Optc luffy law team. Potential Team Errors .
Optc luffy law team Stage 6 : Use Boa, Law, Sabo, Luffy. Most Monkey D. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Monkey D. Luffy variants are top tier but if I have to choose one, it would be the Beating Drum of Liberation. Roger & Newgate – Clash of the Might In Pirate Rumble Database you can now plan your teams for Grand Party, switch the leader around and see how it impacts your teams: Grand Party Team Builder. Micah Martin) [NCS Release]Music OPTC Luffy Law Team vs Nami 6+ Skull Island - All Variations - 50 STAMINA Kizuna Okiku / Luffy Law Shira Mansherry / Vivi Rebecca Supports are all stat boosters, ship is Polar Tang. Here is a great Luffy/Law team to clear the new island - Rampaging Bullet: Strongest in the World 50 Stamina. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise You don't need support Sabo or Ace on your team. Game Mechanics; Battle Mechanics; Type Matchups; Crew; Tavern; Friends; Cotton Candy; Pages that have team recommendations CLASH?! ★8 THREE CAPTAINS!! X2 BEST ACCESSIBLE & FAST TEAMS - KID & LAW & LUFFY! (OPTC)Let's dive into the first clash in ages!If you enjoyed the video, a li Fan run database for One Piece Treasure Cruise. Core Build : V2 Rayleigh / Legend Kidd / V1 Nami / Magellan / KF Luffy Dex Team. 150 Sprites: Link 1 / Link 2 Captain: Boosts Cerebral and Free Spirit characters' ATK by 5. 0 needs support level 1. Stage 3 Turn 1 - Swap FC V3 law is there for the 2. Find the latest guides and teams for Bandai Namco's hit mobile RPG. – Even though you can’t put Gear 4 Luffy and Law & Luffy on the same team, they still have uses on different teams, Gear 4 Luffy can evolve into Snakeman, who is good with his captain ability and special, Reduces cooldown by 1 turn, and boosts ATK by an 3. For starters, people usually build teams that focus on their captain's class. youtube. Pretty sure either one or two other units have 100 RCV, especially since I have a higher HP pool as well than in the video :D But yea, ended up working the third time around, so all good! ATK down can be ignored since this team can deal too much damage anyway. 9Program used to record DEX Luffy. facebook. Law Ship. For last unit, I've been using LRR Bonney, she's nice to cheese stage 4. Art: Link Max Stats: Link PF Stats: Link Captain: ATK 3. (See reddit report in early Feb'19 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy [OPTC] Grand Voyage Luffy V3 LVL 3 LogueTown Team Uta 6+ Optc grand voyage smoker loguetown Lvl 3 luffy Nami can be replaced by law qck 6+ Team full cerebral Luffy STND, Luffy LT, Brook (at least at semi competent), but he oversteps with both luffy's and Brook is not that great. Even though this team doesn't deal like 30 million damage, in application it's more useable that those 30 million damage teams. Filter algorithms provided by OPTC-DB SPECIAL 2/3. 2=>0 damage and can't bypass resilience, so you don't want to get an enemy down to 1 hp before Law attacks if you're trying to use his Last Tap to bypass resilience. jp/article/show/182617 2. Manage your units and find teams to clear the hardest content or share your own creations with the community! Register Specific Captain filters Double Boosted Katakuri Units Double Boosted Katakuri+ Units Double Boosted Katakuri V2 Units Double Boosted TM Law Units Double Boosted Sulong Carrot & I iust use 2x luffy/law and the rest are the new dual units currently. Law You should have the necessary units to build a dedicated team for that piece of content that does it better than V2 and their "rainbow" team. Or edit the guide directly, this is a wiki after all :) Banani Tips in this section are intended for Pirate Level (P-LV) - but even more experienced players may find few useful nuggets Nó===When you start=== Note: this was significantly changed in early Feb'19. Swap to Law. 5x for 1 turn, and becomes “Luffy & Law” for 3 turns; [Law] Deals 75x character’s ATK in non-type damage to all enemies (ignoring all defensive effects), makes My ID is: 436339034event:50 stamina coliseum Shutenmaru - Luffy&Law team optcMy Facebook page:https://www. Subscribe for new video. 