Did jesus have older siblings However, the Bible shows that Jesus inherited the legal right to the kingship promised to David. Scripture mentions the half-brothers and sisters of Jesus multiple times, and, in fact, we have a few books in the New Testament from some of them. ” If you can spare Jesus' brothers, sisters & mother. Toward the end of Jesus' ministry, His brethren are mentioned as Many Catholics feel very anxious about certain passages in the Gospels which seem to suggest that, far from preserving her perpetual virginity after the birth of Jesus, Our Lady went on to have quite a significant brood – certainly of boys, but perhaps girls too. He wrote the epistle by his name and was a There are some events in scripture where brothers or sisters of Jesus are not shown, e. Some of Jesus’ brothers became traveling missionaries, sharing the Gospel revealed in Jesus Christ. On one side, proponents of the belief that Jesus The number of siblings, including Jesus, appears to have been at least six and possibly more based on all the biblical evidence. The evidence seems to suggest that Jesus did likely have siblings, though there are differing perspectives John 7:3-5, 10, says that Jesus’ half-brothers did not believe in Him. Even in the Old Testament “brother” had a wide range of meaning. Through the pages of Scripture, we encounter various references that suggest Jesus had brothers and sisters. Toward the end of Jesus' ministry, His brethren are mentioned as Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. In John 7:1-10, His remaining eleven disciples he personally taught (Judas had Did Jesus have brothers and sisters? Some people think the Gospel of Mark seems to say so. Having other children would have had no effect on Jesus. This view posits that Joseph and Mary had a normal marital relationship after the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus. Although the Bible provides few details about the brothers and sisters of Jesus, it The New Testament implicitly mentions Jesus having brothers and sisters, and Matthew 13:55-56 and Mark 6:3 explicitly mention them. The pair who are said to be "brothers of Jesus" also have siblings named Judas and Simon, whose names are shared by Simon Peter, Simon the Zealot, Judas of James, aka Thaddaeus - usually understood as son of James but possibly brother of James - and Judas Iscariot son of Simon. Key Takeaways. Matthew 13:55-56 and Psalms 69:9 indicate that Mary and Joseph had four sons and several daughters after Jesus was born. Luke 2:41–51 reports the visit of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem when Jesus was 12 years old but does not mention any siblings. 4. (2 Samuel 7: 12, 13; Luke 1: 32) If Joseph had For some people Jesus had brothers due to certain verses: Matthew 13:56: “Aren't all his sisters with us?Where then did this man get all these things?" Matthew 12:46: “While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. , when Jesus was lost in the Temple and during his crucifixion. And not only in the Gospel of Mark. In Mark 3:31, and with parallels in Matthew and Luke, we read: “[Jesus’s] mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent to Him and called Him. Toward the end of Jesus' ministry, His brethren are mentioned as The Bible teaches that Jesus did have brothers and sisters. That should settle the question for us. Step siblings are brothers and sisters who share ONE Common parent. The Testimony Of Matthew They could either be Jesus younger brothers and sisters, older half-brothers and half sisters who were children of Joseph from an earlier marriage, or his cousins. Jesus' siblings are mentioned as accompanying Jesus and his mother to Capernaum after the marriage at Cana (John 2:12). org Open desktop version Other Christian traditions, particularly Protestant denominations, often interpret adelphos more literally, suggesting that Jesus did indeed have biological siblings born to Mary and Joseph after Jesus’s birth. Did Jesus have step Nevertheless, Jesus did not grow up without brothers and sisters. For example, some feel that Jesus’ brothers were actually sons of Joseph by an earlier marriage. Robert Eisenman is of the belief Luke sought to minimise the importance of Jesus' family by whatever means possible, editing James and Jesus' brothers out of the Gospel record The Bible mentions four men as the brothers or siblings of Jesus, but their exact relationship is uncertain. So it would (Image Source: Pixabay. Some argue they were half-brothers, some stepbrothers, and some cousins of Jesus. 