Idaho unit 41 elk Region 3 Southwest Region Owyhee Elk Zone Units 38, 40, 41, 42 Game Management Unit Boundary That portion of OWYHEE COUNTY within the following boundary: beginning at Grandview on the Snake River, then southeast on State Highway 78 to the Poison Creek Road, then southwest on the Poison Creek-Mud Flat Road to Poison Creek Summit, then southeast along the watershed divide between the drainages Nov 16, 2017 · Make your own map of Hunt Area 41-1 Elk Controlled Hunt 2018 Land management via Inside Idaho. May 20, 2023 · We know a few places in the unit we’ve seen moose, but any additional info would be greatly appreciated - this will be a first moose hunt for us both. Area Size: 1,382,742 acres Region 3 Southwest Region Owyhee Elk Zone Units 38, 40, 41, 42 Game Management Unit Boundary That portion of OWYHEE COUNTY within the following boundary: beginning on the Snake River at the Idaho-Oregon State line, upstream to Grandview, then southeast on State Highway 78 to the Poison Creek Road, then southwest on the Poison Creek-Mud Flat-Deep Creek-Cliffs Road to the North Fork of the The rut can start as early as the 1st week of September and run for around a month. There are 0 hospitals, 0 hotels, 8 campgrounds, and 0 grocery stores within a 20 mile radius. Dec 1, 2023 · See the Nonresident Tag Quotas for availability. Dec 11, 2024 · Not a new hunter to Idaho but this will be my first time with Unit 39. Units 46 and 47, portion of Unit 41 All of Units 46 and 47 and that portion of Unit 41 east of the West Fork Bruneau River. It is hard to find a Hunt Area 41-1 That portion of Unit 41 west of the Bruneau River. *Deprecated in 2022, see AreaID 42* Area Size: 2,052,430 acres Unit 41-2X (Controlled Hunt Oppty. Looking for peoples thoughts on this unit. Jan 1, 2023 · Hunt Area 41-1X That portion of Unit 41 starting at the junction of Hwy 51 and the Rowland Rt Road (signed as Roland Rd) then following the Rowland Rt Road south until the intersection with Sheep Creek, following Sheep Creek north and east until the confluence wit the Bruneau River, then following the Bruneau River south to the Nevada state line, then west along the Idaho-Nevada state line to Jan 1, 2025 · Make your own map of Hunt Area 41X Elk Controlled Hunt 2281 Land management via Inside Idaho. 1 and ending Oct 15. But for those simply looking for the cream of the crop the following hunts should get you started in the right direction. Jan 1, 2016 · Hunt Area 41-1X That portion of Unit 41 starting at the junction of Hwy 51 and the Rowland Rt Road (signed as Roland Rd) then following the Rowland Rt Road south and east to the Nevada state line, then west along the Idaho-Nevada state line to Hwy 51 and north along Hwy 51 to the beginning; excluding the Duck Valley Indian Reservation. This area holds trophy size elk, mule deer, whitetails and antelope for hunters who draw special tags. 5 hours of belly crawling I was 136 yards from herd and shot 1 of the bulls. Appreciate any Aug 8, 2016 · Looking for a little help, in terms of narrowing down some areas in unit 4 Coeur d'Alene NF for archery Elk. Area Size: 1,541,701 acres. I put in for that hunt as well as Unit 14 antlerless elk in December and Unit 18 bull tag. All of Unit 41. We have seen some sub-regions take a heavy hit and change the way we apply. ): Owyhee Zone Objectives for the Owyhee Zone elk population are not derived from aerial surveys due to expansive land area, dispersed groups of elk, poorly defi ned winter range, and diffi cult winter access? 18% Private, 82% Public, 75% BLM, 14% Wilderness. ): Owyhee Zone. No National Forest lands fall within Unit 41. I'm rolling out my new motto for Idaho elk hunting and it is go where the wolves aren't. I will be solo hunting deep and steep so im not worried about other people so much. Jan 1, 2024 · Make your own map of Hunt Area 41X Elk Controlled Hunt 2251 Land management via Inside Idaho. Sep 8, 2024 · This unit has limited numbers of elk, pronghorn antelope, whitetails and a healthy number of mule deer. Jan 1, 2022 · Hunt Area 41-1X That portion of Unit 41 starting at the junction of Hwy 51 and the Rowland Rt Road (signed as Roland Rd) then following the Rowland Rt Road south until the intersection with Sheep Creek, following Sheep Creek north and east until the confluence wit the Bruneau River, then following the Bruneau River south to the Nevada state line, then west along the Idaho-Nevada state line to Feb 1, 2025 · The Idaho Hunt Planner provides all information the hunter needs for a successful Idaho hunt: regulations, seasons, drawing odds, harvest statistics, and hunt Units 46 and 47, portion of Unit 41 All of Units 46 and 47 and that portion of Unit 41 east of the West Fork Bruneau River. Click the link (s) below to download the highlighted hunt areas you selected as a Google Earth KML. Any thoughts on these hunts. Oct 9, 2017 · Idaho unit 1 whitetail advice (7907. I tend to see elk and fresh elk sign in areas where I don't see/hear wolves and come