Apple loops index folder. You may see the "No Apple Loops Found" message.
Apple loops index folder The loops index folder is also empty - or does it have hidden files? All Podcast sound effects are there. Add yourself with read & write privileges for the loops and index folders. I drag all the loop files into the loop browser in Logic, and they add, they show up fine. if you are trying to reindex the loops you have, that's right. Jan 13, 2009 · Establish where your loops are, then delete the index files from the accompanying *Apple Loops Index* folders (they're text files). LPX SHOULD be able to index an empty loop folder, and you now have access to the loop browser. Click the Loop Browser button. please please help me . One of the folders in here is Apple Loops for Garageband. Green Apple Loops are known as Software Instrument Apple Loops (SIALs). 4. VIOLA. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the Feb 10, 2011 · Tried the recommended HD>Library>Audio & trashing the Apple Loops Index and dragging the Apple Loops folder into the Loops tab in a new session, but of course it didn't work, because Logic is not asking me to tell it where the sound library is, only telling me it can't find it. They should be in (hard disk)>Library>Application Support>GarageBand where there should be three folders: Apple Loops, Apple Loops Index and Instrument Library, the last-named containing the Gb instruments - any additional instruments you may have added might be in (hard disk)>Library>Audio>SoundFonts or in the You can make a difference in the Apple Support Community! When you sign up with your Apple Account, Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. i checked sound library manager in logic and it showed that all apple loops are installed correctly ! i also checked apple loops folder in library and everything is ok there ! i tried to re-index them in apple loops bar in logic but even if i let it work for hours, nothing happened. The last step will reindex the Apple Loops folder. Then I deleted the contents of the Apple Loops Index folder (leave the empty folder there). Apple Footer. deleting the index file from the Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index folder. Do I need to move the Apple Loops Index to the external hard drive as well? Aug 29, 2006 · There is an Apple Loops Index under /Library/Audio but no Index folder under /Library/Application Support/GarageBand (where I manually changed permissions earlier) If I drag the loops folder to the browser, I see about 2 seconds of an 'indexing' dialog and then nothing. Try to find your loop there and delete it. Nov 7, 2007 · They can be found in Library->Audio->Apple Loops Index, Your User->Library->Audio->Apple Loops Index, and Library->Application Support->Garageband->Apple Loops Index. Now I have a million loops at my finger tips. Mar 4, 2010 · Did someone help you, or did an answer or User Tip resolve your issue? Upvote by selecting the upvote arrow. ) Still, no cigar. The Loop Index for your loops is stored in: Your home folder-> Library -> Audio -> Apple Loops Index/ Delete the indices you find there and then launch GB again. The loop browser still shows them all, but, logically, greyed out. This was the reason why it came out the first window saying that the folder already exists folders had the same name (they where just copyed from one disk to the other) and the original was already indexed. Can anyone help? Garageband v10. (These files will be rebuilt later. Jan 12, 2023 · Should there be a folder named Apple Loops Index in my Macintosh HD>Library>Audio folder? In a classroom where every computer but one has this. Jun 10, 2012 · Complete install of Logic, after adding a few loops to the loop browser, I right clicked over the loop browser and selected "Reindex Apple Loops" All the loops disappeared. If you find the loops, then go to the "Apple Loops Index" folder, just under the "Apple Loops" folder, discard the Index file(s), then open a project in GB, open the Loop Browser, and drag-and-drop the "Jam Pack 3 - Rhythm Section" folder onto the Browser, so it can re-index the loops. 1. 2) Delete the *. I've noticed that no new search index files have appeared in the 'Apple Loops Index' folder. txt in apple loops index folder - as per other solutions I've read in the Apple community, but still no loops in the browser. navigate to Media/Loops where I am told 'No Apple Loops Found'. 2 (iLife 08) Oct 20, 2007 · The loops can be, and usually are, in a jillion directories all over the system in the global Library folder inside Audio/ Apple Loops, in the global Library folder inside Application Support / Garageband, in the user Library folder inside Audio/ Apple Loops, in the user Library folder inside Application Support / Garageband, and on and on. Jan 24, 2018 · Open Logic 9. Feb 24, 2010 · Looks like no one’s replied in a while. Oct 16, 2005 · I just moved ALL of my loops to a second drive. In addition, the Apple Loops file is added to the Audio Bin, and a corresponding region is automatically created. db". I see plenty of other loops from other folders which shouln`t show up. Oct 31, 2007 · With this loop browser behavior I have no chance anymore to listen only to these loops I actually want to listen to. these are the default Apple Loops locations: YourHD/Library/Audio Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. Did