Automatic gearbox light flashing. There's a number of sensors in an automatic transmission.
Automatic gearbox light flashing You need to plug in an OBDII scanner and see what code is set. Dec 29, 2017 · If your Hyundai Check Engine Light is flashing it could be due to a bad spark plug or ignition coil. The automatic gearbox warning light is an essential feature of modern vehicles, representing a sophisticated system that warrants attention. Gearbox selection mechanism changed on warranty. Volkswagen and Audi DSG gearbox with flashing PRNDS lights. 3, ID. starts and runs but not well. What does the flashing mean? I don't need tires now, but would like to address the problem. You may or may not find a transmission warning light with electric automobiles. com Mar 13, 2023 · When this happens, gear slippage and shuddering can occur. Start with the key in the ON position. Oct 19, 2013 · 10. " Feb 21, 2023 · Occasional green light flashing over a few months (3 maybe 4 times). 7, ID. Move the gear selector to "2" (with foot on brake, move gear selector to "2". Nov 9, 2020 · On an extended drive, 180 miles, the D indicator light started to flash. Warning lights may show up, and your car may begin shifting gears roughly. customer: i'm driving a 1994 pajero 3. A quick way to check for the problem I had (or the reverse situation) is to put in the FWD fuse and see if you then have all-the-time-all-wheel-drive. If the computer detects any abnormal readings from the sensors, a code will be stored and the automatic transmission indicator light will turn on to alert the driver of possible issues. The most common would be a low transmission fluid level, a mechanical transmission fault, a shift solenoid, or a pressure switch. Jan 20, 2016 · The D4 flashing is a generic transmission issue indicator. If yes, replace the transmission. Oct 18, 2021 · My XUV AT is 5. The lights for the gears "R-N-D" just keep blinking anytime I start the engine. Jan 27, 2014 · I've got a 2002 Ford Escape (automatic transmission) that will start fine and reverse without any problems, but when I put it in drive and try to pull forward, it remains in idle. 0 flashing o/d light hard shift to 2nd: 3. Turn the key OFF and ON six times within five seconds, ending with the key in the ON position. The transmission warning light (or message) indicates there’s a problem with your car’s automatic transmission or associated components. Currently I am on a road trip to Sikkim. I have a 2004 Audi A4 Avant 2. Leave it there for <1 2002 mazda tribute auto trans overdrive off indicator towing in overdrive in flat areas presents no apparent problems!! in hilly areas however the overdrive off light flashes continuously . Mar 2, 2007 · I've read with interest both the issues and the advice provided regarding the multitronic display light PRNDS flashing. Sometimes, the light comes on when you start the engine and keeps flashing while driving. Gearbox light is flashing is that transmission or a minor problem. Mar 21, 2024 · What Does A Flashing Subaru AT Oil Temp Warning Light Mean? The AT oil temp light is used for the Automatic Transmission Oil Temperature system. Subaru works well with certain kinds of oil. It costs around $3k AUD to replace the mechatronic. The essence of the AT oil temp light flashing is to point out to you the need to pull the codes. Oct 15, 2018 · 2004 honda civic, automatic transmission, Green D light started flashing no matter where shifter is. "I can reset the light and ignore the problem. e. Vauxhall Corsa C 1. " Park your vehicle in a safe place but do not turn off the engine. Internal Transmission Failure Jan 28, 2023 · A blinking transmission light can be a worrying sight for any car owner. May 3, 2024 · The most common transmission warning light is the transmission temperature light (with the thermometer in the center of the gear symbol). Upon further testing, if I put the shifter into 1 the car stays in 1st gear. Dec 15, 2014 · Ask them to identify the "sensor" in detail (description, part number). Move the gear selector to "1" (with foot still on brake, move gear selector to "1". Note, the FWD fuse may not have any effect if your TCU is flashing the light. The service light keeps flashing. A bit slow with the acceleration Sep 6, 2023 · The engine spins the crankshaft at different speeds but always delivers the same amount of power. See full list on cartreatments. The old oil was pitch black in colour. If you are unsure of how to pull the Many drivers are not aware of the transmission warning light. Depress footbrake until engine is running smoothly . This light comes on when the vehicle’s automatic transmission system encounters an issue. On mine when the ATF light flashed the FWD fuse had no effect. Still have the flashing light in the same sequence. . It is currently 29 Nov 2024, 11:13. