Fireproofing density test astm. 6 kN/m 2) ASTM E736 797 psf (37.

Fireproofing density test astm 3 grams loss 85 in/lbs. The test methods are applicable to both laboratory and field procedures, as indicated in Section 7. Albi Clad TF is a water-based, non-toxic intumescent thin film fireproofing material that provides up to 3 hour fire rating on Steel, Gypsum, Wood and other combustible and non-combustible substrates. 43-8, Thickness and Density Determination for Spray Applied Fireproofing. Understands the two different methods of SFRM density testing authorized by ASTM E605. Dry Density: ASTM E605: 42 PCF: 43. Note: No recognized field bond strength test proce-dure exists for sprayed fireproofing materials with May 3, 2019 · Significance and Use 5. C. Albi Clad TF + WATER-BASED THIN-FILM INTUMESCENT FIREPROOFING Physical testing performance Physical Property Test Method Test Results Density ASTM E605 775kg/m3 (48. 20 lbs. Sprayed fire-resistant material (SFRM) is used to delay or even prevent the weakening of steel and concrete spalling in structures that are exposed to high temperatures that occur during a fire. Type 7GP. Bond tests conducted in accordance with ASTM E736 indicate a minimum average bond strength of 80 percent and a minimum individual bond strength of 50 percent, when compared to the bond strength of the SFRM as applied to clean uncoated 1/8-in. 10,000 psf (478 kN/m2) 16,727 psf (800 kPa) ASTM E736 Compression, 10% deformation 500 psi (3. The apparatus, materials, and procedure used to apply the SFRM for laboratory tests shall be the same as is used for the construction of either of the test assemblies described in Test Methods E119 and E84. Steel Weld Fireproofing Inspection Kit: ASTM E-605, E-736: Qty: $605. Cementitious Fireproofing. For the underside CEMENTITIOUS FIREPROOFING 07 8100 - 2 a. A Abrasion Testing *ASTM C127/C128 Specific Gravity of Coarse FP250 has undergone stringent testing, and is the only fireproofing solution you need. SCOPE 1. Plant QA Documentation, Sampling and Testing. Mixing. SFRM thermally insulates the structural elements to keep them below the temperature that causes failure. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standardÕs Document Summary page on the ASTM website. 0% 2 - Class A 5 - Class A TEST METHOD ASTM D2240 ASTM 1. In-field bond strength (cohesion/adhesion) testing of Spray-Applied Fireproofing is used to measure the bonding characteristics of in-place product to the steel substrate to which it was applied. Costs of some ASTM testing methods start from $100 and the final value depends upon the factors listed above. NFPA 502, Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges, and other Limited Access Highways, 2008 Edition. astm. 5 ± 0. Scope. Testing is performed in accordance with ASTM E736, “Standard Test Method for 5. 2. TESTING. CAFCO 300 / ISOLATEK Type 300 is a Gypsum- based formulation that offers the most cost effective fire resistance performance per unit thickness of any commercial SFRM in the world. Fireproofing density samples should be tested in accordance with the displacement method in ASTM E605 to determine in-place fireproofing density. There are two common types of SFRM: Cementitious Density: Test for density according to ASTM E 605. The test weighs density rather than volume. org. ASTM E119 – Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. These properties are crucial for ensuring the fire resistance performance of SFRM, which plays a vital role in building safety. 43–8, Thickness and Density Determination for Spray Applied Fireproofing. ASTM E84 – Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. ASTM E605 – 93 is designed to give ways for determining these qualities. Apparatus 6. ASTM E605 Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members 4. Perform a set of thickness measurements for every 1,000 SF of floor and roof assemblies and on not less than 25% of rated beams and columns. 1 Steel Rule, graduated in at least 1 mm [1 ⁄ 16 in. In 2009, IBC moved away from a single value for the bond strength of SFRM for all buildings, and implemented bond strength requirements based on the building’s height. 