I mention 90 days of FREE Tech support. They differ from the blue (audio) Apple Loops in that they also contain a MIDI region plus software instrument and effect settings. Then I start up GB and the loops browser is empty (as it should now be) and drag the new loops folder back into it, and choose "Leave where they are" or something like that, to index only, not copy them back. that is definitely _not_ what it said to do, it said to drop the folder of _LOOPS_ on to the loop browser. Your feedback helps others! Learn more about when to upvote > Apr 26, 2012 · Looks like no one’s replied in a while. Jun 27, 2016 · I've tried re-indexing and dragging but nothing happens. Apr 2, 2012 · 3. apple. pensncrows wrote: May 28, 2024 · Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. sorry for my bad english. Next time I load up Logic and click on Loop browser, the b Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. The loop browser just doesn`t filter loops right anymore or Logic Pro 8 writes wrong Apple Loops Index files. You'll have to find the dupes on your hard drive and delete them, then reindex by deleting GB's index files. See full list on support. Did someone help you, or did an answer or User Tip resolve your issue? Upvote by selecting the upvote arrow. . And still the 'no loops installed on this machine' when I reopen it. Dec 11, 2021 · Do they point to different loop collections? I can see the folders for the loop files in:- Macintosh HD > Library > Audio > Apple Loops > Apple. Cross your fingers. Nothing is working. Looks like no one’s replied in a while. Feb 26, 2007 · GB is touchy about where the instrments are and can get confused if you move them. Feb 4, 2009 · Where are my loops? Apparently they didn't install automatically, because the folder in audio/apple loops is empty. These are the default Apple Loops locations where you will also find Apple Loops Index folders: Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. So, having any old index files in /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index will make no difference. Your feedback helps others! Learn more about when to upvote > Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. Apple prompt stating "no loops installed". If successful, put the loops back in their proper location, drag, and drop a loop folder onto the browser. db). Garageband responded with a message saying that the index was being rebuilt, but there's still nothing in there? Have repeated process a few times. 4) Expand the Sharing & Permissions in the Get Info window Feb 17, 2010 · Every time I add a folder to the apple loop browser it automatically creates an alias in the Apple loops/user loops folder. 11. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Aug 18, 2009 · 📰 Apple Fitness+ unveils an exciting lineup of new ways to stay active and mindful in 2025 Sep 22, 2008 · I;ve deleted all the loop index files in the apple audio folder, (had about 5 or 6 files in there, deleted them all, as well as the folder itself as one site suggested) dragged and dropped every single loop, everything. I'm running the newest version 4. Hope this helps everyone. Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. From the Go menu, choose Go to Folder. Nov 29, 2014 · Delete the existing index files: 1) Quit Logic Pro 9. Maybe your database file is corrupted. Oct 7, 2017 · The correct spot for your user loops is inside of your user folder. Dec 13, 2007 · Looks like no one’s replied in a while. If you drag a single loop to the Loop Browser, the loop will be copied to ~/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/User Loops/SingleFiles. Jan 4, 2012 · go to the "Apple Loop Index" file and delete all content. Nov 27, 2010 · Then located the folder with the loops on and dragged it over the loop library area in Garageband. Apr 21, 2006 · I can't get loops to show up in the Loop Browser. Mar 17, 2009 · Locate the Apple Loops folder and individually drag each folder within it from the Finder to the Loop Browser in Logic. You have to delete the *index files* from the accompanying *Apple Loops Index* folders (they're text files). Thanks! Oct 28, 2006 · It's not particularly easy. Aug 12, 2022 · Logic Pro keeps the Apple Loops Index database in the sub-folder Audio Music Apps/Databases. Jun 20, 2007 · Ok, so I've recently moved my entire "Apple Loops" folder to an external drive and created an alias pointing back the "Audio" folder where the apple loops folder used to reside. 3) Right (Control) click the /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/ folder and choose Get Info. They're on an external LaCie d2 160. ) Open GarageBand. txt files in the /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index/ folder. dragging files from the samples from Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple folder into the loop browser. life is good. Maybe a holdover from previous versions? Locate the Apple Loops folder and drag it from the Finder into the Loop Browser in GarageBand. Message was edited by: Cheeky030 Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. [The Loop Browser used to work Dec 9, 2021 · Reindex All Loops. Logic will index the folder. Re-Started. You can actually see that Logic has created a link from the root folder to the user folder. If I were you I'd try what Joe77 said WITHOUT doing what I stated above, and then if that doesn't work, try to dump those index files. Click Go. Apr 30, 2006 · Did someone help you, or did an answer or User Tip resolve your issue? Upvote by selecting the upvote arrow. Search your hard drive for "Apple Loops Index" and delete the files within that folder. Be sure to complete steps 11-14, checking all the possible locations for loops, as described in Where loops get installed. 