9Program used to record :Regi one-punch My Team, Strategy and Playthrough for the new Co-Op Local Sea Monster event!Subscribe for more OPTC guides!• Follow me on Twitter : https: Monkey D. Stage 6 (2) - Use Kuzan's special and kill Gedatsu. Turn 2, use FC Law, kill. 25x, reduce 1 turn of Paralysis on crew Special: Reduce 4 turns of ATK down, Bind and Despair on crew, change Badly matching/RCV/TND orbs to matching orbs, for 1 turn boost orbs of crew by 2x Sailor 1: +56 HP/ATK/RCV to DEX Characters Sailor 2: He himself is immune to Paralysis Luffy & Law, Miracle-Making Generation (DEX/QCK, Fighter, Slasher) Build a balanced crew: A strong crew is essential for success in OPTC. Kid on the other hand doesn't have to be so linked to Kaido. Luffy, Gear 4 – Snakeman: STR: Red Hair Pirates, Pirates Fighting for the Sake of their Friend: PSY, QCK: Luffy & Law, Miracle-Making Generation: DEX, QCK: Monkey D Luffy, The Great Snake Surpassing the Future: STR: Trafalgar Law, Alliance to Liberate the Land of Wano: PSY: Monkey D. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO BANDAI NAMCOWalkthrough for Nakama-Guide. This game is based on the story of One Piece, as you join Luffy on his journey to become the Pirate King. SPECIAL 3/3. This one is a bit more tricky because players are sometimes overwhelmed with the possibilities on who to use because they can literally use anyone. My Team, Extensive strategy and Playthrough for the new Raid & Ambush CP9!Subscribe for more OPTC guides!0:00 Intoduction0:45 VS Raid3:26 VS Ambush• Follow m About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright This includes units such as [Legend Rayleigh V2] (/dex), [Kung Fu Luffy] (/dex), and [G4 Luffy V2] (/qck). Use Vs Kaido special on round 2 with Law to activate Jack's support and use Hybrid Kaido special on Fan run database for One Piece Treasure Cruise. 2x, makes their TND slots have Subconsi CHANNEL for finding out the glitch/exploit:https://www. U can practically run the same team with shanks crew as ur captain and V3 Law as FC. Almost count as FTP if not needed Corazon and Mr. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright My ID is: 436339034 event:60 stamina raid Carrot - Luffy & Law team optcMy Facebook page: https://www. Kizuna Clash Sakazuki STR Variation Team Luffy/Law#OPTC #ONEPIECE #TRECRU #TREASURECRUISE #KIZ To find the best-ranked OPTC characters, Boa Hancock, Douglas Bullet, Gol D Roger, Luffy & Law, Monkey D Luffy, Monkey D Luffy, Red Hair Pirates, Sabo & Koala etc), as they will be helpful in different teams for About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Doffy & Trebol colosseum G4 team (Luffy & Law as FC) OPTC Make sure you use V3 Law BEFORE Luffy/Sanji on the final stage so you can have meat orbs. I don't know if Kid support is needed. (OPTC) Shirahoshi kizuna kessen (Str boss vs Double Luffy/Law team)Track: Convex - Home Soon (feat. Attack normally, ending with Law. network/teams/19398/detailsAll units are rainbowed. 25x if you hit three perfects in a row. Lasciate un like e iscrivetevi, live l ナミの代用として、トレマのレベッカ&ヴィオラでも大丈夫です!^_^#トレクル#コロシアムキング#coliseum#king#optc#onepieceワンピース Very easy team, nothing much to say. Support unit Using law/luffy team to clear clash carrot. Stage 6 (1) - Use Soba's special. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Law is a Rare Recruit exclusive and Zoro is given to the player. Kill Ohm. QCK Law. 9Program used to OPTC Luffy/Law Team VS Wano Raid Law 60 Stamina#OPTC #WanoSubscribe for more OPTC content! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Law's Training Forest is upon us! Enemy data for this forest. CLEAR. Alas, the spotlight has moved elsewhere. My Twitter:https://twitter. Commonly known as Lawffy, their switch effect that allows them to attack through any barriers on demand, while also significantly increasing their own Tips for New OPTC Players and Roadmap; Basics 1. A good example team would be, Law 6+ / Luffy & Ace / Sabo 6+ / Gear 4 Luffy / Free Slot / Mihawk or Doflamingo or Garp (depending on the stage). All that this ability is going to do is not limit you on One of the strongest units in the game. SWAP 2/2. Boosts HP by 1. com/optc. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy can't use the tnd law/soba mask team because i don't have tnd luffy (tried the tm luffy: -4 turns despair/orb boost/makes some matching orbs but doesn't work; not enough damage) might be time to quit if this is the future. 9Pro This is my team I was able to clear with: Luffy/Law, Luffy/Law Colo Morley, Colo Kyoshiro Kizuna Zoro/Sanji, Shanks/Beckman Stages 1-2 Stall for specials. 25x and HP by 1. io/characters/#/search/This video doesn't exactly specify the best units to use This is a guide for the Luffy & Law Legend in One Piece Treasure Cruise. It should be enough to kill him because of Law's penetration. Stage 5 : Turn one, hit perfect with your Law, to remove 1 turn of threshold, with the rest of the team hit with anyone who doesn't have matching, RCV or unfavorable orbs. with all specials active he alone can do 10M+ damage if he hits last. My ID is: 436339034event:60 stamina Raid Zoro + invasion Linlin - Luffy&Law team optcMy Facebook page:https://www. Art: evolved / unevolved Max Stats: Lv. This Laffy (Luffy / Law) team for the optc kizuna clash with Zoro and Sanji should easily get you into the 70s in terms of the qck matches. SAILOR. © 2025 Google LLC I had 100 RCV on Luffy/Law and all other units had full pinch healing and I still ended up dying to Caesar once and surviving with ~300 HP instead of 999 the other time. captain. Still waiting for others and their teams! My Team: FC Hybrid Kaido/ Vs Kaido (Yamato) with support Anni Jack. [OPTC] Garp's Challenge! Doflamingo 2 - Luffy Law Team (No Sabo/Koala)Credits: https://xn--pck6bvfc. Includes a character database with all unit ability descriptions. Corazon support level 5. Leave with Hoe "in 3", both Captains as Luffy, and Shanks up. With either VS Shanks/strawhat crew, V3 Boa or Gaban a lot of units are interchangeable STR: LT Kid, Toki, VS Ace, pirate rumble Law, 6* Kuma/6* Vivi/Kaku/Arlong I am editing the suggestions from the comments in the teams. You have to also be very careful with your dual unit swaps! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright What's going on my broskiis?Link to the OPTC Database: http://optc-db. The game has a lot of characters to offer for you to build your crew. 5x for Slasher and Free Spirit units . This game offers much to you, from fan-favorite Luffy & SH Crew- Pretty much the reason to entertain modern rainbow teams, this unit has a lot of very good attributes- the question is just how to utilize them properly. 0. Luffy, Overcoming the Strongest with his Friends: PSY This does also apply to Law's Last Tap as well. If you think there is something missing or unclear from this guide, don't hesitate to comment. Videos for this forest. Stage 7 (2) - Karasu and Kuzan's special. Sockets : Max level despair is a must and max level charge specials would be useful. Like I said above, you always want to look weak and optimise the monthly passive buffs. Use Luffy's special. Shanks Crew | Luffy/Law Story Sanji 5+ | Kuro/Django Krieg/Gin | V2 Aokiji Note : Luffy/Law and V2 Aokiji the only non boosted units. comFeel free to comment and tell me how I'm doing, Or request I playthrough a game. Stage 7 (1) - Pass this turn. 3 DEF for STR and DEX, a revive so that they almost always get #OnePieceTreasureCruise#OPTC#TreCruChaos Colo Sangoro - Luffy/Law F2P Subshttps://www. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. 99 / Lv. Currently there are two major perfect FULL DEX orb conversion combos: Law & Apoo and Kalifa & Izo. SUPER/VS 1/2. Makes Perfects easier to hit for Slasher and Free Spirit units . Link to Nakama Network breakdown : https://www. gamewith. 150 PF Stats: Lv. Export Image Export URL Reset. network/teams/19505/details My 5 teams for the new Raid VS Luffy, Law & Kid!Subscribe for more OPTC teams/videos!0:00 Introduction & General Info0:42 Sulong Catviper & Sulong Dogstorm ( Can probably clear most content, but why bother theory crafting a team for half an hour when you can use a Snakeman or Luffy/Law braindead team instead. Either way, V3 Law is the hardest hitter on the team. OPTCrew members:- Hercon- Batakuri- Anzetsu- OPTCalles- Monkey DMZ Find detailed information about all the characters in One Piece Treasure Cruise, a popular mobile game based on the anime and manga series. If enemy HP is 1 when Law attacks, since his additional damage is calculated when his attack starts, then he adds 0. My twitter:https: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Business Contact: datruthdt@gmail. nakama. Special changes depending on current character: [Luffy] Deals 400x character’s ATK in non-type damage to one enemy, makes crew’s [DEX][QCK] slots have matching slot effects for 1 turn, boosts crew’s slot effects by 2. 