Ash and female arceus fanfiction Abra must have sensed his New dads guilt because he went up to him and tugged on his pants. After Rilou healed Ash realized that it was the same Rilou from back when he was younger. "Fine" groaned Ash and Arceus as she put them back in the water and began to rinse off their fur. Arceus" They flew into the ceasing afternoon, determined to find him and to help him. Ash: "Huh? May 3, 2023 · A three-year Ash was running away from home since ever since he can think he was abused, mistreated, malnourished by his mother, father and Brother Red for a reason they wouldn't tell him the only once that cared about him was the local Pokémon professor Pr. HE CAN HANDSTAND WHEN HE NEEDS TO, AND STRETCHES HIS ARMS OUT, JUST FOR YOU. Jul 31, 2014 · a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. 2 hours later Ash was outside of Pallet town, "Come on bud," Ash said racing Pikachu to the town After Arceus destroys nearly half of the Kalos region, and the death of Ash, Serena heads with Clemont and Bonnie to her certain death to stop Arceus and convince it to bring Ash back from the Dead. Ash smiled as he held her hand. "AH! Fuck! Blaziken you tight!" he smirked and kept thrusting her with his meat inside her. Ash's eyes widened. Arceus creates a mirror for Ash to use. He instantly felt bad he made Abra do that, he was only and month old by the looks of it. Several years after finding himself pair-bonded to Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon of legends, a now-adult Ash Ketchum is well-acquainted in navigating the different lifestyles between a man and his unconventional spouse. Ash looked down and saw Abra was fine or at least trying to look fine, Ash got the message saying 'don't worry'. The two Pokemon walked to the mirror and looked at themselves then thanked Delia. thanks so much for your help!" The three Lake Guardians drift over to Ash, Brock, and Dawn. Pain. "Plus. So just to point a few things out at the start, Dialga and Arceus are both male in this while Palkia and Giratina are female. Prologue: The Chosen One is born. Think of this slice of the Pokéverse as one where it's all coming together. "I knew it. "Owch, that hurt," Ash said, "hang on, am I in the secret garden?" "Yes," said Latios, "you are in the secret garden. They are robots with wild animals inside. -Ash… Sep 19, 2020 · His name is Ash Ketchum, currently living at his new home in pallet town. Ash carried her back to his house and laid her in bed. With their bond of friendship and a mysterious power allowing Aural to see glimpses of the past and future, they must grow stronger, uncover the secrets of the Time (Request from Majestic Yo-kai Fauntleroy) Four Goddesses are bored and decided to spend some time with their Chosen One. "So, as I was saying, Ash, the chosen one, will be staying at the hall of origin. /Satoshi, Arceus, of a certain female spellcaster to save Tiny Kong farts her way into stardom as Ash and his pals end up in Undella to find a Aria Meloetta, only for her to fall in love with Ash! Things get idiotic, as HE HAS NO STYLE, HE HAS NO GRACE, THIS KONG HAS A FUNNY FACE. Rated M to be safe! Pairings Ash x Female Lucaio x Female Ninetails x Female Gardevoir x Female Blaziken. I hope your ready" said Arceus. He competes in a tournament to not only get revenge, but to achieve his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master. When they broke the kiss, she rolled over so she was on top. Ash: you do not know what happens to latias, he has been ignoring me all day After Arceus rescued Ash, she growled cursing the dead kidnappers for they have been experimenting on poor Ash making him no longer human but a half-breed. Trans. "Um, Arceus Who are those four Pokémons?" Ash looked at Arceus. " The man was laughing. "Phew, I need a break," Bonnie said while panting and gasping for air. " Azelf, Mespirit, and Uxie: "Really?" Arceus: "Yes, but you must be ready to answer whenever I call. "I beg to differ…there's one right behind you both!" said The new hedgehog. OUTSKIRTS OF PALLET TOWN-KANTO REGION ASH POV . "It's over!" Brock announced. Pokémon legends like Red, Gary Oak, and the reigning World Champion, Ash Ketchum, are also, naturally, present in the setting. "I think it was me to get closer to it" said Ash. But what he notices next forced him to scream in horror. Mar 23, 2018 · In that moment, Arceus hates that their physical aspects are grossly different from each other that even touching its mate is a chore. "Hey Arceus," Ash said. After they were dried off, Delia put a red bow on Arceus and a ribbon around Ash's neck. So without further ado lets get started. He started to pump slowly at first, but because of the sweet pleas he heard, he picked up the pace, going in deep as he possibly could until he was able Arceus smiles, "Thank you, Ash. They did so and saw she had found an arcade. Authors note: Okay Ash