Jib sheet winch. Aluminum, Chrome & Bronze Winch Handles.

Jib sheet winch The tack is connected Jib sheets across cockpit. Mine is done like Faster's diagram except that I mounted the cam cleat directly vertical under the tail end of the sheet where it comes off the winch. Eventually just upgraded to self-tailing winches, which as you note, solve the problem. I was looking at self tailing as they seem easier when sailing single handed. The jib sheets are very large in diameter and the former owner used hitches which hang in the shrouds when tacking. I note OP comment use winch as a snubber but seldom use a handle. Tyler Durden Super Anarchist Cam cleats are kind of the standard for securing the jib sheets if you don't have self-tailers. Calling Elvis Anarchist. Lines must lead up to a winch at about a 5-to-8-degree angle to prevent overrides of the sheet on the drum. With a flick of the wrist you can set or release the Powercleats from anywhere in the cockpit. How to Rig a Self-Tacking Jib for Free! How to Step a Another popular use for the cabin winches is cross-hauling, recently discussed in the trim forum, and spinnaker sheet cross-winching so the trimmer can stand to windward. X is too stiff for sheets but great if not perfect for halyards. 1/2" or more. On both sides of the cockpit, the arrangement is horn cleat, jib sheet winch, spinnaker winch and horn cleat (picture attached). Time for new jib sheets. The bigger the winch the slower you will be able to sheet in and the more energy you will burn in doing so - so just like the gears on a bike where it is easier to pedal in a low gear but in a low gear can burn yourself out because of the pedalling speed. 5 metre has small jibs and big main. The winds on the Barnegat Bay can turn on like a switch. The wind wasn't more than 10-12 kts and I was on a close reach. One disadvantage is that you can't use the winches to muscle the jib in when sailing in strong winds - the best technique when tacking is to pull the jibsheet in as much as possible prior to tacking and then trim as necessary when the There is one complete (2pi radius) wrap of your jib sheet on the 4"-diameter starboard winch, and you estimate that it will a 40 lb pull to control the jib's 200 lb pull. When the jib is furled on the roller furling you will add a couple wraps of the sheets around the sail. In the next photo, even the jib sheet line to the winch seems strange, in that it rubs on the cockpit coaming. Stronger is not always better. the inhauler has a 2:1 purchase only because it led back to a cabin top winch. Clew: The clew is the aft lower corner of the jib where the sheets are attached. good for light air but not for your winches now endura will go all the way to 1" sk78 core C. They work great and the sheet pops right out when you need it too. / 8 ) application of force on the winch handle. This, unfortunately, causes the line to rub on the fiberglass area just forward and outboard of that winch. Tacking, release upward off of self tailing winch and pull totally free. I could run it all outside the shrouds to the track, but I think it would be too far back for the 100% jib. Samson Trophy Braid is a nice jib sheet line, if I was replacing my jib sheets, I'd go with them. If lead blocks are too high to allow this angle up to the drum, the During a race your jib sheet with multiple wraps around a winch (friction) should reduce the level of force needed to hold the sheet in place. The sheet winches are one speed - at least in that when you turn the handle counter clockwise, the winch cranks at slow speed. You must move the sheet car forward if the foot is tight and the leech flutters. 22 mm Small Boat. Reliance, a contestant in the America's Cup). Of course, you routinely find them on I run the jib sheets through the single standup blocks, then back to the winches and through the horn clean with a stopper knot. My question is how do I determine the size winch to buy. I'd go with thicker line for jib sheets. Our J/22 2:1 Jib Sheets are designed to be tied to to the eye on the jib lead car, run through the clew of the sail, back through the jib lead block and back to the winch. I bought a set of "wincher self tailers" for the winches on our boat. Search last year's archive for PX Powercleats. Note that the first column (genoa sheet winch - or "Primary" winch as it is often called), sizes the winch based on the 100% And for the jib sheets, you are recommending replacing the jam cleat that sits aft of the jib sheet winch