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Dec 31, 2018 · Nothing changed. This is the price set by Volkswagen which you pay for the vehicle. I did this. Gear selector assembly sticks internally within the transmission unit. While fluid change can cost between $200 and $500 depending on the type and model of the transmission, the complete overhauling or rebuilding will cost you more than $1,500 for May 5, 2021 · Also, the vehicle may be forced into a fail-safe or “limp” mode when the transmission light turns on. Driving on while your D light is flashing can seriously harm your transmission. Sounds like you need a new gear box or you can get your old one reconditioned at a gearbox specialist. I tried the manual mode, and it would allow me to use - both in drive and reverse. Buzz then prices shown are the MDP (Manufacturer's Direct Price). On a Honda, it can just be the dashboard’s “D light blinking. Posted on Mar 06, 2009 Hello there, when the D light is blinking on the dashboard this means there is a transmission fault. No it has not overheated and no transmission light is The hold lamp continues to flash and auto So why does a transmission light turn on? Let’s find out. While some utilize synthetic blend oils, others use full synthetic oil. If this seems to stop it then maybe the gear lever position indicator and gearbox actual position do not match up, and confuses the gearbox ECU. Had to engage reverse before I could select auto for drive. Nov 16, 2016 · Automatic transmission light flashing - My automatic transmission light is flashing, what does this mean? Aug 7, 2024 · If the “D” light is blinking on your Honda, here’s a quick summary of potential causes and fixes to try: Check transmission fluid level and condition (top up or change fluid if needed) Give transmission time to cool down if overheating issue; Scan for trouble codes related to faulty transmission sensors Automatic transmission shifting problems in Honda Accord vehicles are occasionally accompanied by warning lights. Transmission fluid pressure high: The overdrive light will start blinking if the transmission fluid pressure is on the higher side. Dec 5, 2023 · A warning light on the dashboard started flashing. Is it bright red and clear? If no, replace the transmission. Either way, a failing torque converter is going to light up the transmission warning light. Oct 12, 2022 · Modern automatic gearbox with multiple sensors enables the computer to quickly and accurately control variables like fluid level, fluid temperature, and total transmission pressure. This had happened before, and I was told it was related to the tires. Any help Apr 7, 2019 · 3. It flashes 15 times. Its been a common issue with DSG and about time they set a recall for the vehicles with this issue and fix it free of charge. I checked the Automatic Transmission Fluid and it appeared fine, topped off and not discolored, i just had it at the Dealer for a new starter and they checked all the fluids. I doubt any would be directly affected (i. Burning Smell and High Temp – Transmission fluid overheating smells burnt and will show high on the temperature gauge. It could mean a variety of things – from minor issues like sensor faults to major problems like transmission Feb 2, 2016 · Its the mechatronic. Discussion in ' Peterbilt Forum ' started by Mr. 7 Common Causes of an Illuminated Transmission Warning Light Jan 1, 2023 · When this component becomes clogged, it restricts the free flow of the ATF; as a result, the powertrain control module may sense an issue with the ATF level and illuminate the transmission light. 6. Last visit was: less than a minute ago . 1. Warning light flashing at starting or when travelling indicates a fault in the automatic gearbox. This means that without a transmission, the car would constantly be in fourth gear, which would make it incredibly difficult, if not impossible to get moving Dec 2, 2007 · D4 Light Flashing Auto Transmission Jump to Latest 9. Snce I was having them replaced anyways, I waited to do that, and the flashing stopped. You need to identify any shifting problems yourself. Uncertain about where to look? Jerry has you covered, so relax. Many different issues can cause this fault. The automatic transmission warning light is flashing but the car is a manual JA: When did the transmission light first come on? Has the vehicle overheated recently? Customer: it came on this morning for the first time, on a cold start JA: What's the year and model of your Ford? The transmission warning light doesn’t necessarily mean you have a transmission problem. Leave it there for <1 second) 11. Nov 22, 2024 · "The Check Engine Light means the engine is failing. Malfunctioning sensors will also give false readings causing the light to come on so always have the sensors tested Re: Mahindra XUV500 AT | Automatic transmission light blinking This whole "ATF sealed for life" is a bunch of BS by the OEMs. And when i switched it to N , the light was gone, but comes back again. Dec 14, 2003 · hi fellow integra owners i have a problem with my car its a 1991 integra automatic transmission 200k miles i was having a s3 light blinking before i took a video while im on the driver seat side under the dash and there is a box that has a little red light bulb which is blinking i really dont know what is happening can someone help me with it The D light on the dashboard keeps blinking after the gear shifts from reverse to drive and the check engine sign pops up, but it drives ok. Nov 16, 2007 · Generally, a flashing O/D or HOLD light on a Mazda means that an automatic transmission fault has been detected by the onboard computer and the transmission has been placed into a fail-safe or "limp" mode allowing you to drive the car to the nearest service facility. Transmission seems to be functioning fine What may it be? Mechanic's Assistant: How many miles are on the Honda? Is it the original transmission? 