is going to have a few surprises in this… I won't reveal them in this note, but I wanted Ash to be able to have more than one mate, well I could've given you a question and have you PM me your answers for the Legends out of a certain amount of Legends that would be Female, but I was talking to a When Ash is Betrayed by his "Friends", He goes missing and comes back a new man. Soon, she began to get wet. Meanwhile, Ash was teleported by Arceus to the Pokemon Center, where Dawn and Brock were apparently staying. Why? Oct 26, 2022 · Hey everyone, I'm back with the FINAL chapter of Ash and the Royals as I know I've only recently put up the Arceus and Dialga chapters, but as I said in my latest Author's Note that I wanted to get this, along with Icha Icha: Bimbo Garden, completed before to year was over since my Family's State move back in August really set me back along with my Grandmother visiting us in September so sorry (Request from Majestic Yo-kai Fauntleroy) Four Goddesses are bored and decided to spend some time with their Chosen One. He continued this with an increasing speed. Ash: you do not know what happens to latias, he has been ignoring me all day Ash and could not because every time I'll do it prevents me. This time Giratina feels when Ash enters his realm, he flies quickly to the stream of souls and sees him there looking around stuck flowing in the stream towards Arceus's after A couple of hours later, Ash finished reading a book, and he got up to his room, grabbed a towel and took a bath. Ash looked at the man in confusion. They all knew Ash well. Aurumshipping (Ash x Female Arceus) Ash looked at Abra and saw he was panting harshly. When he was about to ask, he felt something bounce on his chest. " He said as his form was swallowed in white light and morphed into Arceus. Now seeing as the three of them were in triangle formation with Ash and Arceus in front of T, and this new character was in front of Ash and Arceus facing them, T was the only one behind them. A couple of hours later, Ash finished reading a book, and he got up to his room, grabbed a towel and took a bath. Arceus and Ash were in bed but she had plans. I didn't care when Silver is about to kill Paul, I just ran away helplessly until I fell over a rock and landed at a clearing. So hope everyone enjoys the story and make sure to review because I'll need to hear everyone's opinion. "I wonder why she got knocked out so fast," Ash said worried about her. "Ok Pikachu, lets use Gigavolt Havoc," ordered Ash as tapped the crystal and began the motions. Zalora: Hey ho! Sorry that it took so long but a project had some major issues, then my internet went down and this fanfiction is pretty low on my list of priorities, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm back for another chapter and I've gotta say thanks for all the support! "I'm sorry Ash," Serena said apologetically as she fainted. And he started creating Shiny Charizard and Shiny Arceus and Shiny Rayquaza and Shiny Mew and Shiny Mewtwo and Yvetal, etc. I ran out of the house crying for what my so called 'friends' said to me. " Arceus trained Ash for the entire night from that point. she asked. Was as the Trap of a Pokemon Trainer travels the world on the path to become the very best like no one ever was After Arceus destroys nearly half of the Kalos region, and the death of Ash, Serena heads with Clemont and Bonnie to her certain death to stop Arceus and convince it to bring Ash back from the Dead. " He sighed happily, before running inside, meeting his two companions waiting inside. I think you've mistaken one of us for someone else" said Ash. The Crogunk Brock catches is now caught "Then let's go," Ash said then sudennly stopping feeling a Pokémon aura, "Huh," Ash said looking for the Pokémon not able to find it began racing to his hometown while being watched by a small Pokémon. First, revert to your human forms. Jun 6, 2016 · serena is arceus is an avid fanfiction reader and an active 5/27/2019 - Published: 8/4/2014 - Ash K. Aurumshipping (Ash x Female Arceus) A smooth female voice begins to sing: 'Heart beats fast, colours and promises' 'How to be brave?' 'How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?' Arceus takes one step closer and rests its chest against him carefully. "I'm gonna cum!" Ash said. " The four of them nodded, as their sign of their greetings. When Ash is Betrayed by his "Friends", He goes missing and comes back a new man. Oak, his Grandsons Blue and Gary, His uncles, Giovanni, Wallace and, Lance, as well as his aunts Sabrina(Giovanni's wife), Winona(Lance (Ash X Arceus) "Ash, we haven't done this in such a long time. Interconnected with the other Aurumshipping fanfic Revisit as this is set after the ending of it and offers pictures into Ash's and Arceus' lives as a couple. , and they were female, and they could turn into humans. A gentle pressure was nudging Ash's side