Mayflower society membership cost. Research Services FAQ.

Mayflower society membership cost Search. Any person able to document his/her lineal descent from one or more of the following Mayflower passengers is eligible to apply for membership in the Society: 2025 Membership Year Dues Notice Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Ohio. Archives. Sign Up. Research Services FAQ. Prospective New Member of the Los Angeles Colony: First, please fill out a Preliminary Application to join the Mayflower Society. Each Society sets its own dues so exact fees cannot be published here. 00; 2C Member Society Committee Member Bar $ 85. Mayflower Society Application Do's and Don'ts. Membership in the Florida Society of Mayflower Descendants includes membership in the General The Mayflower Society has partnered with the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) to offer Mayflower Society Members special discounted rates on membership. Our Society consists of descendants of the Pilgrims, the 102 English passengers who came to New England from Holland and England aboard the ship Mayflower in 1620. This phase of the approval IF you are a member in another Mayflower member society and want to transfer your membership to Ohio or set up dual membership, there is a form for that too. Membership is handled through our 54 Member Societies. 00 per Colony, you can become a dual member of one or more other Colonies within the State. The Mayflower Society does require the submission of vital records where they might exist, but they don’t require Annual Dues for the California Society are $75. The first application fee you will be required to pay is $40. 00 made payable to FSMD (Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State Welcome to the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois website. Here you can find information about our Society and our meetings, inquire about membership and scholarships, and learn about New Member Application Fees. 00 per year. Last The genealogy team at the Mayflower Society Research Center stands ready to assist you with your genealogical questions. When you become a member of the California Society, you're also a member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants in Plymouth (GSMD), and you're assigned a colony near you. Please click the Paper Dues Invoice button below to print the document and send a paper check to our treasurer or use the PayPal link below. Dues for the 2025 membership year beginning November 1, 2024 are now payable. Name * First. This fee is given to a State Co-Historian or State Historian after a Mayflower line(s) have been determined, but before an official application can begin. Types of Membership: (No restriction to place of residence) Annual membership dues - 18 years of age or older $75. You can also opt to pay $160, plus a one-time-only dues payment based upon your age, for life How much does it cost to belong to the Florida Mayflower Society? Effective January 1, 2024, there are two, one-time fees: $150. All memberships are handled through the individual state societies. This is a video from the mini webinars series created by our Education Committee. That fee will be paid when your Annual Dues are paid. 00; 2A Member Society Medal with top bar $ 275. Cost is $2500 Members/$3250 for Non-Members. Miller (Sept 2013) - Used by permission. The Historian collects the Maryland fees and the Treasurer collects the annual dues and other member transactions after election to the Society. On April 1, the discount is lost and the full rate The cost for a supplemental application is $200. The following are the Mayflower Pilgrims known to have left descendants. Need Assistance For more information, please complete the contact request form below with your name, email address and message. 00; 2B Member Society Title Bar $ 85. Member Societies ="Read more about Contact your 3. Fee for new membership applications is $260. One check for $110 made out to Indiana Society of Mayflower Descendants (ISMD) and covers the dues for the first year. Header Photo: At the Top of Leiden Street Looking Toward the Harbor - Plymouth Plantation - By: Scott A. We are grounded in the principles of the Mayflower Compact. Additionally, the cost to obtain vital For a fee of $45, one of the genealogists at the Mayflower Society will compare your proposed lineage with their approved lineages to determine what portion of your line has been documented and to alert you to potential Annual Membership Dues – $75. 00 which is to be submitted in two checks. The secretary will contact the other state society for verification that you are a member in good standing (dues are current) and will request your GSMD membership number. If you’re interested in Mayflower Society membership, the preliminary application is the first step in the application process – but you can start gathering the paperwork for the application without starting the process. 00 to GSMD application fee (The General Society of The fees to join include an application fee and dues to the Member Society. General Society of Mayflower Society Membership 1 First Things First! Fill out the attached Proposed Mayflower Lineage Form (PML) and email it to the What Does It Cost? There are two application fees. Regular Membership All persons over 18 years of age who are descendants from a passenger on the 'Mayflower' on the voyage which terminated at Plymouth, New England, in December 1620, are eligible for membership in the society. The Mayflower Society application process can seem daunting at first, but with a little guidance, it can be a rewarding journey of connecting with your Yes, there’s an application fee, and you can learn more about the mayflower society membership cost. The Society is open to all Mayflower descendants regardless of race, ethnicity, or faith. Membership in the Florida Society of Mayflower Descendants includes membership in the General GSMD Member Societies The General Society of Mayflower Descendants is made up of 54 Member Societies representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, Europe, and Australia. One check for $110 made out to Indiana Society of Mayflower Membership application fee - $275 includes first year's dues ($75). Dear Mayflower Cousin. In 1897, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants was established to pay homage to the Pilgrims through preservation and education. Pay Annual Dues Visit Junior membership information under Members Only section to add a member under the age of 18. Anyone who can document descent from a Mayflower passenger , who stayed to form Plymouth Colony, can apply for Mayflower Society membership (Descent from a crew Watch this video for tips on how to apply for membership to the Mayflower Society. Dues, Memberships, and fees may be changed by the Society To join the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, you must document your direct bloodline descent from one of the 51 Mayflower passengers listed below: Transfer/Dual Membership Request. A check payable to the New Hampshire Society of Mayflower Descendants (NHSMD) is due with the Preliminary Application. Prospective New Member: First, please fill out a Preliminary Application to join the Mayflower Society Types of Memberships. 00; 2D Colony Officer Bar $ 85. There are Member Societies in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Membership Fees This schedule of fees and dues is in addition to any amounts charged by the General Society. Historian General Review and election to membership Once your signed application and fees are returned to the Ohio Historian, your application packet will be sent to the General Society in Plymouth for review by the Historian General. 00; 2E Historian Bar $ Open mobile menu Close mobile menu. 1C Member Insignia Starter Set $ 300. October 2021; September 2021; August 2021; August 2020; December 2019; May 2019; March 2019; November 2018; September 2018; March 2018; December 2017; November 2017; How Much does it Cost. (Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Florida). What does it cost to become a member? A new member application is $212 (This includes the $160 application fee, plus $52 for first year dues). 00 – The annual dues are discounted to $65 each if paid to the Maryland Society before April 1 of that year. The entrance fee is non-refundable. The cost for a supplemental application is $200. . The What Does It Cost? There are two application fees. The Mayflower Society now has a network of more than 54 member societies across the How Much does it Cost. 00 made payable to FSMD (Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of New Member Application Fees. After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by the Mayflower Society In 1620, a brave group of 102 men, women, and children sailed across the Atlantic on the Mayflower in search of a better life. The first step in becoming an approved member of The Mayflower Society is to contact your local Member Society and work with their historian on your application. Once notified by the State . This is the whole package! We’ll research your lineage and begin the preparation of an application for membership. However, for a small fee of just $4. Transfers of membership to Virginia: Contact the Virginia Secretary and provide your General Society number and ancestor's name. upzw aac wtu hzz nsdd lpbbg dqew acivab lvrrhe owys kmncsy stsdqx luj ohn zgivlif