120,000 miles, original trans. 0 Liter Forum: 9: Mar 29, 2010: Airbag light flashing: Charging, Misc Electrical & Gauges: 18: Jan 30, 2024: Brake light flashing: Interior And Exterior Lighting: 3: Oct 20, 2022: ABS Light on, speedometer malfunctioning, OD light flashing, AND harsh or no downshifting - All-in-one!!! Brakes: 8: Aug Sep 14, 2015 · Renault megane automatic engine light flashing and saying check gearbox also slight loss power Posted by Tisha Room on Sep 14, 2015 Want Answer 1 The automatic transmission (CVT) fluid is overheating. I have driven the car, locally a couple more times and the D indicator light has not flashed. I pulled into the driveway and shut the car off, and after a restart, the light remained blinking. About 2 months ago, in automatic mode, I was not able to put my car in any gear and proceed. So I poked around my MaxiDas computer and found it had a relearn procedure in it's software. For instance, a transmission warning light on BMW could mean the shift interlock is bad. Jan 12, 2016 · 1. Illuminated Check Feb 12, 2009 · The automatic transmission light began flashing on my 1998 outback. Here are a few other transmission problems that might trigger this warning light: 1. sounds like the engine is going to fall out when I put it in gear. It is a false electric signal coming when the motor is running, still giving a reading as though the truck is in 2nd gear, although it is in park. First noticed it after breaking heavily 2 days ago. As soon as the light turns on, you should get the problem investigated. However, while driving through Rohini uphill, towards the end of the toll road, the automatic transmission light started blinking. A while back, while on my way home from work, the "D" light on the instrument cluster began to blink. The gear-shifting indicator light can be controlled by the TPS, and if the PCM detects a faulty TPS, it will most likely turn on the check engine light on your vehicle’s dashboard. Mar 26, 2022 · The automatic transmission warning light or gearbox warning light indicates a problem with the transmission, which might be caused by a problem with the fluid level, fluid temperature, or pressure. Could it be clutches that are worn out or something else, it has 198567km on the clock. The direct drive or 1:1 gear ratio happens when the transmission is in the fourth gear. Your Honda’s Drive (D) light blinking is a sign that your transmission might be broken. Automatic transmission vehicles may have a warning light on the transmission to indicate problems with the transmission. The Volkswagen/Audi group of vehicles fitted with 6-speed Mechatronic (DSG) gearbox ECU will also cause flashing of the PRNDS indication lights and a complete loss of forward or reverse gear. At home, I saw the AT (Automatic Transmission) light in dashboard turn on. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of this warning light and its various manifestations across different vehicle makes and models. Read the codes via the OBD2 port. Mechanic's Assistant chat. The flashing light is a sign that your transmission has exceeded average temperatures. Anyone had this problem before, know what is the cause of it, will it pack up altogether. Also, take a look at the transmission fluid, that is going to give you a good indicator on the health of your transmission. Aug 21, 2018 · Okay in this video I will explain what a flashing d means on your shift indicator and what you should do to fix it. As you drive your Ford more and more, numerous parts will suffer from wear and tear. Seems to drive and shift fine although I have noticed it will hop when turning sharp like a 4x4 engaged on pavement. It usually costs a small fortune to replace with brand new and reprogram these gearbox ECU’s. Check Engine Light comes on. High Revving: On the highway, the car seems to rev high after 75 kph and doesn't shift into a higher gear. 7 Key Causes For A Lit Transmission Warning Light. The Check Engine Light comes on for a variety of reasons and one of them is the shift indicator going bad. Move teh selector lever to the "P" (PARK) position and open the bonnet. Its risky to drive the vehicles with spanner blinking in the dash. A warning text in the driver’s center may also be displayed. It is a sign that something is not right with your vehicle's transmission and immediate attention is required. Transmission failure Subaru AT (Automatic Transmission) oil Temp Light flashing may be caused by different factors. These fault codes will lead you to the next steps in diagnosing this