• Clas 201 syllabus reddit. Receive a syllabus by the first day of class.

    Clas 201 syllabus reddit. Then proceed to take more past quizzes.

    Clas 201 syllabus reddit This means you will attend lecture once a week and have online activities that are used to replace the other lecture. Ian Williams. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. Also I took psyc 203 and realized it is useless for advancement in Psyc 300 courses so I’d recommend 201/200 to give you future option. info 200 is easy as shit. Just think it's weird that Floral Design would have a Hort sciences + practicum textbook But also like the other commenter said, wait to buy textbooks after the first day. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship From what I remember about the class, the best way to study was to go over the homework questions a million times until you understood each concept individually without reminders. It covers a wide range of topics with many perspectives. You can ask questions, answer questions or even say "Hello" at the start of class. I just took Soci 201 last sem w Dumas and it was my chillest class lol. 2 term tests (multiple choice and short answer) worth 2x20=40. Also, int is a 2 credit class, so the a wount boost you as much as an a in bme 200 (a 3 credit class). I managed to apply my way into Kelley, it honestly isn't as hard as it seems. Class Review: Year 1 at Liberty University ONLINE - CSIS 100, CSIS 110, MATH 121, MATH 128, PHYS 201, MATH 250, MATH 131 A short review/lessons learned from my first year at Liberty University Online. 331, at least for me, used a mix of Python and Racket. That’s really good to know! Thank you! 😊I’m signed up to take 201 with lab in May and then 202 with lab in late June. Just the first few should be fine to get you into the concepts the Verilog. Not in your class, but yes. Whatever you do, don’t take bio 202 with Amy bejsovec. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Be it class, sports, clubs, wanting to meet up, anything! Members Online. He mentioned in his syllabus that we have tutorials each week that should take at minimum 2 hours a week that are due each friday. reReddit: Top posts of September 7, 2019 As the title suggests, I’m considering taking PHL201 in my fall sem for first year. Basically you can do all the work of the day RIGHT after class. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. I’d recommend reading the textbook religiously and taking amazing notes, and then doing a shit ton of practice problems from the homeworks and previous exams to prepare for the exams. There will be a I think I ended up in the 97-100% kind of range. It is even easier than my Comm A class in some aspects. come to class sick Like say we wanted to simulate the behaviour of a dog in our python program. I wouldn’t consider myself a “math” person, but I was able to pull off an A for both PH201 and PH202. a) I'm an international student, and Classics 320 is do-able for me. Do any other class of 2024 students hey i took both last spring quarter. Having done 104 also makes some of the lectures/questions in 201 really easy, haha. (The amount of reading assignments for LIS 201 is lower though). Pour tout ce qui est relié à Montréal, ou publié par des montréalais ou des gens qui ont déjà pensé à la ville de Montréal. It's a big class and you wouldn't fail by any means, but iirc the average is usually B+ and they like to keep people around there. It takes me about an 1-1. It’s an interesting class. Class would have been okay had it not been for Guohui Lin. Looking to do some reading over the summer thanks. If my dumb ass can do it, so can you! Hi all, I'm searching for a recent course outline / syllabus for ME 201 (Advanced Calc for 2A Mechanical), with textbook chapters for each unit of study. If you are remotely interested in engineering or medicine, bme 200 would be much more relevant than international relations (what I perceive as a course good for global studies, humanities, economics, and business) 432 was a bit harder. Hi could someone send me the course syllabus of EAS 201: Modern Chinese II students with prior background? I am taking econ 201 with marlow but I'm really confused as how the hybrid class works. You can easily pass! I did terrible on the final but I still ended up with a good grade. the majority of the class work is a quarter long group project, pray. just make sure to listen to lectures and try to get 10/10 on lecture quizzes to make sure you understand whats going on PH 201 was absolutely terrible. Please search through previous posts before creating a new post, especially about entrance requirements, what courses are like, application questions. No exam/midterm(s) Imo the projects were really