1851 navy max load. Jan 17, 2025 · Seating Lead In 1851 Navy.
1851 navy max load Dec 31, 2024 · I use 0. My question is are the felt wads necessary or just recommended for the purpose of boosting their velocity numbers? Also caps are the same problem as powders. Dec 25, 2021 · I run a 20 gr. Feb 5, 2025 · Typically, the Colt Navy revolver (in . 36 -- Max 15 to 16 grs. We discuss most anything here politely. Crisco over ball for lube. 375 round balls, and CCI #11 caps. Source: thefiringline. Keith recommended FFFG black powder for the . + Read More Here. Thread starter Anneman; Start date Jan 17, 2025; 1851 max. load with Lee 130gr. 36 caliber 1851 Navy revolver. Old loadings will occasionally list a 218 gr. (Will not accept . Feb 18, 2024 · To load an 1851 Navy Colt 44 Caliber, start by using a powder flask to pour black powder into each chamber of the cylinder, then place a lubricated wad on top of the powder, and finally seat a lead ball on top of the wad using a loading lever. Apr 1, 2017 · Howdy, I would like to know what guys are using in their . 36 caliber) uses between 15 and 25 grains of FFFg black powder. My name is Gary and I just bought a 1851 Navy and a 1858 Army Pietta revolver. I usually use 28g of FFFg (per the CVA recommended standard load in their booklet), but it will handle up to 33gr (max load that still leaves room for the ball) occasionally without a problem, although constant use may deform the brass frame a bit. 45 acp 100th anniversary, Government Model Wiley Clapp . These loads are with the . I am using about 17 grains of FFFG topped off with Cream of Wheat and a WonderWad. Hornady. 36 is 20 grs. 355) is in there. Black Powder – 1851 Jan 17, 2025 · Yes second gen is genuine colt, just much later, and with some overlapping serial numbers. 454 ball = 28 FFFG although I suppose they mean RS and/or Select. Aug 11, 2024 · My Pietta 1851 Navy is one of my only revolvers that actually shoots point of aim with no sight modifications. 36 and . Since my brass frame 44 cal loosened up a month or so ago, I decided to change calibers and materials of construction. Interesting comments at the range from non black powder folks also. I'm referring to the main frame of the gun, not the grip frame. Of course, these are generalities. 31 revolver. Dec 9, 2009 · that is the revolver one of my nephews owns. Anywhere from 18 to 25 grains and a . Apr 3, 2022 · Welcome to the Leverguns. For Remington the Navy guns were smaller Jul 22, 2019 · Hi Guys, Well, I finally took the plunge. rated ? Welcome to the Leverguns. You shot them for fun because you can. Twenty grains of T7 is a nice load too; good power and accuracy combined. Feb 4, 2025 · A 36 revolver is smaller and lighter, if you carry them for a couple of years and never fire them in anger the light one maybe superior. 44 cal 1851 Navy Colt up with 25 grains of powder and fired it at the range the other day and it did not seem to be much of a load for a . The brass frame guns should be loaded lighter because the frame isn't as strong and they will "shoot loose" with heavy loads. Seems like CCI doesn't fit as well and I have more misfires. of 777 in a STEEL-FRAMED 1851 Navy in . 36 cal-15 to 18gr. 18 grains is plenty in my 36. I found load data that supported a 25, 30 or even 40 grain load, but 26 was too Feb 23, 2009 · Brass frame 1851 Navy . . Maybe something lost in Dec 27, 2012 · Navy 1851 load. I believe the recommended load for the 44 brassies is around 18-20gr of Goex. 36. 38 Heeled Base Kirst Konverter is available for those wishing to load and shoot historically accurate Heeled Base lead bullets in their 1851, 1861 Colt Navy Revolvers. 375" ball and a Wonder Wad between ball and powder. Heres a picture. Maximum loads don't always prove to be the most accurate loads, however, and if your Colt Navy is going to break targets at 25 yards, you want an accurate load with a decent group, for a pistol. In modern made percussion revolvers conical are usualy more accurate. 36 caliber, six-round cap and ball revolver that was designed by Samuel Colt between 1847 and 1850. I'm concerned because I read many post Mar 9, 2023 · Just a foot note I have several Blackpowder load manuals and they all list 30 grains of FFFg as a max load for the 1851 -61 Navy colts. 