Ddo improved critical. Good dps and CC Bone Crusher: my personal favorite.
Ddo improved critical Benefits: +1 Critical Hit change when wielding a: Battleaxe; Dwarven Waraxe Description: Increases the base critical hit threat range of any piercing weapon you use. • STR: 18 • DEX: 14 Apr 6, 2024 · Okay. Enhancements: baseline is 32 Berserker (Focused Wrath) / 17 SDK (Greater Spiked Chain Attack) / 13 Swashbuckler (Dashing Scoundrel + Swift Strikes) / 3 Acrobat (Fast Dec 13, 2024 · Likewise I think their crit range caps at 17-20: 20 base + 1 StP + 1 Improved Critical (or Impact) + 1 Holy Sword (or DWS). May 30, 2024 · That's the average non-crit damage. Dec 11, 2024 · The BDR also reflects the character's Improved Critical feat if it applies to that weapon. When rolling a 19 or 20 on an attack with any weapons used by the character, your critical damage multiplier is increased by +1. Description. Epic Feat: Your unarmed attacks and Handwraps are treated as vorpal weapons, and are now treated as slashing weapons. 6 days ago · Many active attacks, often coming from enhancements, feats, or epic destiny abilities, modify the critical threat and/or multiplier of a single attack. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, it Jan 11, 2025 · Force Blast 2: This weapon is sheathed in Force, dealing 2d6 Force damage a successful hit, and an additional 2d6 Force damage on a critical hit. And they have an open mind. Notes Feb 8, 2024 · Description: Increases the base critical hit threat range of any bludgeoning weapon you use. Enhancements: baseline is 32 Berserker (Focused Wrath) / 17 SDK (Greater Spiked Chain Attack) / 13 Swashbuckler (Dashing Scoundrel + Swift Strikes) / 3 Acrobat (Fast Keen Keen: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. yoko5000 00:47, May 26, 2011 (EDT) I think the difference is in that Bows are Ranged weapon-type that do Piercing damage-type. E. Armor-Piercing - 7% Armor-Piercing - 7%: Passive: +7% Enhancement bonus to Fortification Bypass. edit What's the interaction of the improved crit range of exalted smite (+2 at level 3) and the improved crit range of the Improved Critial feat? E. Benefits: +1 Critical Hit change when wielding a: Heavy Pick; Light Pick Improved Critical. Mar 3, 2024 · i used an otto's box and played around with a 18 dragon lord/2 barbarian THF and it was a lot of fun. This feat is taken for a certain weapon type ( Bludgeoning , Piercing , Ranged , Slashing or Thrown ) , and can be taken multiple times, though each time must be for a different type. Oct 10, 2024 · It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately. (Fortification Bypass makes your attacks ignore a Jan 8, 2025 · Deadly Striker now reads: "While you are centered, you gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Threat Range and Multiplier. Jun 7, 2024 · Improved criticals used to literally double whatever was on the weapon but inherent expanded critical ranges on items can be very powerful when you add in the extra epic feats, enhancement lines, special attacks etc as the game went on & the issue kinda had to be addressed after the inquisitive tree was added & ratcatcher, the ml8 crossbow from threnal, became best in slot for inquisitives vs Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons; Increase your chance to land a critical hit with slashing weapons! Requires: Base Attack Bonus +8 Doubles the base critical hit threat range of any slashing weapon you use. Multiple ways exist now to increase critical multiplier on the rolls of 19 and 20. Benefits: +1 Critical Hit change when wielding a: Club; Greatclub; Handwraps Feb 3, 2023 · A critical threat means you have a chance to score a critical hit. Caster Level 10-14 +4 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +4 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Gain 20% Strikethrough chance. Maiming 6 Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. Clawing at your foes and striking them down before you. Nov 1, 2021 · Improved Critical:Slashing increases this by an additional +1, for a total of 17-20/x3. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, it May 31, 2023 · Note: Shintao's 'Fists of Light [T3]' can only be taken after you reach level 32 and take GMoF's 'Disciple of Philosophy: Light' BUG: Going Dark path in heroic levels and then taking GMoF's 'Disciple of Philosophy: Light [C4]' at level 32 currently in game allows you, retroactively @ level 32, to pick all/any T3 Light attacks from all 3 trees, except for 'Fists of Light'. Or if you don't have Vistani, you can put more points into PDK tree for Great Weapon Aptitude (+20% Strikethrough); or Sacred Defender for +2 Lay on Hands charges and Hardy Oct 7, 2023 · 9 Standard: Improved Single Weapon Fighting 12·Standard: Greater Single Weapon Fighting Charisma: +1 15 Standard: Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons 16 Charisma: +1 18 Standard: Offhand Versatility 20 Charisma: +1 21 Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical 22 Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Single Weapon Fighting 24 Epic Feat: Quicken Spell Charisma: +1 May 16, 2013 · Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03. This feat does not stack with item effects that double threat range like keen and impact. Human can also take Two Weapon Defense (+10 MRR cap) or Spring Attack. If you have Improved Critical: Piercing, this bonus to Threat Range is doubled Oct 5, 2023 · Improved Critical: Thrown Weapons; Character Level 12; Fighter 5; Kensei Tree. ; the dragon lord tree has +2 Sep 18, 2024 · EK is mostly unique among melees in that it doesn't pigeonholed you into 1-2 weapon types. You gain +4 racial bonus to constitution, and +15% exceptional bonus to AC. Good dps and CC Bone Crusher: my personal favorite. , Impactful 4 Impactful 4: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to ripple with force, dealing 4 to 24 force on each hit. So I ask you guys (90% of which will flame me with, reroll & copy build "X") if you had to choose between Precise shot & Improved Precise Shot OR Improved Critical: Ranged & Something else (possibly Precise Shot) what direction would Oct 10, 2024 · The basic idea is to leverage weapons that already have expanded crit ranges with the double bonuses from swash and improved critical. , with a greatsword (19-20x2), what will be the resulting crit range of a successful exalted smite (which grants also +2 crit multiplier)? The build will hit 11 BAB at Level 18 and can take Improved Precise Shot then, but is it worth the two feats. Named: Category:Red augments; DR bypass: Alignment, Material; Elemental damage: +1d6 to +9d6; Spell Power (Enhancement bonus Apr 24, 2023 · Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons: Quicken Spell: Improved Mental Toughness Elf: Extend Spell: Power Attack: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Khopesh) Empower Healing Spell: Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons: Quicken Spell: Mental Toughness Dwarf: Extend Spell: Power Attack: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Khopesh) Empower Healing Spell: Improved Oct 6, 2021 · Feats are tight but doable: SWF x3, Finesse, Precision, Offhand Versatility, Improved+Overwhelming Critical, Improved Sneak Attack - that's 9 feats leaving two epic slots free. Sep 7, 2024 · Repair Critical Damage School: Transmutation Primer: [[spells|]] Spell Level: Art 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wild 4: Special: Components: Verbal Verbal: A verbal component is a spoken incantation. png About DDO Compendium. Heavy Maces and Morningstars change from 20/x2 to 18-20/x2; War Hammers change from 20/x3 to 18-20/x3. Shock Shock: This weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. Disclaimers Oct 27, 2024 · Just getting back into DDO and am aiming for this build found in the old forums. Some of the feats, I'm not so sure about and would gladly take an advice. It's how you learn and get better! Try not to stress too much about what some people have to say about how you play your game. , if you made a Swashbuckler using Forester's Brush Hook, you would have: 18-20/x3 base I'm guessing there's no way to improve the threat range of this weapon? It's a short sword (but a sun blade, so bastard sword), but it does light damage, not slash or pierce. Usage: Passive; Prerequisite: Level 21, Improved Critical: (Bludgeoning or Piercing or Slashing or Ranged or Thrown) Description. So I ask you guys (90% of which will flame me with, reroll & copy build "X") if you had to choose between Precise shot & Improved Precise Shot OR Improved Critical: Ranged & Something else (possibly Precise Shot) what direction would Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons; Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons; Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons; Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons; Improved Critical: Thrown Weapons; Description: Epic Feat: When rolling a 19 or 20 on an attack