9:5), but since the term ‘brother’ by no means necessarily refers to a full blood-brother, the question of their precise Did Jesus really have siblings? Yes, Jesus had brothers and sisters. This question often arises among believers and seekers of the faith. Freya Gardon. Here are the children of Joseph from a previous marriage. Jesus would have to have been the oldest. Other Women Named Mary. . These brethren are mentioned numerous times in scripture. In addition to references to Jesus’ brothers, the gospels mention Jesus’ sisters, though none are named. What arguments do theologians present to support the idea that Jesus had or did not have siblings? The question of whether Jesus had biological siblings is one of the enduring debates among theologians and scholars, with arguments grounded in both scriptural interpretation and historical context. ” From this single passage we can draw a number of conclusions: Mary was the mother of Jesus; Jesus had four brothers; Jesus had at least two sisters; Jesus and His six or more siblings had a common mother; there is no mention of half-brothers or half-sisters. Joseph he is often portrayed as a much older man. As we will Prior to the revelation of The Urantia Book, little was known or understood about the purely human life of Jesus of Nazareth before his public life. If the usage of the word “brother” (Greek–adelphos) always meant a literal brother, then we would have to say Lot was Abraham’s sibling since the Greek version of Genesis 14:12 ANSWER: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all record that Jesus had siblings. For Jesus to Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters? Two biblical gospels actually inform us of Jesus’s sisters and four brothers. Joseph isn’t mentioned outside of the birth of Jesus, causing some to believe that he was much older I think it’s safe to say that Jesus’ brothers did not follow him during his lifetime. The debate over did Jesus have siblings generally centers around two views: the literal interpretation, which asserts that Jesus did have biological siblings, and the non-literal interpretation, which posits alternative relationships. This make some sense, since Joseph traditionally died before Jesus For example, some feel that Jesus’ brothers were actually sons of Joseph by an earlier marriage. Jude 1:1 identifies the author of the epistle as “the brother of James. Toward the end of Jesus' ministry, His brethren are mentioned as Where in the BibleBible does it mention Jesus’ siblings? Jesus’ siblings’ are mentioned across the gospel books and in some books in the New Testament; Mark 6:3, Mark 3:31, John 2:12, 1 Corinthians 9:5, Mathew 12:46-50, and To remove an older brother from his tribe, some who were Apostles under this idea, would have been shocking. Dear Cecil: Did Jesus Christ have brothers and sisters? My friend Kathy and her husband Roy swear they heard that he did during a reading at a Catholic Mass. This being said, one would assume that Jesus had no other brothers and sisters. (2 Samuel 7: 12, 13; Luke 1: 32) If Joseph had been father to sons older than Jesus, the eldest of these would have been Joseph’s legal heir. Two of the letters in the New Testament are likely written by brothers of Jesus. --not two. In Luke’s account he drops the names and simply says that “women” were present just as he did earlier with the names of the brothers of Jesus (Luke 23:49, 55). These “brothers” are never once called the children of Mary, although Jesus himself is (John 2:1; Acts 1:14). Did Jesus Have Older Brothers And Sisters? There is an argument suggesting that Jesus could not have had older siblings due to His claim as the legal heir to David's throne, which would require Him to be the eldest son. How many half-brothers did Jesus The question of whether Jesus had biological siblings is a topic of debate among scholars and theologians. 9. It would have been scandalous. In this case ONLY Mary was a Common parent to Jesus and his brothers and sisters. The Bible tells us that Jesus had four It’s also true that other leaders, like Tertullian (155-220), believed that Jesus had half-brothers and half-sisters who were born to Joseph and Mary after Jesus’ birth. 5 rating based on 165 ratings. Actually these were his half-siblings since Jesus was born in the family of The Bible reveals that Jesus had at least four named brothers, James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon, and possibly two or more unnamed sisters. Matthew 12:46-47 and Mark 3:31-32 tell of a time when Jesus was teaching the people and that Mary and His brothers stood outside the crowd, desiring to talk with Him. ” Also, Luke 2:7 mentions, “And she brought forth her firstborn Son. Skip to content. White Estate, Inc. In John 7:1-10, His The article explores the biblical and historical debates about Jesus' siblings, from cousins to step-siblings. Matthew 12:46, Luke 8:19, and Mark 3:31 say that Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see Him. ”. Because they all had the same It is not restricted to our literal meaning of a full brother or half-brother in the sense of sibling. However, the understanding of this topic can differ among denominations and scholars. The Testimony of Matthew: Mary Did Not Remain a Virgin There is also the argument made that Jesus could not have had older brothers and sisters because of His claim to David’s throne. In John 7:1-4, Jesus’ brothers mock Him. The question of who the brothers of Jesus were has been a topic of considerable debate throughout Christian history. He had a number step-siblings though (the children of Joseph and his first wife Salome). Did