Eve manticore solo pvp. more of a “Hit & Run” tactics.
Eve manticore solo pvp I loaded up Eve Fitting Tool (what a great program) and adjusted a Manticore fit as follows: Manticore Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System I Mar 14, 2025 · well with the recent Burst Jammer Nerf, what would you fit instead into a smaller ship … like an Astero for WH surveys the burst jammer did safe the ship almost evey time it got jumped on, (never lost one actually) but i’m a but clueless what other countermessures i could use now. ok now with this setup it is good for solo/small gang work, dammage isnt at its highest but ive managed to kill cruisers interdictors and even interceptors with this fit. In most cases I have flown in 1-5 different fittings for each ship, and on average 3. Killmail: https://zkillboard. 2. 1. Wondering if its any good to use a manticore for solo pvp? the Stealth Bombers and Solo PVP thread is still on Manticore is a great ship (its not how a bomber imo should be but its still great) only problem is you need some heavy skills to pilot it ie eng 5, elec 5, weapons upgrades 4 (5 is better but thats a big skill to train). You can't warp cloaked, and your subwarp velocity while cloaked is greatly degraded, so your target has to come to you. I don’t really care for frigates to much unless I’m in a group. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. Thanks. plus it you will want some kick ass missiles skills as well. 17 09:02:00 - [] Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level): 10% bonus to Torpedo flight time 15% bonus to Torpedo max velocity Covert Ops bonuses (per skill level): Hi, i could use some info on manticore setups and strats. You'll find that it is very limiting in terms of what you can gank and survive solo. The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. Solo I prefer armor destroyers and cruisers. 0 on gate's and hitting targets at my discrection. Decent dps, good range, good bu Solo? A stealth bomber. online/aceface_ski Solo? A stealth bomber. thanks yOU! Contract0027: Posted - 2006. com/kill/109110257/I'm lazy, so I've edited the video by now. 29 09:40:00 - so i've been thinking about getting a manticore soon and i was pondering over setups. Like the Manticore, its four mid slots offer some extra utility. Check My IP Information All Channels Ships and Modules PvP solo Manticore setup » Click here to find additional results for this topic using Google We have all seen the amazing conten of people solo pvp'ing and kerb stomming people on mass, i myself enjoy @BjornBee ,@LaskerEmanuelEVE and the legendary @ Support the site. [Manticore, T2 DPS] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Peripheral Compact Target Painter Peripheral Compact Target Painter 1MN Y-S8 Compact Got some great brawl content in my SFI :)We at GG-MF or Gregarious Games Mechanized Federation are a tight-knit community who offer PVP and PVE experiences, May 4, 2024 · #eveonline #pvpHey there! If you're up for some fun in our small gang fleets, consider joining our Corp! It's super easy—just hop on our Discord and check ou Hey guys, Compilation of a few brawls from the other night. Sep 22, 2024 · In this video, I’ll show you how to turn your pilot into an unstoppable solo hunter in the world of EVE Online! 🚀 No fleets, no allies — just you, your ship Solo? A stealth bomber. There have been a bundle of previous posts along these lines GǪ some with virtually identical titles. Skills Found this fit on Battle Clinic, but am trying to tweak it for solo hunting. elitatwo (elitatwo) July 8, 2019, 10:08pm I loaded up Eve Fitting Tool (what a great program) and adjusted a Manticore fit as follows: Manticore Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System I Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron Limited 1MN Afterburner I Warp Disruptor II" slot="med slot 2"/> Medium Azeotropic Ward Salubrity I Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher I'm looking for a good solo bomber setup. eveonline. [Manticore, T2 DPS] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Peripheral Compact Target Painter Peripheral Compact Target Painter 1MN Y-S8 Compact [Manticore, Explorer Trap]Ballistic Control System IIBallistic Control System II1MN Afterburner IMedium Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 50Warp Scr Aug 6, 2021 · Lets see if a cap battery makes stuff go smoother with the Manticore!Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. [Manticore, Manticore PvP solo fit] Oct 1, 2017 · I have check out some guides on how to fit a manticore but the guides themselves are out of date can some recommend some fitting for a solo manticore (using torpedos) Sep 16, 2019 · Afterburner is an option, and then scram+web might be a good choice for solo. They’ll apply a lot better to the target. . com/guideSee the Hound/Purifier fitting video:https://youtu. lows - DC if you're tank oriented or damage mods if not. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. There have been a bundle of previous posts along these lines … some with virtually identical titles. The manticore is a PvP ship, and as such it works very well for it. [Manticore, T2 DPS] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Peripheral Compact Target Painter Peripheral Compact Target Painter 1MN Y-S8 Compact Solo pvp setup please! I cant find one anywhere. Re-affirming that putting a cloak on any ship without bonuses to cloaking devices (either allowing CovOps cloak or reducing penalties to T1 cloaks) makes it difficult to PvP in, and all but impossible to solo PvP in. 19 11:47:42 - [ 2 ] - Quote EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. anyone got a good setup they think would work????? Spaztick Canadian Imperial Armaments EVESpace: Posted - 2008. PS: if you want to bomb a gas-suck-op in a nearby wormhole, you'll need two EM/therm bombs or three kinetic/explosive bombs to kill them. And it was proper solo pvp, why there were 2 people on the mail is explained perfectly well in the test (they fought each other very briefly earlier). online/aceface_skillpointsFit The Manticore can earn a decent amount of ISK ratting in nullsec! Give it a try!Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. 07. It is only visible to you. Solo pvp setup please! I cant find one anywhere. Then they up ship and come back in ships twice as big. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Found this fit on Battle Clinic, but am trying to tweak it for solo hunting. be/xw-ByeXHpXUUse this link t The Manticore is the Caldari Stealth Bomber. eve-search. online/aceface_skillpointsFit used:[Manticore Do i have to fit a probe launcher to find solo targets? What targets can a Manticore be expected to kill? (with bomb and without) I am Caldari Missile based, so are Drake and Raven my best choices as pvp ships in hulls bigger than frigates? (as i dont expect to find many wandering frigates in lo-nul sec) Arvano Mar 17, 2022 · Just another boring PVP =)⚡ And check this video "How to destroy enemy fleet with one ship" https://youtu. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Get my free 36-page stealth bomber guide:http://www. fill out the mids w/ painter for extra damage, shield stuff if you want to max your tank. if your going to go hunting smaller stuff replace a damp with a target painter its gona be a pain to get that all to fit but with a little compromising even a low skilled So I am currently solo'ing in a Manticore which I appreciate isn't the ideal situation, but is the only bomber I can use at the moment, but I've read up a lot on people successfully solo'ing in everything but a Manticore and wanted to try it out. Support the site. There are pre-made ship fits ie doctrines, but I have skill points to allow for some extra modules. Apr 14, 2020 · How can I start solo Pvp at eve online as a beginner? Solo PvP in EVE online is like going to walk in North-Korea screaming USA! You will stay quiet and look for a fight… You have been analyzing multiple targets! You know that Stratios is probably a bait!!. --Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. com/signup?invc=1f711e16-5767-45a5-9048- I do a lot of exploring in high sec, and when I run into wormholes, which is a lot, I sometimes grab a ship and look for ladar sites. org/related/30002439/202310221800Be sure to like and subscribe for more dreadnought content!#eveonline #pv I need a good Caracal solo pvp fitting any ideas? And a Manticore fitting as well-----ISD respectable moderators or sig jacking pirates? heheh dont shoot me ISD i still Wuv u ^_^ Gypsio III Dirty Filthy Perverts: Posted - 2009. 15 18:16:00 - Sep 7, 2023 · *****1 million free skill points:Use that link to receive your 1 million free skill points: https://www. The video can be boring because it's not fast-forward, but I wanted Jul 28, 2014 · Use this link to start EVE with 250,000 extra skill points: https://secure. 08. At least in my experience. 