8 Nov 24, 2012 · I have searched the internet for hours, including many results here, and right now my loops are in /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple (I have not moved them), and whenever I try to drag these loops folders into the Loop Browser in either Logic OR Garageband, it says "reindexing" for about 3 seconds and stops and nothing happens, note that I HAVE Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. Using loops and other media in Logic Pro; Use Apple Loops in your projects. Oct 31, 2006 · Looks like no one’s replied in a while. You may see the "No Apple Loops Found" message. Nov 23, 2007 · What works for me is (1) first getting rid of all the files I don't want, (2) group the remainder in folders that I choose and name them so they make sense, (3) trash all the Apple Search index files, (4) drag and drop the newly created folders in to the loop browser for reindexing, choosing the option of 'leave in location' (or whatever it says) when asked. Jul 18, 2013 · People move your apple loops, to your desktop or another drive, open LPX, open loop browser. This took my 2008 17" MBP maybe 90 seconds. You can have the Finder window open and while you are reindexing you can see how Logic rebuilds that database file. I can confirm that Apple Loops exist at HD/Library/Apple Loops/Apple Solutions tried: 1) Recommended steps from Apple (trashing any existing Apple Loops Index files at HD and User levels, opening Logic and dragging the Apple Loops folder into the Loops browser. Mar 26, 2007 · in the "Jam Pack 3 - Rhythm Section" folder. Drag the APPLE LOOPS folder from #2 above onto the LOOPS window. Jun 28, 2009 · So the problem is that I have all my Apple loops in the Folder Library>Audio>Apple loops>Apple, and the index folders in Library>Audio. but they are installed in the audio/apple loops folder. If you drag a folder of loops that are located on the same drive and partition as the Loop Browser, the loops will be left at their current location, and an alias of the folder will be created in ~/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/User Loops. And probably because Google Drive backup in some way "locked" the file while syncing my local folder, I assume Logic Pro couldn't index properly and the database keeps getting corrupted. ) Jan 26, 2025 · All indexing of Loops is stored in SQLite databases, and the one used by the latest version of Logic is called "LogicLoopsDatabaseV10. Pack regions into take folders; Use loops and other media files. I've also tried tweaking permissions, deleting . Logic Pro X v10. (It asked if I wanted to leave the loops where they were, and I said yes. I am really confused why Garageband cannot display these loops in teh loop browser. Help! Sep 30, 2005 · You can make a difference in the Apple Support Community! When you Looks like no one’s replied in a while. Loop Browser - Removing files/folders not indexed in the Apple Loops Index Looks like no one’s replied in a while. Type the directory location: see this article. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. The loops from my DL are there in my /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/User Loops/Jam Pack folders, also unseen by GarageBand. Click the Finder icon in the Dock. 5 Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. That will index that folder. Please help. El Capitan 10. pensncrows wrote: Then drag it over the "loop browser" and let garageband reindex. Mar 17, 2012 · Your own loop will probably be stored in your User Library: Your home folder-> Library -> Audio -> Apple Loops -> User Loops. Repeat for loops in Sep 13, 2006 · Those files are in /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple/Apple Loops for GarageBand, which are unable to be seen and browsed by GarageBand. Apple Loops in Logic Pro; Search for Apple Loops; Play Apple Loops; Access your favorite Apple Loops; Add Apple Loops to your projects; Create your own Apple Loops; Customize the Loop Browser; Work with Drag all "Search Index" files from the Apple Loops Index folder to the Trash. com Nov 9, 2017 · Logic stores the information of the indexed loops in a database file (LoopsDatabaseV09. ask a new question. Re-dragged Garageband loops folder into Logic Loop Browser. 5. The problem is when I bring up the loop browser, it's not finding the loops. Has anyone had this problem? I'd appreciate the help. Nov 25, 2011 · Hello! I seem to be having similar problems as you karp47! I deleted an own made apple-loop and when I restarted Logic-8 I was asked to reindex, but then I lost some of my default-loops (they're somehow much less) since I tried to find already used (Motown drum) loops and they weren't there. Be sure to repeat steps 11-14, checking all the possible locations for loops, as described in this article. I've tried the following, with no success: Trashed loop indexes. lwtyo gveor pkaxb wbeie tcafq utsnqlv odcwkd mefffm msbwogzh ikkc falim ljmvy mxdxc cbjmh ekruei