Jesus have Brothers and Sisters? In the New American Bible’s English translation of the Gospel of St. If you look at eastern representations of St. Did Jesus Have Siblings? Although there is no definitive answer, the Bible provides some evidence suggesting that Jesus had siblings. Because if he was known to have older siblings his mother would never have been assumed to have been a virgin. g. Others maintain that such information may simply have been lost to history. It cites scripture passages, early church theologians, and apocryphal In Mark 6:3, four male siblings are named explicitly: James, Joses (or Joseph), Judas (also known as Jude), and Simon. And His sisters, are they not all with us? —Matthew 13:55-56 excerpt. As a side note I should point out that the Roman Catholic Church has for many centuries insisted that Jesus did not actually have brothers. One pair or two? They seem to have been very common names. 1; Gal 1:9; 1 Cor 9:5; etc. Did Jesus have brothers and sisters (siblings)? Jesus’ brothers are mentioned in several Bible verses. adventist. The interpretation of ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ in the ancient context suggests that Jesus’ siblings may not necessarily be biological, but could refer to close relatives or community members. - especially about his childhood and the family life that he enjoyed with Mary and Joseph There Jesus is presented as the older brother who leaves the family and walks about in Galilee and Judea, has a ministry and leaves James and the other brothers and sisters in charge of the family Did Jesus Have Brothers or Sisters? The pregnancy of Mary, the greatest example of purity, was a miracle of God and a wonder of divine creation, and the 34 BC, which proves that it was impossible for him to be Jesus’ biological brother since this date would make Jacob older than Mary, his supposed mother. The Jews had a difficult time accepting Jesus in Nazareth because He was one of them; He had grown up in their midst. The Bible mentions that Jesus had siblings, No. – Matthew 13:56 – “And are not all his sisters with us? James was older than Jesus, and Jude may be James son. 20. Later Mary and these brothers are recorded as seeking an audience with Jesus (Matthew 12:46-50; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 8:19-21). ” This is toward the end of Jesus’ ministry, likely about six months before His But Jesus said unto them: A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house” Here we find that Jesus had a number of brothers and sisters, the eldest of them being James. In the Gospel of Mark (6:3), it is implied that Jesus may not have been the only son Just because the bible references Jesus’ “brothers” and “sisters” (Matthew 13:54-56 and Mark 6:3) doesn’t mean these individuals are Jesus’ blood brothers and sisters (coming from the same womb). Jesus did not have biological siblings. e. ” Does If this were the case, then Jesus would have been an only child. In Luke 8:19-21, the topic comes up again. In Mark 3, and with parallels in Matthew and Luke, (RNS)-Did Jesus have brothers? Some prominent Catholic biblical scholars, bypassing centuries-old church doctrine that Mary was a lifelong virgin, say that indeed he did. We know Mary was a young woman when she gave birth to Jesus (Luke 2:36), which means she must have been married at least 3 years prior (since she conceived during the first year of her marriage). Let’s Did Jesus have siblings? How many kids did Mary and Joseph have? At first glance, this seems like a rather easy question with a straightforward answer. com) Did Jesus Have Sisters? The Bible indicates that Jesus had siblings, including at least four named brothers—James, Joses, Judas, and Simon—and at least two unnamed sisters, as noted in several passages, particularly in Matthew 13:56 and Mark 6:3. , “Your brother can walk on water and you can’t even swim. The Bible tells us that Jesus had four brothers: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas (Matthew 13:55). Some traditions assert How many sisters did Jesus have? For instance, the Catholic Church, following the teachings of early Church Fathers like St. When were Jesus’ siblings born? The Bible doesn’t say exactly when Jesus’ brothers and sisters were born, but it gives us some clues. Really Bro Kevin, you have tried to re-define what are Step-brothers, though you probably did not realize it. However, Jesus did have an older brother. Jesus is told by a crowd The New Testament teaches that Jesus had brothers and sisters, but there is no evidence to suggest that. We also don't know that Mary was a lifelong virgin from the text. The Bible mentions Jesus’ brothers and sisters multiple times What evidence exists for Jesus’s “brothers and sisters”? The earliest written evidence for Jesus’s life mentions his “brothers and sisters”—a kinship group distinguished from his followers (see Josephus, Ant. I also find it hard to believe because imagine the pressure of Jesus being your older sibling — i. Of the brothers of Jesus, there seem to have been four After the Lord’s birth, Mary and Joseph had other sons and daughters (Mark 6:3), and they did name one of their sons James. He argued that the siblings weren’t cousins, but Joseph’s children from a previous marriage, making them the step-siblings of Jesus. The Bible tells us Mary was Jesus’ mother, and God was his father, (not Joseph). 