44 cal/ . Of course, there are far more load possibiliti Mar 16, 2015 · Black Powder - 1851 Navy . 36 cal, . "conicals" with a lubed felt wad and 17 grs. Mar 29, 2022 · My owners manual states for . View attachment 17977 The Standard Deviation (SD) on the 19-grain, . I found the manual on Pietta's website. 38 Long Colts 158 gr in it with an adapted cartridge cylinder could I buy 158 gr LRN bullets and shoot those ball and cap. Jan 17, 2025 · Seating Lead In 1851 Navy. With a ball it shoots low and left. The ball is 0. 451", C of W has better texture than corn meal. Full-house loads make a lot of smoke but accuracy suffers. Saves some time and throws about 18 grains every time. You're not shooting for distance, and the smaller loads seem to be the more accurate loads. Colt 1862 Pocket or Police . I already have a full bottle of RS select and a half bottle of RS. This almost fills the chamber on the . 44 cal-18 to 20gr Not only do they hold up well with these loads, but you will probably find them more accurate as well. . My question is has anyone ever used or has any info on useing the pyrodex pellets designed for use in the . While the manual that comes with it suggests 12-15 grains of BP as a load, it also states that 35 grains is a maximum load. -thanks Jul 2, 2021 · Specifications: Pietta 1851 Navy London Old Silver The manual says for . Oct 2, 2003 · The loads for a . Any advice or opinions . I always considered them a novelty type weapon. From what I can find online, the 2nd generation C series 1851 Navy revolvers started at 4201 and went to 25099. 44 Load for Pyrodex RS – HuntingNet. Any advice/recommendations would be appreciated. Apr 22, 2017 · Max loads are seldom the most accurate anyway. he has fired some 'max' loads out of it loading round ball over about 30gr #F but just for accuracy testing, this load isn't as tight grouping as a 22 gr load of 3F with a . FFFG with wad twixt ball and powder; 27 grains without. conicals and it was suggested I back the charge down to 15 gr. Jul 11, 2020 · Your Humble Servant praeceptor miraculum ~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~ President, CEO, Chairman, and Chief Bottle Washer of Nov 26, 2008 · Colt 1851 Navy -- Max 24 to 25 grs. 375 or 0. Aug 25, 2017 · suggested grains (by volume) caliber ball diameter ball diamter ball type ffg grains ffg grams fffg grains fffg grams. Jump to Latest 18 grains of FFFG black powder should be considered about maximum in your brass-framed 1851 Navy. 44 , it would enable me to have an interchangeable barrel for my steel framed sixgun and have a shorter carry barrel on the new steel frame purchase. 31 caliber revolvers, and FFG black powder for theh . Uberti's black powder revolvers manual suggests 0. Jul 23, 2009 · I bought a 1851 navy colt from cabelas in . Good luck on your next pistol. still fairly powerful plenty for small game or even 2 Apr 22, 2009 · I just ordered a 36 cal steel frame 1851 Navy. Given the 1851 Navy has been chambered in . Make sure your balls are shaving a ring of lead on loading into the chamber. conicals ? kyron4; Feb 4, 2025; Handguns; 2 3. Apr 2, 2021 · Just pulled out my Navy Arms 1861 Colt . Dec 15, 2011 · I'm looking for the correct Pyrodex fffg powder load for my brass frame Pietta 1851 Confederate Navy revolver. You are not going to wear it out in this decade if you listen to the manual. Cabelas says 25 grains max and Pietta says 15 grains. I pour straight into the cylinder that way. Oct 28, 2008 · I Loaded my . I shoot the same 18 gr load and load the same way in my Ruger old army for target matches. Haven’t shot it in many years. Depends on the manufacturer. I like loading it with 4f powder. Why so much variation and confusion? Oct 15, 2009 · The average load for the Colt Navy was 15 grs. p ,dry wad, ball and grease over ball shoots great! 25g of py. Nov 7, 2005 · In the small Colt 1862 Navy, the maximum load is 20 grains without wad and 18 grains with wad. 36 cap and ball gun depends on whether it is a brass frame or steel frame gun. I tested several loads in the '51 Navy, and the best results are printed in the tables below. FWIW, Hodgdon's Cap-N-Ball data: 36 cal 1851 Navy steel frame: 20 grains = 832 fps 44 cal 1858 Army steel frame: 25 grains = 763 fps 44 cal 1860 Army steel frame: 25 grains = 592 fps Feb 10, 2004 · I just put my finger over the end and depress the flask button then let it close. Of nine BP handguns that I own, only one is a brass frame, an 1851 Navy that was my first. The charts that I have seen say that 5. The maximum load listed by Hodgdon for the 1851 Navy . 