and he saw a somewhat female Pokemon, a pointed white head with wide amber eyes with a cute playful caw. "I'll go wait in your room until you get back," Pikachu said and went back to the room as Ash went with Arceus. Pokemon who were abandon by their trainers, are being given to Ash ketchum, a 14 year old who is just starting his pokemon journey! Can he get them to trust him and become close friends to another on his quest? Jul 26, 2015 · (A/N Elvin: If you know Seven Deadly Sins, The anime, Silver looks like Elaine but with Silver hair and eyes while Ash looks like Cynthia without the black cloak and his auburn eyes and raven hair is still present while Jet looks like Nagi on Hayate the Combat Butler season 1) I paid the clerk with my last amount of money Arceus gave me in case Tiny Kong farts her way into stardom as Ash and his pals end up in Undella to find a Aria Meloetta, only for her to fall in love with Ash! Things get idiotic, as HE HAS NO STYLE, HE HAS NO GRACE, THIS KONG HAS A FUNNY FACE. "You two thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked T. (Image created by DN-12 on DeviantArt) To answer another Guest's question, while I do plan to do limes in this fanfiction it will have to wait a while because I plan to have Ash and Daisy to start when Ash is 12 and Daisy is 14, with Gary starting at the same time but travelling separately. First of all I'd like to thank lolbitz220 for the positive review and encouragement for his fanfiction, so because of that I have come to the decision of posting my second chapter a few days earlier, meaning I'm writing this the day after my first post. "Then let's go," Ash said then sudennly stopping feeling a Pokémon aura, "Huh," Ash said looking for the Pokémon not able to find it began racing to his hometown while being watched by a small Pokémon. Arceus's orgasm had almost sent Ash over the edge but he was barely able to keep it at bay. Aurumshipping (Ash x Female Arceus) Journey down memory lane, entering a cave, meeting the anthropomorphics, Arceus' explanations, mating between two goddesses and a hero, birth of the chosen one's children, training, Psychic maiden's new form, Ash's Bayleef goes anthro, and Ash's new life begins. Or maybe just simply Arceus, since I gone by that name alone throughout history itself, you know. "No way! Are you a Pokemon?" What a strange dream. "Yeah, me too," Ash said. Before anyone could ask why, Ash bravely stepped forward towards Arceus. When he finished, he positioned himself at her entrance. " Arceus answered. i hope you enjoy it *foul language* slow updates. "Oh no" said Dawn, worried Arceus was going to attack Ash. I am a female, after all. That means both are very powerful, however why they are is different and when they reach that level is also at different times. The Bloody Seje: Well, with the laptop, I like to call it as "Fanfiction is a thing in the Pokemon world". Mar 3, 2018 · Ash And The Missions Of Arceus. Ash And The Missions Of Arceus. "Maybe this will help. Bianca: if ash tell me what happens. Ash will compete in the Battle Frontier here. asked Dawn. As soon as the thundershock hit Ash, he jolted upright, slightly fazed by the electric shock still running through him. Dawn will fall for Ash after the Arceus movie. Ash instinctively let off a Discharge only to notice that the presence was gone again and he didn't feel his attack connect. "He gave us free access to his castle. 'Hello Ash,' thought the small Pokémon. Ash and could not because every time I'll do it prevents me. where Arceus is a girl and DOESN'T hook up with Ash for once. "Also, just for a future reference, I'd much prefer to be called lady Arceus than sir Arceus. please read and review as well as request Ash opens his eyes and notices Arceus staring down at him with an expression that he could not read. Ash already has the ability to use his aura in different elements and became a strong specialist with the art of aura mastery. Troy was thankful he didn't have to get on Ash's case during a battle anymore. Instead of firing it into the sky like it was supposed to be done his aimed it as Ash in its pure form of raw energy crackling as it fire and got closer and closer while Arceus just smiled thinking it was all over until ash started to gain a blue aura of power around him and said only two words all while smiling which made Arceus' smile drop as First off this version of Ash will be comparable to Guardian Ash in his abilities as a reference. "Sure I don't mind," Ash said as he finished his plate. She then got off his cock. "Those are known as badniks. 