Bangladesh journal of chemistry. Apr 19, 2019 · Jute is a cash crop of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh journal of chemistry However, the dissolved minerals in their purified drinking water are not sufficient for Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is registered under Samaj Kalyan Division, People's Republic of Bangladesh. Animal Science Agriculture Agronomy BioChemistry Biology & Biotechnology Business and Economics Chemistry Computer Science Education Food Science and Nutrition Public Health Short Description BanglaJOL is a database of journals published in Bangladesh, covering the full range of academic […] Jan 2, 2025 · Ship-breaking on Bangladesh’s Sitakunda coast, the world’s second-largest site, releases residual radioisotopes and trace metals, causing continuous radioactive pollution. Publication Trends. 5155/eurjchem, 10. Aug 22, 2020 · Recent large randomized controlled trials in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Zimbabwe revealed that traditional household WASH interventions are unlikely to reduce diarrhea or improve linear growth (i. Jeevanandam M, Kannan R, Srinivasalu S, Rammohan V. Temporal variation may also depend on the depth of the water || An open access, video component, peer-revewed (single-blind) journal of the Bangladesh Pharmacological Society || | eISSN: 1991-0088 | Aug 12, 2018 · The probable source of deep groundwater is Holocene marine transgression (Khan et al. Journal title : Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology. Mar 11, 2021 · Journal . in Applied Chemistry with thesis, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 1980-1985 B. The average radioactivity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were 47 ± 6, 64 ± 5 and 762 ± 40 Bqkg−1 in soils, whereas, 25 ± 2, 37 ± 4 and 884 ± 41 Bqkg−1 in rock samples, respectively. Submit an article Journal homepage. · শিক্ষা: University of Pisa, Italy · অবস্থান: Bangladesh · 139 LinkedIn সংযোগ। প্রোফাইল দেখুন Md. Sci. Abbreviation : Bangladesh J Pharmacol (Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology Abbreviation) Online ISSN : 1991-0088. Education and Linguistics, Humanities, Arts and Social Science 3 Bangladesh Journal of Biochemistry is the official organ of the Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and publishes original research articles on current topics in all branches of biochemical science. Total THQ values for As Dec 31, 2012 · European Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry, open access journal, journal, scholarly journal, 10. In this analysis, proton beams of 2 MeV energy and about 30 nA current were Bangladesh Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. In particular, the green chemistry approach has been developed in governmental, industrial, and educational fields worldwide to minimize the use of chemical reagents and prevent waste production and hazardous substance generation. bd Education Summary: 1994-1997 Doctor of Engineering in Material Sciences, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University, Japan 1986-1988 M. Registration no. Subject: Chemistry. Astulla A, Zaima K, Matsuno Y, Hirasawa Y, Ekasari W, Widyawaruyanti A, Zaini NC, Morita H. Asian Journal of Chemistry, a Multidisciplinary Chemistry Journal is an Peer Reviewed International Journal and publishes from India. The Bangladesh Journal of Medicine (BJM), the official journal of the Association of Physicians of Bangladesh, is a peer-reviewed journal. Most of the water processing companies fill the 500 mL, 1000 mL, 2000 mL and 5000 mL bottles with this processed water and sell widely in the different parts of Bangladesh. 0. Detection of toxic metals like Zn (0. Matin, Department of Chemistry, University of Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh Phone:+8801716389382 Email: hahmad@ru. Issue : 4. 4236/ojic. Alkaloids from the seeds of Peganum harmala showing antiplasmodial and vasorelaxant activities. 80-1. Apr 19, 2019 · Jute is a cash crop of Bangladesh. Sc. Feb 16, 2022 · A study was conducted to assess the concentrations of primordial radionuclides in fifteen sandy soil samples collected from a newly discovered Guliakhali sea beach in Bangladesh by HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry. The journal has been established since January 1989 on a firm foundation of International Quality Research. Jun 12, 2016 · Some new 5, 7-diaryl-1,5-dihydro (or 1, 2, 3, 5-tetrahydro)- pyrano[2, 3-d] pyrimidin-2, 4-diones (or 2-thioxo-4-ones) (3a-h) have been synthesized in one-step by cyclocondensation of barbituric acid or thiobarbituric acid (1) with arylideneacetophenones (2a-d), in glacial acetic acid in the presence of phosphorous pentoxide. 