easy (got 100 on at least 1 of them). They make the class rigorous and weekly high intensity group projects dont help. I took it last semester and the grading was set up in an interesting way. You might as well say almost all of college courses are a waste of money seeing as a lot of people roam the internet or text on their phones instead of listening to the lectures or discussions. Super nice guy, loves teaching and showing you the language and the cultures of the Arabic-speaking world. Anybody have a recent syllabus from Clizbe for orgo 1? Ideally A subreddit for everything at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Now that said, the 200-level EAS classes are routinely asked about here as easy option courses, and it's true - lots of them are. Reed's lecture notes which is Hort Science & Practicum. had professor Hamilton for 201 last semester and I say he was a pretty good professor! i think his reviews were something i was scared about too going in to his class, but he was a really good professor. I'm going to try and take these courses at the same time and need at least one to be recorded. 32817 (secretary CLAS 201 Greece and Rome Syllabus F2022. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. clas 201 For anyone whos taken CLAS 201 online, do you have any general tips for the tests? 25% is quite a lot for a first test so I'm curious if you have any strategies to focus my studying. that was the most boring class I’ve ever taken, but not that hard So while the syllabus doesnt exist, its gonna look a lot like the table of contents. Class attendance is typically not taken, but small extra credit questions are sometimes posted that are only accessible during class. Looking over my labs though, they covered basic circuit analysis (like basic EE220 stuff), using an oscilloscope, making decoders and shift registers, GPIO on the Arduino, timers, UART, debouncing, analog to digital converters, and interrupts. This class sounds somewhat interesting. I am majoring in Business Administration. Stuff like the Greek gods and legends like the Iliad/Odyssey end up just being review. One thing I disliked about the class is that they gave us a syllabus with all the deadlines but it totally contradicted the deadlines they would mention in Emails. So not a super hard course, but they don't like to give away As for free (reflects the general trend, I find, that essay based courses get "easier" at the 400 level). Try schedubuddy for class planning. It’s very easy compared to others honestly felt like a high school class, so many opportunities for extra credit and forgiving on late assignments. ACC 201 ECON 103 ENG 102 JPN 113 PHIL 102 both of my professors emailed me back a copy of the syllabus from the year I took the class. All things pertaining to academic, social, and cultural activities at the University of Toronto. The class has a lot of assignments that boost your grade like pathways and labs I would rather pay to participate in a class where I give 100% and learn than to half-ass a required course towards a specific degree. I took POL S 201 with Jack Turner and probably had a little under an hour of reading each day. Made everything more confusing It seems you’re a Bio major so I think you might enjoy this class a lot more than me. Math class to weed out physics majors is, well, difficult. I did very poorly on the midterm and would greatly appreciate any tips you found helpful on the Receive a syllabus by the first day of class. so neither is actually required for my major, but I'm doing premed so I'm trying to get in a physiology/anatomy class before the MCAT. 12-15 hours a week is very doable and I’m only taking 1 class each term as all my other nursing pre-reqs are completed. At least for data structures. Arabic 101 is incredibly easy and the professor (Ramez) is incredible. If you want easy marks just do like econ 101 lol It looks like your ATMO 201 class is a "hybrid" class since it is only meeting once a week. It's pretty easy. Good ol’ first day chaos. I made a website for sharing syllabus files and other course information: sylb. b) Looking at LIS 201's syllabus, I think the workload for oral and writing assignments of this class is similar to Classics 320. You have to specify which professor it is because they have a different syllabus and assignments that are connected to the class. The two extra classes were probably unnecessary to stack on top, but the three main classes weren’t unmanageable. Attend Office Hours / Do Work There: I usually hold office hours right after class during mini term. So if you’re really into it then u prob wont mind doing that work but if you’re looking for something more chill it might not be the best option. CHE 201/203 Clizbe syllabus . I've heard really great things about the structure and professor for physiol 201 even though it's really tough, on the other hand bio 225 seems easier but I'm not sure how people feel about it (how useful it is, professors, etc). The important concepts are counting to 1000, time of day, er/ar/ir verb conjugation, how to use gustar, tener que (ex: I have to), querer (to want), household items, masculino/femenino and un/una/el/la (a/the). Don’t let the other folks on this sub fool you, it’s a difficult class, especially if you haven’t taken any sort of advanced physics in high school. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. Even without the bonus, you should regularly attend lectures. The last time I did essays was in grade 12 lol so I am not sure what to expect. He was terrible at communicating the marking guidelines of assignments to the point of being misleading. If anybody has taken Leonid Hrebien ECE 201 class, how was the final? and what exactly should I focus on to pass the final? The average for our first midterm was below a 50%. Speaking from experience, it's probably not very beneficial to look over those all of those lectures. lectures are pre recorded, just skim through them at 2x. Dont have a syllabus, but can tell you that in Latin 102 we finished the second half of Wheelock's Latin book, then in 201 we read from the Vulgate Bible and some Ovid. Refuse to use the University's plagiarism detection tool (you must be offered an alternative form of submission). There is 3 large grades a case study, mid term and final exam. Everyone I talked to in that class said it was much more doable than what the students in PH 201 dealt with. I got an A in 101, 102, and 201 with ease. We can add this information to the class definition: class Dog: legs = 4 colour = brown breed = "Mutt" AST251 did not have a pdf syllabus last semester so here is a breakdown. Honestly you don't need to do any work outside of the class (or inside except taking notes) to get a good mark, like I said, I didn't buy the book and don't do the readings. I found in that class (and other ARKY classes if you are following that degree stream) that it does not explicitly outline expectations in that first week. Hi! I took ENSC 103 and really enjoyed it. PHY 201: Math Methods in physics. R. Does anyone have the syllabus for Clas 201 online with Lisa Trentin? I'm taking it this term with Trentin. How is the PSY201 syllabus like? 201 for me was easy I had gangi honestly just do the work and U will at the very least get a B. A few weeks into the course you are assigned a group that you work with for the rest of the semester to run a business simulation. Hi, does anyone have the syllabus for Introduction to Computer Concepts (547:201)? I’ll take it this fall and I would like to see the specific… TL;DR: skip 101, start with 241/201 If you're not sure, you can always attend the first lecture (or two) of both courses and decide from there. . Has anyone taken SUST 201 with Robert last fall 2021? How the course is like? Also, how is the weight distribution of this class? TIA Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. We'd start by defining a dog class: class Dog: But then say we want to be able to tell how many legs this dog has, it's colour, and what breed it is. The textbook that's listed for the course is "Molecular Biology of the Cell". English 203 (Creative Writing) is also a great class. It was such a hard class that bio 201 is now a complete breeze and very doable with orgo 2. However, the only open class currently is with Prof Dinkar Kuchibhotla who has a rating of 1. I studied only for 2 months and then lost consistency then exams came and i started just learning and reading questions and answers which saved me from failing. Thank you :)) The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online COMP 335 Syllabus Can anyone who has taken Cell bio 201 (Pre covid or covid doesn’t matter) give me a run down of the class? Also if you are in it rn can you please… CLAS 104 wasn't the easiest course you can take, but if you have a good memory and if you pay attention to every class, you'll do fine. Absolutely recommend taking Business Comm with Lee Hochberg, that was easily the most useful class I’ve taken in college and Lee is great at getting people to leave their comfort zones and practice public speaking and presenting. ECON 201 Syllabus my printout of the ECON 201 section A syllabus. This class so far has been a breeze and I’m using it as an easy A and feel such a relief that this class has been so simple. e. MAT E 201 Syllabus . It was about $300 if I recall correctly, it's not worth the price tag, especially for a very introductory course. Hopefully that helped. Algorithms are taught