44 . 36 caliber, but a good-quality reproduction with a steel frame will handle this just fine. 44 Load for Pyrodex RS - Just purchased a Pietta 1851 Navy with the brass frame. (about . 36 caliber Colt Navy revolver. But, now I have a few questions. 36 caliber. 28 and . and min. conical bullet with a 40 to 50 gr. For a colt, the 36 Navy was heavier than the 44 Army, and only fractionally smaller. Jan 30, 2015 · Round ball VS traditional conical,with max. Mar 2, 2010 · I have read that the most popular load for a . I am currently using 20 grains of 777 fffg but I was doing some research online that leads me to believe that may be excessive. I was wondering, since I am able to shoot cowboy action . What is a medium powder load for punching paper? Any idea of the value of this like new, 1970’s era revolver? Thx, E. This is a high-class place so act respectable. Hodgdon does not recommend the use of 777 in brass-framed revolvers. Feb 11, 2003 · In 1912, at the age of 14, he began carrying a Colt 1851 Navy in . com Forums. Consult reputable loading data and start with a reduced load. 5" barrel revolver! Now i am wondering if i can take the short barrel off of my brass frame 1851 . 44. 375-inch round ball is commonly used in a . Not much of a fan of CCI. In this video, I’ll be using a chronograph to find a good powder charge for the 1851 Colt Navy in . What is a safe starting load for this gun? Also, should I use . This model Konverter is only needed if you load and shoot . and was wondering what are the max. The twist of modern percussion revolvers is better suited to bullets,but antique revolvers Dec 31, 2024 · Seating Lead In 1851 Navy. I think you can forget about finding a Pietta wood shoulder stock for quite a while. Recoil was modest and the load was easy to load and shoot. due to the increased pressure from the heavier bullet. Jan 1, 2025 · On Pietta's site they list all the revolver loads as one depending on caliber not frame or model, the . Dec 25, 2021 · Took advantage of the warm (65*) calm weather and made some smoke with the 36 cal 1851. 451 round balls or larger? Jan 9, 2006 · 22g of py. 44 (454 ball) "Suggested Grains" FFFG - Min-max = 12-15. The next Table states Maximum Grains BP for . However, it’s best to measure your revolver Welcome to the Leverguns. I have a dilemma on the size of load. 45 Navy Colts if they use Trail Boss powder. I like the barrel of the 1851 and I like . I just made a deal on a used Pietta 1851 Navy 36 cal. 45 acp, Wiley Clapp CCO . What is the minimum that you can load for adequate power to the target with lighter recoil? Thanks, Brunswick Kid Jan 2, 2020 · Finally got around to shooting my 1851 . I just cast some of the Lee 130 gr. All in all, I found the 1851 Navy Model to be everything I expected in a medium caliber percussion revolver. That 12-15 grains is probably suggested because of their brass frame guns. I still enjoy shooting it. Jun 1, 2010 · The required load for the Uberti . 36 cal. 38S&W). Certainly no more than 20 grains. The . 45 acp Jun 12, 2005 · For the '51 Navy - I like 23 or so grains of Swiss FFFG powder, an over-powder wad, and then the . Replies Apr 3, 2022 · Welcome to the Leverguns. 44 is not history correct but it is something to shoot. 375 balls in my . There are loads of YouTube videos on how to load and fire a black powder revolver. 38 caliber Heeled Base lead bullets. With 777 my 44 1860 is right up there with 38 special target loads. 44 guns. Welcome to the Leverguns. com. loads the round ball is superior in close range knock down. What is the correct load size? Welcome to the Leverguns. 395 round ball load was excellent and I recommend any Navy shooter start his load development from that point. These revolvers are not for hunting IMO. My first Black Powder gun. 44 navy colt in brass& steel. I've been reading some of your post concerning the powder specs for loading the 1851 . I can load this way (see above) and let it sit for several days and it shoots perfectly with no problems. 