage, has a same durability of 2,561 and can be repaired using the crystal of infusion or infused Its doable with the Death's Consonant relic weapon used in the video. Features. sword of existence: a sword that does infinite attack damage; ring of immortality: when in main / off hand it gives you invincibility to almost everything! you can follow the achievements to succeed . Master sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel and hoe; Master ingot and nugget. But if you want craft infinity sword you need lots of items: totems, netherite blocks, emerald blocks and diamonds. i want it to do infinite damage, like instakilling everything no exception. Just use attack_speed attributes. Are you the type of modded Minecraft player that makes a beeline for the designated "end game" and then gives up on ever playing again once you get there? Today we craft THE SWORD OF THE COSMOS or the best sword in minecraft!Troll Pack is back - the best Minecraft modded SMP with 180+ MODS!LATEST NEW SOUND - 5$ Mar 22, 2023 · I added a Overpowered Custom Weapon called the Infinity Blade that have bunch of feature. You can take the Infinity Sword to a smelter and switch it into a 1-handed sword without needing any ingots, materials or perks to do so. hot coal sword put the coal sword in the furnace and you get the hot version (it makes the enemys burn) quartz sword its like the amethyst sword but it has double durability and slower attack speed. - "Death" potion. 1a) when you give an attack mode deployer a sword and let it hold it for any amount of time as long as it doesn't get extracted immediately, the deployer seems to deal as much damage as the unenchanted base version of the sword it had previously carried. - Ultimate Infinity Sword. About Project Created Mar 8, 2017 Updated Apr 16, 2017 Project ID 262380 License Sep 16, 2024 · how do i make a sword that can instakill everything no matter it's health, 1k, 1m, 1b and so on instakilled. Black Steel This takes the set attack damage value set in our Material Input in our ModItems class. Jun 18, 2022 · Want to get a sharpness 1000 sword in Minecraft? With this command you'll be able to get a 1 million damage sword without mods in Minecraft 1. I use morgan from mahou tsukai mod. Copper-Tin Mix. I'd rather have an infinite sword with infinite durability but low base damage (which I can spend resources on to make good) rather than the same, but with durability. Hihi'irokane. 19. This make the Sword Damage exact Amount of Health what the Attacked Entity Max Health has. Sword /give @p netherite_sword{display:{Name:'[{"text":"by RedstoneKnightX,","color":"green"},{"text":"Inspired by I hope that you may like this mod! Here are some pictures of Avaritia Endless. or maybe a sword that does a percentage of a mobs health like 50% health = 2 shot no matter what Aug 10, 2015 · (Looking for the Minecraft 1. Sharpness is good all-round (increases damage to sll mobs), but Smite and Bane of Athropods increase dammage to their specific mobs (undead and arthropods respectively) a lot more than Sharpness does. Fixed Espionage Evasion Promotions And a bunch of other tweaks i cant remember ;) Oct 15, 2024 · coal sword just a sword of coal. Version: Forge 1. Command: give @p Jun 28, 2023 · I prefer to keep my Master Sword look throughout play. Ore generation (has 1 ore in 64 chunks). Infinite's Swords Mod; Infinite's Swords Mod. 0 Add-on. ly/SUB2BECK👕 MERCH - https: Oh come on you guys just command up a sharpness 999 unbreakable sword and you’re good to go. 5. and more! (see the wiki above for more info!) This is a forge mod, I will not make a fabric version! you can use this in your modpack but pls The Evolved Infinity Matter Divine Sword deals infinite damage when attacking an opponent, and at the same time deals 1e+308 damage. 2 (+100%) Obs. MAX Level Minecraft SWORD Does INFINITE DAMAGE w/BeckBroJack Enjoyed the video? Drop a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for 🍪's http://bit. The extra damage it adds last for +-5 seconds and also refills your heavy attack on your sword faster. First, you will need to set up a shulker box inventory modification system since we can't directly modify player data. If the right click is made while sneaking, the player moves even faster. Added a Capper for when Tile Commerce > Highest opponent. Added duration for all swords. Dragon Warrior with flaming sword will be more effective vs units and buildings. So everytime you deal damage, it just heals it right back, unless you can do some insane damage (axe can get armor piercing and/or % hp based damage). slitter a small and fast sword. This mod at the moment adds in the following . same things can be be done with attack speed. A player now with a sword deals one extra attack damage to add the damage the player has by default. McTemplate Adventure Creation CTM Custom Terrain Ultimate Netherite Sword Add-on. Mar 22, 2023 · I added a Overpowered Custom Weapon called the Infinity Blade that have bunch of feature. Are you the type of modded Minecraft player that makes a beeline for the designated "end game" and then gives up on ever playing again once you get there? It is mod about multitool, new sword, new tools and new armor. If your sword only deal 1 damage, then it's not a weapon in the traditional sense. The blaze has 1 of those armor pieces. 