transmission. The only reason they want it this way is because they and their dealers are too lazy and incompetent to train their service technicians in India to do the job correctly. my 2012 Fiat 500 is flashing a auto gear box failure light and a malfunction indicator light. Now toyota were quoting just over £1k to diagnose and replace parts to fix my dad's car so i had a bash myself. Sep 8, 2016 · What the automatic transmission light means. Recently the "check engine " light started flashing occassionally, normally at gear 7. The AT oil temp light flashing in Subaru forester or any other model may be due to the wrong transmission fluid. Release handbrake press footbrake and select E (or R)2 Th Jun 19, 2023 · How much is it to repair the automatic transmission after the D light blinking? The price of the repair depends highly on what exactly happened with your transmission. It used to appear once or twice a day, but not gets more often. Jul 24, 2020 · 2005 Forrester automatic trans, AT Oil Temp light starts flashing within a couple minutes of driving from warmed up or dead cold in the morning. The most obvious symptom is that the AT oil temp light on the dashboard starts flashing. Besides the transmission light flashing, you may experience performance issues with your Isuzu NPR if the transmission filter is clogged. which transmission is it; the CVT, or the 5-speed automatic? Automatic transmission shifting problems in Honda Accord vehicles are occasionally accompanied by warning lights. A sensitive DSG gear shifter in automatic Audis and VWs. If I put it in D, it goes directly into 4th gear -- whether the engine is warm or cold. Use the correct automatic transmission oil. I'd have done it myself but OEM parts were difficult to find and were prohibitively expensive when I did find them. Oct 4, 2024 · The blinking D light usually indicates a problem with the transmission. My car has an automatic transmission. Mini […] How to fix and Reset Transmission Warning light No Tools, automatic gearbox warning light, transmission warning light, transmission light on dashboard, Autom I changed the transmission oil. If the fluid is dark and smells burned that is a bad sign. The service advisor was against the idea of changing the oil stating that there is no need and the car is good to go. 5 v6 - automatic box is in a limp mode, i chang the gearbox filter and oil (mitsubishi), when driving and engine is cold it change up to gear 4 and down again,once engine is hot it change up but change down to 3 gear only - if i switch the engine of and restart it is in fist gear again - this means the computer reset everytime i switch the ignition of and 2015 subaru crosstrek automatic transmission light is flashing, just now no, 160000 km, eyesight system is not working. Dec 27, 2023 · When the D4 or drive light is blinking in your Honda Accord, it typically signals problems with the automatic transmission. Finding excellent auto insurance is crucial, as is maintaining your car’s transmission. Whether the transmission temperature warning light or the less common automatic transmission warning light, ignoring these warnings could lead to overheating and even total transmission failure. The drive (D) light will blink if the gears slip and don’t fully engage as a result. 3. One of Honda’s key selling features is its reputation for dependability. Automatic and manual function fine, just dont get the feedback in the dash lights when its out. The “D4 light and check engine light might start to flicker, and there might be jerky shifting. 5 years old with 117000 kms in the odo. When I consulted the manual, it indicated that this is a sign of an "automatic gearbox failure. Clutch actuator assembly faulty or loses its calibration position to determine what position the clutch is in. Paid an Auto transmission specialist to replace Clutch A and B sensors and to change the fluid. I haven't driven it that much since but didn't really notice any other symptoms when I did. ^If you are selecting a Volkswagen ID. The light’s appearance may vary depending upon the make and model of your vehicle. Transmission fluid was due a change. I can hit the gas and take it up to 3000+ RPM, but it just moves forward at about 5 MPH idling, with the O/D light flashing. " A blinking warning light indicates immediate attention is required; ignoring it can worsen problems. 2 Non-Start, Automatic Gearbox Fault Diagnosisintermittently wont start, intermittent communication with gearbox, fault diagnosis. . Putting it into 2 and it goes directly from 1st gear into 3rd gear, skipping 2nd gear totally. Apr 27, 2009 · Do all the positions of the auto box selector feel positive, or is the lever especially tight or slack in places? Try starting in neutral and then going to drive (ie don't use park in an ignition cycle). No problems whatsoever until yesterday when the PRNDS display started flashing on a long drive. My Wife's 2003 Honda CR-V's Drive light in the cluster occasionally starts flashing. 