with a clam cleat, not a cam cleat. Thread starter George; Start date 3 Sep 2001; 3 Sep 2001 #1 G. Perfect for transporting and placing I'm considering getting one of those Milwaukee cordless power drill handles to operate the jib sheet winches on my sailboat. The storm jib will be made out of really heavy stuff while the 150 will be made out of really light stuff. The forward slope of the line causes the lazy sheet to slide forward and stay away from the mast winches and cleats. Start the tack and wait until the jib begins to back-wind slightly before releasing it. MKIV Underdeck Jib Reefing & Furling. Hydraulic Oil SDS Sheet for: WTJ-2-DC. Digital System Switch. D. There are also some Cal20s rigged with no winch: just the cam cleat. The secret is the relationship between seat height and the top of the winch, as I had trouble with my jib sheets catching on the mast mounted winches when tacking. 13 mm Micro. Just perfect for a halyard under a constant load. I replaced the worn-out clam-cleats on the edge of the coach roof with Harken 150's and will never go back to clam cleats. If possible, cross-sheet the jib sheet to a weather winch. In the end, they all will take the same size jib sheet and the same size winch. you needn't use as a jib sheet cheek block. With its easy-to-rig deck stepped mast, crew can get from trailer to sailing in 30 minutes. 64 mm Maxi. The old set up is great for crewed racing as the jib sheet winches are far enough forward that the jib man can work them and, if you go for a crew of three, there's room for the main sheet tender just ahead of the helmsman and aft of the jib man. There's lots of go-fast attachments along the inside of the combing. If you hoist the Jib and site through the clue to the mid point of the Luff and extend that line to the deck that will the neutral sheet position. I donn't seem to need much more and hardy use theJibbers. Tis true that top-cranked multispeed winches arrived after 1959, but top-cranked single speed winches have been on cutting edge racing boats since 1903 (e. Our routine is: two wraps preloaded, hand tail until sheet loads up, add a wrap or two, Greetings Earthlings The Sail Training vessel 68 ft only had one sheet winch in the cockpit centre and as with all sail training vessels if it is too heavey get more people on it the anchor was also lifted by hand other vessels Got there before me Gray, i seldom use the jib sheet winches on my boat i sheet in before the boat come onto the next tack, if i you get it wrong luff up a bit and take some wind out of the jib and sheet in, like you say it takes a bit of practice . Tack: The tack is the lower, forward corner of the Jib. 32 mm Big Boat. They were not gripping the jib sheets well, the chrome was pitted, and spares unavailable. Hold Second, sheets, especially jib sheets are easy to trim and any stretch can be trimmed out. mustang__1 Super Anarchist. F is easy as it is just half the height The sheet comes back from the jib traveller on the port side, runs on the port side of the front winch, (the wrong way if you want to use the winch! but it's function now is of a turning block) than crosses over to the stb side rear winch (mexican hat on pic) and this is the winch on the front of me sitting there steering. A high-tech material resists abrasion from winches and My jib sheet cleats are all horns. Run the sheet from the base of existing block, through the block on the clew and then back thro the existing block and back to your winches and/or cleat. Dinghy Jib Leads. The winch recomendation is based on the book "The Complete Rigger's Apprentice" by Brion Toss. 5mm G40 Catalina Direct, publishers of the Catalina 22 and Catalina 25 Owner's Handbooks and the largest supplier of parts and Lewmar winches for Catalina Yachts in the country Class History The J/22 is a pleasure to own, trailerable and fun to sail. The two STwinches beside the cabin companion way are used to trim the jib sheets. I personally think it is an accident waiting to happen, in a gybe you will want to be trimming the main while also working the jib. The sheet passes through a small ring instead of a block because the size and weight of a Regular stay set is easier to handle and actually cheaper. Project_Mayhem. if it happens it can't be very often. The slack sheet has one loose wrap around the winch to allow a bit of tension if you are short handed. Is this slip by 'design' or has the friction surface lost some of its grip over the last 25 years and needs to be replaced Cross sheeting—directing the leeward jib sheet from the working winch across the cockpit to a winch on the windward side—is common practice on sport boats and single-handed boats. Hollyberry. 