36 cal revolver. 1851 Navy . 36 cal Uberti 1851 Navy and they work fine for me. 36 Navy is 22 grains of Black powder by Volume. If you want hunting or self defence bullets for modern percussion revolvers the LBT ball bullet or cap&ball wad cutter is the best. These little, 5-shot revolvers are fun to shoot but have commensurately shorter cylinders and don't hold as much powder as the Navy. 44 confederate navy, and put it on my new steel framed 1851 yank . 376 round ball; and a #11 size percussion cap. What size round ball should I use in a Colt Navy Revolver? A . Even the weenie 9mm (. 36 4-screw CFS (cut-for-stock) does not have this for some reason. 380 ball rammed into place. I was shooting the 44 with 26 grains of Goex. 44 suggested loading is . i hope the fit is safe as far as barrel Feb 10, 2004 · I do not know what the loads are for the 36 cals, but I do know that 777 is stronger than holy black or Pyrodex. Even now, in my 1858 New Army which can take a 35 grain load Dec 30, 2020 · It works with 3- or 4-screw frame 1851/1960/1861 revolvers only if the backstrap butt has the aperture/divot for the J-hook. Dec 31, 2014 · I now have a Pietta . Dec 4, 2009 · Having just recieved the Pietta version of Navy 1851 revolver, brass frame, I have another question. It also says "suggested grains" is 12 to 15. What is the max load for this revolver with out blowing my self up. Yours is right in that range, and it looks exactly like a 2nd generation. Dec 29, 2017 · i have an 1851 pietta navy brass revolver in . 380" diameter) round ball or a conical bullet of about 146 grs. Replies Mar 6, 2013 · I have the . May 6, 2012 · The maximum load listed by Hodgdon for the 1851 Navy . 44 cal. Okay folks, there is an unseen step I perform that I decided to omit from this video, but has caused some confusion. 380 work great for me. At 15 yards it shot all six rounds inside a 2" circle, though about 4" high and 2" left. According to them . I use a Pietta ”˜51 and a ”˜61 and 22 grains Pyrodex P, Black MZ or 3f black seems nearly ideal. Cabelas has a bargan room. round ball out of my steel framed Pietta 1851 in . New to BP and have been using 30 grains of Hodgdon 777 FFFg in my 44 caliber 1851 steel framed Pietta Colt “Navy”. 36 Caliber Colt style revolvers using a . The #11 size percussion caps fit loosly on both Pietta, and Uberti revolvers, that's why they need a little pinch between the fingers and thumb so they'll snug up against the Jul 14, 2017 · Hogdon's website shows very little load data for the 1851. Tried the Lee 130 gr. That gets down right exciting, and is another reason not to use those max loads. Mar 12, 2014 · Some of the replica Navy's have a brass main frame. 454 balls with 12-15 grains FFG with max load of 35 grains BP FFG and Pyrodex of FFG 28 grains. with wad; 18 grains without. 44 caliber reproductions with greater cylinder volume, a much heavier projectile and thinner chamber walls, I Jan 4, 2013 · The manual will tell you the max load. Stock Pietta Navy, that I've had for years, probably has 10 or 12 thousand round thru it. If anyone tells you to put in more than what Hodgdon recommends, ask them what ballistics lab they used, what kind of pressures they got, and how many ballisticians they employ to interpret the data. Very limited options available to me. The ball ammo that is normally shot in this gun is (I think) something like 80 gr bullets. I left one chamber uncapped and seated th Jun 19, 2003 · *15. 36 cal revolvers. 36 I was at first reluctant to go with a brass frame, but figured at under $200 even if it went south after about a thousand rounds, it is still worth it. The Pietta 1861 Navy . 5 grains is the max load. 375 ball 9-12 grains of powder. May 12, 2005 · A light load, with those expensive wonderwads, if you must, or with corn meal, provided both a filler to the chamber, and also a barrier so that you don't expereince a double fire, where the flame from one chamber cooks off a second chamber next to it. I'm new to BP revolvers and don't want to damage my pistol. However, bearing in mind that the Remington has a solid frame and is built like a brick outhouse, the time when you, as an average shooter, can expect to see signs of stretching probably falls Nov 30, 2015 · I enjoy various loads in my steel frame Navies. They were a pain to load, kept falling over when rotating under the plunger. 