5. That's almost as much as throwing a fully charged Grim Onslaught without having Jun 19, 2019 · Added name of swords for the following languages: Español (España), Español (México) and Português (Portugal). Deals literally an inifite amount of damage! Kills basically everything and everyone. /give @p… Posted by u/Alarmed_Ad_7615 - No votes and 1 comment Free download Get Started 85MB Windows or visit us on your PC to download the app Get God Mode/Ignore Hits, Infinite Health & 58 other mods for Monster Hunter Wilds with WeMod Learn More Step 2 Mar 20, 2021 · The problem with removing the player. ice sword slows the enemy. 6K Downloads | Mods Came to this thread after I installed an infinite durability master sword mod, but just wanted to let you know your thoughts are correct. Infinite Guard will only drain your energy when you take damage (and ⚔️ One-Hit Sword: Knock out any enemy with just one swing of your super-powered sword. Now they are no longer infinite! Max stack size has been changed from all swords to 1. Is this too much? Game breaking? This mod adds Avaritia recipes to otherwise unobtainable items from many other mods! A few examples are the Creative Capacitor Bank, Creative CAD Assembly, Guilty Mana Pool, and much much more! NEW Infinity Sword (Balanced) - basically the same recipe as the infinity sword, but just does 400 normal damage rather than doing /kill on the person hit. We can kill the people wearing INFINITY ARMOR by the Armor,s sword - SWORD OF THE COSMOS ( INFINITY ATTACK DAMAGE) CAN ONESHOT ANY MOB OR BOSS BUT CANNOT INFINITY ARMOR BUT THE SWORD GIVES 1HEART DAMAGE EACH SHOT. infinite attack damage. All bladed tonfas give mining fatigue and slowness for 30 seconds. You can change the word in-between the speech marks in {Name:”Insta-Kill”} } to rename the item to whatever you like Nov 18, 2023 · - missile damage: 20 -> 18 (-10%) Obs. builds35): “Learn how to create a powerful sword with infinite damage in Minecraft using command blocks. the ore is rare, and takes a very long time to mine, hence why it has a bedrock like base texture Jan 2, 2024 · Mods Add-ons Scripts Maps . Known Issues None Videos It isn't additive with other damage bonuses (unlike Dynamic Bladecore, which is additive), instead it straight up increases the Motion Value (the base damage value of a particular attack) of Resounding Echo from 980 (split into 7 hits) to a single hit of 1470. It will be the strongest weapon you have even seen! Try /reload if there are bug. Correction: The entire build deals around 450 - 500 damage not the Master Sword alone: Bone Proficiency Up (Evil Spirit Armor) Attack Up 3 Food Buff Awakened Master Sword on last hit durability (60 Dmg + last hit modifier that my brain is unable to calculate/ find from anyone else that might've datamined it) Molduga Jaw This infinity attack damage Minecraft Items was remixed by Trusting Gate. 6K Downloads | Mods Oct 5, 2023 · Sets the weapon to deal damage equal to the enchantment level of the weapon in the main hand. It was still kinda funny. The Last Sword You're Going to Need (1) - The Last Sword Mod This sword does 1600 damage, functions as a pickaxe, axe, and shovel, and shoots a 1600-damage projectile on a right-click. Master block and ore. 31 Dec, 2023. About Project Created Mar 8, 2017 Updated Apr 16, 2017 Project ID 262380 License Aug 31, 2023 · If you enjoyed the video please leave a like and subscribe to join the #RealGang today!:-)Discord: https://discord. Once a player acquires this weapon, it grants the following abilities forever. IMO, if you are going for a Sword DPS build, Lucent Blade is better for you. It's like a cheat code for battles. ・All entities are immediately annihilated. no longer return to capital. Flat-Footed targets again with Lethal Focus at level 13). To counteract this loss of skills, new skills and 40 new unique swords will be added. infinite attack damage sword. Recipes for tools, sword, ingot, nugget and block. ・Cancel spawning and loading of all entities. 