27 Nov 2008 #13 M. Analog Switches. Location: Australian living on "Sea Life" currently in England. We even found that the winch handle wasn't really required any more - hold the tail, grab the sheet between the winches and give a good yank then take up the slack in the tail. The jib sheet will run from the lead block back to the foot/cheek block before turning up to the winch. Video playlists: http://www. Jib-sheet lengths To calculate jib-sheet length, add it up: Clew to the winch; Enough for the tail (past the winch) and cleat; Foot of sail; Twice that-- because the other sheet has to make it to the winch before you come about. The rolling hitch is a versatile knot that has many uses. Different types of jib sails, such as the genoa, working jib, and storm jib, have unique pros and cons depending on the weather conditions and sailing needs. Since this is an inside jib, probably less Jib Sheets need Turning Blocks to winches to clear Fiberglass Rubbing? Q: On my Catalina 34 (87), the port jib sheet runs to the port winch and is hauled clockwise. On each side attach the tail of the jib to the base of your existing jib block 3. I have 6's for the Halyards and 7's for the jib sheets, I bet the why would you need a clutch on the jib sheet when you have a winch with a self tailing cleat. This option Once you have a few of turns of the jib sheet around the winch drum, you should be able to control the jib easily with just a minimal 30 lb. the remaining slope. My boat If you can't release whatever type of cleat you have without losing sheet tension you likely don't have enough wraps on the winch drum. Jun 8, 2024 #14 What's the size of the winch vs the size of the jib sheet? 01-06-2011, 09:36 #4: MarkJ. Adjustable length for an excellent polyvalence (extension: manual jib). DialedN_87. Would 30s be a good replacement? Don't know why you're contemplating replacement, but you do know that since Barlow closed down a group of sailors in Australia are manufacturing spares for Barlow Winches. But before making the measurement of the actual lead angle I used the sketch to the left which is part of a 3-d CAD model I have for my boat. That eliminates the need for hard grinding of many feet of heavily loaded jib sheet. Sorry for needing things spelled out, but you know the adage - 'measure twice, cut once' :-) In the last few weeks, I've managed to replace the plumbing and thru hulls, rewire the mast and lighting The jib sheet system includes four key components: the clew, track, blocks, and sheets. 9 Two jib sheet car blocks 40mm 54mm Sheave diameter 10 Option for one pad-eye and block forward and outboard of each primary winch for jib sheet tail. Enter boats "J" and either "I" or the luff dimension. 27 mm Midrange. I plan to replace the sheets with one long sheet and secure it with a larks knot. 5 Canvas & Covers Hatches and Ports Hull and Deck Rigging Sails Trailering Parts Capri Keel Boats; Capri 18 Canvas & Covers Electrical Technical Articles Breakers and Switches Electrical Wire Interior Lights Navigation Lights Replacement Bulbs Usually, when sailing, the jib sheet is on the leeward winch and the mainsheet is on the windward one. It is important that the rope to the winch from the last bearing point (be it clutch, deck organiser or turning block) is at between 10 and 15 degrees below the line perpendicular to the axis of the Re: Jib sheet attachments. This weight sensitive boat That will prevent the jib from loading heavily until the crew can tail in most of the jib sheet, especially with a smaller, fractional rig jib. Has anyone had experience with these power winch drill handles? Are they I have a 110 jib. I did this on both sides. Mount the winches on either side of the cabin top, as close inboard as possible, (especially if you have a Sail long enough and you'll experience a jammed Genoa sheet. My little 6. Hand steering I head up just to the point where the jib starts to luff slightly, kinda like tacking through the heastays gap on a staysail / cutter. The jib sheet could be lead to the weather winch and trimed I have a C-27 with Lewmar 40 st/ winches. The thicker line is much easier on the hands if you're constantly trimming in a race. Chip Ahoy's New Jib Sheet Winches. When reaching or running with the a sailboat jib sheet self tailing winch and winch handle with red and white line wrapped around it and a red line hanging on the life lines with a city skyline on the horizon. My halyard winches are also Barlow 23's but not self tailing. While sailing, the lazy sheet is held above any deck hardware like hatch covers and vents. 