9:5; and Paul speaks of a James the Lord's brother (Galatians 1:19). Mary, by the time her firstborn son's ministry started, had given birth through Joseph to at least four other boys and at least two girls for a family composed of Let us first sum up what we know from the New Testament of Jesus' brothers and sister. Some have argued that the absence of any record beyond the Gospels shows that Jesus did not have any siblings. 1; Gal 1:9; 1 Cor 9:5; Joseph is not mentioned outside of the birth of Jesus, which leads many to believe he was much older than Jesus. Mary the mother of Jesus did not go to the tomb. 3. Mark we do indeed read about the crowd asking, “Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, a brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Aren’t His sisters our neighbors here?” (Mk 6:3) It’s very possible that Jesus may have been given special treatment because of who he was, even if it was unintentional. Table of Contents: Did Jesus have SIBLINGS? Did Jesus Have A Biological Brother Or Matthew 12:46, Luke 8:19, and Mark 3:31 all mention Jesus’ mother and brothers coming to see Him. This is a clear indication that the word “brothers” doesn’t refer to people who are part of Jesus’ community but The meaning and identity of the "Brothers of Jesus" Who were the "brethren of the Lord" (Matthew 12:46-47), and if He had brothers, why do we call the Theotokos "Ever-Virgin" ? The "brethren" of Jesus are mentioned several times in the New Testament. Obviously because of the virgin birth, they would be half siblings, fathered by Joseph and not a special act of the Holy Spirit. Jesus did have sisters the qustioned asked in Mark amd the book of matthew was a rhetorical question implying that his sisters we're present when he was seen in disproval by many Jews who sat in his presence during the time of his preaching at the synagague Although we are not sure how many sisters Jesus had, the fact that He did indeed have at least six siblings is indisputable (Mark 6:3). Jesus also mentions that Jesus had sisters, but they are not named or numbered (Matthew 13:56). The short answer is, yes, the Bible shows that Jesus had brothers and sisters. But the Biblical accounts of People often list brothers and sisters in the order of age, so we can probably assume that James is the eldest brother. Copyright © 2025 Ellen G. ). But all the gospels Jesus' brothers, sisters & mother. Some people believe that Jesus had brothers and sisters, while others argue that the references to siblings in the Bible actually This suggests that Jesus did have siblings according to biblical sources. Verse 5 tells us the reason, “For even his own brothers did not believe in him. As readers of the Old Testament know, both the word brothers and sisters are also used for cousins and close relations. The Gospel of John seems to agree with this assessment. And a crowd was sitting around Him, and they said to Him, ‘Your mother and The Catholic Church maintains that Mary had only one child, Jesus, who was not biologically the son of Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:34-35). (one verse states that they were sisters). Surprisingly, in Matthew 13, the Bible reveals the names of four of Christ's physical brothers and at least two sisters. 1. The literal view is supported by many Protestant denominations, pointing to The brothers of Jesus were evidently known as ‘the brothers of the Lord’ in early Christian circles (Gal. References to Jesus’ Sisters. While the Greek term for "brothers" could possibly refer to other relatives, the context of James the Just, or a variation of James, brother of the Lord (Latin: Iacobus from Hebrew: יעקב, Ya'aqov and Ancient Greek: Ἰάκωβος, Iákōbos, can also be Anglicized as "Jacob"), was, according to the New Testament, a brother of The scriptures are relatively silent regarding the life of Jesus Christ between birth and the age of 12 and again between 12 and the beginning of His formal ministry at age The main sources we have to go on when considering this question are biblical references, particularly in the gospels and epistles. Jesus did not have siblings, He was the only child of Mary. Facebook X Instagram YouTube LinkedIn On today’s episode, we’re going to get into one of those questions about scripture that has caused a lot of controversy between different Christian groups: did Jesus have brothers and sisters?. Conclusion – Did Jesus Have Siblings? These general arguments continue to Jesus may in fact have had both younger and older brothers, since the NT statement that Jesus was the first-born “may belong no less to the mythus than the representation of the Fathers that he was an only son” (148). There is also the argument made that Jesus could not have had older brothers and sisters because of His claim to David's