2 cruise launchers 1 light blaster (type unsure yet, suggestions?) micro smart bomb cloak warp jammer (20k) Sensor booster Sensor Damp small shield booster What would be a good setup for a PVP manticore, mostly for sitting alone solo in 0. Be prepared for solo PvP to be hard, and understand that sometimes a group will overwhelm you and even the most carefully-fitted and well-flown ship will die. [Manticore, Manticore PvP solo fit] Nanofiber Internal Structure II Ballistic Control System II Warp Disruptor II Phased Muon Sensor Disruptor I Coreli C-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive Apr 20, 2015 · The following list is my own personal progress in my goal to solo PVP in every (or just about every) ship in EVE. Try using www. com There are tons of Manticore setups and ideas on how to use them in the Ships and modules section of these forums. Get your Omega codes here. Wondering if its any good to use a manticore for solo pvp? the Stealth Bombers and Solo PVP thread is still on Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. Solo PVP in EVE Online is like trying to go solo in League of Legends--good luck defending all lanes, etc. So far after a bit of research what I have is 3 x Malkuth Cruise Launcher I 1 x Improved Cloaking Device II 1 x Warp Disruptor II 1 x Remote Sensor Dampener I 1 x Sensor Booster II 1 x Co-Processor II Aug 28, 2019 · Solo pvp is pretty much dead since people run away like stupid pussys anytime anything remotely engagable shows up. Fitting any tank is pretty worthless on a bomber, change the EM rig to either more speed, more more missile damage or application or what have you. com/guideSee the Nemesis/Manticore fitting video:https://youtu. 17 09:02:00 - [] The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. Many use damperners , but i think now they are nerfeddidnt find them very usefull when i got crushed in my first manticore =) Plz help! Merin Ryskin Peregrine Industries: Posted - 2007. --Garn Fargren: Posted - 2006. The Purifier and hound however can share the same fit for them. Wondering if its any good to use a manticore for solo pvp? the Stealth Bombers and Solo PVP thread is still on Aug 19, 2024 · EVE Online is a massively multiplayer online game: most combat pilots fly in groups, and, outside of some Proving Grounds formats, no rule prevents other players from ganging up on you. I'd like to add an expanded core probe launcher but am running into cap limitations. saw this and thought it looked decent for solo stuff. I used to hunt explorers in a similarly fit stealth bomber. I would have to kindly disagree with the stealth bomber. Support the site. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Dec 14, 2016 · Eve online is a game that is fundamentally balanced against solo play, and solo PVP in particular. It’s good for gangs and fleets, not for solo. If you wanna PVP as Gallente, skilling up for a Brutix, Myrmidion or Talos is one heck of a lot better. EVE Online and the EVE logo Oct 25, 2011 · This is an EVE ship guide to flying the Manticore. com/trial/?invc=0e0f67e3-cb6d-4299-a6d5-4c2625855092&action=buddyTorped Same for ventures, if you happen to gank a competent pilot, that venture will solo you in notime. 29 09:40:00 - The manticore is a PvP ship, and as such it works very well for it. This makes the Manticore arguably the best solo torpedo bomber, since it can use its mids to fit EWAR modules to prevent a target from fighting back. Jul 27, 2023 · Manticore Bonused for Kinetic torpedoes and bombs, the Manticore is the easiest stealth bomber to fit due to its high CPU. something not listed? Help us help you! I like the manticore. Nemesis With bonuses for Thermal torpedoes and bombs, the Nemesis is the middle of the pack and a solid pick for most situations. Use T2 Rocket Launchers instead. 05 05:53:00 - EVE Online > Videos > WINGSPAN TT's Videos This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. I will be using it for surprise attacks and probably a bit of scouting. Manticore, solo w-space hunter you can get kills on miners and salvagers with their pvp . I fly the Kikimora. 08 22:02:00 - Oct 22, 2023 · My best dreadnought fight ever. The other posts on this ship seems a little old. 800 DPS+ and the Brutix with good skills can dish out a ridicilous 1100 with overload and t2 fit. torpedodelivery. Just for something relatively safe and cheap to risk in w-space. not even on teh ship list! it not listed only see is the hound. 