2 hours later Ash was outside of Pallet town, "Come on bud," Ash said racing Pikachu to the town Arceus has seen to it that this time, the universe takes a different course. After that, with a new spare change of clothes, he worn a new clothes, this time, he's wearing a blue T-shirt, with a new pair of gloves, new beige pants, low top shoes and a white doodle jacket. But Arceus didn't attack Ash; what did happen though was Ash started glowing too. Ash will be four of Tobias Pokemon and they will battle in the final instead of semi finals. Apr 11, 2019 · Arceus coughed bringing their attention to him "Now Lucario, go forth and help Ash Ketchum, I return you to were you perished, and grabbed those gloves for Ash, and a copy of Sir Arron's clothes" Lucario nodded and he was consumed by a bright light, when it dissipated, only Arceus and Lady Magicks remained. Ash's cock started throbbing, pumping hot ropes of cum into Bonnie's willing womb. You mean Ash Ketchum? "Yes, Ash Ketchum" All of the Female Legendaries grinned. Part 1 of Arceus adventures; Language: English Words: 35,329 Chapters: 32/? Comments: 86 Kudos: 343 Bookmarks N7 SoulStryker 5280 is a fanfiction author that has written 10 stories for Pokémon, Naruto, My Little Pony, X-overs, Halo, Kameo: Elements of Power, Spyro the Dragon, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, and Mass Effect. Let's begin. The story title is Ash's Poke'zon Adventure! This story was inspired by Robin-dot-exe's A Different Tale of Ash Ketchum, Prince Sonic WindStriker's Pokemon Harem Chronicles, and fantasy1290's A New World, please check these stories out because they're very good. Rayshipping (Ash x Cynthia), along with some OC's in the story. Series. Originally posted on FFN although derp author forgot to post here too. Liepard was abandoned by her last trainer for repeated losses to normal type pokemon and in heat stumbles across Ash at his camp site where he is getting ready to go to sleep and after a little difficulty Ash learns Liepards history and how she is desperate for sex so he hekps her and Arceus: "Say no more, I hereby grant all three of you to go with Ash, Dawn, and Brock if you wish to do so. Nov 29, 2017 · "Great move Ash, but I'm afraid that pikachu you have is on another level. Its gaze drifted down to the food Ash had brought, and even though Arceus couldn't put names to most of the assembled meal, the scents they emitted reminded Arceus of the Tiny Kong farts her way into stardom as Ash and his pals end up in Undella to find a Aria Meloetta, only for her to fall in love with Ash! Things get idiotic, as HE HAS NO STYLE, HE HAS NO GRACE, THIS KONG HAS A FUNNY FACE. "Arceus is my DAD?!" The boy spat in shock. which is about the ash's journey since birth in my way. this is a pokémon fanfic. " "Yeah!" Ash cried as he and Dawn high-fived. "Wait, if you created the universe then you must be Arceus" shouted Wendy as she put 2 and 2 together. He likes me too much. Ash will take in Hunter Js Salamence after her arrest. "I have no clue," Gary said genuinely worried as well. Zalora: Hey ho. (Image created by DN-12 on DeviantArt) Aug 12, 2017 · When Ash is Betrayed by his "Friends", He goes missing and comes back a new man. This time Giratina feels when Ash enters his realm, he flies quickly to the stream of souls and sees him there looking around stuck flowing in the stream towards Arceus's after Apr 5, 2024 · While Ash gathered his thoughts, Arceus, with its mood buoyed by Ash's antics, allowed itself to relax a tiny bit, its rigid posture softening as it loomed over the boy. The sun was shining brightly down on Pallet Town, the home of Ash Ketchum. Giratina bit down on Arceus' breast and pulled away, and as without warning, he entered the warm folds of Arceus, causing her to cry out, which was highly out of character for a being as her. "Ash a long time ago I had a child another Arceus," Arceus told Ash. Ash was walking down the main path to Sunnyshore city, alone without his friend, Brock. (LEMON START) "AH! YES! FUUUCK! AH~ AH~ AH~" moaned by Blaziken as she was getting pounded by our hero, Ash Ketchum, in doggy style. Arceus stared at Ash for a moment and then roared while glowing. Curious, he looks down and notices white fur on his chest. "Ash could I speak with you after breakfast," Arceus asked. from the more famous ones like Poke, Advance, Pearl and Negai to the lesser known ones like Othello. "And the winners are Piplup and Pikachu, giving the victory to Ash and Dawn. "I'm not sure Burnout would be very happy" said Ash. It then rushed over to Ash, observing him all around as it then observed Cilan and Iris. "What do you mean?" The man's eyes sparkled. Samurai538: Arceus is a girl because it has grown on me through the fanfics I've read, and I wanted to write a fic. Transformed into a young female Riolu and separated from everything they know, Ash — now going by the name "Aural" — teams up with Latias to form an exploration team, AuraEon. Next, he slid his hoof into her and then pulled it out again. "Thank you, Arceus. "Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde and Diancie, this is Ash, our Chosen One, and opposite. Now, Ash is on his way to the Pokemon World Tournament to prove to those who betrayed him that he is indeed a Pokemon Master. Now we see Ash Ketchum older, ten years old at this stage standing between Mew and Mewtwo as they both fire attacks at him for some reason causing him to turn to stone. Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and Mlp Friendship is magic also this is the reboot and reimangine of Ash's new adventure lead where he's at Aloha regoin and discovered who he was and made new friends, enemies and also found a love interest as well and also to tell you the two stories are in the works so hope you enjoy this new and improved The Aria Meloetta noticed the trio, gasping as it clasped its hands together. Adopting a humanoid disguise is always an option for Arceus but Ash, for whatever reasons, consistently prefers Arceus in its animalistic form. That night, ash and Arceus decided to retry sleeping in the Hall of Origins. The final lesson is on transformation and using an opponent's aura against them. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. "Oh, Arceus. (Image created by DN-12 on DeviantArt) When Ash is Betrayed by his "Friends", He goes missing and comes back a new man. Your choice who bonds with Uxie. Delia suddenly transforms back into her true form—Arceus—and lets out a powerful roar. Ash stared in shock. "Wow, that was quick!" Ash commented as he blinked several times. It's on him"said T. Ash the White Mew: Child of Arceus: Recreated by Aura-Guardian-Vru5-T0by. Aurumshipping (Ash x Female Arceus) No one would've attributed Arceus to being a touchy-feely lover – Hell, even Ash didn't even think of Arceus as someone you'll make a lover before its confession, but Arceus really is a tender partner. The Champion Of Arceus . Here is one way to save them. A giant white Pokemon with weird yellow things coming out of its sides was staring down at his. Ash lined his Member up with her pussy and thrust into her. In the Hall of Origins the worlds Legendary Pokémon are grouped looking at the pink, blue eyed cat own as Mew and Arceus a white goat like creature with a golden wheel attached to its body. It pushes the stray locks of hair away from Ash's ears and whispers, -With me now, Ash. After several seconds, the Meloetta hugged Ash tightly, surprising the group. ) A story request by ghost509. Everyone in the room shut up. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 986 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 3/25/2017 - Published: 3/12 Arceus" They flew into the ceasing afternoon, determined to find him and to help him. " Ash hurried to his feet again after the slightly echoing husky female voice spoke again only to feel a quick and gentle caress across his shoulder blades and he spun around in a kick only to hit nothing. " "How did I get here?" asked Ash, "The last thing I remember is that I was on Ratiosu and you two fading Ash will still travel with Dawn. He had come a long way ever since he first met the kid. "Oh, come on! Don't you know me? I'm Arceus Jr!. The Chosen One, Ash Ketchum Was raised as a daughter instead of a son, in a much more sexualised world. "I'm glad you're okay Serena. " "BEEP BLOOP LOPS MIP NEEK?"Registeel asked. AshKetchumForever is a fanfiction author that has written 66 Female, but a tomboy! Two years have passed since Ash was saved from death by Arceus and Celebi. A few stand by him, staying with him to the end. "Ash, these 4 is the Legendary Pokémon from Kalos Region. "Terminal, what are those robots doing?" asked Ash. "Latias, be careful, you can be a bit rough sometimes" Bianca warned her, watching her best friend playfully nudge her new friend, worried that her new friend and perhaps potential boyfriend would Ash is betrayed by those who he held closest to his heart. "BINGO!" She said while motioning for T And Ash to look inside as well. " Ash and co: "Goodbye. An empty shell of Arceus materializes before them, and Red's spirit floats into it. Hearing her snarl Ash pulled Jolteon into a surprise hug, but soon calmed and then smirked as she felt Ash's harden member on her stomach, throbbing to fill a hole, again, but it was hole the Eevee's are willing to supply, which that was the mindset of Jolteon as she pushes of Ash and he lands on the floor, before Ash could make any resistance Oct 22, 2012 · "EVERYONE PLEASE SHUT UP!" Arceus roared. Authors note: Okay Ash is going to have a few surprises in this… I won't reveal them in this note, but I wanted Ash to be able to have more than one mate, well I could've given you a question and have you PM me your answers for the Legends out of a certain amount of Legends that would be Female, but I was talking to a Arceus opened a door and looked inside. Ash, Arceus, and Terminal walked out of a portal into a field covered in giant loops, golden rings, checkered soil, and robotic animals. Ash, Alice, and Gina watch in confusion, but what happens next leaves them utterly stunned. He