8 No. The JBCS has been publishing twice a year (June and December) under the auspices of the Bangladesh Chemical Society (BCS). It publishes an academic journal and gives awards to notable papers published by Bangladeshi chemist and chemical Engineers. Chemistry ; 13TH BANGLADESH CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD 2024. Nilufar Nahar Department of Chemistry University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh Cell: 01726613813; 01755568850 Ubiquitous nature of erectile dysfunction (ED) has placed it as one of the most rampant health care problem and therefore consumption of energy stimulating herbal medicines (ESHMs) has increased in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. Since 2018, we have undergone a redesign and introduced several distinctive article types. The ship breaking area of Chattogram is one of the most ecologically effective regions in Bangladesh. Minhaz-Ul Haque LinkedIn, 1 বিলিয়ন May 21, 2021 · In this study, depth-wise concentration variations of twenty-five elements (Na, Al, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Sb, Cs, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Dy, Yb, Lu, Hf, Th and U) and their contamination levels were studied using two sediment cores from two different Ranges of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. The mission of Chemical Reviews is to provide comprehensive, authoritative, critical, and readable reviews of important recent research in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, theoretical, and biological chemistry. Res. However, not all introduced MRVs have gained widespread acceptance among farmers due to Ubiquitous nature of erectile dysfunction (ED) has placed it as one of the most rampant health care problem and therefore consumption of energy stimulating herbal medicines (ESHMs) has increased in Bangladesh. Jun 22, 2015 · Heavy and trace metals are certainly stirring elements which are existing with the environment. 30 | ISSN: 0253-5416 | 1,250 papers The aim of the present study was to explore antimicrobial, thrombolytic and CNS-depressant activity of three medicinal plants Plumbago zeylanica, Trewia nudiflora and Aphanamixis polystachya available in Bangladesh. edu; haseena@du. 07-0. Prof. Print ISSN : 1878-5352 | Online ISSN : 1878-5379Frequency of publication: Monthly | Language of publication: EnglishStarting year: 2008 | Format of publication: Print + Online The Arabian Journal of Chemistry (AJC) is an open access peer Rice contributes significantly to both food security and livelihoods in Bangladesh. J. The JBCS has been publishing twice a year (June and December) under the auspices of the Bangladesh Chemical Society (BCS). Journal is indexed by; CABI, AGORA, DRJI, Index Copernicus, EyeSource, Journalseek, CiteFactor, Journals for free Jul 30, 2017 · This Special Issue contains the abstracts from the "Symposium on Environmental Chemistry for Securing Water Quality" which was held on 30th July 2017 at the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), Dr. CrossRef; Datta PS, Tyagi SK. Qudrat-I-Khuda Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh. Reviews and mini-reviews are also published. 45(4), 381-386, 2010 Description . 161 Q4 12 86 Chemistry, Chemical engineering, Business, Management Apr 2, 2019 · Jute is a cash crop of Bangladesh. Print ISSN : 1991-007X. USEPA deterministic approaches were followed to assess the carcinogenic risk (CR) and noncarcinogenic risk which was measured by target hazard quotient (THQ) and hazard index (HI). of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Subject : Pharmacy Sub Subject : Pharmacology Journal country : Bangladesh (BD) Journal Publisher : Self publishing Jun 27, 2023 · This article provides an overview of the rich chemistry of rhenium and manganese decacarbonyls, M2(CO)10 (M = Re, Mn) and their acetonitrile derivatives [M2(CO)8(NCMe)2] as precursors for synthesis of new di‒, tri‒ and tetranuclear complexes derived from a wide range of heterocyclic thiols such as pyridine-2-thiol, pyrimidine-2-thiol, tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thiol, 2-mercapto-1 Jan 9, 2007 · Abstract The trace element composition of whole blood has been investigated in adult population in Bangladesh. May 27, 2013 · Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society ISSN 1022-016X eISSN 2408-8692 In present study, a quantitative evaluation of macro and micronutrients in Averrhoa bilimbi, Mimusops elengi and Carissa carandas tropical fruits have been presented. Two issues of the Journal are published, one in June and another in December. Nov 19, 2024 · Since the textile industry in Bangladesh is primarily focused on exports, Dhaka is home to hundreds of textile companies that process textiles using considerable amounts of phosphate-based surfactants. It includes wealthy biodiversity that consists of numerous species which are endemic to this region. Dec 31, 2012 · European Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry, open access journal, journal, scholarly journal, 10. Feb 20, 2015 · Review on Chemistry and Bioactivities of Secondary Metabolites from Some Medicinal Plants and Microbes of Bangladesh Authors Mohammad A Rashid Phytochemical Research Laboratory, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000 Oct 11, 2022 · Natural radioactivity concentrations in recent alluvial soils from swampy areas and Tertiary rocks from Jaintiapur were measured using gamma-ray spectrometer equipped with HPGe detector. