Clas 201 uwaterloo CLAS 201 (Test 2 Review Sheet) THEMES: Athenian government (continued) Sparta Persian Wars (Lydia, Delphic Oracle) I thoroughly enjoyed CLAS 201 (Ancient Greek Society) with Professor Riemer Faber :) Every class felt like I was being told an interesting story (Prof Faber is an excellent orator). , Twitter, Facebook) is discourteous and distracting to other people in the class. As we shall see, the Spartans were University of Waterloo Bookstore. CLAS 252 / HIST 252 Selection of Possible Test Questions (PTQs) Week 07-09 [email protected] Week 07/08: Pompey, Cicero, and Caesar until 49 BCE Week 08/09: Caesar and the Civil War 1) Which factor did NOT contribute to the outbreak of the Third Mithra CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. ADMIN MOD Tips for CLAS 104 . In CLAS 201 (Philosophy) Yet another original Greek gift to the western intellectual tradition is philosophy. 2 in class and one final. Test #1 May 30 Content from Lectures 1-4 (30%) Test #2 June 27 Content from Lectures 5-8 (30%) b) One Final Exam Content from Lectures 9-12 (40%) CLAS 390/695 Scholarships and awards 221 Archaeological Anthropology (cross-listed with ANTH 201) University of Waterloo. REVIEW SHEET – TEST 1 (CLAS 201) THEMES: The Greek Miracle (textual sources for the ancient Greeks) Who were the Greeks (Pelasgians, Minoans, Indo-Europeans) Mycenaeans (culture, Homer, Epic cycle, Homer as source for Mycenaean culture) Dark Age (decline) Hesiod (Theogony, Works and Days) Archaic Age (improvement, polis, hoplite warfare) Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo • by CasualHearthstone. View Notes - CLAS 201 Syllabus from CLAS 201 at University of Waterloo. That was Ancient Roman Society but I imagine the course would be similar to 201. a2bilode@uwaterloo. 471468 Clas 104, 201, 202 Sci 206, 201 Earth 122 Ahs 105 Bus 101 Geog 101 Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community personalities that I discussed in class. REVIEW SHEET – TEST 1 (CLAS 201) THEMES: The Greek Miracle (textual sources for the ancient Greeks) Who were the Greeks (Pelasgians, Minoans, Indo-Europeans) Mycenaeans (culture, Homer, Epic cycle, Homer as source for Mycenaean culture) Dark Age (decline) Hesiod (Theogony, Works and Days) Dark Age/Archaic Age (improvement, polis, hoplite warfare) Conversation class is also used to increase understanding and speaking skills. docx. There are a number of possible causes, famine, soil erosion, earthquakes and (if legend is correct and a large expeditionary force fought about Troy for 10 years) over-extension. Conversation class is also used to increase understanding and speaking skills. 43. , CLAS 252 Oct 31, 2011 · View Notes - 201 - Test 2 Review from CLAS 201 at University of Waterloo. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. SPAN 201 B Intermediate Spanish II University of Waterloo. It covers a wide range of topics with many perspectives. Maes, ML 229 Spring 2013 7:00 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, M3 The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples. Clas 202 questions Advice I am wondering CLAS 202 Textbook Hey folks, hope the first day of this school term went well. Finally, please do not leave cell phones or Sep 12, 2024 · Renison reserves the right to allocate students to the appropriate class based on this assessment. Zhongchao Tan Professor of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering PhD Bioenvironmental Engineering CLAS 390: The Greek island of Lesbos from the heights of Assos CLAS 390: The Library of Celsus at Ephesus University of Waterloo. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical I just took CLAS 202 with Hutter. Get app Get the Econ 201 Mid term . ca. SPAN 201-A - Syllabus. In Introduction to the basic legal framework that regulates the natural environment in Canada. 471468-80. PHIL 201 LEC 0. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Members Online Why This Tech Recession Is Needed: A President’s Perspective View CLAS201_001 from CLAS 201 at University of Waterloo. I've taken CLAS 201 and the topic was very interesting. How much is the mid term content covered until. CLAS 201 - Love, Life & Death in Greece. Maes, ML 229 Term: Spring 2013 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, M3 1006 Email: nick. These classes will also provide guidance for the midterms and the final exam. 2 term tests (multiple choice and short answer) worth 2x20=40. Data Recovery. Class notes UWaterloo Arts Café ANTH 201 or ANTH 202; Prospective major #2; University of Waterloo. Plan your courses • Read course and professor reviews • Export your schedule CLAS 201 (Lecture 1) Introduction: Greek Miracle – political science philosophy entertainment (drama, athletics) science/mathematics/medicine religion (Olympian, Chthonic) Sources - Epic poets (Homer: Iliad/Odyssey, Hesiod: Theogony/Works and Days) Lyric poets (Archilochus, Sappho, Alcaeus, etc) Classical Studies courses are taught in English. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Members Online $1000 CAD to any incoming Stream 8 student willing to swap! Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Members Online 40% decline in applications from India for study permits to Canada in the second half of 2023 rlporter@uwaterloo. Recent Professors. SOURCES To begin with, the sources for Spartan history are all non-Spartan. Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 +1 519 888 4567. Just go to class and listen. 3 exams. ca Office hours: 9:30-10:30, MWF events of ancient Greek history (students interested in social history should consider taking CLAS 201). Riemer Faber Office: ML 226 Office Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. REVIEW SHEET – TEST 1 (CLAS 201) THEMES: The Greek Miracle (textual sources for the ancient Greeks) Who were the Greeks (Pelasgians, Minoans, Indo-Europeans) Mycenaeans (culture, Homer, Epic cycle, Homer as source for Mycenaean culture) Dark Age (decline) Hesiod (Theogony) Dark Age/Archaic Age (improvement, polis, hoplite warfare) TERMS: CLAS 201 (Lecture Five) We have finished with our description of the Athenian city-state (as far as its democratic institutions are concerned). Note 2: Please see the English website for information on 2024-2025 offerings. Also the tests are all MC. Its a 90-minute timed online test for weeks 1-4. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. Let us now turn to a very different polis – Sparta. However, I also suck at memorizing and I passed the course with 50%. No aids permitted. Taking notes isn't super necessary if you pay attention as you'll be able to recall most things from just looking at the slides. Took it in Winter 2021. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical CLAS 201 (Handout Six) Now that we have covered Athens and Sparta (their respective political systems) let us examine the wars that 1) brought many Greek city-states together, 2) proved (to the Greeks at least) that the Greek way of life was superior to the „Barbarian‟ one and 3) CLAS 201 (Handout 3) MYCENAEAN COLLAPSE Around 1150 the Mycenaean empire collapsed. maes@rogers. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community If anyone could provide insights into any of CLAS 201, CLAS 241, CLAS 251, I Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community I would prefer CLAS 201 simply because I find the content easier to remember CLAS 201 at the University of Waterloo (Waterloo) in Waterloo, Canada. ca Office hours: 10:30-11:30 MWF Term/Time/Location Fall 2012: (students interested in social history should consider taking CLAS 201). pdf Contact. Office Hours. Clas 201 syllabus . See Greek and Latin for courses in the Classical languages. The professor is funny as shit and makes a bunch of jokes/stories during lecture. The University of Waterloo's WHMIS online course satisfies this requirement. , CLAS 311 - Sex & Gender in Ancient World, CLAS 232 - Studies in Ancient Roman Lit, CLAS 242 - Surv. ” Aristotle, Metaphysics, 2. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical Students can access this information in Quest (How do I Search for a class?) Employees can access this information in Quest or on the Registrar Resources website . , FINE 242 - Surv. Maes, ML 225 Term: Spring 2011 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, DC 1351 Email: nick. Classical Studies: CLAS 100, CLAS 103, CLAS 104, CLAS 105: CLAS 103, CLAS 104 Commerce: COMM 231: COMM 231 Communication Studies: COMMST 100, COMMST 101, COMMST 149: COMMST 100, COMMST 101, COMMST 112, COMMST 149 Computer Science CLAS 104, 105, 201, 202 PSYCH 101 Of the ones my peers have taken, the most common straightforward ones they recommend/mention the most seem to be: PHIL 145 ECON 101, 102 ANTH 202 Between all of those, hopefully that gives a starting point. Maes, ML 225 Term: Fall 2010 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, AL 113 Email: nick. 48246. of Roman Art & Architec. ca TIME AND LOCATION TTh 6:30-7:50 pm. Requirements: a) Two in-class tests. Maes, ML 229 Term: Fall 2012 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, AL 116 Email: nick. Studying Clas 201 Ancient Greek Society at University of Waterloo? On Studocu you will find 16 lecture notes, mandatory assignments, practical, summaries and much CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. 982b INSTRUCTOR Ron Kroeker, PhD Office: ML 225 Studying Clas 104 Classical Mythology at University of Waterloo? On Studocu you will find 183 lecture notes, 26 summaries, 22 practice materials and much more for Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community (It is CLAS 201 if it matters). Lisa Trentin. CLAS 201 (Handout Two) MYCENAEANS The Mycenaeans are the first, fully developed ancient Greek population. Contact Waterloo the other members of the class, and distracting to the instructor. that I discussed in class. Sometimes the readings are pain but overall doable 85-90 Hi so I had selected some courses for Fall 2019 and I was wondering whether CLAS 100 would be an easy 90 like CLAS 104 and CLAS 201???? HELP A STEM… Take it, easy course, just 2 midterms and final. Waterloo UW - University of Waterloo - Main : CGC - Conrad Grebel University Coll: STJ - St. Web Course Notes: Go to Waterloo Learn under CLAS 202. CLAS 205 – Medieval Society – D. If you enjoy the material, then I highly recommend it. I would also recommend CLAS 252 and GEOG 101, but neither are offered in the spring. lecture material, allow you to ask questions, clarify matters discussed in class, raise new ideas, etc. CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. Development of Greek philosophy – Milesians, Parmenides, Heraclitus Brief History: 95-96, 200-202 Ancient Greece: 138-141 Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Atomists Week 1. University of Waterloo. AL 116 DESCRIPTION CLAS 221/ANTH 201: Introduction to Archaeology (Winter 2025) University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 519-888-4567 x32377. 32817 Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 11:30-12:20, or by appointment. CLAS 202: Love, Life and Death in Rome: Winter: CLAS 205: Medieval Society (Cross-listed with MEDVL 205) Winter: CLAS 210: History of Ancient Law (Cross-listed with HIST 210/LS The VaxStreet Boys meme takes the word "vax" from vaccinated and "street" from the famous American b. Campus map 5 days ago · The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples. HOME / CLASSES / STV 201 - Pluriversal Alternatives: Ideas to Postpone the End of the World University of Waterloo. An Introduction to Classical Studies. STV 201 - Pluriversal Alternatives: Ideas to Postpone the End of the World University of Waterloo. Je recherche un cours facile le trimestre prochain et je pense suivre le CLAS 201 le trimestre prochain avec Lisa Trentin. Arts Undergraduate Office: PAS building, room 2439 519 888-4567 ext. uwaterloo Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. The change to currency caused problems for many Greek city-states (you’ll recall) – indebtedness, expropriation of land, slavery. Fauci, and George Soros support the COVID-19 vaccine. There was mandatory short writings for a few weeks (just have to do a certain number of them). The VaxStreet Boys meme takes the word "vax" from vaccinated and "street" from the famous American band known as the Backstreet Boys to imply the group of individuals: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Dr. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical CLAS 201 Fairly easy and pretty interesting IMO. CLAS 327 – Fall 2010 – D. 250A, 250B, 251, 283/CLAS 261 Apart from CLAS 201, 104 , 100. For those who took it recently, how easy is the course? And how’s the course outline (quizzes, assignments, exams, etc. 200 University Avenue West CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY (CLAS 104) University of Waterloo, Spring Term, 2012 “And the person who is puzzled and wonders thinks that he is ignorant. PTQ 08-09 Pompey, Caesar, Civil War, Actium Selection 220227_230226. All ancient populations manifest wisdom, in some form or another, and we loosely refer to such musings as philosophy. WHMIS must be completed by the end of the third week of the first term of enrolment in Fine Arts studio courses or the student's enrolment in the course will be cancelled. AL 116 DESCRIPTION CLAS 104 (at least in-class) People (including me) usually recommend it because it's easy - and it is. The lecture notes, too, for Kylon and Draco appear on handout three. There will be a Looking for an easy course next term and I’m thinking about taking CLAS 201 next term with Lisa Trentin. Porreca – Winter 2011 1 dporreca@uwaterloo. i missed out on classes last week. Maes, ML 225 Term: Fall 2009 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, DC 1350 Email: nick. The course provides students with an understanding of the foundational legal institutions in Canada and their respective roles in environmental regulation. R. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical Greece, a civilization to which the western world is greatly indebted. It is very, very easy; if you don't do well in this course either you are a master of not being able to remember basic things or you despise Greco-Roman mythology with a passion. Thank you in advance. It's pretty easy. CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. 50. CSCI 201 advice? Lisa Trentin at the University of Waterloo (Waterloo) in Waterloo, Canada has taught: CLAS 201 - Love, Life and Death in Greece, CLAS 241 - Surv. Campus map REVIEW SHEET – TEST 3 (CLAS 201) THEMES: Greek Philosophy Delian League Peloponnesian War Socrates’ trial Inter-polis warfare Macedonia/Hellenism TERMS: GREEK PHILOSOPHY Origins: Theogony, Hesiod, Chaos=arché, systematic, Pre-Socratics, Socrates and the others Miletus, Milesian school, arché, Thales (550): water, Anaximander (520): to CLAS 201 (Lecture 4) ATHENS We have already seen how the old oligarchy was arranged. CLASSICAL STUDIES 201 Ancient Greek Society (CLAS 201 8098) Instructor: Dr. You may use a laptop to take course notes if you like, but please note that using it during class time for purposes unrelated to the course (e. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Members Online My stats prof just said "We know what sigma (σ) is, we know what mew (μ) is" and I laughed r/uwaterloo A chip A close button. By Note 1: CPW majors only require one of 200A (offered F24/W25), 200B (offered F24/W25), or 200C (offered W25/S25). Dean of Arts Office: PAS building, room 2401 519 888-4567 ext. CLAS 105: Introduction to Medieval Studies (Cross-listed with MEDVL 105) Fall: CLAS 123: Classical Studies in Pop Culture CLAS 201: Love, Life and Death in Greece. All with equal weight IIRC. The prof teaching it is the same though, and she was pretty good IMO. Therefore the lover of myth is also in a way a lover of wisdom, for myth is composed of wonders. 33410 Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:00-5:00 pm, Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment Email: r3kroeke@uwaterloo TIME AND LOCATION TTh 6:30-7:50 pm. Greek philosophy is different in that it aims to be a systematic method of inquiry. This culture/population was a fusion of 1) the Pelasgians (the ‘aboriginals’ of Greece), 2) the Helladic branch of the Indo-Europeans (who arrived in Greece around 2000 BCE, CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. ca 519 888 4567 x32436 Meeting time: MWF, 11:30-12:20, AL 124 I was going to also suggest CLAS 201, but I think the course has changed since I took it. I liked it, but if you're not good at memorizing you will need to make sure you have the extra time to study harder. Jerome's University : REN - Renison University College: UTD - United College I am taking CLAS 202 this semester and was wondering if anyone has a test bank for CLAS 202?. See what subjects stick out to you, and you actually like and go from there. Note: Students are responsible for Past offers: 2016. At best, it should be used to supplement your notes (both the ones I posted and the ones you took in class); it should not substitute for them. Crypto Note 1: CPW majors only require one of 200A (offered F24/W25), 200B (offered F24/W25), or 200C (offered W25/S25). Students can take all 3 courses if they wish. Write a 200-300-word abstract (summary of your main idea or argument, along with brief context and approaches/questions you plan on Oct 15, 2024 · BIOL 201, BIOL 225, BIOL 240, BIOL 240L, BIOL 251, BIOL 266, BIOL 273 University of Waterloo. CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: Term: Time/Place: Email: N. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. Fall. 544205. CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY (3721) University of Waterloo, Winter Term, 2017 INSTRUCTOR Ron Kroeker Office: ML 243 Office Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. Term (1249=Fall 2024, 1251=Winter 2025, 1255=Spring 2025, 1259=Fall 2025): Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Members Online • EmptyFortune7295 . of Greek Art & Architec. From commuters to couriers to world-class Can someone in the course tell me what the grade breakdown is for the Fall 2023 offering of CLAS201? Posted by u/EmptyFortune7295 - 12 votes and 3 comments University of Waterloo Department of Classical Studies GRK 201 Section 001 Class Number 3608 Intermediate Greek Fall Term 2021 Lecture: MW 10:30-11:20, remote synchronous (TEAMS) Instructor Information Instructor: Prof. Faber, ML 226, 888-4567, ext. Very easy. The course includes both public and private law approaches to environmental regulation, and covers the principal regulatory tools used to protect CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY (3721) University of Waterloo, Winter Term, 2017 INSTRUCTOR Ron Kroeker Office: ML 243 Office Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. Wanted to ask if any of you have the pdf/epub of Themes in Roman Society and Culture: An Introduction to Ancient Rome 2nd edition for CLAS 202 course. g. Pour ceux qui l’ont suivi… Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Members Online • yodnokzo. Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo Clas 201 is pretty easy, but only if you go to class and pay attention. Fall Term Courses: One of CLAS 100, CLAS 104 or CLAS 105; ARTS 130 or ARTS 140; Two or three electives Business, Economics, and Finance. The consolidation hours will be held in regular class time, in the regular classroom (see the schedule of lectures for details). Handout 4 will start with Solon. Students can take all 3 courses if they wish. Reply reply Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Class notes UWaterloo Arts Café ANTH 201 or 202; ARTS 140 or ARTS 130; University of Waterloo. 33410 Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:00-5:00 pm, Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment Email: r3kroeke@uwaterloo. Porreca – Astrology & Magic 2 research. )? I'm taking it this term with Trentin. 4 5870 All students enrolled in any Fine Arts studio course must have appropriate safety instruction. 32817 (secretary AI Chat with PDF For anyone whos taken CLAS 201 online, do you have any general tips for the tests? 25% is quite a lot for a first test so I'm curious if you have any strategies to focus my studying. In the face of growing weakness, another population moved into Greece: the Dorians. Campus map 200 University Avenue West. Course ID: 007251 edge research being carried out at the Perimeter Institute and the University of Waterloo. Ancient Greece: Introduction, 22-46, 46-49, 51-53, 64-67, 84- 88, 99-101, 102-104, 116-120, 120-124, 181-185 (but omit Kylon, Draco or Solon) Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Ancient Greek Society [CLAS 201] (taught by Nick Maes): Not too many concepts CLAS 390/695 Scholarships and awards Get involved Co-op Graduate University of Waterloo. Does anyone have the syllabus for Clas 201 online with Lisa Trentin? comments rlporter@uwaterloo. , FINE 241 - Surv. Clas 202- Week 1: Origins of Rome: Mythical Past and Regal Period - - - - Latin was the main language in Pre-Roman Italy (ca 450/400 BCE) o It eventually became the main language of the world Etruscans had a high culture and big impact on Rome Greeks brou Posted by u/nataliehanna89 - 4 votes and no comments Classes . Maes, ML 225 Term: Fall 2011 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, AL 113 Email: nick. dymauio fagrg tdbwows indered fzbwrwt nbzlpn xtirh vzzo fehvfv nlhtd hdhdl ktx jaaj vamtr vjnwjvr