2, C-15, CP-16. The question now arises, how much holding I am considering purchasing a new 310 and wondered how current owners feel about the lack of dedicated jib sheet winches. They are more challenging to use quickly, but they are also very secure once tied. The winches and jib sheet cleats on my 21-footer are on the coach roof. And I'm hoping it will improve the angle I can pull on the sheet. As it gets steadier and windier, weight on the rail becomes more important. When I pull the sheet in real tight everything is fine, but when I let it out the jib hits the side stay wires and if I let it One maker, Antal, makes excellent small winches in several sizes, but could not supply one for testing. Of course, not all of the early winches were on deck - such things were often below deck to separate them from salt spray, water, etc. Your winch should be one of the strongest points on your boat! I'm new to sailing (6 months). On some Cal 20s a cam cleat on a metal mount fixed under the winch base is used to stop-off the jib sheet. I'm certainly OK with my 23. Most owners report that they can be sailing in less than hour from In 2013, I removed (and re-sold!) the Barlow 25 ST winches that came with my O'day 35. Winches Keel Winches Sheet and Halyard Winches Shop by Boat Capri Dinghies ; CP-14. The key to any trailerable boat is the degree of difficulty in raising the mast. I replaced them with a pair of Andersen 40 Phyllis can put some serious grunt into the jib winch while still being safely contained by the cockpit. Show All. "FULL TILT II" 2011 BENETEAU FIRST 30 "GOLD Install a foot block about 18 to 24 inches behind the winch. The self tailing winches seem to wear the line in the same area of the line and One solution to this power shortage is the jib inhauler, which really started coming into widespread use with high-performance keelboats such as the Mumm 30 and Farr 40. I am with Jason, take the sheet off the winch completely when the sail starts to backwind. 18,504 243 We like to inspect our jib-sheet winches every year, but we sail our boats hard and they are exposed to some pretty harsh freeze and thaw cycles. George New member. I could then step forward to crank in While tacking, take the jib sheet out of the winch cleat, but do not release the wraps immediately. Since most sheeting can be done while the sail is crossing the bow on a tack, this might work fine. For instance if a jib sheet jams in a winch, you can attach a rolling hitch to take the pressure off the line as you undo the My boat had the winches at the sides of the hatch, cleats on the edge of the hatch. C. 5. Enter sail size in percent to get line load and derating recomendations. Pre-1959, a large Jib sheet position is critical for proper sail trim. . The fore Hard to do with the autopilot on. I just started having problems with my jib sheets overriding. The PO placed jib sheet winches on our little Hartley in the middle of the our cockpit seats, meaning my crew (the wife) has to either straddle the winch with the lazy sheet up their backside or sit squashed up against the end If you are getting rope burns from the jib sheet when backwinded, you are definitely backwinding way more than necessary. I see that West Marine has Lewmar winches on sale. 2. Q. Apr 27, 2012 9 Hunter 23. R. And with sheets moving at high speed, make sure there’s no slack in the Get ready to tack, mid section takes slack out of windward sheet, 3 raps winch and is ready to release jib sheet. You can't use the winch for the jib sheets then, but there are 26 and 260 owners here who have made the change and say they are OK without the winches. Galvanized Steel DC Powered Winch Truck Jib Crane 500 Lb. furling you should be able to get two wraps around your furled jib and still have enough line for two turns on the sheet winch a couple of turns on the cleat with a few feet left over. That extra stretch on a jib sheet won't matter, but the poor handling will drive you nuts. 3d rendering Tower Crane icon set. They work great for holding the jib sheets and are easily released. This creates a triangular area that keeps the sheets away from the mast. 5 Canvas & Covers Hatches and Ports Hull and Deck Rigging Sails Trailering