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Average About the Journal. Different species of mushrooms (edible and medicinal), commonly available in Chattogram hill tracts (CHT) area of Bangladesh, were analyzed for prevailing concentrations of heavy metals and radioactive materials via atomic absorption spectroscopy and γ-ray spectrometry, respectively. In order to evaluate the potential ecological impact, water May 28, 2019 · Wild mushrooms are considered as bioindicators of environmental pollution. Alam P, Alam A, Anwer MK, Alqasoumi SI. Mar 1, 2023 · This agenda, known as Agenda 2030, complies with the principles and fundamental aspects of green chemistry. Horticulture Chemistry Materials science Food science Biology. 1. ISSN: 2959-0132. 5155, 2153-2257, 2153-2249 Air pollution problem is severe in the urban areas caused by both mobile as well as stationary sources. Despite challenges such as an immense population growth rate and decreased arable land since gaining independence, Bangladesh has attained self-sufficiency in rice production by adopting modern rice varieties (MRVs). An analysis of biological contaminants Mar 17, 2024 · Groundwater is one of the most significant natural resources on earth and also stands as the largest source of all-purpose water in Bangladesh. The journal aims are to publish the papers that provide current issues within Multidisciplinary Scientific Research such as: 1. 481 Bangladesh. 0304-9809. Scientific papers (Full paper and short communication) on any field of Plant Sciences from anywhere in the World are considered for publication in Bangladesh Journal of Botany. Bangladesh Journal of Medical ScienceOpen Access 0. Journal of Chemistry and Environment is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal that publishes original research and reviews in the fields of chemistry and protecting our environment for the future in an ongoing way. Type of record: Confirmed. Jute, kenaf and mesta fibre cultivation, trade and industry provide sustenance to over 4 million people of Bangladesh. 0 International License CC BY-4. In this analysis the heavy metals i. The present study Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society; ISSN: 1022-016X, 31(1), 40-45. 3329/bjsir. Chemists of all disciplines are invited to inspire the community with their chemistry research over the entire scope of the field. 2014; 4: 262-66. Bangladesh Journal of Botany | IF: 0. Go to your browser extentions and click the Ad blocker icon; Select pause on this site, don't run on pages on this site, or some other similar option. The specific activity of soil samples varied from 25 ± 3 to 130 ± 11 Bqkg−1, from 15 ± 2 to 70 ± 6 Bqkg−1 and from 200 ± 16 to 880 ± 43 Bqkg−1 for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K SCImago Journal Country & Rank SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Ediciones Profesionales de la Información Oct 13, 2014 · This research was conducted to evaluate the concentration of seven common heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb) in cereals and pulses and associated health implications in Bangladesh. The impact of various physico-chemical parameters on pollution is a significant concern for both the environment and biodiversity. 2,March 30, 2018 DOI: 10. Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society (JBCS) Board Members; Publications . Sulfate Cancer is a major public health burden in both developed and developing countries. Abstract. This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. An analysis of biological contaminants 4 days ago · Backed by over a quarter of a century of excellent scientific reputation, Chemistry – A European Journal showcases fundamental research and topical reviews in all areas of the chemical sciences around the world. bd. Frequency: Semiannual. 42, No. It was observed that there was a decreasing trend in concentrations of most of Arabian Journal of Chemistry Review Latest Developments in the field of Inorganic, Physical, Organic, Analytical, Medicinal Chemistry and Biochemistry. Major ion chemistry of groundwater in Delhi area: chemical weathering processes and groundwater flow regime. 54-1. This Lectureship recognises early career researchers, typically within 10 years of attaining their PhD or equivalent degree OR within the first five years of their independent career, who have made significant contributions to the field of materials chemistry. Ind. e. Business, Accounting & Finance, Economics, Management, Marketing 2. Dr. Several anticancer agents including taxol, vinblastine, vincristine, the camptothecin derivatives, topotecan and irinotecan, and etoposide derived from epipodophyllotoxin are in clinical use all over the world. 90 mg/100 g) were found within safety limit for consumption with respect to international regulatory body. 2007. Access: Open. Concentration of the nutrients namely calcium, chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, zinc and two toxic heavy metals cadmium and lead present in the fruits are used as traditional folk medicines in Bangladesh were determined by Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh a,bNational Agricultural Fertilizer Factory, Savar, Dhaka Assessment of toxic metals in date fruits collected during Ramadan from different market sites within Dhaka city of Bangladesh have been carried out. The productivity of jute had doubled from 1. of our beloved country having common professional interests, committed to promote real life learning with activities. Apr 24, 2022 · International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Volume 104, 2024 - Issue 11. 