across wolf crap. Make your own map of Units 46 and 47, portion of Unit 41 Elk Controlled Hunt 2025 Land management via Inside Idaho. Nov 26, 2018 · Re: Idaho Unit 10A Rifle Elk (B-Tag) « Reply #2 on: November 26, 2018, 03:17:23 PM » I'll be there next year with a buddy and needless to say after what I've seen and gathered the last 2 years, our expectations will be met if we see an elk on forested land. Access Yes! Properties. . We’ll be truck camping during the hunt staying within a few miles of the rig it’ll likely be just the 2 of us packing out if we have luck (both of us have packed elk out solo). Add your own location data, such as GPS waypoints and tracks. Jun 26, 2019 · Re: Idaho Elk 50-1 « Reply #11 on: June 27, 2019, 07:45:33 AM » I know the Salmon area doesn't have near the pressure from A-tag hunters that the Pioneer zone and other southern zones do, but we have found herded up animals every year we've been there for the general season elk opener, with bulls still bugling. By chance I stopped and glassed a hill on way back to room and found 59 elk bedded by the highway. After 5. 41 kB, 4032x3024 - viewed SW Idaho Late Elk by phildobaggins Oct 10, 2024 · Re: Idaho unit 28 fire « Reply #21 on: October 11, 2024, 11:15:21 PM » Fortunately the places I've been looking at aren't very close to the (new) burn zone, but it would be fun to run in to y'all - probably not too hard to figure out who I am though I probably won't be by my vehicle very often, hopefully anyway. *Deprecated in 2022, see AreaID 42* Area Size: 2,052,430 acres Region 3 Southwest Region Owyhee Elk Zone Units 38, 40, 41, 42 Game Management Unit Boundary That portion of OWYHEE COUNTY within the following boundary: beginning on the North Fork of the Owyhee River at the Idaho-Oregon State line, south along the state line to the Idaho-Nevada State line, then east along the state line to the El Paso Natural Gas Pipeline, then north along the pipeline to Dec 1, 2021 · Make your own map of Hunt Area 41-1 Elk Controlled Hunt 2088 Land management via Inside Idaho. Access Yes! is Fish and Game program designed to improve hunting and fishing access to private land or through private land to public land by compensating willing landowners who provide access. Unit 41-1 (Controlled Hunt Oppty. *Deprecated in 2022, see AreaID 42* Area Size: 2,052,430 acres That portion of Unit 41 starting at the junction of Highway 51 and the Rowland Rt Road (signed as Roland Road) then following the Rowland Rt Road south until the intersection with Sheep Creek, following Sheep Creek north and east until the confluence with the Bruneau River, then following the Bruneau River south to the Nevada state line, then west along the Idaho-Neveda state line to Highway Units 46 and 47, portion of Unit 41 All of Units 46 and 47 and that portion of Unit 41 east of the West Fork Bruneau River. * In 2000 hunter information not collected. Problem with unit 10 is how many wolves there are and that they've figured out the elk hinding spots too so the elk are constantly on the move. Only elk without antlers or with antlers shorter than 6 inches may be taken in any season which is open for antlerless elk only. The Idaho Hunt Planner provides all information the hunter needs for a successful Idaho hunt: regulations, seasons, drawing odds, harvest statistics, and hunt boundaries in one location. Jun 1, 2022 · Idaho elk are doing quite well in many areas. No special restrictions. 5 days I couldn’t find a elk. Objectives for the Owyhee Zone elk population are not derived from aerial surveys due to expansive land area, dispersed groups of elk, poorly defi ned winter range, and diffi cult winter access? This population is monitored using harvest data, occasion Oct 15, 2023 · Make your own map of Hunt Area 40-1 Elk Controlled Hunt 2081 Land management via Inside Idaho. No motorized vehicles are allowed in these areas. Some buddies and I were planning a trip to another unit, but those plans changed as soon as one of them drew 1 of 2 Wenaha West muzzy permits (lucky SOB!), so our original plans are out the window. Good luck in the draws and keep us posted! – Unit 40, part of 41 and unit 42. General deer tag holders are restricted to bucks with no more than two points on an antler. Jul 11, 2018 · Hey, I was wondering if anyone has any experience hunting elk in the Owyhee area in Idaho? I'm from Eastern Idaho and Owyhee is one area of the state I haven't spent any time in. Rifle, Archery, Muzzleloader, Shotgun, or Handgun. Hey I was just wondering if anybody has hunted unit 14 for mule deer on the special draw permit. Check for current or recent wildfires in this area. Migration hunt depending on when in october i go? ideally would go last week of Oct. I drew the early hunt starting Oct. I know its busy, i know theres a lot of animals. Jun 26, 2024 · Stalked 2 bulls to 40 yards and to only have the cap go off ! Saw about 200-250 elk then 1. njirjbytlwyxldqdvkmrouroyybaajqmzrrnkttgrxgypvekappnktweuftaniffeowanvve