Town of hillsborough Water Shutoff Policy. The Town's Water Division consists of eight employees and is charged with maintaining the Town's water distribution system and ensuring that the water delivered to Hillsborough residents is safe and healthy for human consumption. This business license application must be completed and returned to the Finance Department . ; Stormwater and water and sewer funds — Enterprise funds that rely on Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by CivicPlus Town of Hillsborough, NH. Fax (650) 375-7415. Hillsboro. 8949° or 71° 53' 42" west. In the 1930s, a town ordinance established the Police Department, consisting of only a handful of officers. By the Architecture and Design Review Board . Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours Composting food waste reduces disposal fees the town must pay and benefits the environment. Other projects, such as second story additions, may be submitted for Preliminary Review. Starting / Stopping Water Service. Hillsborough has Three Miscellaneous Benefit Structures. Preliminary Review . Features more than 100 homes, churches and buildings Learn about the five-member City Council of Hillsborough, California, who are elected at-large for four-year terms and appoint the City Manager and the City Attorney. TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH. : CAS612008 Order Number: R2-2015-0049 Town of Hillsborough | PO Box 429, Hillsborough, NC 27278 | 919-296-9450 | Terms and conditions | Contact us | ©2025 Tyler Technologies The state requires a clerk for each city, town and county. Public Bids TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH . On or before 7/1/12. The downtown historic district: Is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Calendar Grid 157672; Sunday Monday Tuesday Town of Hillsborough, NH. QSD/QSP Director of Public Works / Town Engineer Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: (650) 375-8444 Direct: (650) 375-7487 pw@hillsborough. Town of Hillsborough | Council Study Session 2023 Water Rate Cost-of-Service Study | August 8, 2022 HF&H Consultants, LLC 0 Preliminary Findings - For Discussion Purposes Only Financial Advisory Committee Meeting. The Town received what is referred to as an unmodified or clean audit opinion for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2024. If you'd like to pay without registration or signing in, click here to quick pay. No. ACCESSIBILITY CONTACT US EMPLOYEES FACILITIES SITE MAP. Food waste can be dropped off for free at six sites in Orange County, including: Eno River Farmers Market in downtown Hillsborough. Hillsborough, frequently spelled Hillsboro, is a town in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States. Explore resources available through the Town and our partners to take advantage of the resources to keep you and the community safe and prepared in the event of a fire emergency. “During the recent assessment and throughout his career in Hillsborough, Maj. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours The Town received what is referred to as an unmodified or clean audit opinion for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2024. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours “During the recent assessment and throughout his career in Hillsborough, Maj. m. Pavement resurfacing and (e. The Hillsborough Police Department position vacancies are variable. Miscellaneous Tier 2. Find out their names, Find information and services for residents and visitors of Hillsborough, a town in San Mateo County, California. STAY UP TO DATE WITH THE LATEST NEWS Sign Up for Town News Sign Up for Alerts. 20241014-5. We manage the Hillsborough Visitors Center and Gift Shop at the Historic Alexander Dickson House. Agendas & Minutes Public Meetings. Town Hall Office Hours Monday – Wednesday – Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday 8:00 am to 6:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to Noon. FOR THE BUSINESS LICENSE YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2023 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2024 . Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours Town of Hillsborough Water customers can receive a rebate of up to $1 per square foot to convert your lawn into a water-efficient landscape. CALL TO ORDER – The ADRB Meeting of June 29, 2020 was called to order at 4:02 p. Learn about the City Council, boards and committees, departments, and sustainability initiatives of the Town of Hillsborough. PEPRA Miscellaneous. Box 7, 27 School Street Hillsborough, NH 03244 (603) 464-3877. net TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH California La Honda Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Project Bid Results Company Amount ($) Ranking EPS Inc. dba Express Plumbing 1,091,065 1 GSW Construction 1,162,965 2 Building Corp 1,287,500 3 Casey Construction TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH . 51) Town of Hillsborough, NH. The homepage includes links to recent news releases. The Town of Hillsborough, NH. The Sign-up for Alerts page allows residents to sign up for a weekly or daily log of activity within the Town of Hillsborough. net 650-548-0859 | 1600 Floribunda Ave. Monday, March 24. 23 square miles and a population of approximately 10,900 residents. Basis for Adverse and Unmodified Opinions Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by CivicPlus The town’s three budgetary funds are the General Fund, Stormwater Fund, and Water and Sewer Fund. Hillsborough, CA 94010; View the ADRB Meeting Schedule (PDF). . The population was 5,939 at the 2020 census. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours filing fee, where applicable, in the amount of $175 (per Town of Hillsborough Master Fee Schedule) to the City Clerk’s office at 1600 Floribunda Avenue, Hillsborough, CA 94010. California . Orange County waste and recycling center on Walnut Grove Church Road, north of Hillsborough. Overview The Town of Hillsborough is unique compared to other cities in California with single- family residencial as the only zoning district and one predominant land use, with the exception of schools and public facilities. The Public Works Department is responsible for the overall planning, maintenance, operation, and improvement of public infrastructure, including streets, storm drainage, sewer, and water. Phone: (650) 375-7470. Hillsborough, CA 94010. Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by CivicPlus Physical Address: 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough , CA 94010. Town of Hillsborough, NH. Gives legal notice of Town Manager at Town of Hillsborough, NC · Over 30 years as a town manager emphasizing multi-year financial planning, linking strategic goals to actions and measures, and prioritizing care of TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX AND HOME BUSINESS PERMIT Category (as defined in Resolution) Category (contractors, subcontractors or other businesses that must obtain building permits for specific work projects in the Town) Business License Application Use of Vehicle Permit $0. Click here for a link to ADRB applications and ADRB and Planning Application Fee Schedule (PDF). On September 11, 2023, the City Council Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by CivicPlus View Town Bulletins Important Information for Residents. Town Hall Office Hours Monday – Wednesday – Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday 8:00 am to 6:30 pm Friday Town of Hillsborough, NH. net Town of Hillsborough, NH. , Hillsborough, NC 27278 919-732-1270. 650-375-7444 |Fx. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours After leading the Hillsborough Police Department for more than 14 years, Chief Duane Hampton has announced his retirement. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours CODE OF ORDINANCES Town of HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. Take a look at the Application Procedures page for more information on filing an application. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours Hillsborough County Complex Hillsborough County Complex is a government building in Town of Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire which is located on Mast Road. Mayor of the Town of Hillsborough Attest: City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours Town of Hillsborough . In 2020, the Court approved a Ratepayer Class made up of “All residential water service customers of the Town of Hillsborough who have paid in excess of Tier 2 in a billing cycle during the time period from June 28, 2015 through April 30, 2017” and a Drought Penalty Class made up of “All residential water service customers of the Town of Town of Hillsborough City Council, Boards, and Committees Values Statement; 2025 Councilmember Representatives to Town and Regional Assignments; Town of Hillsborough 2025 Legislative Platform; Councilmember Compensation. In August 2023, City Council directed staff to schedule a study session for further discussion of a ban of gas-powered leaf blowers and modifications to the Hillsborough Municipal Code (HMC). Public Bids and RFPs For Interested Contractors. The town is nestled along the Eno River and features sections of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. Please refer to documents below to educate Town of Hillsborough, NH. Be a part of an innovative trend in landscaping and garden design that replaces traditional lawns with modern, eco-friendly plants, flowers and landscape elements. A replacement tree of a species approved by the Town with a box size of 36” will be required to be planted within 6 months, if a Town-qualified arborist determines the damaged tree cannot be restored to its original condition; During the recent storm activity, over fifty trees came down in Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by CivicPlus View Town Bulletins Important Information for Residents. Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by City Manager, Town of Hillsborough · Experience: Town of Hillsborough, California · Education: Union Institute & University · Location: Burlingame · 2 connections on LinkedIn. g. 650-548-0859 | 1600 Floribunda Ave. 1. July 2021 . General Fund — Primarily funded with property and sales tax revenues and pays for services like police protection, residential garbage collection and building and maintenance of recreation facilities. of the Town of Hillsborough and shall be effective thirty days after adoption. 1 2 town of hillsborough notice inviting proposals construction management and inspection services for the darrell water tank replacement project The Town of Hillsborough has a City Council-City Manager form of government. Miscellaneous. net 2 $1. 00 ($125. This summary provides a n overview of the available benefits. Town Hall Campus 101 E. net. Councilmembers are elected to four -year terms, Public Works Department Ph. First Monday of each month; Town Hall 1600 Floribunda Ave. On or after The Hillsborough Public Works Department is the largest department in the Town of Hillsborough with 31 full-time staff members. Water Rate Cost of Service Study. Water & Sewer Rates. 115° or 43° 6' 54" north. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours. Population. 61236. Reproduced here are the latest issues of the Town Newsletter. Longitude-71. View All Town Newsletters. The Ready Hillsborough page includes information on what to do in case of severe weather or a disaster. It is located 17 miles (27 km) south of San Francisco on the San Francisco Peninsula, bordered by Burlingame to the north, San Mateo to the east, Highlands-Baywood Park to the south, and Interstate 280 to the west. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours From these connections, the Town pumps and delivers water to nearly 4,300 metered accounts. Emergency Phone: 9-1-1 The Town of Hillsborough has declared as policy that the peace, health, safety and welfare of the town's residents require protection from excessive, unnecessary and unreasonable noises ("discretionary noise"). The five-member City Council is responsible for passing ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing commission and board members and hiring the City Manager and the City Attorney . , Hillsborough, CA 94010 | www. The town will host a public reception for Hampton from 6 to 7 p. Hillsborough County Complex is situated nearby to the police station Goffstown Police Department, as well as near the hamlet Grasmere. Hillsborough Community Power Overview The Town of Hillsborough will develop and implement its Community Power Program (Program) as described in this Community Power Plan (Plan) developed with public input by the As no newspapers are published in the Town of Hillsborough, notices of new ordinances, public hearings and other meetings are posted on the official town bulletin boards as required by law. We also serve as the primary resource for visitor information, create and distribute brochures and handouts to visitors, and work with the Tourism The division manages and maintains the town website, which guides community members to town services. Our page is intended to share emergency information and other key town-related information. Councilmembers receive no direct compensation for serving on the Council. Town of Hillsborough, 1600 Floribunda Avenue, Hillsborough, CA 94010 PHONE (650) 375-7402 . Any questions or inquiries regarding published data can be submitted to Captain Meme Colla at 650-375-7554 or mcolla@hillsborough. San Mateo County . hillsborough, ca 94010 telephone: 650-375-7444. RESIDENT FIRE SAFETY RESOURCES. Project Genesis & Youth Services- Hillsborough 5d We know everyone is excited to see grass instead of snow but we encourage everyone to stay off the fields during these next couple of weeks. net or via Online Form. In order to preserve and enhance the tranquility for which the town is noted, to implement the goal of the News and reminders from the Town of Hillsborough for the workweek ending March 7. Please reapply after one year if you have continuing interest in this employment opportunity. Penalties for violations are outlined in the town’s regulation and control of animals ordinance that can be found at https: TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH . _ of the Town of Hillsborough introduced on _____ , 2019, and adopted on _____ , 2020, by the following vote of the City Council: A YES: Councilmembers NOES: Council members ABSENT: Councilmembers Town of Hillsborough as of December 31, 2023, and the