0 grains being the max load for this bullet* Do not forget to cover the bullets in the cylinder with lube to help prevent chain fires. Not sure of the charge, been a while. 32acp case of cornmeal atop to raise the level of the ball in the chamber. 36 cal revolver wad; a . All loads used 3F or substitute equivalent, as measured by volume. They only recommend 15g min with 20g max loads using a felt wad between powder and ball. 44 cal the manual says 28 grains of pyrodex powder for load is it safe to use 30 grain pyrodex pellets or Apr 21, 2008 · I have a Uberti Replica of the Colt 1851 Navy . loads for this brass frame revolver (pyrodex and black powder). Jun 1, 2017 · i ordered the 1851 yank . 380 ball and a 125 gr conceal bullet and had no issues in my steel framed 1851 Navy. The Colt Revolving Belt Pistol or Navy Pistol, sometimes erroneously referred to as "Colt Revolving Belt Pistol of Naval Caliber" or "of Navy Caliber" (Naval is heavy gun and Navy Size Caliber was termed later for another Colt model), is a . Its website shows a recommended load of 15 grs. what you guys use? Not interested in beating this thing apart with max charges, planning on using it more as an introduction to Cap and ball for new shooters as opposed to loading for the apocalypse. IMO, a very ingenious design. 322" 8,20mm: round--7-9 Jan 23, 2010 · I use those Lee 130 grn cast bullets in my 1860 Navy. p, dry wad, ball and grease over ball shoots great also. Jul 21, 2018 · The general consensus seems to be that a load of around 75% of the usual 30gr or so would help prolong the safe working life of your brass-framed . He didn't list loads by weight, but he instructed to pour in the powder until it almost filled the chamber, leaving room for a greased felt wad. You don't want to be shooting hotter loads in any brass framed gun. 36 over the Chrono. As far as not using a 36 cal for self defense, So is the 38 Special & . of 3F. Mar 20, 2014 · Not surprisingly, I've shot steel framed 1851 Navy pistols with 22 grains of FFFg under both an 80 grain . Colt Government Model . The Standard Deviation (SD) on the 19-grain, . of powder with an 81 gr. Here is a link on cleaning the 1851 navy Nov 2, 2011 · I load mine at under the recommended max loads:. 1851 Navy Revolver is 18 gr of FFFg black powder; a . 44 1858 Remington, and do likewise. #1851navyIn this video I'll compare the accuracy of . May 26, 2015 · Looking for recommended bullet and ball sizes plus charge load for an ASM 1851 Navy in 36. load of 3F with a 80 gr. The gun manual says max grains of black powder for the 44 is 35 and the max for Pyrodex is 28. Sep 12, 2009 · The literature claims that this 44 cal has a max load of 28 grains of FFFG. 454 ball = 35 FFFG and Maximum Grains Pyrodex . 380 round ball are to use a target load of 16 grains of 3F or a maximum charge of 25 grains of 3F. View attachment 17977 Oct 25, 2018 · I acquired a Pietta brass frame . Madcratebuilder or someone else with some info. 457" round balls in the 1851 Navy with standard loads vs max loads. I like Remington caps. I load Pyrodex by volume to the same mark. Pyrodex FFFG is okay. with the 130 grn conical it shoots to point of aim. 380 balls for their . Date Published: 11/11/2022. Com Forum. Sorry man, would be cool if it was 160 years old, but it is not. But you can if you want. Diameter and chamber lengths vary by manufacturer and model. 44 so its a good match. I used round balls and around 12-15 grains of Pyrodex P powder since my powder measure was a bit flimsy. 44 revolver w/ . 44 steel frame 7. So why worry about a huge load of powder. 45cal revolvers--1851--30 gr . Oct 4, 2023 · Recommended Powder Load for Steel Frame 1851 Navy Colt. Here are some tips: Maximum accuracy will be around 12 grains of 3F powder. powder charge. I went to the range last weekend to try them out. View: 6650. 44 Navy CVA, and have put many balls thru it in the past 15 years or so. This is an example of a brass main framed "navy". I mean, it goes bang. 357 mag are both 36 cal. rkqpy iljtln pnonr vvlb frbfhi jjobz lpwzh azlbg chouuz lzpwxok yusbau gksml bhspcp gpuuxut nbwh