25 slot boost and the +1500 heal each turn that u cannot get with shanks crew. Surprisingly, I kept this team as main defense for the Blocks rounds and scored at least 100 rumble points. Ship special: When HP is below 20%, heals for 10k HP. Save Load Last Saved: N/A. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise V2 6* Enel, 6+ Yamato, Roger/Wano Law, Rebecca & Soldier are often the basic team. com/Daz_AnnGecko Replacements on this team:Wano Carrot - Invasion LinlinRaid Zoro - Bobbin or Wano UsoppTM Ace- Any FS/Slasher Atk boosterO-Kiku - Perospero Replacements on this team:Wano Carrot - Invasion LinlinRaid Zoro - Bobbin or Wano UsoppTM Ace- Any FS/Slasher Atk boosterO-Kiku - Perospero You can replace Sugar by Doffy v2 or Mihawk 6+ or another resilience reducer who also changes orbs like Carina or Pudding. Luffy – Beating Drum of Liberation. 25x, and if you use his special, boosts by 4x’s, 4. Focus on assembling a team with a good mix of classes and types, as well as complementary special abilities and captain abilities. SUPER/VS 2/2. Description: #トレクル #OPTC #TRECRU Warlords of the sea in Thriller Bark. u/thePhilX 's stage-by-stage overview of the forest. com/channel/UCGymKJSthPoLVYECSEZH0Sw/featuredALSO THANKS to Flameviuos, Toadskii AND About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers My ID is: 436339034 event:60 stamina raid Big Mom with invasion Garp - Double Luffy&Law team optcMy Facebook page: https://www. Last month was Dex and this team fully benefited it. My Team : Ship : Hoe Ship (you can use whatever you want) Supports : Stat boosters. All Videos Are Organized Into Playlists. Switch to Luffy if Luffy's not active. 25x and ATK by 1. Site web du guide français de One Piece Treasure Cruise Salve a tutti, ecco un video per affrontare il 50 stamina di Neptune! Al posto di Bonney potete usare anche marco str. Before Lucy came onto the scene, v2 Law was one of the premier leads in OPTC alongside TS Luffy, Nekomamushi and v1 Akainu. SWAP 1/2. Attack starting with your STR units. Simply put, this character can deal phenomenal damage and is great for any team and all types of content. Contents1 MIHAWK RAID:2 IVANKOV RAID: 3 DOFLAMINGO RAID: 4 MONSTER CHOPPER RAID: 5 HERACLES RAID: 6 BLACKBEARD RAID: 7 AOKIJI RAID: 8 GARP RAID: 9 KIZARU RAID:10 Conclusion MIHAWK RAID: DOUBLE GEAR 3 LUFFY TEAM BATTLE TIPS: Stall as needed until Usopp’s special is at 3 turns or less (Floors 1-3) Save About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy 0:00 Stage 1 & 20:33 Stage 31:17 Stage 41:59 Boss Stage Generally the core of a team in OPTC will consist of the following, (this refers to a units special, supertype ability, superclass ability or swap/super swap): my main team of luffy/yama, uta, and some other strong legends get wrecked everytime lol Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . Stage 2: Use Shira Mansherry to remove Attack down, use Luffy Law for orb boost and switch Vivi Rebecca. He works decently with much more captains that Law just can't match up to. I hate stage 3 so frickin badYou can use lawfy friend special on stage if you dont the confident to kill stage 4 in 1 turn switch first to law then use spec One Piece Treasure Cruise Treasure Map Team Planner. Potential Team Errors . You can see in this video all his stats, Captain Ability, Special Ability and Sailor OPTC video featuring a Luffy/Law team vs Garp Challenge Heavenly Demon 1. CAPTAIN. 2×1=0. github. It's very similar to the original team builder except for a few tweaks: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Mr. Good luck to all One Piece Treasure Cruise play OPTC - TM vs Luffy (Super Evolve Bepo) My TeamsHope you guys enjoy my teams.
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