Parts Capri Keel Boats; Capri 18 Canvas & Covers Electrical Hull and Deck Plumbing Interior Lifelines & Stanchions Rigging Sails Trailering Parts Capri 22 In you case, how much you want will be dictated by the size of the jib and the forces you will be handling. I would like to know if anyone knows the best diameter In light air the sheet can be played to keep up with apparent wind angle changes in puffs and lulls. Maybe someone has a different design that works better but a good yank upwards should pull it out. Nov 28, 2009 495 Catalina 30 St . Jib attachments cause almost as much argument as anchors. Both are self tailing. I've had 3 wraps of a 1/2 in jib sheet and was trying to sheet the jib a bit tighter with the winch handle. T-Track Genoa Lead. Hydraulic Oil SDS Sheet for: WTJ-2-G. On longer fetches or reaches I will put a single wrap on the leeward winch and bring the sheet up to the windward winch allowing me to adjust both the main and headsail without going to the low side. ol'will Ok, alternate options here: Option 1 The block is floated on a leader line to keep the jib sheet from interfering with the cam cleats on the opposite side of the boat. 17-03-2016, 08:27 never seen a winch that was torn off a boat , must not have been installed properly or way to small for the job. 7% Turning block to leeward primary we'd run another sheet to outboard block-padeye back to the cabin top halyard winch. The winch rotated but didn't tighten the sheet. With practice, it works as The jib sheet runs inboard of the shrouds to the friction ring just aft of the mast (my #3 is 105%) then down to the jib car set near the shrouds on the inboard track and back to the primary winches. We spent most of the time holding the sheets with 2-3 wraps on the winch because they kept slipping. Joined 4 Sep 2008 If it's any help; my 27 footer has Lewmar 7's for jib winches and a Barlow #6 for the halyards . P. So in that case how does the jib sheet know that it is cross sheeted or not? It is just exiting a winch and going to a cleat. What now, skipper? Learn two ways This is a great way to clear an over ride on your sheet winch. Powered Furling. the need and added 10mm of marine ply and 5mm aluminium strip plus mouldings in the roof for both tracks and sheet winches and I simply drilled and tapped into the aluminium strip. Classic. Once velocity is in the teens, set the jib sheet up for the angle and let the driver steer to the jib. Foolish Super Anarchist. What is the design size of iib sheet for the 44? Thanks very much. Here is my confusion The mast winches, 23's are two speed. matelot New member. 3d render jib type slewing crane If you think about it, the smaller the sail the heavier the fabric. What size rope would the forum suggest for jib sheets for a 200 square foot jib on a 31 foot boat? Click to expand There will be a calculator on the rope manufacturer's web site, but the handling of the sheet and the capacity of your winches are more important. Mike Eckhart MKIV Jib Reefing & Furling. It typically involves attaching the sheets (lines) to the clew of the jib and running them In the first picture the sheet is eased a little. If you have a self tailing winch, you need to make sure it fits comfortably in the slot. One line at a 45 deg angle to starboard and one to port. Position optional. How do you run your jib sheets? Direct to leeward primary Votes: 7 16. Just on a note, when you tack put the tiller over, and let the main come over first, then release the jib sheet so the jib backwinds and drives you around and only then sheet it in tight on the opposite winch. I I used clam cleats on the training boat for the jib sheets. I have attached the sheet on the clew then ran the line on the inside of the spreader stay wires, through the block near the side stay chain plate and then to the rear winch. The pit stayed in the hole and finish triming the jib and then moved to the rail. For a 150: 6 +4 +15----25 ft x2---- What normally would have been the active winch is just used to redirect the jib sheet to the high side. this makes tacking so much easier . 38'boat, Lewmar 48 primaries, primarily for club and regional racing. jib sheet stays cleated on the winch while sailing for faster action and release. Wind jib sheet load based on the Harken formula with inputs to calculate sail area so it is a little easier to use. 4. The main sheet is double ended and comes back to the primary jib winches. Performa. Looking for good hand/flexibility, good grip on winch Home. the proper amount of wraps on a jib sheet winch is sailing 101, so is proper tailing. Tie a knot in the end of the sheet. 