roll, your critical damage multiplier is increased by +1. I have spent dozens of hours theory-crafting this build and another 6 lives polishing it. Maiming 4 Maiming: This weapon has a twisted haft or grip and spikes along its blade, head, or point. May 21, 2023 · DDO is an awesome game, and trying-and-testing + making changes to suit your specific play style are a very healthy aspect of the game. Dec 20, 2024 · Improved Elemental Arrows: (1 AP): Your Elemental Arrow and Force Arrow imbues gain On Critical: 1d10 elemental damage based on your Imbue Dice, as well as an additional effect based on the element selected: Corrosive Arrows: Your arrows gain the Destruction ability (see above). Jul 7, 2023 · Nightforged avenger blade has an expanded critical profile that stacks with improved crit & benefits from knight's training, making it pretty much a 1handed SoS. First off all, pardon my english, since it is not my first language. Handwrap Attack: Requires equipped Handwraps. When Equipped . Good aoe and single target dps Impact Impact: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. Mar 9, 2025 · Improved Critical Passive Adds 1, 2, or 3 to critical threat range based on the weapon type's unmodified threat range. With limited testing I don't think improved crit stacks with Swashbuckling's competence bonus to crit profiles, can anyone confirm? Heroic feats: Stunning Fist, TWF x3, Swords to Plowshares, Improved Critical, Precision, Dodge/Mobility/Whirlwind Attack. Enhancements: 41 Shintao (tier-5s + capstone) / 27 Falconry (No Mercy + Deadly Instinct + Coordinated Strike ) / 11 Ninja (MP Boost, Shadow Veil) or Improved critical as of some many updates ago no longer doubles the crit range of your weapon, it applies a +1-3 crit range depending on the base weapon type. Passive Feb 22, 2023 · Hi all! This is my favourite build, that I want to share with you. The increase is equal to the normal range of the weapon type your are wielding (1-3). I was a bit too ashamed to admit that I didn't know the basic mechanics of daggers. OR Elemental Damage Imbue: Improved Elemental Arrows: Choose one: Oct 6, 2023 · Impact Impact: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. Very easy to get too since you just need to grab the adamantine ore in relic of a sovereign past & trade it to the npc there, it's popular on hardcore for that reason. This roll must beat the target's AC in Description: Increases the base critical hit threat range of any ranged weapon you use. Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set!Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. I'm only seeing the base +2 added by the builder (and, interestingly, seeing "keen/impact" appear instead of the improved crit feat for the other +1 in the breakdown. Character name: Mitagy Classes: 13 Druid, 10 Epic, 6 Barbarian, 1 Favored Soul Race: Razorclaw Shifter · ·Alignment: Neutral May 7, 2023 · Level 12 Standard Feat: Improved Critical Bludgeoning Weapons Level 15 Standard Feat: Improved Two Weapon Fighting Level 18 Standard Feat: Greater Two Weapon Fighting Level 21 Epic Feat: Overwhelming Crit Level 22 Epic Destiny Feat: Doublestrike Level 24 Epic Feat: Improved Martial Arts Level 25 Epic Destiny Feat: Crush Weakness Apr 17, 2024 · Shred: Deals +30% damage. Jan 28, 2022 · This build is based in Adrenaline/Dire Charge to made helpless, im opened to tips for improve my build. May 10, 2023 · I say "fortune" because, unfortunately, the vast majority of the (few) best ddo players left (to mention an old sage, Teth) who are willing to help and give advice do not frequent forums or "public" channels. So I ask you guys (90% of which will flame me with, reroll & copy build "X") if you had to choose between Precise shot & Improved Precise Shot OR Improved Critical: Ranged & Something else (possibly Precise Shot) what direction would What's the interaction of the improved crit range of exalted smite (+2 at level 3) and the improved crit range of the Improved Critial feat? E. Or if you don't have Vistani, you can put more points into PDK tree for Great Weapon Aptitude (+20% Strikethrough); or Sacred Defender for +2 Lay on Hands charges and Hardy No. +3 for falchion, great crossbow, kukri, rapier, and scimitar. There are many Feats, Enhancements, and Epic Destiny abilities that increase the damage, Critical Threat Range, or Critical Damage multiplier of a weapon. Dec 6, 2023 · +25 PRR/MRR from Sacred Defender to improve survivability; and Haste Boost from Vistani Knife Fighter to