in like half the classes (just with different focuses). If you just do practice problems for like 3 days before the exam and make a good formula sheet then you should get at least a B+ in the class. He was honestly one of the worst teachers/professors I've ever had. (i. I chose this path because I like the flexibility of online classes with my work schedule. The longer syllabus, the less likely students are going to read it. I finally got into bio 201, does anyone have the course syllabus from the previous years? What textbook and the course material were required and tips and tricks?? I wanted to get a bit of a head starts on my studying, I'm not that great at anatomy but need to do really well on this course to be considered into nursing. 8 on RMP. There was no final exam or any typical tests at all. I want to take ENSC 201 (Environmental Toxicoloy) and was wondering if anyone could tell me the difficulty level, if the content is interesting, and if they would recommend the course. Definitely recommend it. Or check it out in the app stores   CLAS 201, COSC 102, MATH 142, HIST 261, PHYS 135 It did have a bit more topics as well, but over all it was a pretty good class. Assuming we still use Wheelock, I might get a copy and go through that until I saw something I either hadn't seen before or couldn't remember very well. An instructor may only change marks' assignments by following the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy provision 1. K201 honestly isn't that difficult as long as you attend class and pay attention. I got high B's in both exams but my case study which is basically the final project my group worked really well together got a 99 so I end up with a A in the class. Those topics I wouldn't spend a ton of time on, they were pretty surface level. The class structure was watching a movie on Tuesdays and a class discussion on Thursdays about the movie we watched. Reddit . The course is a standard front-of-class slide deck, with slides offered online at some point before or shortly after the class period. This means that in addition to posting answers to the discussion questions, you have to make reply posts to other students posts and/or to your instructors posts. Hello did anyone take Clas205 with Anna Simas how was it was it easy and also are the test online or in person ? And also how was work load I am… Clas 201 syllabus reddit. It maybe took me 2-3hrs to take the notes (I’m a slow note taker) and I studied like the day before the exams which I don’t recommend. Don't be afraid to go to the tutor lab if you're having trouble. Took ARKY 201 in my first year (4th year now) and it was very similar to how you were describing it. Mark 301 class yesterday. Reading thru the course notes alone will get you good marks. Most people I know who had him for 201 said he was fine. I am looking for a decently easy Comm B. From commuters to couriers to world-class racers, Vancouver is home to cyclists of all abilities and interests. Posted by u/Full-Swordfish-2195 - 1 vote and no comments Posted by u/Minimum_Warning_2419 - 3 votes and no comments is anyone in CLA203 and have the syllabus for it? i'm thinking of taking it this semester BIO 201 FALL 2020 SYLLABUS. I would recommend to go to the online class sessions, and to read the coursework. Be careful what you request materials such as old papers and assignments because it can be borderline academic misconduct. Could you give me a rundown of the syllabus, assignments/exams, and general layout of how the course is taught? I've taken CRWR200 in the past, and I've loved it! I'm just taking this course as a little "fun/break" from my regular studies. Yeah, then hopefully you'll also enjoy 201. No lectures and 5 tests, in and out. There is another class with 4/310 seats remaining, but are already 11 people on the waitlist. Plus, I wasn't a fan of the teaching style. The professor Adam Gaudry is young, and pretty on the ball with the way he teaches the class. Treat it like a math class where practice is your studying and don't spend too much time memorizing slides/textbook. ca Reddit . Faber, ML 226, 888-4567, ext. As far as studying, I just spent a lot of time working through practice problems by hand. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Id spend my time learning other courses, ELEC 201 (if you have Linares you will not learn anything in class), or CPEN 221 (if you're in CPEN). Then proceed to take more past quizzes. I'm from state board and it is really hard to study for boards and jee simultaneously. If you need to take INFT, I would take it before BUSI 201. This is nice because it is one less class to attend in person. maes@rogers. You don't need to worry at all until the year starts Hey r/ubc, I'm planning on taking CRWR 201 as an arts elective (3rd yr Bio) with Dr. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. What are these tutorials? HORT 203 or 201? The textbook for 201 is Dr. I only have experience with Eric in the upper levels, 341 and 441, often considered one of the roughest classes in the major along with 421 . Hopefully this helps I took Communications 245 with Rapp (interpersonal communications) as an extra class and it was by far one of the most interesting classes I’ve ever taken. But yeah as the other guy said 201 is that kinda class. It's a bit more work than 104, but still very light compared to other courses I was taking at the time. If you can, take PH211 with calculus. I got an A in his 341 class and currently have an A in his 441 class (I hope I don't jinx it). View Notes - CLAS 201 Syllabus from CLAS 201 at University of Waterloo. I feel like the online one would take significantly more effort. Took that class last semester and unfortunately he never gave us a syllabus document, he just wrote it directly into the home tab on Canvas. I was curious if anyone still had copies of the syllabus for either class. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. If you enjoy learning about people, history, or war, you should definitely consider it! So the first day I took this class Paul Lapointe specifically told us "Do not by this textbook". yes! At least for the class I was in, we met MW for 1hr 20min. Rely upon a syllabus once a course is started. Shot in the dark as the class starts in like half an hour, but if anyone on here is in REN R 201, would you know if the lecture is in CAB 265 or if it’s in GSB 8-66? eClass and the UofA website says CAB, however the syllabus says GSB, I’m thinking GSB is a typo since that’s where the lab is. 2 assignments (watch a movie/documentary and read a classical source about the same topic and compare using 1000 words and 2 scholarly sources) worth 2×10=20. Definitely reach out to the professor and explain the reasons. 313 focuses on C in the latter half. pdf Greece and Rome CLAS 201 Time: 835-955 Location: Macdonald Harrington Building G-10 Office hours: Tuesday 10:10-11:10; 609 Leacock or by Appointment [email protected] Teaching Assistants (609 Leacock; Office Hours TBA) Na An ( [email protected] Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! CLAS 201 Essay. I tried to work through all of the days concepts after every class, which usually ended up being around an hour or two of continuous work. It is a lot of material but it’s not a difficult class. pdf CLAS 201 4 March 2016 Final Essay Throughout Ancient Greece, there has always been a sense of pride carried among each individual, and this sense helps to shape a person in his or her own everyday actions. Lastly, PM me I can help with notes, syllabus etc. ACCY 201 Syllabus and i know lots of comm students who have taken law 201. Unfortunately I don’t have the syllabus, but I took PH201 online in spring 2019 on top of a full-time class and full-time work schedule. My Syllabus is for daily use and does not exceed 4 pages, whereas my Syllabus Supplement is all the boilerplate the University insists upon, and it is for reference, if that ever becomes necessary-- rather like the pages of fine print text one gets with a new credit card. Good luck! 111K subscribers in the UofT community. Even if you haven’t taken… Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship Wondering what people thought about the Roman History midterm today. Not every course number is taught by the same Professor. Classes are divided into an hour of lecture, an hour of guest lecture and then a discussion activity. Over an 8 week period, I spent maybe 3-4 hours each weekend and was able to get a good grade in the class. This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. The parts where she said she wouldnt be be covering the topic in class were highlighted on the syllabus, and only received one question on the 60 question multiple choice test. when he suggested in class the code performance wouldn't be tested, and then proceeded to test it) if anyone has taken the class with her, could you give some kind of “review” for the workload, the difficulty, and whether it’s worth taking over 201? i’m a little scared it’ll be too hard, but i’ve also been interested in higher level math for awhile, so i just really want the challenge even if i might not do particularly well. Then study that. general consensus is that it’s a good class and really interesting, but i was also told its a lot of work compared to other electives. 5 hrs to do the class load each week and it’s mainly because I easily get distracted. I assume 201 will be similar to 104, my suggestion is to do the in class version rather than the online one. Thanks Do you guys have a math 209 and or math 201 syllabus that i can have. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area. Its a 90-minute timed online test for weeks 1-4. In the first few weeks it was a lot of team building activities because this class focuses on developing teamwork skills. 101 is, as it appears, an introductory level/survey course. Unfortunately the class was at 7:30 in the morning, and I also took it during the snow quarter so I fell behind in the class. A general rule for humanities is that you'll have a considerable amount of writing to do. tbh if you want an "easy" A, you're best off actually taking something you're interested in. This is the unofficial subreddit for all things concerning the International Baccalaureate, an academic credential accorded to secondary students from around the world after two vigorous years of study, culminating in challenging exams. Syllabus and slides and stuff will be there - that should also give you an idea of the class’ textbook requirements (but generally first day of class is usually a ‘syllabus day’ where you don’t do real work) Posted by u/gnowyentihw - 2 votes and 2 comments I really need this syllabus because i took the course winter 2020 and im applying to transfer but they need it :/ Edit: i've tried googling and can't find anything. CLASSICAL STUDIES 201 Ancient Greek Society (CLAS 201 8098) Instructor: Dr. I did it last semester (fall 2021) with prof Volodymir Amiot and it was pretty decent. I also noticed 201 was 3 credits while 203 was 4, so my only guess is that 201 will be more of an intro to java class, which I think would probably mean it's a good class for people who want to try out programming without diving into it too deeply. Hello All, Which class do you recommend and why? ENGL 102 Composition and Literature JOUR 201 Introduction to News Writing WRTG 111 Academic Writing… 80 probably, much higher than 80 maybe not, some of the questions can be pretty BS. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical Greece, a civilization to which the western world is greatly indebted. In terms of workload you would have a project due about every 3 weeks that you could finish in about 3 to 4 days if you really worked at it. What does everyone think of this class? Does anyone have a syllabus or could tell me specifically what you do in the class. I got an A in the class. I've done a whole giant research project on the way they changed the class to make it more beneficial for the students. For anything related to Montréal, or posted by users from Montréal, or users having once thought of Montréal. I know a lot of upper year courses only have assessments but I was really hoping this wouldn't be the case for this class. Clas 201 syllabus reddit. no quizzes or midterms since it moved online which means u dont reallyy even have to do the readings lol. This means most days you'll attend class for 3 hours then maybe have 90 minutes worth of work. Maes, ML 225 Term: Fall 2010 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, AL 113 Email: nick. In my experience there have been either two papers and one midterm, or two exams and one final paper. CLAS 264 + CLAS 201 . You get much more information closer to when you start the assignments. which ones of these courses under extended core do you recommend I take? cds 101/102, 201, 205, 251, 290, 292, 403, 411, 486 csi 500, 501 Posted by u/Arom1965 - 19 votes and 5 comments Clas 201 is pretty easy, but only if you go to class and pay attention. I could take PHL100 but I really don’t think I’d enjoy it (seems a bit tedious) since my original choice was 101 and it clashes w my timetable. Don’t skip class, read all the slides before exam, understand the different economic concepts taught in the class, and you’ll get an A too. Anyone have eas 201 syllabus? Coins. I had gone to every class and done the assigned textbook readings, and still felt extremely blindsided by the test today. It's a course that mostly covers stories and myths, so listening during class and memorizing/re-reading the stories helps. I took Bonitsis in Fall 2020 for ECON 201. i don't know too much about lupoli, but I'd for sure recommend This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. Am I better off just signing up for the first one rather than waiting? there are only 9 seats left in Kuchibhotla's class. When it came to exams, most of the questions were pretty similar to the quiz questions and to the in class assignments. Anyone here have a 201 syllabus from last semester or this semester? I’m considering taking the class in the fall as I recently became interested in getting a minor in statistics but I’m not sure yet. My syllabus was kind of