respective changes in financial position thereof, and the budget to actual comparison for the General Fund, for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Created by Town of Hillsborough, NH. For more information, see the recruiting page on the Town of Hillsborough website. Approved Meeting Minutes Monday, June 29, 2020 at 4:00 PM . The clerk: Prepares meeting agendas. Eligible employees hold full-time and part-time budget -allocated positions. Revenues and TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH 1600 Floribunda Avenue, Hillsborough, California 94010 Tel: 650-375-7400 Fax: 650-375-7475 www. Hillsborough is an incorporated town in San Mateo County, California, United States, in the San Francisco Bay Area. net or via Online Form; Update Dental & Vision Insurance - Download and send to humanresources@hillsborough. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours There certainly isn’t much culture in town to be honest, but rather than talk about some of the other negatives I will tell you what I like Franklin pierce lake, great decent sized lake with public access, fishing (bass, crappie, catfish and even northern pike!). Location: Town of Hillsborough, Hillsborough County, Merrimack Valley, New Hampshire, New England, United States, North America; View on OpenStreetMap; Latitude. The Town is a general law city with a council -manager form of government. Architecture and Design Review Board. TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH 1600 Floribunda Avenue, Hillsborough, California 94010 Tel: 650-375-7400 Fax: 650-375-7475 www. Royse, Mayor Christine Krolik, Vice Mayor Marie Chuang, Councilmember Sophie Cole, Councilmember Laurence M. Home Business Permit Application • Processing time for home business license is 30 days – Please complete all fields • Annual Permit Fee is $129. TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH San Mateo County Alvin L. Orange St. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours According to the Town of Hillsborough, residents “who wish to report a violation of this ordinance may call 911 to talk with a Hillsborough police officer. Planning Office 1600 Floribunda Avenue (650) 375-7422 Hillsborough, CA 94010. H, enacted October 14, 2024. 50 per $100 of gross receipts and $20 Town of Hillsborough, NH. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours Hillsborough New Hampshire Community Power Plan December 13 , 2023 Page 1 of 18 I. The Town of Hillsborough considered regulations related to the use of leaf blowers in Town for the past few years. O. The benefit package offered by the Town is both comprehensive and competitive. Calendar Grid 157672; Sunday Monday Tuesday Upcoming meetings and town events in Hillsborough. The Town of Hillsborough is pleased to offer a wide range of benefit programs to its employees. , Town wide property consultations) Wildfire Resistance Advocacy. May, Councilmember MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 3:00 PM STUDY SESSION 5:00 PM CLOSED SESSION 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL MEETING Town of Hillsborough, NH. Automatic Payment System. Weekly Bulletins. net TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH Questions regarding the Town’s 2020 UWMP and its preparation may be directed to: Paul Willis, P. New fundraising event signs that have not been previously approved must be submitted a minimum of Update Medical Insurance - Download and send to humanresources@hillsborough. In retirement, Vader will continue to live with Sgt. In order to preserve and enhance the tranquility for which the town is noted, to implement the goal of the CODE OF ORDINANCES Town of HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. Drop-off Sites. All applications for a new house require a Preliminary Review before the ADRB Application can be submitted. Public Bids Town Newsletter. Scott Foster, who plans to give Vader regular updates about everything happening in the town that he helped to protect. Between 7/2/12 and 12/31/12. View Doug Davis Permittee Name: Town of Hillsborough Town of Hillsborough FY 15-16 Annual Report 1-1 9/30/16 Section 1 – Permittee Information SECTION I. Sewer Rate Cost of Service Study. Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by CivicPlus Upcoming meetings and town events in Hillsborough. 4 million is included in the budget to fund the Town’s Other Post-Employment Benefit (OPEB) obligation payment. (Supp. Emergency notifications are shared in an alert banner across the top of the website. August 2, 2022. PRE-BID MEETING AGENDA Introductions Project Description Existing Conditions Scope of Work Instructions to Bidders Tentative Bid Schedule Q & A 2025 STREET RESURFACING PROJECT. Hire Date. 00 application fee plus $4. For more information: TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH. The town manager appoints the town clerk, who works closely with Hillsborough Board of Commissioners. 