1996. The journal publishes original research papers and notes in the fields of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and allied subjects after being reviewed by the relevant experts. Therefore a review was Feb 15, 2025 · The award-winning Chinese Journal of Chemistry is brought to you by top research institutions of China, the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC, CAS) and the Chinese Chemical Society. Jams, Jellies and Juices also have good food values as these are made from fruit water and sugar. It is published twice a year (in January, May, and September). May 21, 2023 · Articles in Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. 2018. Quantitative estimation of hesperidin by HPTLC in different varieties of citrus peels. mucronata were gathered from the Sundarbans region in Bangladesh. Afr J Pharm Pharmaco. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (ISSN 1411-9420 /e-ISSN 2460-1578) - Chemistry Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Journal-Geological Society of India47: 179-188. v45i4. Fruits and fruits products are occupying a larger proportion of daily food item of modern civilized nation certainly due to their great food values. Haseena Khan UGC Professor University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh Cell: 01711612344 Email: haseena@univdhaka. 82005 1,910 Downloads 5,337 Views Citations Profiling of Serum Immunoglobulins in Bangladeshi Major Depressive Disorder Patients (Articles) Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University - Cited by 1,572 - Environmental Chemistry - Plant Nutrition American Journal of Science, 287(5): 401-428. However, not all introduced MRVs have gained widespread acceptance among farmers due to Banglajol Subject Coverage Arts and Social Sciences. Last modification date: 06/02/2021. The leaves were cleaned and divided into small pieces with great care in preparation for further analysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship. Chemistry, pharmacology and medicinal properties of Peganum harmala L. : 2364 Date: 28 January 1990. It is a largest professional organization of chemists, applied chemists, chemical technologists, chemical engineers, researchers in chemical sciences etc. 50 t/ha during 1970-80 to about 2. 04 t/ha during 2015-16. The present study Oriental Journal of Chemistry is a peer reviewed quarterly research journal of pure and applied chemistry. Professor, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh · অভিজ্ঞতা: Dept. 15 mg/100 g), Cu (0. However, the flavonoid content of the Bangladesh samples was higher than those from other countries, Professor of Chemistry, Jagannath University - Cited by 446 - Organic Synthesis - Medicinal Chemistry - Natural Product Chemistry - Biofuel - Nanochemistry About Journal. The BJPBG is a peer-reviewed journal with two issues being published every year (June and December) in English by the Chief Editor on behalf of Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics. … Journal of Chemistry is an open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on all aspects of fundamental and applied chemistry, including biological, environmental, forensic, inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical. 1, 41-54, 2018 Bangladesh Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research is a refereed international journal that is published Semiannually. Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. Development of high-yielding varieties were the one of the main specific technologies which made this possible. [2] May 5, 2021 · Koyra (Khulna District) is the coastal Upazila of Bangladesh and is very susceptible to salinity intrusion. 25 Mar, 2024 Bangladesh is a low-lying riverine country. 25 Mar, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 · Rice contributes significantly to both food security and livelihoods in Bangladesh. 167 Q3 5 110 Bangladesh Journal of Botany 0. Al, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, As, Co, Zn, Cr and Ni were numerically assessed using atomic absorption spectrometry. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. Page 3 of 8 Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Department of Chemistry University of Dhaka . , reduce stunting) in infants and children—two important indicators of the effectiveness of WASH interventions. Cd, Pb and Hg with some trace elements, i. 4(1):26-32, Jan-Apr 2025. The blood samples were freeze dried and analyzed using the external beam PIXE method. Basic Info. 28 mg/100 g), Mn (0. Dec 19, 2024 · In April 2021, leaves of R. Mineralogy. These substances go to the products by various process which we consume and use every day. View The Statistics of Indones. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission - Cited by 1,007 - Environmental Analytical Chemistry Feb 3, 2025 · Enter your email to receive alerts when new articles and issues are published. Thirty soil samples from ship-breaking yards and nearby areas, including a recent explosion site, were meticulously analysed for the first time. Jul 20, 2015 · This paper deals with the study of protein in Jams, Jellies and Juices of different brands available in the market of Bangladesh. 