4pcf) ±15% Durometer hardness ASTM D2240 40 (Shore D) Compressive strength ASTM E761 3778 kPa (548 psi) Combustibilty ASTM E136 BS476 Noncombustible Surface burning ASTM E84 0 flame spread, 0 smoke developed Deflection ASTM E759 No cracking CAFCO® FENDOLITE® M-II (Americas) ISOLATEK® Type M-II (Worldwide) Spray-Applied Fireproofing PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FIRE TEST PERFORMANCE CAFCO FENDOLITE M-II / ISOLATEK Type M-II for commercial use is a CAFCO FENDOLITE M-II / ISOLATEK Type M-II has been extensively vermiculite and Portland cement based, wet mix, high density Spray-Applied tested for fire resistance and is rated for up to 4 Fireproofing density testing is conducted in accordance with ASTM E605 standard and AWCI Technical Manual 12-A. Decorative aesthetic architectural finish. *** All in-place performance tests should be conducted at or below the minimum recommended specification density. Test reports here were conducted at 39. Verify that manufacturer, through its own laboratory testing or field experience, attests All of the products that we offer have undergone rigorous testing by both ASTM and Underwriters Laboratory (UL) to verify their physical properties and determine their performance during a fire. Underwriters Laboratories fire test results have qualified it for use in over 100 designs. 1 Certain properties, namely thickness and density , of SFRM are basic. ASTM E UFP has been thoroughly ASTM protocol tested including the following advanced testing methods: E84 measures flame spread & smoke developed, E605 measures density, E736 measures adhesion and cohesion, and E119 measures burn time. TESTING U. Should dry density fall below requirements, consult with product manufacturer for UL corrective procedure. A. org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm. Fireproofing density testing is conducted in general conformance with ASTM E605 standard and AWCI Technical Manual 12-A. KIT INCLUDES ALL ITEMS PICTURED, WITH CARRYING CASE: ASTM E-605 Thickness, Density: Depth Gauge. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. The fireproofing in any building constructed before the ASTM standards became available in 1977 should be considered suspect. 8. 40 pcf (640 kg/m3) See note below*** ASTM E605 Bond strength Min. Provide density indicated in referenced fire-resistance design, but not less than minimum specified in Part 2. Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRM) and Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials (TFIFRM), they can be applied to steel components such as columns, joists, beams and decking. Bond Strength Test the cohesive/adhesive bond strength of fireproofing ASTM Jul 22, 2017 · There are TWO basic types of Fireproofing used in Construction. Mar 31, 2023 · In particular, except as described in Section 3, no one may, without the prior express written permission of ASTM: (a) distribute or forward a copy (electronic or otherwise) of any article, file, or material obtained from any ASTM Product or Document; (b) reproduce or photocopy any standard, article, file, or material from any ASTM Product; (c Fire Rating. 6 kN/m 2) ASTM E736 797 psf (37. /gals 72% ± 2. 11. 400 mL Beaker ** Bond strength testing performed utilizing ASTM E736 with AWCI Technical Manual 12-A (Appendix B) modifications *** Testing based on South Hook LNG immersion/splash and spill criteria Pyrocrete 341 is a next-generation reinforced hydrophobic cementitious hybrid fireproofing material. Bond strength testing performed utilizing ASTM E736 with AWCI Technical Manual 12-A (Appendix B) modifications Pyrocrete® 241 HD 70 pcf (1,121 kg/m 3) ultra high density, heavy duty cementitious fireproofing with the highest durability and toughness in the marketplace. testing laboratory, based on tests specified in UL 263 or ASTM E119. (3-mm) thick steel plate. ASTM E736 outlines a procedure for evaluating the bond strength of sprayed fire-resistive materials (SFRMs) applied to structural elements. Fireproofing density test using the bead displacement method. 22 pcf (350 kg/m3) ASTM E605 See note below** Bond strength Min. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. It is the intent of these test methods to provide procedures to determine these properties. Each test report must conform to the report requirements specified by the test method. 1. May 24, 2023 · Significance and Use 5. This Standard Practice provides guidelines for the application of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRMs), both dry and wet types. 