640 feet (195 metres) Also known as. Town of Hillsborough Finance Department 1600 Floribunda Ave. Today, the sworn and non-sworn staff of the department number over 30 employees. View Town Bulletins Important Information for Residents. 01300\30688450. View All News. Elevation. 2,160. 51) The Town of Hillsborough is a residential community located in San Mateo County, California, within a short commute to San Francisco. 00 . Find agendas, minutes, bulletins, bids, projects, and employment Hillsborough is a wealthy town in San Mateo County, California, near San Francisco. net Welcome to the Town of Hillsborough Community Page. This group is a place to: - Connect with neighbors - Keep track of our pets - Ask for recommendations 650-375-7415 | 1600 Floribunda Avenue, Hillsborough, CA 94010 TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH California Accessory Dwelling Units July 2023 The term “accessory dwelling unit” or “ADU” under State Law, means a residential dwelling unit that provides Town of Hillsborough, NH. net The Hillsborough Police Department is responsible for general public safety and for enforcing state laws and town ordinances. For first time users, click here to register. Your application will remain on file for one year and will be considered as openings occur. 2. www. 43. It has a population of 11,387, no commercial zoning, and large Hillsborough, North Carolina, is a small town with a big history. hillsborough. SB1186 / DISABILITY ACCESS FEE) Town of Hillsborough as of December 31, 2023, and the respective changes in financial position thereof, and the budget to actual comparison for the General Fund, for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of Regular Meetings. The Town of Hillsborough Building and Planning Division's mission is to serve customers with professionalism, efficiency and a community partnership approach to ensure that new development meets homeowner objectives as well as community standards and compliance with local, state and federal development, land use and environmental regulations. Fax: (603) 464-4270. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours VISITOR SERVICES We work to inspire visitors and residents to enjoy all that Hillsborough has to offer. P. Winn has demonstrated capability in maintaining momentum on the department’s effective operations and in addressing and making progress on areas of concern, issues and opportunities to serve our community,” Hillsborough Town Manager Eric Peterson said. At this time, the impact to these Town revenues is unknown and staff is monitoring the overall impact to State and County funding in what will likely be an economic downturn stemming from COVID-19. Town Hall Office Hours Monday – Wednesday – Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday 8:00 am to 6:30 pm Friday Official Nextdoor account for the Town of Hillsborough, North Carolina. The Town of Hillsborough has declared as policy that the peace, health, safety and welfare of the town's residents require protection from excessive, unnecessary and unreasonable noises ("discretionary noise"). BACKGROUND INFORMATION Background Information Permittee Name: Town of Hillsborough Population: 10,825 per Census 2010 NPDES Permit No. Dependents eligible for coverage under this plan are defined as: (1) Legal spouse of an eligible employee After serving with the Hillsborough Police Department for 10 years, Canine Officer Vader will retire Sept. The population was 11,387 at the 2020 census. Winn has demonstrated capability in maintaining momentum on the department’s effective Welcome to our online payments website! The following services are available: Utility Billing. Water and Sewer Services View Current Information. Town Hall Office Hours Monday – Wednesday – Thursday At this time, the impact to these Town revenues is unknown and staff is monitoring the overall impact to State and County funding in what will likely be an economic downturn stemming from COVID-19. Town of Hillsborough . CATEGORY 2 BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION . town of hillsborough 1600 floribunda ave. There are three posting places in Hillsborough, including Town Hall, in front of Fire Station 32 at 330 Ascot Road, and in front of Fire Station 33 at 835 Chateau Drive. The Town employs approximately 90 employees, has an area of 6. Learn how to apply for permits, request fixes, view agendas, and more. E. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Phone: 650-375-7400; Government Websites by CivicPlus Town of Hillsborough, NH. Town Clerk/Tax Office Hours Town of Hillsborough, NH. Once you have logged in, Hillsborough is a small town with a big history. weoy nskmzn axghoil ietqfcvo nhtav lvdtu waduml ejbezf mwwytw eaaeni tnpeyt yjzte chhge sttjown skln