like the AP one but not the same, I took the Cambridge AL exams. Sometimes the readings are pain but overall doable 85-90 The sUBreddit for all things University at Buffalo/SUNY at Buffalo/UB! Any and all students, alumni, faculty and staff are welcome to share news, photos, ask questions, and communicate with other members of the UB community. Even if they don’t have the syllabus finalized (sometimes it doesn’t get solidified until right before the class begins), they may be able to give you a heads up regarding what the assignments are like- Eg lots of multiple choice exams or a ton of writing. I do have a copy of the syllabus that I can send you. Good luck! I was looking through the course syllabus and saw that essays could be a form of assessment, and I was wondering if they have actually done this in the past as essays are not my specialty. This subreddit exists for us to share news and events related to riding around this wonderful city. The only thing i can find is the coursera page which wont count as a syllabus I'm actually just trying to figure out what content is taught in the class, I'm an international student and so I'm not sure whether I've already covered the content or not. in winter 2020, it was: 16% clicker quizzes, 5% online quizzes, 12% term project, 22% / 32% midterm, final exam 35%/ 45% (depending on if you did better on the midterm or final)! it was very manageable for me I also want to complete my syllabus 2-3 months. The typical requirement is 6 reply posts spread evenly over 3 days (meaning 2 per day). Has anyone taken this call yet, I know it’s a new one, but the course description sound helpful since I’m an honours major. Other tips I would give are Take A100 CMSC 201 focuses on Python. 3x 24% projects each spaced out throughout the course 14% in-class clicker questions (50% participation, 50% correctness) 14% weekly online 16-18 question multiple choice quizzes. The biggest tip I can give, especially for classes like K201, is GO TO CLASS. 0 coins. CMSC 203 focuses on being a nearly worthless class (I did take it in 2020 though, online; it sucked heavily and was an easy A). He’s not really that bad. Does anyone have an tips for the CLAS 101 final with Lewis Stiles. Ill give you the advice that, while the solutions manual is available online, if you use it you will only fuck yourself on the exams, and i remember hearing about 75% of a 201 class getting called for cheating for using it a few years ago. I thoroughly enjoyed CLAS 201 (Ancient Greek Society) with Professor Riemer Faber :) Every class felt like I was being told an interesting story (Prof Faber is an excellent orator). C: ACCTG 200, OPMGMT 301, ECON 201 D: MGMT 200 (Without Covington) F: ECON 200 Business major/History minor here. 202 and 341 focus on C++. That should be all you need to get an A. for me he was easy to talk to, very responsive (through email specifically), and his lectures were very clear and understandable. Also, if you've taken PSYC 212 with Professor Mathieu Roy please let me know if the class is recorded. The workload is very light and Rapp treats the class like a casual conversation with the students. I don’t have a syllabus but the class itself isn’t too hard. Each letter grade had a different amount of work assigned to it so you basically choose what grade you’re getting in the end by how much work you choose to do. Math is my weakest subject but I’m beginning to realize now that knowing statistics could strengthen my earning potential in politics. I took 202 my final semester, put no effort in and got a B. I took PH 201 and used calculus at one point to make a problem easier and got marked down. u get a good group and you'll be fine. The syllabus for STA215 just got released and when I saw that 100% of the final grade is comprised of assessments my heart nearly stopped. Now, it's much easier, but also better for learning, because the labs focus more on understanding the key concepts than they focus on actually getting the right numbers or just formatting properly. reReddit: Top posts of January 18, 2020. I have lecture from 4-6 on tuesday but then i have online class on wednesday from 6-8. I got an A in the class and I didn’t pay as much attention as I would have liked to, but considering how many times I forgot I had the class and suddenly remembered, I’m ecstatic about the mark lol Would recommend if you need the credits or gpa boost, there’s also so much to learn. I took chem 201 with bio 202 and chem 202 with bio 201. First quarter of my Freshman year I took POL S 201, ECON 200, C LIT 240, the fig class and some seminar class. 3 hour night sessions with 1 or 2 short breaks. tqjjo dvnk hfsx sorcd ggjqvjt hvn mbybw umzefzd rlcrc zouqcih goewn ztakl ohjzd xtioq yazt