7385 Bangladesh J. It has about 230 small and large rivers and a large portion of the country’s 140 million people depends on them for a living and for transportation. Original Article The purpose of the society is to generate interest in the study of chemistry and promote collaborations among chemical Engineers in Bangladesh. Chemical Reviews is one of the most highly regarded and highest-ranked journals covering the general topic of chemistry. 08-0. Plant derived agents are being used for the treatment of cancer. It provides a platform for rapid publication of quality research papers, reviews and chemistry letters. Mar 1, 2008 · In China and Bangladesh, greater annual temporal variation was observed for redox-sensitive chemicals, such as Fe, Mn, and As [33,34]. ac. 5155, 2153-2257, 2153-2249 Bangladesh faces a serious problem with air pollution, which has a negative impact on human health and tree health. A plant expert from the Bangladesh National Herbarium (BNH) accurately identified the plant and created a voucher specimen for future reference. Most of the rivers and canals are becoming increasingly polluted from industrial wastewater dumped by factories, many of them in the textile, leather tanneries, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical Mar 31, 2024 · European Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry, open access journal, journal, scholarly journal, 10. Publication Charges: No Publication Fee Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Vol. In fact, the waste management system is inadequate in Bangladesh, which causes ongoing severe environmental contamination. The society holds conferences and seminars on chemical Engineering . 2000) occurred in 3000–7000 cal years BP and the deep groundwater of Upper Delta plain and Lower Delta plain is clearly influenced by deep basin flow coming from north part of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research ISSN 0304-9809 eISSN 2224-7157 Jul 20, 2015 · This paper deals with the study of protein in Jams, Jellies and Juices of different brands available in the market of Bangladesh. It publishes standard research papers in almost all thrust areas of current chemistry of academic and commercial importance. 4. The higher concentrations of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and lead (Pb) in water constitute a threat to human health and the environment. Among these 17 journals, 9 are open access, which means authors have to pay to publish in these journals and readers can read free. Surovi Kabir a Apr 5, 2016 · Natural water is being processed by the Reverse Osmosis purification system in the different area of Bangladesh for drinking purposes. (Honours) in Applied Chemistry, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Volume : 14. Volume 2017, Issue 1 6101793. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2(12): 1199-1202, 2006 Mohammed M. com. Title proper: Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society. Bangladesh Cell: 01713464698 Email: skabir_ju@yahoo. However, these herbal medicines reaching consumers without maintaining proper screening procedure, which bring a threat to public health safety. Journal Features Since 1972 Bangladesh Journal of Botany is being published regularly. Though there are 142 journals on BanglaJOL, only seventeen (17) journals and one conference proceedings from Bangladesh are indexed in the Scopus database. The metal contents in some species The Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology (Bangladesh J Pharmacol) is an open-access, video-component, and peer-reviewed biomedical science journal of the Bangladesh Pharmacological Society (BDPS). Crystallography. Mar 7, 2017 · Journal of Chemistry. The surface and shallow tube well water in the Upazila is naturally saline. May 1, 2015 · Total contents of quality parameters (Caffeine, TPC, TF, TR and HPS) in five popular marketed brand teas of Bangladesh. The journal publishes four online issues (January, April, July, and October) per year. At room temperature, the plant parts were subjected to cold extraction with methanol, giving rise to concentrated methanolic extracts (MEF) followed by fractionation applying Nov 19, 2022 · Asgarpanah J, Ramezanloo F. The result Oriental Journal of Chemistry is a peer reviewed quarterly research journal of pure and applied chemistry. Journal . 2012; 6: 1573-80. Favorite; PDF; Permissions Open. The population was formed of one hundred individuals randomly selected from a working community of five hundred adults. 25 mg/100 g) and Fe (0. The effectiveness of the order of toxicity of the extracts was found to vary with different intervals of treatments (24, 48 and 72 hours). Bangladesh Journal of Biochemistry is the official organ of the Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and publishes original research articles on current topics in all branches of biochemical science. Key words: Clerodendron viscosum; Phyto-chemical; Bioactivity; Stored grain insect; Probit mortality DOI: 10. fbrs vbbhjy rbnh wspfg aob lsynnd tskv ujqgxk uqdcfy vguyb vprckj ptb xqyk gyimdd uukk