certainly fit the Chosen One role perfectly, which was why he decided to give Ash a gift for everything he had done. The Aria Meloetta noticed the trio, gasping as it clasped its hands together. Brock: and if you ask Bianca, maybe she knows. About 2 minutes later, Ash felt his orgasm approaching. Then, Ash started to run her slit. "Well I did create the universe" said Arceus as she walked over. He was a female Lucario. "Ash, please, I need you" said Arceus. Rated M: Lemons, Giantess Fem-dom, Impregnation, and Ash x F Arceus x Giratina x Dialga x Palkia Poke'morphs. As he gazed back and forth, looking for the hyperactive legendary, he failed to notice a ball of light behind him until Mew spoke up, startling the Alpha Pokemon. Ash got up and passionately began to kiss Arceus. Dec 12, 2024 · Ash then remembered a cave he found years ago in the forest next to his house, which housed 9 Statues were on the rock in the middle of them stood that those were 16 since every statue was both a female and male version of them extremely powerfull beings, that were sealed away by Arceus because they for him were to powerfull to continue existing, 3 of the Pokemon being the Personafication of Nov 12, 2023 · a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. After that, he began to create all 1 million Pokémon, Shiny and Normal and Shadows and other forms. The Pokemon groaned, and when he spoke again, his voice was high and reedy. That's what the alpha pokemon Arceus felt, pain and betrayal. Through Telepathy Arceus said, "Is it so hard to believe? Hello all my fellow Readers and Authors, Poke'boy24 here with the first chapter of a new story. A/N: This is my very first story on fanfiction. After she left the room to make their bottles, Ash looked at Arceus. Now he is standing outside of the airport with Ash, Pikachu, Ash's mother, and someone named Professor Oak. After Arceus rescued Ash, she growled cursing the dead kidnappers for they have been experimenting on poor Ash making him no longer human but a half-breed. Ash let Rilou go but Rilou insisted on following him. Friendship is magic. please read and review as well as request One day while Ash was traveling by himself, he found Rilou beaten up, he helped him. Ash looked at Abra and saw he was panting harshly. " After meeting his chosen one, who named Ash, Arceus cannot stop thinking about how Ash gave him back the jewel of life. chapter 1. Arceus, having feared that his skills had become too rusty, had left his study and reentered the Grand Hall, surprised to not find Mew. "Will you four explain yourselves to our Chosen One?" Oct 11, 2017 · Ash's new adventure. Aurumshipping (Ash x Female Arceus) (Request from Majestic Yo-kai Fauntleroy) Four Goddesses are bored and decided to spend some time with their Chosen One. I would like to request two stories: 1: Ash with a female Liepard in Ash's tent he has set up for the night. Though Ash will have powerful Pokémon on his team, I won't have him capture all the legendary Pokemons like the playable characters in the games, that's just a bit too far (even if we secretly enjoy reading ficts where Ash has a lot of legendaries by his side. Rated T for some possible swearing and violence. Pokemon talking "Hi". Oct 26, 2015 · When Ash is Betrayed by his "Friends", He goes missing and comes back a new man. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 986 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 3/25/2017 - Published: 3/12 Ash spun around as the booming voice filled his head. Suddenly Arceus's walls gripped Ash's hard rod as her vaginal juices leaked out as he kept pumping into his love. I'm going to pull out all the stops to beat it," called J, "Go Alakazam!" Ash recognized the Chest plate containing the mega stone a moment before J tapped his mega ring. pokemonfanfic; auraash; gardevoir Jan 24, 2013 · Lord Arceus smiled hearing Ash's words, glad that Ash was always willing to help. Also this story contains concepts of incest but I think of the Legendries of the Pokémon World like the Gods of Greek Mythology so the whole family thing doesn't really matter. Characters in this story will be: Ash, Arceus, Gary, and Suicune then changed into their human forms. Serena slowly came to hours later and sat up. Talking "Hi" Thinking Hi. Eventually Ash complied and caught him. " He said. "Too slow boy~. Ash: it 's okay I'll ask her - she goes to Bianca who was drawing a pokemon - hey Bianca a question. First Fanfic, Don't Rage. Arceus used her power to disable his Pokémon Form and erase his memory in hopes to prevent him from developing PTSD. Ash was now in the forest looking after the assigned Pokémon he got but he stopped when he heard Arceus' voice nearby so he went there for a moment and there she was (yes, all the main legendary is female, forget to say/mention that kek) standing in an open field.
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