4, ID. It can also come apart, leading to your transmission system being contaminated with debris. flashing ca … Jan 29, 2025 · Jerky Shifts: The transmission jerks when shifting both up and down, especially after driving for a while. The following are some typical causes of the Honda D light blinking: low level of transmission fluid; Finding excellent auto insurance is crucial, as is Sep 11, 2018 · Hi, I have a 2013 Mirage and the D light flashes on the dash at times and it also feels like the clutches are slipping in the auto when going up hill or accelerating. Dec 31, 2013 · Eaton-Fuller, 18 speed, Auto-Shift, won't shift into 18 gear, red light is flashing. Jul 22, 2012 · The N light typically flashes when the gear the MMT ECU thinks one thing but actual transmission thinks another OR there is a sensor fault so its sensing something unusual. It is recommended to have your Honda diagnosed by a certified mechanic, who can accurately identify the underlying issue and provide the necessary repairs. This article will help you understand what an automatic transmission warning light is, how it looks, and possible reasons for it to come on. My truck won't start transmission display N flashing and F than service light on in the transmission shifter I Change 4 Daniel Wilson | Owner at DJ Wilson 23,260 Satisfied Customers Customer: 2016 t680 automatic. I have heard this could be the transmission’s coolant vacuum valve. Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Civic yourself? What have Sep 10, 2023 · Warning Lights – A blinking “D” gear indicator or transmission warning light means a fault code is stored. After driving a bit the AWD light starts flashing as well. Nov 14, 2023 · The automatic gearbox warning light, also known as the gearbox warning light, denotes a transmission issue that could be brought on by a fluid level, temperature, or pressure issue. Clearing Fault Codes 1. 3K views 6 replies 6 participants last post by shaini Jan 10, 2014 Feb 17, 2022 · Hello everyone, I have a 2014 500L Easy - dual dry clutch trans. Then gearbox light went out and I could select manual to pull off then it switches back to auto within first gear and MANUAL MODE UNAVAILABLE illuminates again. As soon as this light comes on, it is important to get your vehicle to a mechanic so the vehicle’s problem can be properly diagnosed. Aug 30, 2020 · My truck is a 2015 Freightliner Cascadia automatic, with a DD 15 engine and Eaton fuller transmission, has 550,000 miles on it. Cob , Jan 1, 2020 . Blinking D Light:The green light next to the "D" position starts blinking when the jerking occurs. Move the gear selector to "2" (with foot still on brake, move gear selector BACK to "2". The truck will not shift into gear. It depends on how the vehicle was engineered! The manifestation of the transmission caution light varies between manufacturers. Don't continue to drive the car with a flashing CEL as you will cause further damage especially to the catalytic converter. If you have a flashing D on your shift indicator that typically means you have a transmission problem and you will need to get it scanned for diagnostic trouble codes. " The manual specifically states: "Flashing light = automatic gearbox failure. Don’t ignore this issue but look into what may be wrong with the transmission. We have followed several diagnostic trouble shooting procedures. There are several reasons why you might see the D light flashing on your Honda, and below I explain how to fix them. driving today as usual, not experiencing any problems, and i noticed that the Gear indicator display was flashing - not each letter - the entire thing, P R N D S The background would alternate red and May 29, 2019 · Flashing 4th and D after warm up, however transmission works fine and the normal lights come back in a minute or so, go to 4th and D again, etc as I drive. Keep the engine idling. It impact every time the gear move to higher one, the car choked. 8t, with about 7000 miles on it. There was no problem in my drive from Bangalore to Siliguri. In the case of any of these, the car should be inspected before it is When the overdrive light starts blinking, it indicates a problem. There's a number of sensors in an automatic transmission. A flashing light means that the automatic transmission fluid has gotten too hot compared with the manufacturer’s specifications. The overdrive light kept blinking. Customer: I have a Eaton 10 speed auto shift that has a service light that blinks. I cleared the memory again, ran the MaxiDas relearn, lots easier and quicker than Subaru's sequences, and the light is out immediately after the relearn. Sign of low fluid or cooling issues. The transmission light can show up due to problems like a simple electrical malfunction, low transmission fluid level, or difficulty shifting gears. Please, what is the issue . Automatic Transaxle Fluid (ATF) Condition Inspection. Do me a favor, shop with this Customer: Eaton auto shift won't engage gear while flashing red service light. help, what does this mean?! I read through the manual and there is NOTHING in there except that the warning light relates to the gearbox. The manual states that this means that the transmission requires service, but it doesn't do it all the time, and the transmission is not showing any signs of distress (slow shifts, not being able to engage any specific gear, increased noise, ect). Present Mileage only 16,0001 Gear lever is in Neutral and showing N on display. Sep 19, 2013 · SOURCE: i have a automatic fiat punto-when i put the gears. Apr 7, 2023 · The D light is blinking on your Honda to warn you of a problem with the transmission, and as such, it’s important to address the issue before it becomes a bigger problem. Most likely cause of a blinking / flashing Honda D light Dec 28, 2007 · The "O/D" indicator light on the dash started blinking steadily. 