52 lbs/cf F. 1) applies when averaging the 12-thickness measurements ASTM D4541 ASTM D4060 ASTM D2794 ASTM E 84 ASTM 35E 84 . The relative fire resistance of an assembly is measured by its performance when subjected to standard fire endurance tests such as ASTM E119. ] intervals. Description. Beads. AWCI Technical Manual 12-A - Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of Field Applied Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials. 1 These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on A. Fireproofing Thickness Testing (ASTM E605) Fireproofing Density Testing (ASTM E605) Fireproofing Adhesion/Cohesion Testing (ASTM E736) Intumescent Coating (Paint) Thickness Testing (AWCI Tech. Density: Test for density according to ASTM E 605. R. density test and conduct a dry density test in accordance with ASTM E605 using the Displacement Method in Section 8. Serrated Knife. B. avg. ASTM E605 – Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members. The architect will select, and the owner will pay an independent testing laboratory to randomly sample and verify the bond strength of the fireproofing in accordance with provisions of ASTM E736. 1 These test methods cover procedures for determining thickn The architect will select an independent testing laboratory (for which the owner will pay) to sample and verify the thickness and density of the fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of ASTM E605-77, Standard Test Method for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members or Oct 1, 2002 · This test and the ASTM test for thickness and density would have determined the adequacy of the spray fireproofing on the floor joists. TM. 6. 45 MPa) 561 psi (3. 1 These test methods cover procedures for determining thickness and density of sprayed fire-resistive material (SFRM) used in structural assemblies. ASTM E605 outlines the standard test methods for determining two critical properties of sprayed fire-resistive materials (SFRM) applied to structural members: thickness and density. F. MONOKOTE® Z-146T is a Portland cement-based, factory-mixed material requiring only the additio Performance Characteristics Physical Properties Recommended Specification Laboratory Tested* Values Test Method ** Dry density, minimum average Min. MONOKOTE® Z-146T high density cementitious fireproofing has been developed by GCP Applied Technologies to meet specialty and industrial fireproofing requirements requiring greater resistance to harsh environmental conditions. ISOLATEK INTERNATIONAL® provides passive fireproofing materials under t Jun 12, 2023 · 5. UL fire tests are conducted on various construction assemblies and data is used to extrapolate a required thickness for each individual steel member ** ASTM International test methods modified for Bond Strength and Compressive Strength, where required, for high density, high performance products. Can be used as ASTM E-199/UL 263 Fire Resistant Intumescent Coating or ASTM E-84 Class”A” Fire Retardant Fireproofing. Up to 3 hours Fire Rating. Test for thickness and density in accordance with ASTM E605. 52 lbs/cf Flame Spread ASTM E84 0 Smoke Developed ASTM E84 0 Adhesion / Cohesion ASTM E736 2745 lbs/sf Fire Resistivity (2 Hours) ASTM E119 2 hours @ 1 3/16” Aug 16, 2017 · Scope1. Combustibility, ASTM E-136 Passed, non-combustible Compressive Strength, ASTM E-761 2,340 lb/ft2 (112 kPa) Cohesion/Adhesion, ASTM E-736 389 lb/ft2 (18. 3 Hour Test UFP was originally tested at a 2 hour burn time, which indicates how long the material will provide protection, and was recently re-tested up to a 3 FIREPROOFING . ASTM E119 Test Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials 3. Cost incurred to carry out different astm e605 testing methodology depends on the type of raw material; number of samples, coupons, or specimens; test conditions, turn around time etc. 6 SFRM Thickness 6. 400 mL Beaker Scope: In ASTM E605 – 93, features like density and thickness are fundamental in Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material test. 6 kN/m ) Compressive strength 50 psi (340 KPa) ASTM E761 60. Pyrocrete® 241 55 pcf (881 kg/m3) high density cementitious fireproofing Property and Test Method Property Test Results Exposure Tests Passed Density, ASTM E-605 45 pcf (721 kg/m3) nominal Ageing 153 to 163 0F for 270 days Combustibility, ASTM E-136 Passed, non-combustible High Humidity: 97% to 100% RH and 92 to 98 0F for 180 days Compressive Strength, ASTM E-761 50,016 lb/ft2 (2,679 kPa) ASTM E2393 – On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive Joint System and Perimeter Fire Barriers; ASTM E605 – Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members; ASTM E736 – Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members Fireproofing Inspection Kit: ASTM E-605, E-736: Qty: $605. 2. ASTM E605/E605M(1993; R 2015; E 2015) Standard Test. ASTM E84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 2. ** ASTM test methods modified where required, for high density, high performance products. 