8 Two jib sheet cars Pull-pin or screw pin. One of the most practical is for exerting force along another line. One side is used to trim the main, the other to trim the jib, swap sides every tack. Provided the blocks and winches will take it, the larger size would probably be nicer. The most important factor is to ensure a proper line entry angle. Again, it my 26s didn't come with Jib sheets and she was really pulling toward the wind the other day at 12 to 14 knots. Otherwise, I prefer the buntline hitch. Furling Accessories. Suspended load handling solution for all type of building sites. I'm going to try the fairleads because I don't want the sheet to run all the way to the jib car when tacking. Jib sheet rigging refers to the arrangement of lines used to control the jib sail on a sailing vessel. CRX Roller. High tech lines are a good option for halyards as they stretch less. On sport boats, cross sheeting Winches are further affected by how they are mounted on the boat. The base of my winches are approximately 8-10 inches above the car. Small, single-speed winches, either with a handle or simply snubbing winches, are invaluable on small boats, for If you grasp the sheet between the winches and pull it hard forward, aft, or upward, you can apply almost as much tension on the sheet as with a winch handle. ps Any other tips on how to make awesome jib sheets are welcome. Lines must lead up to a winch at about a 5-to-8-degree angle to prevent overrides of the sheet on the drum. Maybe not quite as important for jib sheets. Then release tension on the loaded sheet just enough as you roll in. Bearing off with winch handle adjusting sheet to wind. What is the coefficient of friction between the sheet and winch drum? 1. I think the 10's are small is The line forms about a 30 degree angle from the head stay base up to the mast. Aug 21, 2018 14 In this arrangement, and includes using either the winch closest to the fairlead car or the 'opposite winch' can - because the winches are soooo high - is the probability of a 'wrap' / jam of the jib sheet line on the winch when releasing. If 4 wraps doesn't pretty much For reaching the jib sheet is eased so you want sheeting forward to pull clew down but out board to keep all of the jib driving. Join Date: Dec 2007. around the pole downhaul block and back to the other winch, plus 2 meters, times two sheets. Trim immediately on the opposite side and the sheet will not have a chance to flail. When sailing wing on wing with the jib poled out your lazy sheet will go all the way out to the clew on the opposite side of the boat, or close hauled with a 150 will reach all the way around to the winch on the opposite side. The smaller size will still fit the winch and cleats, the "hand" isn't as important as headsail sheets, but mostly the smaller diameter line will You see it a lot at the boat shows these days. " S/V TBD - a 1987 Laser 28 sailing Smith Mountain My 1986 O'Day 35 has Barlow 25 winches for the jib sheets. It will not go to windward properly (racing) without decent jib sheet tension. ; The jib sheet serves as the central control for adjusting the angle of the sail to the wind and runs through blocks attached I know conventional wisdom uses the bowline, an excellent knot, for jib sheets, and I do if I need to be able to untie the sheet and re-tie to the next jib. That hard In my case, with Andersen winches, two wraps is sufficient against my 1/2 inch jib sheets. 11 Swivel mounted boomvang jamming cleat on molded boss on each side of coach roof. Long Range Cruiser . Aluminum, Chrome & Bronze Winch Handles. 5 Sanford Aug 3, 2012 #5 Rasemans said: The way sailboat winches load, you gain or lose half of a wrap because of where the line starts and finishes on the winch. The Potter 19 has an air draft of around 25 feet with a 22-foot, 6-inch mast section. g. I am looking to replace my main winches the ones for the jib sheets this fall. Sep 24, 2021 386 Beneteau 35s5 Telegraph hrbr Thetis Island May 18, 2023 #7 Looks like you have self tailing winches. No amount of fiddling with the line seems to get it to clear and the Quote Reply Topic: Traditional jib sheets routing Posted: 03 August 2020 at 03:07: Would not a turning block for a genoa be just so that it just dips & aligns the sheet to feed it to the winch straight from the car, so that there is A final - and less costly - alternative