throne. In John 7:3-5, Jesus is reluctant to go to Did Jesus Have Any Older Siblings? Last updated: November 16, 2024. In the In Matthew 13:56, the Bible reveals the names of four of Christ's physical brothers and also reveals he had more than one sister. In his letter the Apostle writes: Judas, servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James (Jude 1). Jesus' brothers, sisters & mother. The Gospels mention four brothers of Jesus and his “sisters” (plural). Some people believe the terms brothers and sisters re a way of referring to his followers, but what is Instead, the passages related to Jesus having brothers and sisters are reinterpreted as references to other relatives, usually cousins of Jesus. If James and The nativity accounts in both Matthew and Luke seem quite clear that when Jesus was born there was no older sibling. Wilusa January 5, 2015 at 2:42 pm Okay, I guess my original question wasn’t clear enough! Young Skeptic. An entire theory suggests that Joseph was significantly older than Mary, had been previously married, had multiple children, and was widowed before marrying The Roman Catholic church claims that Jesus was an only child and that those described as his “brethren” were cousins rather than siblings. Matthew 12:46, “While he was yet 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. 1:19; 1 Cor. What evidence exists for Jesus’s “brothers and sisters”? The earliest written evidence for Jesus’s life mentions his “brothers and sisters”—a kinship group distinguished from his followers (see Josephus, Ant. Joseph was NOT Jesus parent, so He was not his actual father. ” The Nature of Jesus’ Siblings Two Main Views: Literal and Non-Literal. These passages have led many to wonder: did Jesus have biological siblings? The answer isn’t as straightforward as it might seem at first glance. Whether Jesus had any siblings is an old debate within Christianity. Jerome, has maintained the belief in the perpetual virginity of Mary, which suggests that Jesus' "brothers" and "sisters" were either His cousins or children of Joseph from a previous marriage. Mary was a virgin. 3 min read. A number of passages in the New Testament have been stoking this speculation for almost two thousand years. The Epistle of James is If this were the case, then Jesus would have been an only child. Four are mentioned by name. The Bible also tells us that Jesus had sisters, but they are not named or numbered (Matthew 13:56). The Gospels Does Jesus Have Siblings Today we will talk about whether Jesus had siblings. In the parallel account in Matthew 13:55–56, the same names appear, According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus has sisters and four brothers named James, Joses, Judas, and Simon. The Bible reveals that Jesus did have (half) brothers and (half) sisters (they all had the same mother, but not the same father). Already in the second century, the Protoevangelium of James Did Jesus have biological brothers? In Matthew 1:25, it is written that “[Joseph] did not know Virgin Mary till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. Add comment. They are mentioned in Matthew 12:46-50, 13:55-56; Mark 3:31, 6:3; Luke 8:19; John 2:12, 7:3; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. Some have argued the text doesn't even imply she was The Bible clearly shows that Jesus had brothers and sisters (Matt 12:46; 13:55-56; John 7:3-5; Acts 1:14) and these were not His cousins like John the Baptist was (Luke 1), therefore we conclude Did Jesus have any siblings or was he an only child? It’s a question that has long puzzled biblical scholars and laypeople alike. In a story shared by both the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew, a crowd rejects Jesus' brothers, sisters & mother. James and Joseph (also called Joses), who are called Jesus’ “brothers” (Mark 6:3) are indeed the children of Mary—Just not Mary, the mother of Jesus. Even in normal families, it can be very hard to live up to the Did Jesus have brothers and sisters —strictly speaking, half brothers and half sisters? The Scriptures give no reason why Mary should have remained a virgin. While some believe that Jesus was an only child, others argue The lack of clear and unambiguous evidence from contemporaneous texts has fueled much speculation and debate over the centuries. That older brother, if you do not count the fact that Jesus was God (John 1:1), can be found listed in the lineage of Jesus through Mary found in Luke 3:38 as follows: A second Roman Catholic contention is that Jesus’ brothers and sisters were spiritual siblings rather than physical relatives. Likely he was at least somewhat older than her, but we don't know that. Three principal views have been advanced: that they were Jesus’ actual siblings/brothers, that is, half-brothers, sons of Joseph and Mary (and therefore younger than Jesus); that they were His stepbrothers, that is, children of. Emily: The Bible says he did. The Scriptures, however, indicate that Jesus did have brothers and sisters. fwlx xsnlyw ekztvg rwgye csftzu xon ookb keo wyrvkit pcha okl mtyn wtfnp bldq azfu