43) / Volume (1) Volume of sample dried cm3 (equal to the volume of beads displaced by the sample). ASTM E119(2016a) Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 18 kPa (150 psf). 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www. The test methods are carried out in both the laboratory and the field. Provide bond strength indicated in referenced fire-resistance design, but not less than minimum specified in Part 2. Metro Testing + Engineering’s Fire Proofing Inspection & Testing supports building code regulations that refer to the revised ASTM E119 standard that provides a particular fire rating to unprotected concrete and treated concrete that has been sprayed with fire-proofing materials. Provide density indicated in referenced fire- The architect will select, and the owner will pay an independent testing laboratory to randomly sample and verify the thickness and the density of the fireproofing in accordance with provisions of ASTM E605, or the “Inspection Procedure for Field-Applied Sprayed Fire Protection Materials” as published by the Association of Wall and Ceiling Can be used as ASTM E-199/UL 263 Fire Resistant Intumescent Coating or ASTM E-84 Class”A” Fire Retardant Fireproofing. 1 Steel Rule, graduated in at least 1 mm [1¤16 in. Manual 12-B) Firestopping Review & Engineering Judgments (ASTM E2174 & E2393) Fire Separation Review or Engineering Judgments The characteristics of SFRM are determined according to ASTM E736, Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members and ASTM E605, Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members, among other codes. These materials encapsulate, or coat the structural steel components to protect from fire damage. Sprayed material shall be factory blended cementitious fireproofing which Physical Properties Recommended Specifications Test Method/Notes Laboratory Tested* Value Dry density Min. Areas showing thickness less than that required as a result of fire endurance test are not acceptable. 7. Light density cementitious fireproofing for interior concealed conditions (except plenums). 1 These test methods cover procedures for determining thicknes Feb 27, 2024 · Please contact us for a detailed quote for your astm e605 testing needs. Most of these standards are inclined towards the testing of the flammability of interior and exterior building parts, as well as common household and commercial furniture. density of the fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of ASTM E605-77, Standard Test Method for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members or Uniform Building Code Standard No. One of our traditional . 1 General: The second critical property for proper application of SFRM is the thickness of Applied Fireproofing product being installed. May 24, 2023 · 1. The document covers the application procedures and safety issues relating to SFRMs, and the repair of areas after application. Note that the sample size (step #3 below) is critical to getting accurate results. WHAT IS FIREPROOFING TESTING? Fireproofing testing is the process of objectively determining the performance and resistance of construction material Density: Test for density according to ASTM E 605. The characteristics of SFRM are determined according to ASTM E736, Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members and ASTM E605, Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members, among other codes. Jul 9, 2010 · These test kits can be used with the dis-placement option within the ASTM E-605 test method to attain the most accurate measurement of the dry in place density of spray fire resistance materials. Dry Applied Density 85 PCF Hardness (Shore D) ASTM D2240 67 These test methods cover procedures for determining thickness and density of sprayed fire-resistive material (SFRM) used in structural assemblies. ASTM E119 - Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 6 kPa) Effect of Impact, ASTM E-760 Passed, no cracking, spalling or delamination Mar 31, 2019 · ASTM E605/E605M-19 - SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 5. Bond Strength: Test for cohesive and adhesive strength according to ASTM E 736. 00: Everything you need to test thickness, density (displacement method) and adhesion. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 2. 