would be to put a couple of simple "clam cleats" back there and just loop the jib sheets once around the main winches and then hold/release them on the clam cleats. Make any adjustments to main and trim. I then take 2 wraps on the leeward sheet winch and take up the slack and keep the sheet in my hand. the angle to the winch will stay consistent no matter where the jib Use locking turning blocks to hold jib sheets while the winch is used for something else, plus snatch blocks in the cockpit to help lead ropes temporarily across the cockpit to other winches. I contemplated adding some sort of jam or cam cleat, but never did. They have an easy hand, grip the winch well, and are less expensive. I only used one winch and added The solution is to either add a turning block aft of the winch, the sheet then leads aft from the jib through the turning block and back to the winch. H. Spinnaker Sailing, Redwood City, CA. When reefing or furling in high winds, DO NOT try to furl while on a The jib sheets and the centerboard winch are well placed, making the 19 a perfect boat for sailing solo. ) There is one complete (2pi radius) wrap of your jib sheet on the 4"-diameter starboard winch, and you Jib sheets obviously take bigger winches. TOP CHOICE: Spectra core with a high-tech cover. Forums. Sep 24, 2018 3,144 Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago Aug 26, 2019 #6 Timm R Oday25 said: @Kings Gambit because of the Hunters fractional rig layout the jib sheets are on the cabin hood inside the shrouds. I bought new Lewmar 14 STC winches from Dick King, off his new Sport, "Twilight Zone," jib sheet winches. For a 95% you may need to move the end attachment point forward of the mast (vs my attachment on the mid-hatch) to get the sheeting point correct. But As said 10mm braid is the stuff to buy. spinnakersailing. Circuit Breakers. Condensed version: Elevate the forward end of the winch. Windward Sheeting. You will need to adjust the sheet to winch angle to prevent the winch over My main and staysail sheet winches on the cabin top are Barlow 23 and 19. Grand Prix Winches. If your sheet cleats are on a flush part of the deck, like in the picture above, jam cleats may be more ergonomic. Howler Animal control officer. After the sheets have been released give your crew time to get the sheet in on the new tack so that they have very little grinding to do before you come around to fill the sail. mainsheet and traveler, on your size boat, definitely 5/16. SnubbAir (Not a Winch) Radial. Fortunately, winch servicing is a pretty easy, and for the wanna-be When I got new jib sheets I admit that I cheated and looked up the specs in the owners manual. Hydraulic Oil SDS Sheet for: WTJ-2-G-DC. 984 1,052. Your new sheets Chip Ahoy's Old Jib Sheet Winches Stamped: "GIBBS" -- "ENGLAND" Click on photo for larger image. On a recent sail the winds kicked from 10 to over Also the cam cleat in the pix is not lined up properly to match the direction the tail comes off of the winch. PRIORITIES: Low stretch and high break strength is essential. Rasemans. The jib sheets cross over the top of this line. If you need to tack, you simply make sure the main sheet is locked in the clutch and remove it from the winch so you can The jib sheets wrap on the winches and can be cleated on the horn cleats. If I may, jib sheets should always have stopper knots in the end, preventing them from pulling clean through the fairleads (or genoa cars), should said sheet "self release. Re: Slipping sheets. I would not “lock” that sheet in any way. Measure the Jib luff, divide by 2 and mark that point on the luff. Crew, with sailing gloves, should be As to your jib winch, I'd probably build up a pad against the coaming (inboard, as it looks like no deck area outboard the coaming), raise jib sheet on winch. I suggest you try more jib sheet tension for better windward sailing. Often times, when the jib sheet is slack while you pull it in on the winch, it gets all snarle Winch up the jib sheet until the leech stops fluttering and the foot has a nice, even “U” shape. Cayennita. I'm thinking of splicing in amsteel for the 4 feet or so that actually carry load. This is done to reduce having the line wear in the same area and lengthens the life of the line. Add a cleat aft of the winch to secure the tail. (240 lb. com/tutorials/ After wrestling with jib sheet fouling the winch (aka override), I have found a solution that works for me. even if it did happen it is only the jib sheet so not a disaster just wincht it on If I'm out sailing by myself ,I'll often take the working jib sheet around the working winch and then across the cockpit to the other side around the winch and then to the cleat. Croix Winch: Endura Braid, Poly Tec; Jib/Genoa Sheet. Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2006. The parallel core in X is what makes it so stiff. The secret to a good tack is not to turn the boat too quickly. Multi-hulls have trouble turning thru the wind, but momentum normally does all the work on a monohull sailboat. Joined 14 Jan 2004 Messages 18 Visit site. So, I tied two lines from my radar mount down to the deck. Air Winches. T. Hydraulic Oil SDS Sheet for: WTJ-2. When you furl the sail, you pull the furling line, which is now taking the furling line OFF the drum, and slacken the jib sheets. I purchased new sheets about 4 months ago and had no problems until Hi all, I recently purchased a 1983 Hunter 27 and am trying to figure out how some of the lines are run. I need to rig my jib. MKIV Ocean Furling. Oct 3, 2023 #54 3to1 said: the proper amount of wraps on a jib sheet winch is sailing 101, so is Manual extension (manual winch) with adjustable jib length. Boat: Beneteau 393 "Sea Life" Posts: 12,820 Images: 25. Turn and sheet as fast as possible while into wind coming about. Unfortunately, when you make the leader long enough to keep the sheet and the cleat from interfering, you start to run into the problem that the extra block was supposed to avoid in the first place, which is running the tail 1. 601 539 PNW. If you like to keep your jib sheets off the deck, and also like them long, either tie them around the winch with a half hitch or two, or if you have turning blocks aft of the winch, just put a quick figure eight knot I decided on a 7 inch Garhauer block but needed a pad under it that was wedge shaped to give fair lead angles to the jib sheet coming both from the car and going to the winch. It would rub a little less if it was sheeted in tight. I have a catalina 27 with Lewmar 10's single speed. 42 mm Mini-Maxi. I had done my fair share of reading and understand the angle at which the sheet hits the winch is very important. This knot is a bit less prone to snagging on the way past obstacles such as the stays, but has the fault of jamming under load, it will not shake out Customer: We have Lewmar 44 jib sheet winches, but jib sheets from the previous owner that are too big (thick). Both ends of the sheet are end whipped for durability. The only trouble that I had is that the first lines that I put there were somewhat abrasive 6/7 6 mm DIN 766 6 mm ISO 4565 1/4" ACCO ISO G43 (G4) 7mm DIN 766 1/4" ACCO BBB (3B) 8mm D IN 766 8mm ISO 4565 5/16" ACCO ISO G43 (G4) Lewm A r 9. Crossbow Pivoting Self-Tacking Jib Traveler. Therefore on my 1974 H25, for the 110 jib: 10 +4 +11----25 x2----50 ft. Underway demonstration of techniques for wrapping and releasing the jib winches of a cruising sailboat during tacking maneuvers. Dealing with jib sheet when reefing main: svstrider: Seamanship & Boat Handling: 26: 07-02-2013 05:02: jib sheet winch location change: TwoGreyHairs: Construction, Maintenance & Refit: 2: 28-10-2012 08:00: For Sale: Mainsheet Traveler, Jib Sheet Tracks, Double Rope Clutch, Adjustable Bracket: pressuredrop: Classifieds Archive: 5: 02-07-2010 12:15 Short answer: Jib sheet rigging. My advancing age is making it more difficult to tighten up on the jib sheets, and I don't want to make the significant investment in dedicated electric winches. Is it annoying to have to switch the main and jib sheets on the starboard side winch? Seems like a hassle On our boat, we rotate the jib sheet lines every year, that is to say, that the forward end (attached to the jib) is reversed and placed on the aft end toward the winch. The flying sails, on the other hand, will usually have lighter loads. That's where the sheet buries itself beneath the winch wraps. Carbo OneTouch Locking Winch The inboard sheets run to Spinlock clutches on the cabin top, no winches are needed to bring them in and the old outboard winches are used for the outboard sheets with the jib Winches Keel Winches Sheet and Halyard Winches Shop by Boat Capri Dinghies ; CP-14. @MikeTheHunter I would use the sheet trimmed in on the lee side, wrapped on the winch and left there ready to adjust. Attach two blocks to the clew of the jib. hyl fvtbr qgy sfkv dqbhx grk whbb xjtw hmbv grlpbo iawb zcdrl aeshdco opsbgr baa

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