improve burst DPS, especially vs bosses who resist Holy Retribution. Crit Profile: 19-20/x2 Short Sword 17-20/x3 Swashbuckling: Short Sword 15-20/x3 Improved May 26, 2024 · If unarmed, you do 1d10, critical profile 19-20/x3. And believe me, these players continue to improve, experiment, and refine their game. Form specific spells: Takedown, Baiting Bite, Harrowing Pack, Cold Breath, Frostbite, Jaws of Winter, Howl of Terror, Snowslide; Dire Bear . Vorpal Strikes by this weapon also bypass all Fortification. Monk has to be staff or fist, barb basically has to be thf (debatable), pally/cleric/fvs need favored weapon, rogues want twf light weapons and so on. Nov 8, 2022 · Goood morning everyone, I am Strimtom, and today I bring to you a barbarian build. 16. What's the interaction of the improved crit range of exalted smite (+2 at level 3) and the improved crit range of the Improved Critial feat? E. +1 Critical Multiplier. Dwarf will be our racial choice for their +2 Constitution (CON) and various defensive bonuses. The expanded critical range and critical multiplier on the Sword of Shadows is one that can't easily be beat for a two-handed weapon, and that hefty critical damage quickly brings up the physical damage portion of the weapon to meet and exceed the Barovian Greatsword. EDIT: to that you can add Overwhelming Critical + ED capstone for +2x on 19-20, putting your endgame threat range at 17-18/x5 19-20/x7. Apr 25, 2013 · Power Critical. Heavy Maces, Morningstars & War Hammers critical threat range is increased by 2. , Force Blast 4 Force Blast 4: This weapon ripples with intense force, dealing 4d6 Force damage on a successful hit, and an additional 4d6 Force damage The build will hit 11 BAB at Level 18 and can take Improved Precise Shot then, but is it worth the two feats. Description: Increases the base critical hit threat range of any thrown weapon you use. When you have a weapon equipped in your main hand that is part of your Focus, you gain 1% Doublestrike or 1% Doubleshot (depending on whether your Focus is melee or ranged). Notes. . If you crit a mob, then you also need to factor in the critical damage: Critical Damage: 14 Seeker 06 Guild Ship: Proving Ground – 20 You also need to know the crit profile of the weapon with all of your enhancements. Benefits: +1 Critical damage multiplier Feb 6, 2011 · Improved Critical does not stack with the Keen or Impact weapon enchantments. DDO has come a long way for quarterstaff users. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus 8+. Daggers also gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Threat Range. Moonbeam: overall solid staff. I DID NOT KNOW the basic crit profiles of daggers and I was under the impression the feat wasn't working, when it was working correctly. Red Augment Slot Red Augments. Fighters may select this feat as one of their fighter bonus feats. Add +1 with Antipode or +2 with Adamantine Knuckles. Benefits: +1 Critical Hit change when wielding a: Longbow; Shortbow The build will hit 11 BAB at Level 18 and can take Improved Precise Shot then, but is it worth the two feats. Overwhelming Critical: Epic Feat: When rolling a 19 or 20 on an attack with an appropriate weapon type your critical damage multiplier is increased by +1. , with a greatsword (19-20x2), what will be the resulting crit range of a successful exalted smite (which grants also +2 crit multiplier)? 4 days ago · As a minimum, you want 3 x SWF, Quicken and Maximize, and really Whirlwind due to the lack of AoE/cleave abilities and Improved Critical. Jan 8, 2024 · But there are two Competence bonuses to critical threat range which are doubled if you have the corresponding Improved Critical feat to go with it: Swashbuckling (any compatible weapon) and Assassin's Knife Specialization if using daggers. but with permanent displacement, great CC from the dragon breathi think i'm getting my handaxe back out and running a 1 rogue/3 bard/16 dragon lord shadar kai. This does not change the Improved Critical feat that you need for this weapon - Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Note that Pulverizer (epic Dreadnought T6 ability) does not currently work with Sireth May not be WAI. g. Power Critical grants a +2 bonus to confirm critical hits and +2 bonus to critical hit damage (before multipliers are applied). Ability Point Buy. , with a greatsword (19-20x2), what will be the resulting crit range of a successful exalted smite (which grants also +2 crit multiplier)? Game mechanics • Newbie guide • In development • DDO Store • Social Media Challenges • Classes • Collectables • Crafting • Enhancements • Epic Destinies • Favor • Feats Glossary • Items • Maps • Monsters • Places • Quests • Races • Reincarnation • Skills • Spells What's the interaction of the improved crit range of exalted smite (+2 at level 3) and the improved crit range of the Improved Critial feat? E. ; the dragon lord tree has +2 Oct 7, 2023 · 9 Standard: Improved Single Weapon Fighting 12·Standard: Greater Single Weapon Fighting Charisma: +1 15 Standard: Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons 16 Charisma: +1 18 Standard: Offhand Versatility 20 Charisma: +1 21 Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical 22 Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Single Weapon Fighting 24 Epic Feat: Quicken Spell Charisma: +1 May 16, 2013 · Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03. Make an attack similar to the Druid spell Shred: This attack may may reduce the target's Armor Class by 4 for a short time. May 20, 2024 · Coalesced Magic 1% spell critical damage and 3 pieces set give additional +4%; Reverberation 4 Pieces: +3% Sonic Spell Crit Damage; Soulweaver +2% Positive Spell Crit Damage and 5 Pieces: +5% Positive Spell Crit Damage; Angelic Wings 5 Pieces: +5% Light Spell Critical Damage; Dragonsoul 3 Pieces: +5% Spell Critical Damage and 5 Pieces: +5% Oct 6, 2021 · Feats are tight but doable: SWF x3, Finesse, Precision, Offhand Versatility, Improved+Overwhelming Critical, Improved Sneak Attack - that's 9 feats leaving two epic slots free. This may be relevant when casting the spell from a scroll. Impact Impact: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. Usage: Passive; Prerequisite: Base attack bonus of 4+, Weapon Focus; Description. Character name: Gardagh Classes: 20 Dark Hunter, 10 Epic, 4 Note: While these templates typically avoid equipment suggestions, for the Two Handed Weapon variant it's suggested that a greataxe or greatsword is used in conjunction with the Improved Critical: Slashing feat. These feats help you deal more damage! Power Attack trades accuracy for damage (don't worry, you'll hit plenty with the above feats added) and Improved Critical doubles the chance of getting a critical hit. May 10, 2023 · DDO is an awesome game, and trying-and-testing + making changes to suit your specific play style are a very healthy aspect of the game. My deep gnome does not show a change in critical range with improved critical ? I can get +1 range from the racial tree but the feat does nothing? Working as intended or a bug ? Feb 8, 2024 · Description: Increases the base critical hit threat range of any slashing weapon you use. Even if it did, it wouldn't stack with "Improved Critical: Ranged" - which is what you should be taking. To do so, a confirmation roll is made, with the same to-hit bonus being applied (plus extra confirmation bonuses such as Seeker, Kensei enhancements, Fighter Critical Accuracy, etc. Dec 13, 2017 · deals an extra +1d6 × (critical multiplier +1) alignment damage to opposing on critical +4: Prefix Vicious: 2d6 damage to enemy, 1d3 damage to self +2: Prefix Keen: 2x critical range for pierce & slash weapons (doesn't stack with Improved Critical) +1: Prefix Impact: 2x critical range for bludgeon weapons (doesn't stack with Improved Critical May 26, 2011 · no. Something simple to engage the mind. Ranks: 1 Points (per rank): 2 Benefits: All Elemental Arrow Imbues Gain: 1d10 to 3d10 Elemental Damage based on critical multiplier; Corrosive Arrows: Arrows gain On Damage: -1 AC Jul 12, 2024 · Strike With No Thought: Passive: Your weapons (but not shields) gain +1 competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier. ); in this roll, 1's automatically fail to hit DDO Forums. Improved Critical: Piercing is just for piercing melee weapons such as picks, rapiers, and shortswords. , with a greatsword (19-20x2), what will be the resulting crit range of a successful exalted smite (which grants also +2 crit multiplier)? Jun 18, 2023 · Knife Spec T5 Assassin - You gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier with Daggers and Kukris. These effects usually stack with everything else. A shock weapon deals an extra 1 to 6 points of electricity damage on a successful hit. This does not stack with Improved Critical feat. This feat adds 1, 2, or 3 to critical threat range based on the weapon type's unmodified threat range. Kamas, Shortswords, and Shuriken gain an additional +1 Critical Threat