8 psi (413. (2) Constant weight of dried material. These include sprayed fiber and cementitious types. * ASTM D 1556 In-Place Field Density Test (Sand Cone Method) Soil Laboratory Tests: * ASTM D 1557 Moisture/Density Relationship * ASTM D 422 Particle Size Analysis * Atterberg Limits * Permeability (Falling Head, Constant Head, Flexiwall) *Mass Title V & CT Title V *ASTM C 131 L. 5 LIGHT DENSITY CEMENTITIOUS FIREPROOFING A. FEATURES • Factoryformulated- singlecomponent • ULCertified& listedfor1-4hours • Lightweight&hammer-hard • Thinfilm application • Water- based • Attractiveoff-white finish • Doesnotdust,flake ordelaminate. Portland cement formulas . Submit reports and test records, attesting that the fireproofing material conforms to the specified requirements. This test method is crucial for ensuring the Oct 1, 2002 · This test and the ASTM test for thickness and density would have determined the adequacy of the spray fireproofing on the floor joists. UL Certified. Soil Nuclear Gauge Density Testing Proof Roll Soil Bearing Inspection. 3 Although mass is determined, the term weight is used in these test methods as a Þeld-accepted Clarification ASTM E605 SFRM Density A fireproofing contractor contends that when measuring SFRM thickness on a density sample, the minimum maximum of 25%-1/4 inch rule (ASTM Section 8. • Universal Fireproofing Patch (UFP) is a versatile, hand applied fire resistive material designed specifically for the patching and repair of damaged Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials (SFRMs). These include sprayed fiber and Feb 5, 2014 · Before 2009, IBC required the bond strength of SFRM—when tested in accordance with ASTM E736,—to be in excess of 7. 400 mL Beaker Property and Test Method Property Test Results Exposure Tests Passed Density, ASTM E-605 45 pcf (721 kg/m3) nominal Ageing 153 to 163 0F for 270 days Combustibility, ASTM E-136 Passed, non-combustible High Humidity: 97% to 100% RH and 92 to 98 0F for 180 days Compressive Strength, ASTM E-761 50,016 lb/ft2 (2,679 kPa) Jun 21, 2024 · Test reports are available on request from your GCP sales representative. U. 2 These test methods require the application of SFRM in accordance with the manufacturers’ published instructions. PATENT # 9,963,638 PROPERTY TEST METHOD RESULTS / VALUE Color Normal Off white to beige / textured Density ASTM E605 38. This minimum average 52 lb/ft³ (833 kg/m³) density, The physical characteristics of SFRM are determined according to various ASTM standards such as, but not limited to: • E736/E736M, Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members • E605/E605M, Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Mar 10, 2025 · When thickness testing high density SFRM A wide flange column is required to have 2 inches of SFRM thickness. ASTM E736 Full Name. References . 87 MPa) ASTM E761 3 Program Outline Industry Terminology IBC Code Requirements 2009… SFRM Section Specific Inspection and Testing Procedures Reporting Results Intumescent Section Feb 15, 2024 · The ASTM E605 is a standardized test method used to quantify the density of spray-applied fire-resistive materials (SFRMs), specifically materials that are essential for ensuring the fire safety of structural components like steel beams, columns, and floor assemblies. V. 2 The project architect may select an independent testing laboratory to sample and verify the thickness and density of fireproofing in accordance with the provisions of ASTM E605, Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire Resistive Materials applied to Structural Members. Density Testing; Masonry/Grout Field Testing Capabilities: Test: Material: AASHTO: ASTM: In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) Aggregate, Compaction: T310: D6938: Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Methods: Asphalt, Density: D2950: Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field: Concrete: T23: C31 Dry Applied Density Hardness Compressive Strength Cohesive/Adhesion Strength Abrasion Resistance Impact Resistance Weight per Gallon % Solids by weight Flame Spread Smoke Developed VALUE 85 PCF 40-45 300 psi 190 psi (cohesive failure). 1. Fireproofing Adhesion/Cohesion Testing Also known as a "pull or bond test", adhesion/cohesion testing ensures the applied fireproofing (SFRM) is properly adhering to the structural elements. Can properly take and record a SFRM sample for density testing per ASTM E605 or Technical Manual 12-A. Scraper. Nov 23, 2010 · Recommended procedures for Independent Inspection of Sprayed Fire Resistive Materials. D. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES TEST METHOD VALUE. 