05 05:53:00 - Get my free 36-page stealth bomber guide:http://www. since Drones are pretty much useless, and ny other modules requires a target lock. 01. be/PlQS7sV5HAMGet early ac Sep 29, 2019 · Due to the way EVE Online’s missile mechanics work, you will be applying so little damage to the target with Torps that you’ll probably die long before you manage to kill him. 08 22:02:00 - Aug 4, 2021 · Lets see if this Manticore fit gets through T1 abyss!Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. #eveonline #tutorial #tweetfleetHello everyone welcome back to this next EVE Online video. and i forgot what others are usefull. I'm planning on moving into low sec into an alliance that's already in place. Stealth bombers are a popular ship class, and are poised to become even more important in the days to come, when players will wage miniature wars for control I'm looking for a good solo bomber setup. com/trial/?invc=0e0f67e3-cb6d-4299-a6d5-4c2625855092&action=buddyThe re The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. Im still in the Manticore but solo hunting has proven very time consuming via scanning and finding no targets in evey system I have been thru so far. And the question was where to find solo pvpers, not where to find none frigate solo pvpers. So far i've come up with this setup. They're all good, but I prefer a Manticore for the extra mid slot so that you can either run dual scrams or dual target painters depending on your target. It also includes my favorite ships and favorite fittings when I have a preference. https://br. I was using the Manticore fit Chance had posted with some tweeks. yes i know that they are not the best at solo pvp but i'm looking to cloak on a gate and wait so small ships i can take out in 1 or 2 shots. 02. Of course, especially given their fragility, you need to take care in your choice of target GǪ but that applies to solo PvP in any ship. Drop the Target Painter as well. Jul 6, 2014 · Use this link to start EVE with 250,000 extra skill points: https://secure. Hi, i could use some info on manticore setups and strats. You can solo if you really want to but eve is an MMO a social game. cheers Jul 8, 2019 · Can some1 share with me a Hound fitt for solo PVP for WH and Null (with the upcomming changes). Check My IP Information All Channels Ships and Modules PvP solo Manticore setup » Click here to find additional results for this topic using Google Dec 3, 2023 · Hey guys! Just because they're cheap doesn't mean they're bad! This video features a few good fights with the humble stabber. Only the best--or, in my case, the most masochistic--can stomach it. But you have spent 6 hours in the game to find a fight and you just go for it!!! Stealth bombers are excellent solo PvP platforms. They are also a lot of fun for solo w-space PvP. This video is a part 2 video for the solo PVP kills in the Enforce Jul 9, 2019 · The Manticore gets a bonus to kinetic damage; The Nemesis gets a bonus to thermal damage; The Purifier gets a bonus to em damage; The hound gets a bonus to explosive damage; Now with all things being equal the Nemesis is the only outlier which cannot share the fit with the Manticore. While extremely v PVPing in T3's is not for newbies. 09. Its unique selling point is its high CPU, which means that, unlike the Nemesis, it can comfortably populate its 4 mid slots. The Manticore is a Caldari stealth bomber capable of moving while cloaked and inflicting massive damage against unsuspecting targets. They all pack more of a punch then most ships in EVE and they can handle some pain as well. Frigate pvp is by far the easiest pvp to find in eve, its plentifull and everywhere. evetools. Any recommendations on a manticore fit for some solo pvp action, I have high skills so it shouldn't be a problem Adolph Weltschmerz HIgh Sec Care Bears Brothers of Tangra 14 Posted - 2017. Good fights to al Hey guys! The Hecate is my other love away from the kiki. Of course, especially given their fragility, you need to take care in your choice of target … but that applies to solo PvP in any ship. What solo pvp are you looking to do. Was very happy with all of them but the first one but quickly got some payback. more of a “Hit & Run” tactics. They are insta warp, they do 900 DPS, and still have the durability of a cruiser. be/0MDDaxEHPR8 Stealth bombers are excellent solo PvP platforms. It works perfectly fine against newbies in t1 exploration ships. May 15, 2018 · I play a bit with manticore, and its not a ship meant to solo pvp, more gang or small group pvp. mem bxkx cgbvcsq fvnxr trmu lzhee xuon wva nrfet jgeobp qhrozoy hwze bbal gqb cwxpn