Range. Usage: Passive Prerequisite: Base attack bonus of 8 or higher Description. The Improved Critical applies to the weapon type, not to the damage type. See full list on ddowiki. Here are some recommendations: Elemental Bloom: A fan favorite, a pain to farm IMO but worth it. This change was made after some really broken critical pofiles with modified crit weapons around the time Swashbuckler was added. Jan 1, 2018 · Improved Critical. Unarmed damage is 1d12, critical profile 20/x3 Sep 25, 2024 · Prerequisite: Level 21, Monk class level 12 or Sacred Fist class level 12, Wisdom 23, and Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons. +1 Critical Threat Range. That's already 9 feats, so unless human that leaves you one to choose from Empower, Precision, Offhand Versatility, Knight's Training (for one of the extra centred weapon choices) and hell knows how you are 4 days ago · Level: Spell Name: School: CL/MCL: DC: Average Damage: Critical Damage: 1: Inflict Light Damage: Transmutation: 27/12-140 - 164, Average 154: 309 - 361, Average 340 Kumpulan artikel dan berita Ddo Improved Critical hari ini, terbaru, terlengkap, dan terkini! Oct 6, 2023 · Impact Impact: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. Feb 22, 2022 · Description: All of your Shadowblades spells, attacks with weapons that have been imbued by Shadow, and attacks with conjured Shadowblades apply stacks of Shattermantle when they damage an enemy. Benefits: +1 Critical Hit change when wielding a: Dart; Shuriken; Throwing Axe Sep 12, 2024 · Overwhelming Critical. com May 13, 2021 · Description: Increases the base critical hit threat range of any weapon you use. When the character wields the weapon, the BDR increases appropriately. 01 DDO Character Planner Home Page Whirling Wolf III (2M-6F-12D) Level 25 Lawful Neutral Human Female (6 Fighter \ 2 Monk \ 12 Druid \ 5 Epic) Hit Points: 379 Spell Points: 667 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 11 Will: 15 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 25) Strength 17 26 Dec 11, 2024 · The BDR also reflects the character's Improved Critical feat if it applies to that weapon. 01 DDO Character Planner Home Page Whirling Wolf III (2M-6F-12D) Level 25 Lawful Neutral Human Female (6 Fighter \ 2 Monk \ 12 Druid \ 5 Epic) Hit Points: 379 Spell Points: 667 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 11 Will: 15 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 25) Strength 17 26 Nov 8, 2022 · Goood morning everyone, I am Strimtom, and today I bring to you a barbarian build. Ways to increase multiplier on 19 and 20 . ShoeMaker (Contributions • Message) 15:58, February 25, 2013 (EST) Q. Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons (Level 8) Power Attack (Level 9) A fighter is a master of weapons, and these feats improve both your Personally no. In my experience, Sky-Pirate's Dagger is good from 4 to 10, Forgotten Axe is incredible from level 10 to 14 and Forester's Brush Hook is unbelievably good from 15 to 20 (i think it ends up being 12-20x5 for Oct 10, 2024 · Improved Critical (Slashing) has normal effect with a flame blade, making its critical range 15-20. Prerequisite: Great Cleave, Improved Critical: (any), Strength 23+. Dual wielding flame blades does not require Oversized Two Weapon Fighting. " Self Defense is now a multiselector with Improved Archer's Focus: Your Archer's Focus stance can now stack up to 25 times instead of 15. Paladin Jun 1, 2024 · Although this is a quarterstaff, it does Slash and Pierce damage, not Bludgeon. Usage: Passive; Prerequisite: Base attack bonus of 8 or higher; Description. , with a greatsword (19-20x2), what will be the resulting crit range of a successful exalted smite (which grants also +2 crit multiplier)? Jun 3, 2023 · Hmm, Swashbuckling's critical threat range bonuses are supposed to be doubled when you have the appropriate Improved Critical feat. I've seen people take it all the way up to epics. I'm hoping this leads to a good melee Dark Hunter with a decent wolf pet. This spell does not grant Scimitar weapon proficiency. Oct 21, 2023 · I think the highest possible crit chance now is going to be something like a Swashbuckler with Brush Hook: 18-20/x3 base with +1 Improved Critical, +1 Swords to Plowshares, +4 Swashbuckling (doubled w/Imp Crit feat), and ~+1 from Exploit Weakness for 11-20/x4. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot act or speak. fjfoyvupimkufzwppemcnprvmamhfayxtabmnjkezpeoqzmueegmzumsbakiloafppyegxvdwi