💠 VoidWalker Armor Set: Wear all four pieces of the VoidWalker Armor set to laugh off all damage, except for some tricky moves like /kill. 🌌 Easy and Powerful: No complicated stuff here. Mar 13, 2015 · If you change the Amount:999999 number to a different number you will change the attack damage of the item to that number. Durability:∞. Attack Damage:∞. 3. With a small part that repeats for more attac And if you do manage to set those values without causing any issues client side, you somehow have to sync them from client to server, otherwise (in the case of attack damage) the client thinks the health of an entity is X, then it does Z damage, leaving the entity with X-Z health, but the server thinks the damage amount was A, thus the server Land Rangestrikers now uses equal max movepoints when attack, sea rangestrikers use 5. 6 Java?! *** I show how to make it so that items in Minecraft apply The Infinity Blade mod introduces many weapons, tools, armor, and ores based on the games originally created by Epic Games for the mobile platform. Attack Speed:∞. 5 less attack damage than a regular diamond Jun 2, 2024 · +1000 ATTACK DAMAGE AND SPEED Sword?! Add Attribute Modifiers to Items in Minecraft 1. It can summon sword, turn you into a deadly tornado, throwing sword and more. Features: - Ultimate Infinity Sword (this sword is a little buggy so I suggest you to have only 1 in your inventory): It is mod about armor and sword. Infinity attack is strong, but can it be resisted? I now realise you can't have Infinity armour (max = 30 points). and more! (see the wiki above for more info!) This is a forge mod, I will not make a fabric version! you can use this in your modpack but pls Infinite's Swords Mod; Infinite's Swords Mod. Lightning Sword: Causes lightning to strike, dealing damage, and stunning for a bit. 6. json file is that there are several skills that cannot be imitated without using that file that means that several swords will lose some of their skills. 19🔷Subscribe for more content: https://www. ・Set maximum health, Absorption health, armor, armor toughness, attack speed, attack damage, block reach, entity reach, and luck to infinite. As well as that, for any entity hit, it will deal a bonus 2147483647 generic damage, 1000000 out of world damage, wither 5000 and poison 5000. Our Material Input damage was 7. Mods; 2,283; About Project. 0K Downloads | Mods Apotheosis has a armor reforge modifier that gives insta-health with 10 sec cooldown. no, it,s not impossible. gg/aWUZanKKgcRoblox: https://www. This mod adds Avaritia recipes to otherwise unobtainable items from many other mods! A few examples are the Creative Capacitor Bank, Creative CAD Assembly, Guilty Mana Pool, and much much more! NEW Infinity Sword (Balanced) - basically the same recipe as the infinity sword, but just does 400 normal damage rather than doing /kill on the person hit. 5 -> 0. Star Sword: Is a Netherite Sword with infinite attack speed. 79 more attack speed and 1. Also morgan have ranged multi attack ability which is usefull for other dungeons. Dragon Warrior - Flaming Sword BG damage: 20 -> 30 (+50%) - fire point damage: 0. How can you get a 1000 attack damage sword? Well, watch this video for the answer. 35 - damage: 25 -> 30 (+20%) Game Jul 13, 2024 · # Command 1, repeating /execute as @a if data entity @s SelectedItem{id:"minecraft:netherite_sword"} run attribute @s minecraft:generic. Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. The exception is Infinite Guard found on the warlock swords and Worldline Zero. Another important fact: sword energy drains at a constant rate no matter how much or how little damage you're "blocking" (sword blocking is really more like damage reduction, not damage negating). Gate Sword 1. It adds Int to both Attack and Damage (Sword Saint also adds his Int mod to damage vs. The Armor can protect you from Mobs and Fire. It occurred to me that from a lore standpoint, it might make more sense for swords to have infinite light attacks and limited heavy attacks. 2-0. Aug 20, 2021 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets A mod that adds OP items. These effects may sound silly, but they are all relevant to Wuuthrad's . if it still not work tell me the problem in the comment Common reason why the datapack do not Mar 22, 2023 · I added a Overpowered Custom Weapon called the Infinity Blade that have bunch of feature. roblox. Check out other cool remixes by Trusting Gate and Tynker's community. 10 and up version? Go here). qwmxjrcftkaotijcmpkthggqibjsefuzgfyoqmjivyedubrpxdcokpclttwpbgkhsjjvnjgoejjnhfy