0 Multitronic (petrol) which I bought second hand some months ago now. The car gets next to no power in drive, while reverse works just fine. 5, ID. " While it can indicate serious issues, it often relates to minor fixes. Thanks for any advice. Jul 22, 2012 · Toyota YARIS MMT Gearbox 55 RegPrevious relevant history. It is wise to keep automatic gearbox in good operating order because replacing one would be very expensive. Dec 29, 2004 · A4 (B6 Platform) Discussion - gear indicator display flashing - i have a 2004 1. 2 2002 Reg and the Automatic Gearbox Failiure warning light has come on and is flashing. The most likely causes. The shift interlock is a feature in cars that prevents automatic transmission cars from getting out of ‘Park’ without depressing the brake pedal. After practicing in manual mode A faulty gear shift indicator, transmission shifter cable or transmission position sensor can also cause gear-shift indicator light issues. This video explains how to solve the D light blinking issue in Honda Accord and Civic transmissions. Using the wrong oil can cause wear and tear among transmission parts. Leave it there for <1 second) 12. damaged) by a low battery situation, but then . If all these items check out good then you will need to have the transmission computer scanned for fault codes. Dec 4, 2019 · The transmission code reader came up with P0720 Speed Sensor Circuit Fault so the speed sensor was changed. At the same time dash displays flashing from F to N, code trans filt Mechanic's Assistant: What is the complete model and serial number of your machine? Customer: Cat C610 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing this yourself? What have you tried so far? I have a Y reg automatic Fiat Punto and after dropping my mate home, I put the car into Drive to head home, and the gearbox warning light came on and started flashing on the dashboard. Jun 29, 2014 · 2 days later after my mechanic changed my mechatronic adapter, sealing sleeve, transmission oil, oil pan gasket, Cover & Screw Plug w/ parts all bought by me from the dealer, My car would not switch gears. No car is flawless, though, and eventually some issues may arise. There are a number of possible causes for this, but the most frequent one is low transmission fluid levels. How To Fix Transmission Warning Light On, Is It Safe to Drive With the Transmission Light On, car maintenance, Hybrid vehicle repairThis indicates the intern Oct 12, 2022 · Constant flashing light. RAC cou Jul 2, 2018 · Fiat 500 gearbox failure 7 Answers. "A blinking light is not that serious. Requires diagnosis. Potential causes can include issues with the transmission fluid level, faulty shift solenoids, or electrical problems. Ford Overdrive Light Flashing/Blinking On & OFF 1. However, before panicking, understand the common causes of a blinking transmission light and what steps you can take to fix the issue. Apr 25, 2013 · The wrong solenoid won't cause the light to flash. Jun 22, 2020 · Vehicle is a 2000 CRV auto transmission, 180,000 miles. Mar 10, 2025 · Cars with a manual (‘standard’) gearbox don’t have a warning light. Why is my Honda’s D light blinking? One of Honda’s key selling features is its reputation for dependability. i think your ploblem occourd because you may of had no gearbox oil inside the gearbox. 850 and S70, V70, C70, V70-XC 1992-2000. Aug 16, 2010 · I have a Punto Speedgear 1. Thanks. It has Jan 10, 2011 · So driving in auto taking after a short while fm gearbox light flashing again and neutral engaged under hard acceleration. The IAT temp light will flash if there was an electrical fault in the tranny at some stage in the last maneuver. (This sends a signal to the transmission control unit to tell it what position the gear selector is in - inside the transmission unit) 2. My car has 214000 miles. Could breakdown anywhere. Then after 5 mins I turn the engine off and back on, it then runs fine and changes gear by itself. Jul 7, 2012 · Sometimes when starting the car from cold the sport light flashes and won't change gear, I have to do the gears manually. The automatic transmission warning light, also known as the gearbox warning light, denotes […] After I collected, and drove to Genting. - approx 76K miles. :(I sent to Perodua, and they said that the issue might be on Wire on Gearbox, or ECU. 7 Tourer or ID. axvshw tkkwcx fij eryl lhtv sdbdg izmf dffb plvgy ztgp bvtl fas rmlmypk nhdul dyrayve