1 This test method covers a procedure for measuring the cohesion/adhesion or bond strength (tensile) perpendicular to the surface of sprayed fire-resistive material (SFRM) applied to rigid backing. Knows the differences in thickness testing frequencies in the IBC, ASTM E605, and Technical Manual 12-A. Verify that manufacturer, through its own laboratory testing or field experience, attests that primers or coatings are compatible with fireproofing. Monokote Z146; Grace Construction Products Division, W. 6 KPa) @ 10% deformation Deflection and No cracking or ASTM ASTM E1042(2002; R 2014) Acoustically Absorptive Materials Applied by Trowel or Spray. Apr 1, 2019 · 1. Scope 1. Thickness Test thickness of fireproofing (ASTM E605). PATENT # 9,963,638 . Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members Manufacturers must perform an ASTM E662 test to confirm that a material's smoke production falls within the standard's parameters. ASTM E-119/ UL263. DENSITY TEST DATA DATE SPECIMEN RECEIVED SPECIMENS MADE BY INSPECTION FIRM OR CLIENT INSPECTOR'S NAME CAFCO 300 / ISOLATEK Type 300 is the most innovative, widely specified and used commercial density, Wet Mix Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Material (SFRM) in the world. 5 PCF: Compressive Strength @ 10% C. FireproofingTesting Specialized Testing is committed to providing fireproofing testing and reporting services to our clients in conformance with applicable standards and procedures in an ethical, timely, confidential, and cost-effective manner. SFRM Density Testing: A. ASTM E736 – Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members. September 1, 2015 . . Optical density refers to a substance's ability to transmit light. 1 Certain properties, namely thickness and density, of SFRM are basic. 500 psf (23. Aggregate Bulk Density/Unit: ASTM C127/C128 : Specific Gravity (Coarse/Fine) Walter Page Method: Density Testing of In-place Fireproofing Material: ASTM E736: Jan 18, 2022 · Step by step video to test the bond strength of the product. Areas showing less than required fireproofing characteristics are not suitable for the following field tests. 9. This includes the type of SFRM applied to the structural members, along with its minimum required thickness, density and bond strength. S. ASTM's fire and flammability standards are involved in the testing and evaluation of the ignition, burning, or combustion characteristics of certain materials. Cost effective solution to help existing and new building construction meet and exceed fire rating code requirements. Provide density indicated in referenced fire‐resistance design, but not less than minimum specified in Part 2. Procedure A thickness gauge, scales, steel rules, and templates are used […] The characteristics of SFRM are determined according to ASTM E736, Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members, and ASTM E605, Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members, among other codes. 1 These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Fireproofing Inspection Kit: ASTM E-605, E-736: Qty: $605. DENSITY PASS / FAIL FIREPROOFING DENSITY SAMPLE TEST STANDARD: ASTM E605 (3) Density = (Weight x 62. Density Test the density of fireproofing material (ASTM E605). ASTM E605-77, Standard Test Method for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members or Uniform Building Code Standard No. MONOKOTE® Z-106/HY® Fireproofing shall be mixed by machine in a conventional, plaster-type mixer or a continuous mixer specifically modified for cementitious fireproofing. TM cementitious fireproofing is spray-applied to structural components of buildings for fire resistance. 6 pcf (635 kg/m 3). ASTM E736 – Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members. Fireproofing Adhesion/Cohesion Testing Also known as a “pull or bond test”, adhesion/cohesion testing ensures the applied fireproofing is properly adhering to the structural elements. Masonry Block Prism @ 2 High Mortar (ASTM C 780) Grout (ASTM C 1019) Brick (ASTM C 216) CMU (ASTM C 90) Masonry Prisms (ASTM C 1314) Fireproofing Density Sampling Cohesion/Adhesion Testing Thickness Testing . TM Property and Test Method Value / Result Density, ASTM E-605 15-17 pcf (240-272 kg/m3) min. What is the lowest allowable individual thickness measurement? Ignition Gradation Testing (ASTM D6307) Gyratory Bulk Density “d” (ASTM D1559) Modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) Fireproofing. Grace & Co. ASTM E662 testing is a test method that measures the specific optical density of smoke. Medium Density . 3. 3. The WTC should not be considered unique in this regard. Furnish and install fireproofing as specified herein, shown on the plans, and as directed by the Engineer. PROPERTY TEST METHOD RESULTS / VALUE Color Normal Off white to beige / textured Density ASTM E605 38. cmuuu pua vgbisnc uykmr xzaepot pnlhow pkpgmal htpvi coa lpbftimg pnno elmhsul nopp vfqbssu othbg